TF Amethyst

TFA2 24.2 – Romeo Westward

TFA2 24.2 – Romeo Westward

At 21:00, Vex returned to down town by driving an old land rover. His destination was Lokko Bay, a mid-class hotel that was popular among expatriate who worked in the nearby oil refinery. It could be said that Lokko Bay was the only place to find high quality booze, sex, and dope in the radius of 200 km.

After parking the old land rover in the backyard, Vex entered Lokko Bay through side door, bypass the lobby and go straight to British pub in the wing area. As soon as he passed the door to the pub, he saw Bob had waiting for him in a corner. Vex immediately paid a bottle of Irish beer from bartender and went to Bob’s table.

“Welcome to Central African Federation,” Vex said as he sat in front of Bob.

Bob nodded and replied, “Mr. Vex, is it really okay for you to go on a trip without security detail?”

“I’m better on my own.”

“I see.”

After downing a mouthful of his beer Vex continued, “Bob, I need more budgets. I will accelerate the third purchase.”

In an instant question mark appeared in Bob’s forehead. “You want to accelerate the establishment of military industrial complex in Amstell?

“Yes,” Vex replied firmly.

For the items from first purchase that had not arrived in Amstell Continent, Vex had already paid it in full. As for second purchase, even though the quota increased a few folds from initial estimation, he got enough money from Lt. Colonel Slane to cover it. As for the Amphibious Strike Group, they had separated budget. 

However, after he knew about what happened to Major General Randy, Vex decided to speed up the establishment of military industrial complex in Amstell Continent. That way TF Amethyst could produce most of ammo, equipment, and spare part they needed, and sustain life cycle of their assets to some extent even if they lost the access to earth.

Bob nodded before saying, “In that case, we also have to speed up the transfer of personnel for the third purchase.”

“Yes, we do.”

After silence for a moment Bob said, “Mr. Vex, I believe you can manage the shipment for the goods and other materials. However, transporting hundreds of thousands of people is not simple matter. I will arrange someone to assist you.”

“No, it will be much better if after you finish your job here, you immediately return to the State and help me personally like the last time.”

“Understood, and you will receive the fund in a few days.”

“Thank you.” Vex smiled before continuing, “Also, while you are here, can you help me liquidates my assets in this country into my account in Switzerland.” As he handed over a business card Vex continued, “This is the legal firm who handle my wealth.”

“Consider it done,” Bob cheerfully replied.

“Thank’s Bob. I truly appreciate it.”

“No problem.” Seeing Vex stood up, Bob immediately asked, “Do you plan to return without having a party first?”

“I need a sleep. I have a flight to the State tomorrow.”

“I see.”

After Vex exited the pub, Bob also returned to his room. He came to Central Africa Federation to make sure Mekar Corporation was ready to receive and process Nouel, and tomorrow he had a lot of work to do. Therefore, Bob also had to get a good rest for both his body and mind.


In a remote corner of Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport, Mississippi, an old but big three-story building stood silently. On the surface, this building was the HQ of Global Express, a worldwide delivery service by sea or air that could reach almost all spots on earth. At the same time, a private clandestine unit with callsign Romeo Westward was using its 5th underground floor as a secret base.

Barnett Reed, a former 2-star US Navy admiral, formed Romeo Westward three years ago not long after he was appointed as deputy director of CIA. Most of Romeo Westward members were former CIA’s agent who had expertise in clandestine shipment, and US Navy’s personnel who had a rich experience in monitoring Chinese or Russian fleet by employing spy satellite. Admiral Reed hand-picked every single one of them personally.

By ‘borrowing’ some of CIA’s latest generation satellites, Romeo Westward observed and organized a covert activity at some spot 8 km west of Antarctica coastline. Swiftly, a 19.000 ton freighter unloaded its cargo into a group of LCAC. Once the unloading was finished, Romeo Westward would guide the freighter returned into international trading route unnoticed. Then, the next freighter would unload its cargo in the same spot as the previous ship.

In a glance, the shipment operation looked pretty simple. But actually, to avoid the eyes and ears of intelligence service with high-tech capability, it required a complex planning and precaution. Fortunately, Romeo Westward was able to do it flawlessly to the point that every ship didn’t realize each other presence.

And even if for the last six months, the shipment to Amstell Continent was dropping drastically and only consisted of logistic and stuff that could only be produce on earth, Romeo Westward didn’t lowered their operational security. They conducted every shipment with utmost secrecy.

Then, Admiral Reed took a deep breath as his smartphone suddenly received an encrypted message. After decoding the message manually, he found out that Vex was on the flight to Pascagoula and would arrive tonight.

Wasting no time, Admiral Reed turned his gaze towards three people he trusted the most. James Mendel, a former US Navy three-star Admiral. Jonathan Ingram, a former US Marine two-star general. Shimamura Heiko, super genius engineer and CEO of Newport News Shipbuilding. 

In a calm tone Admiral Reed said, “Heiko, Mendel, Ingram, get ready. We are going to Pascagoula tonight. It seems we will start the big shipment soon.”

Heiko, Maj. General Ingram, and Admiral Mendel immediately nodded while a gleam flashed on their eyes. For years, they dedicated their life to build Amphibious Strike Group, and now finally they would complete the last step.


After a journey of 1 hour and 14 minutes from Gulfport, a Black Range Rover entered a giant complex of warehouse in Pascagoula, just before the sun downed in the west. In the rear seat, Admiral Reed looked at each warehouse he passed one by one. On the paper, those warehouses were registered as facility to store component of civilian ships, or heavy equipment for construction, mining, and farming.

The registration was not completely wrong, but it didn’t mention that most warehouses were used to store ready-to-assembly warships’ component, along with their weapon systems, and spare parts for 10 years of life cycle.

Admiral Reed very excited when he imagined how those warships would sail and show their combat capability. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to witness it personally. After heaving a deep sigh, he then opened a conversation.

“I hope Vex is not angry with the adjustment we have to make.”

“No worry, he has no other choice other than to accept it.” Admiral Mendel turned his head towards Admiral Reed as he continued, “And it’s not too late if you want to lead Alpha Sierra Golf. I can stay on earth, lead Romeo Westward, and make sure the shipment go as usual.”

“No, I stop my carrier at two-star admiral because I had to joint CIA, while you managed to become youngest three-star admiral and have a lot of experience in leading a carrier strike group.”

“As you wish then.” Admiral Mendel then turned his gaze towards Heiko who sat next to Admiral Reed. “What about you? It’s not too late if you want to stay on earth.”

Heiko calmly replied, “No thanks, I would not give up on the only chance to lead a shipbuilding company that I design from scratch.”

“I see.” Admiral Mendel nodded before asking Maj. General Ingram who drove the SUV, “And you Ingram?”

“I had promised my men I would lead them personally.”

“No turning back for the three of us then.”

Silence then enveloped every corner of Range Rover as it continued its journey, until finally it arrived at branch office of Romeo Westward in the deepest part of the complex. As the Black Range Rover entered the building, Admiral Reed received a message from Vex that he would arrive in a few minutes.


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