TF Amethyst

TFA2 2.5 – Expensive Business

Count Isak's Mansion, Lagra City

07:20, 28 Oct 2025

After reading the order that was just sent by Prince Makar through crystal communicator, Count Isak instantly sank in contemplation, recalling the memories when he first arrived at Lagra City. At that time, as far as he could see, what lay before him was a wide plain of ashes and charcoal.

But then, in just a matter of weeks Lagra City began to show its new face. The streets began to form and various buildings appeared. The impression of Lagra City which was a wide plain of ashes and charcoal disappeared, as if the destruction experienced by the city was just a figment.

Thus Count Isak realized that TF Amethyst's technology level was far beyond his imagination. He immediately sent a recommendation so that diplomatic relationship was immediately established with TF Amethyst.

However, the reply that he got was a strict order to report any info about TF Amethyst, along with a warning that spies in Magwurt City had confirmed the hundred thousands of military personnel in Sandhur Region were not Tuscan Guard's personnel, but Buriek Guard.

In a flash, Count Isak's heart was filled with intense anger. First, because he fell for Viscount Issel's blatant lie. Second, as a member of Warhawk Faction he had extraordinary hatred towards anyone who had tried to invade his beloved kingdom.

Count Isak then cleverly asked for permission from Viscount Issel so that Rider from Sviek and Rivek Region could conduct combat air patrols in Sandhur Region’s air space. He also requested high-level access to every fake Tuscan Guard's base around Levsait and Raisait.

As a result, he obtained the format, maximum capacity, and number of deployment at every military base in Sandhur Region. He also discovered that other than hundreds of thousands of Buriek Guards, there were at least 1200 TF Amethyst's personnel and 5000 Tuscan Guards.

'Well, even if they have a higher technology level, Kingdom of Makai is far superior in numbers,' Count Isak confidently muttered.

Count Isak's self-confidence was not without any basis. Kingdom of Buriek only had four Regions with a total population of 15 million, while Kingdom of Makai had 43 Regions with a total population of 154 million.

Therefore, it was not surprising that Kingdom of Buriek immediately surrendered after its first wave of invasion was destroyed by TF Amethyst's remarkable fire power.

As for kingdom of Makai, Count Isak believed that TF Amethyst's firepower would not be able to hold a multiple and continuous wave of invasion. Considering that the greater a fire power, the more expensive and complex to maintain it in a prolonged warfare.

After reading the order in his hand one more time, Count Isak then got up from his chair.

King Makai XXII wanted to give Viscount Issel a last chance to prove his loyalty, just right before the attack was launched, and he got the assignment to deliver it. Even though he did not agree with King Makai XXII's good intention, Count Isak did not dare to neglect it.


TF Amethyst's Command Center, Castle Lagra

07:40, 28 Oct 2025

Time kept flowing, and eight days had passed since Nate canceled the preemptive strike on the Battle Group from Kingdom of Makai. Like any previous days, this morning he held a meeting with Viscount Issel and General Khartoum. The only difference with the other meeting was that the three seemed to have just stayed up all night.

Nate calmly turned on the digital table display in the middle of the room and displayed the last position of Battle Group from Kingdom of Makai.

Last night, Battle Group B had entered Sandhur Region's waters and anchored 20 km in the south of Sandhur Region's coastline. At the same time, Battle Group C anchored 18 km west of Buriek Continent's outermost islands. In other words, the two Battle Groups had already arrived right behind the horizon to their target and were ready to attack.

TF Amethyst was already on alert to welcome beach landing at night or aerial incursion at dawn, but somehow the two Battle Groups just sat tight in their position.

With annoyance, General Khartoum opened the meeting, "Damn, we have stayed up all night, but they leisurely took their time."

"Well, maybe they still want to negotiate, so their force can be fully directed to Kingdom of Buriek," Viscount Issel said.

General Khartoum nodded before saying, "Maybe, given that Count Isak is still here."

Nate who had been silent then said, "Well, whatever it is, we have done whatever we could to welcome them, so let's just patiently wait."

General Khartoum and Viscount Issel nodded, almost at the same time. Then, a Major entered the room and reported to Nate.

"Sir, Count Isak wants to meet with Viscount Issel."

"Okay, thank you, Major."

After the Major took his leave, Nate then his gaze turned towards Viscount Issel.

"Ser Viscount, it seems Kingdom of Makai still has some hope from you."

Viscount Issel took a deep breath, and then firmly replied, "I think it's time to clearly declare Sandhur Region's stance for once and forever."

Wasting no time, Viscount Issel left the room. Meanwhile, Nate and General Khartoum stayed behind in case the Battle Group from Kingdom of Makai launched a sudden attack while the talking was held.


Side yard Garden, Issel Mansion, Castle Lagra

08:05, 28 Oct 2025

There was a time when Count Isak would visit Issel Mansion cheerfully. Given that Viscount Issel would welcome him like a brother and serve various heavenly delicacies supplied by Amethyst Merchants.

But this time, he didn't touch any delicacy on the table. His expression was also as cold as an eternal ice, and became colder as he saw Viscount Issel walked towards him.

Once Viscount Issel sat in front of him, Count Isak coldly said, "You really have the guts, dare to trick me that hundred thousands of military personnel in Sandhur Region are Tuscan Guard."

"Senior Brother Isak, it was true that I did not mention some details, but I didn't lie to you at all," Viscount Issel calmly said.

"First, please stop calling me brother. Second, whatever you say, a lie is a lie."

Viscount Issel took a deep breath before continuing, "It's not a secret that Tuscan Region's residents are less than 100 thousand, so of course it's natural if they recruited outsource strength to support their regional interest.

And coincidently, TF Amethyst has a winner right over Kingdom of Buriek and they let Tuscan Region use it for the strength recruitment they need.

Also, I can prove it that the highest officers from Buriek Guard were only at the rank of a Captain. As for the high-ranking officers, every single one of them is from Tuscan Guard.

Not to mention we openly let you enter every military installation in Sandhur Region, along with Rider from Sviek and Rivek Region who can enter Sandhur’s air space freely."

"Then, will you allow Sandhur Region to be used as a forward base for retaliatory invasion against Kingdom of Buriek?" Count Isak calmly asked.

A steel determination immediately flashed in Viscount Issel's eyes. "No, I will never allow it. I have to honor the peace treaty between TF Amethyst, Sandhur Region, and Kingdom of Buriek."

A rage burnt violently in Count Isak's heart as he said, "Do you realize that this is the last benevolence from the Majesty King Makai XXII that he can show to Sandhur Region?"

"I do."

"Viscount Issel, it seems you deeply trust TF Amethyst's technology level and fire power, but do you realize that it was very hard and expensive to maintain high level technology and fire power in a prolonged war."

"To be honest," Viscount Issel paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm not sure about who will win or lose if Kingdom of Makai attacks using every power it can muster.

But TF Amethyst saved Sandhur Region from annihilation, so I will stay by their side to the bitter end."

"I see," Count Isak calmly replied.

Once he saw that there was not a slight lie when Viscount Issel said he did not know who would come out as a winner in the upcoming war, but he still chose to siding with TF Amethyst, Count Isak immediately realized that Viscount Issel's heart would never changes.

As he stood up Count Isak extended his hand. "Let's meet on the battlefield."

"Let's meet on the battlefield," Viscount Issel replied as he reached out for Count Isak's hand.

Wasting no time, Count Isak then left the side yard. He already delivered the message from King Makai XXII, but it was clearly visible that Viscount Issel had already forsaken Kingdom of Makai.

More importantly, he gained an essential info that even with TF Amethyst's fire power and high level technology, Viscount Issel didn't had absolute confident to face the full strength of Kingdom Makai.


After Count Isak left, Nate silently pondered. One thing that filled his mind was that this war would deeply depleted TF Amethyst's resources.

Of course, Nate fully understood that war was never a cheap business. For example, the Falkland War. For UK, the war cost them 255 fallen personnel, 6 sank ships, 10 damage ships, 34 lost aircraft, and a war budget of £2.778 billion or £9.255 billion in fiscal year 2018.

Of course, because the war was to defend national dignity, British's government and its people were ready to pay the price. Not to mention that some of the war budget would be flowing back to domestic economy via their military industrial complex.

As for TF Amethyst whose main purpose was economic gain and didn't have national dignity to defend or military industrial complex to absorb some of the war budget, war was no different than a piece of expensive and bitter fruit that was forcefully sold by some idiots.

'Well, let's make sure that after this war, Kingdom of Makai and every Region under its sovereignty fully understands that getting along with TF Amethyst is a must,' Nate inwardly muttered.

In an open war, TF Amethyst's doctrine was strongly influenced by US Military, which put heavy emphasis on elements of surprise and fire power. 

But now, TF Amethyst had already thrown away the preemptive strike because its fire power was at minimum level and had to be used wisely to create the maximum damage. Therefore, currently TF Amethyst had no luxury to show mercy, or it would cost dearly for its allies.


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