TF Amethyst

TFA2 25.2 – Military Industrial Complex

Along the tidal basins of the three branches of Patapsco River, on the upper northwest shore of Chesapeake Bay, lay Port of Baltimore. In one corner of it, exactly at 04:55, Juan Cohen opened the side door of his cafe. One by one his employee then entered. Together with them, Juan then prepared his café so it would ready to serve at 06:00.

Juan’s café was only a small shop, but it had remarkable delicious bacon sandwich and coffee. Therefore, it had massive regular. As soon as the café was opened, dock’s workers immediately flooded in and put an order.

Most of the time, Juan let his employee handled the regulars while he went up to his office in second floor. It was a small room without windows, but very decent working space and had one of the most secure connections on earth. From this small office, Juan carried his real job as broker for transfer technology and other things that related to this field. 

On late April 2024, Juan received a project from a certain customer. This customer wanted to establish military industrial complex to support life cycle of numerous military assets, most of it was US made in. The military industrial complex also must be able in creating supply chain for ammunition and other disposable stuff to some extent.

It was huge project, but Juan managed to handle it. To this day he had secured the capability to support life cycle of ground assets up to 92% and up to 70% for aerial assets. It was possible because Juan had support from Mosad, while his customer had endless money. 

Juan was just about to sip his coffee when the certain customer entered his office. Pretty similar to his last visit, he wore working clothes for ordinary dock’s workers.

“Vex, can you knock first before entering?”

“Sorry, it’s old habit, too hard to change it.” After locking the door, Vex then sat in front of Juan. 

“Whatever.” Juan then plugged a memory card into his tablet and handed it over to Vex. “Status of your expensive project, you can check it for yourself.”

Wasting no time, Vex studied the memory card. A moment later, a satisfied smile bloomed in his lips. In the list, Juan managed to make a deal with more than 30.000 experts, scientists, researchers, engineers, technicians, chemists, mechanics, and other people who worked in high mil-tech industries from various countries. 

The deal was simple. Sign-up bonus of USD 50.000-120.000, guarantee good position, housing, car, take home pay 12% higher than their last salary, and new identity for the recruited and their family. Surprisingly, a lot of people with a deep know-how and rich experienced on military industrial complex happily welcomed the deal.

“I had run security check on each recruited a few times. So far they are all clear, but it doesn’t mean I can guarantee it 100%.”

Vex nodded and said, “No worries, I have my own mean to verified their status.”


Similar to other people who had arrived in Amstell Continent, as soon as they passed the gate every newcomer would have to stay in isolation quarter, until they had green from Major Maxwell and his team. So far, this method was very effective in neutralizing infiltration attempt or unwanted intention that could compromise TF Amethyst’s operation.

“How do you plan to gather them?” Juan calmly asked.

“I will provide transportation to various designated city. From there, I will transport them to their working place.”

“Okay.” Juan took a sip of his coffee before continuing, “As for key equipment and tools, blue print, necessary software, metallurgy knowhow, R&D data, and other high-tech stuff, I had gathered it here and some other places. You can transport them as soon as you complete the payment.”

“In cash and gold, right?”

“Yes.” In a serious tone Juan added, “Vex, even you paid the right owner of the technology, western intelligence service will still consider this transaction as a huge technology heist. 

If they found this technology fall in the hand of non-allied country, the consequences will be very dire both for you and me.”

“No worry,” Vex calmly replied. “The sensitive tech for netcentric that you previously had supplied, is your friend in Mosad find it fall in the hand of non-allied countries?”

Juan firmly shook his head. “No, and this is what make them worry because they didn’t find any trace or clue about country who use it.”

Vex said in serious tone. “I guarantee with my life. This tech will not fall on non-allied countries.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

Juan fully believed Vex would keep his words. At least it was the assessment from Mosad, or they would not help him arranged the transfer of technology. 

“Give me five days to complete the payment.”

Juan nodded and replied, “As you wish.”

After taking the memory card from the tablet, Vex then exited the room. In the first floor he paid for his takeaway order before leaving in casual walk. A moment later, he already drove a double-cab Triton while enjoying his breakfast.

Vex’s next stop was International Thurgood Marshall Airport, and then he could fly to one of airports in west coast. After making sure no one was tailing him, he would then had a short drive to San Francisco.



Apartment 2701, Royal Crown Tower

08:40, 29 Oct 2025

With a great attention, Claire studied the Nouel pipeline from Amstell to fake natural reserve in Antarctica. Next year, this pipeline would also be used to send raw mineral from Amstell Continent.

The Metallurgy Team from Amethyst Merchant had developed a natural way to convert raw mineral into granulate mineral. It would slightly lessen the impurity, but the granulate mineral was still categorized as raw material.

The most important thing was that raw mineral in granulate form didn’t effect each other and it was also very easy to separate it from Nouel, before entering next processing step base on each type.

‘New source of energy and new source of mineral,’ Claire took a deep breath before continuing, ‘Sooner or later it will invite unnecessary attention from every player in the industry on earth.’

Mekar Corporation had indeed secured the exploration right in Antarctica for an eternity, or to be precise they had bought the whole Antarctica legally and registered it as a part of Canadian’s territory. However, Claire was fully realized that big player on natural resource would not hesitate to start a war if it could give them some share. 

Not to mention if they knew there was a door to a new world rich of natural resource in Antarctica. It was not an exaggeration to say they would start a World War III to get an access to this door, if necessary.

Of course, Claire had prepared some countermeasures in advance. For the first three years she would limit the output of refine Nouel around 2-3% of world consumption. This portion would not draw too much attention. Meanwhile, Amethyst Security Group would strengthen their foothold in Antarctica. They would also invite US Military to establish a few bases over there.

After that, she would invite her other corporation from US, Canada, UK, and Japan to help Mekar Corporation increase Nouel’s production and fully entered international market.

‘That’s what I can do for the time being.’ 

Claire was just about to turn her tablet off when suddenly she received a message from Vex. He said he would arrive at her apartment in a few minutes.

In an instant, Claire recalled some of Vex’s words. He repeatedly said that having too complex asset when facing an unknown enemy was dangerous on its way. Therefore, from the beginning Vex didn’t buy complex and fancy equipment. Instead, he made sure TF Amethyst could employ General O’Neil’s doctrine using the most simple equipment, and it would be perfect if TF Amethyst’s personnel knew those equipment very well.

After that, adjustment and development could be done as TF Amethyst gained experience and operational data from the field. And now, the time to upgrade TF Amethyst finally had arrived.

‘Grandpa, I will guard Amstell Continent with the best effort I can provide,’ Claire muttered as steel determination flashed on her eyes.


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