TF Amethyst

TFA2 25.3 – Claire’s True Power

From the first day he met with Vex, Claire got an impression that Vex and Bob had a lot of thing in common. Pretty similar to Bob, it was very difficult to contact or track Vex. In short, the two had a perfect talent to become ghost. If they didn’t want to show themselves, no one would be able to found them.

For example, even if Claire knew Bob would go to Central African Federation, she still couldn’t find how and when Bob arrived over there. As for Vex, she knew Vex had arrived on the State a few weeks ago but she still couldn’t find his whereabouts, even though she had tasked two world-class surveillance teams to track Vex's activities.

However, Vex’s attitude and manner of speaking when meeting with her was pretty similar to General O’Neil. For example, he took one of her favorite waffles from the plate on the table without her permission.

As she looked at Vex who leisurely enjoyed her favorite waffle, Claire asked, “Are you sure you don’t need some rest fist?”

Vex casually replied, “Actually, I have arrived in nearby town five days ago. After having some good rest, I then come here.”

‘What the…’ Claire muttered as she recalled a report from her surveillance teams yesterday. They said they sniff Vex’s trail in Mississippi. After heaving a deep sigh Claire then said, “Okay, let’s start the meeting then.”

“How is Mekar Corporation’s schedule?”

Claire turned her tablet on as she replied, “I have accelerated their schedule as you requested. Their exploration team had found Nouel ‘natural’ reserve last week.”

“Good, I had initiated the second and third purchase. I had also started the shipment of Amphibious Strike Group’s asset two weeks ago and so far we have no issue.”

“Then all is good.”

“Yeah, but can I ask you something?”

“Sure you can.”

“You had spent an astronomical number of money for TF Amethyst. The third purchase alone, it have value equivalent to US Mil expenditure for the last three years.” Vex paused for a moment before continued, “So, currently, is your balance negative or you still have some spares for TF Amethyst?

In a teasing tone Claire asked, “Give me your guest.”

“For the last few days I did a little research to gauge your monetary power. However, other than the owner of two mid-size companies and best waffle shop in San Francisco, personal income around USD 450.000 per year, I found nothing.”

“Vex,” Claire casually said, “After my first visit to Amstell, my grandfather started to teach me on how to become a conglomerate. Two years later, I started buying bankrupt business or properties under various fake names, and then fixed it and raised its value.” 

“What business did you bought for the first time?”

“A café truck selling coffee, hot chocolates, crepes, hot dog, sandwich, and waffle.”

“A café truck?”


“Yes, a café truck,” Claire firmly replied. “The waffle is remarkable yummy and the shop had a good amount of regulars, but the owner was a junkie who ruined its prospect. 

And, at that time I had only USD 20.000 in my saving and Grandpa gave me nothing other than his knowledge and wisdom.”

“Did your grandfather really give you nothing for initial capital?”

“Yupe, Grandpa secretly transferred most of his assets to me, only when I succeed in establishing my own conglomeration.”

“That’s truly a harsh education.”

“But it’s a necessary process to see if I have the ability to manage Amstell.”

Vex couldn’t imagine how the Little Claire had to bear such a heavy burden in her tender age, so he could only nodded and said, “I see.”

“It’s indeed a harsh life and I had to sacrifice a lot of thing, but I managed to get the full reward.” In a tone full of pride Claire added, “So far I own 274 multinational corporations across the globe.” 

“274 multinational corporations across the globe?”

“Yes, and all of them are real world-class corporation, not shell company. Since 2011, I had also sold 375 corporations that didn’t have vital role in supporting my corporation, and used the money to fund the investment on Amstell Continent.”

“I see.”

Actually, Claire also had a good number of five-star hotels, three-star Michelin restaurants, royal casinos, premium apartment towers, luxurious cafés, first-class sport gyms, private islands, international airliner, sport clubs, tv stations, movie studios, educational institutions, luxurious auto-dealers, hospitals, etc. But she chose not to mention it.

“Currently,” Claire calmly said, “I hold only 61% of US of A economy. It’s much lower from my target. However, if you combined it with what I have in Canada, Europe, Japan, Aussie, South Korea, and Israel, then I’m undoubtedly richer than US of A by a large margin.”

“You are richer than US of A?”

“I’m.” After took a big bite of her waffle, Claire continued, “The fund I prepare for TF Amethyst and Amethyst Merchant had hit the bottom of the barrel, I admit. But I can easily refill it to the brim if our circumstances demand it.”

Claire didn’t just put an empty brag when she said it was very easy for her to prepare new fund for TF Amethyst. Moreover, she had pocketed a good amount of profit from her investment in Amstell Continent. 

The gold mine in Harley Quinn’s side yard was more than enough to pay her capital expenditure on Amstell Continent, along with some profit. She couldn’t move the gold to earth, but it still hers. The selling of Amethyst Merchant’s manufacturing facilities and farmland in South America had also giving Claire a good return.

At the same time, Amethyst Merchant already grew into a corporation that could fund TF Amethyst’s operational cost and still growing. Not to mention, in a few month Mekar Corporation would start selling Nouel, followed by various highly valuable minerals. And compared to all natural resource on the whole planet, it was nothing but a small appetizer.

Claire then took another waffle from the plate as she asked, “So, how much do you need?”

“I don’t know the exact figure. I just want to know if you have spare resource to put Major General Randy Westwood back into his previous office.”

“Is he has important role in your procurement plan?”

“Major General Randy was the highest key figure in my procurement plan. The shipment of first purchase was immediately on halt as soon as he lost his position.”

“Ouch.” Claire took a deep breath before regretfully saying, “Vex, I don’t know about it. So, when some people who wanted to kick him out of his office asked my support, I gladly agree.”

“Do you have some grudge with him?” Vex asked curiously.

“No, but he was Uncle O’Neil’s rival in the military, and I needed something to entertain myself at that time.”

‘Oh my God…’ 

Vex couldn’t believe that the reason why TF Amethyst went nose dive into a fragile situation was because a prank from overpowered chick in front of him. Not to mention, she was the owner of TF Amethyst.

Vex then looked at Claire with complicated gaze. “That’s a very childish reasoning. From the beginning, Oldman O’Neill never had intention to reach highest position in military and politic.”

“Yup, but it’s fun to see a reaction from a group of people who taught they held great power in their hand, but then they failed to protect their central figure. They didn’t even know how it could happen.”

After hearing Claire casual remark, Vex immediately massage his forehead. However, he couldn’t blame her. Even Bob who personally assisted him also didn’t know about Major General Randy’s role.

“Well,” Seeing Vex seemed wanted to bang his head to the wall, Claire immediately cleared her throat and then in a super serious tone she said, “It’s already happened, so let’s just exploit it.”

“Can you do that?”

“Of course I can,” Claire smugly replied. “Publicly, people only now my support and role are insignificant. But actually, if I didn’t make a secret push then it was impossible to kick Major General Randy out of his office.  He has a very strong supporter from White House, Pentagon, and arm industry.”

“In short, you will secretly put him back into his office and let people maintain their assumption that you are still in his list of enemies.”

“Yeah,” Claire nodded. “Give me a few days to pull some strings.”

“Okay.” Vex put a memory card on the table as he continued, “And this is a report from Lt. Colonel Slane along with the detail of second purchase, third purchase, and final asset of Amphibious Strike Group.”

Claire nodded and said, “Let’s talk again after I study this update.”

After Claire gave him the keytag for Apartment 2304, his living quarter every time he stayed in San Francisco, Vex then took his leave.


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