TF Amethyst

TFA2 7.1 – Counter Raid

TFA2 7.1 - Counter Raid

War Strategy Room, Cruiser Ship Geko-01.

"Sir, the second sortie of opposing flying carriages has just retreated," reported the Leader of Crystal Sensor Team.

“I see,” Duke Fogel replied without showing the slightest of relief as there was a possibility the flying carriages would return for the third sortie.

"Also, 32 unknown corvettes are approaching our perimeter in the south, but they are in a defensive maneuver."

"I bet they are the damnable Buriek Navy," Admiral Shank slightly snorted before continuing, "Sending out a small number of corvettes to lure our attention, and will withdraw if we launch an attack."

"But we can't completely ignore their bait, or it will switch into a serious bite when we're off guard," said Prince Portho.

"Yeah," Duke Fogel pondered for a moment, and then gave the closest staff officer an order, "Send out the same number of corvettes to match their maneuver, but do not engage."

"As your command, Sir."

The staff officer immediately carried out Duke Fogel's order. At the same time, a senior sailor from Signal Team entered the war strategy room.

"Sailor, give me the tally in the east perimeter first?" ordered Duke Fogel.

"Aye Sir," the senior sailor respectfully complied, "This time we lost 46 corvettes and 28 frigates. Fortunately, the opposing flying carriages ignore the survivors in the sea and the destroyers trying to save them, just like in the first sortie."

"70-80 ships on each sortie," Admiral Shank muttered as he turned his gaze to Duke Fogel, "Ser Duke, is this their main attack, and not a diversion as we thought?"

"I don't think so. They won't achieve significant results just by sinking our corvettes and frigates."

Prince Portho immediately added, "This is just harassment attack. They are still waiting for the right moment to launch the main package."

Duke Fogel nodded and then turned his attention back to the senior sailor from Signal Team, "What about idiot sailors in the north perimeter who fell asleep while on watcher duty?"

"They have woken up and are back on duty, and their captains vowed to give a proper punishment for these idiots."

"Good." Duke Fogel nodded in satisfaction, and after seeing the senior sailor not go back to his station, he immediately asked, "Do you have something else to report?"

"Yes, Ser Duke."

"What is it?"

"Just before the thick fog descends, our beachhead sends the wrong safe signal."

In an instant, dark cloud covered Prince Portho's face, "Are you sure they sent a wrong safe signal?"

"Yes, Second Prince, I asked our corvette to send a random meaningless signal, but our beachhead still replied using the expired safe signal."

After taking a few deep breaths to calm his heart Duke Fogel said, "It seems the main attack we've been waiting has took place."

A cold gleam immediately flashed in Admiral Shank's eyes. "But this is also our chance to meet them in close combat."

"Yes, it is." Duke Fogel expressed his agreement as he made calculations.

Every safe signal was only used three times. Therefore, he estimated TF Amethyst had occupied Battle Group B's camp for 2-3 hours at most. Most likely, they had also wiped out 2nd Landing Troops to the last man.

However, they hadn't burned the camp. Meaning, they were left silently and ignored the loots, or were still moving the loots along with injured personnel.

"Uncle, let's attack with full power."

"Ser Duke, I agree with Second Prince. We can use the thick fog to cover our approach."

"Of course we will give a proper response."  Duke Fogel then turned his gaze to Prince Portho. "Nephew, do you have idea in mind?"

Prince Portho immediately replied, "First, the closest frigates and corvettes will approach the shoreline and launch salvo of fire arrows.

Second, 3rd Landing Troops will land and slaughter the survivors, while 4th Landing Troops take position to block opposing reinforcement.

Third, a 900-man Light Cavalry Squadron will land 5 km to the left of landing corridor, and launch a hit and run raid on their retreat line."

Admiral Shank nodded before saying, "It's a good plan. Their closest defensive line is at Railev Pass which is 60 km away, so their retreat line will be long, thin, and fragile."

"Indeed, it's a good plan. But we also need human shields to anticipate in case they can see a target hiding behind the thick fog," said Duke Fogel firmly. "Let's execute it and add 24 destroyers to the mix."

Almost at the same time, a thin smile bloomed in the lips of Duke Fogel, Prince Portho, and Admiral Shank, along with a flash of killing intent in their eyes. Finally, their chance for slaughter finally came.

A moment later, the deployment order was dispatched from Geko-01.


As Battle Group B's crystal communications network was still dead and the thick fog neutralized visual signal, the orders from Geko-01 were sent by couriers who rode small boats. Fortunately, tonight the sea was calm and so the couriers could do their job smoothly, although the thick fog limited the visibility to 8-10 meters.

Without difficulty the order reached the frigates and corvettes that formed the landing corridor. They then took a position at the distance of 100 meters from the beach, in four rows of 16 ships each.

From the bridge of frigate Tello-01, Admiral Dunn tried to check the conditions on the beach by using a telescope, but the only thing he saw was a thick fog wall. Luckily, he could still see the corvette on both sides of Tello-01, so visual communication could be carried out in a relay.

Then one of the senior sailors reported, "Ser Admiral, we have confirmation that the destroyer and transport ship elements already reached a distance of 300 meters behind us."

"Start the salvo then."

A question mark instantly appeared on the senior sailor's forehead, "Shouldn't we wait for the destroyer squadron first?"

"They are only a few breaths away, it doesn't make a big difference whether we launch the salvo now or after they arrive."

"As you command, Sir."

The order to launch the salvo was immediately dispatched.


A platoon of 40 footbowman lined up on the Tello-01's deck neatly. Every two footbowmen shared a small burner and a wooden pail filled with sticky oil lamps.

Then, a lieutenant gave order in a calm tone. "Take your position and aim high."

Almost in unison, the footbowmen lay down on their back and placed their footbow on their raised legs.

"Lit the arrow."

As soon as each footbowman held a flaming arrow, the next command was given.

"Nock, draw, lo---"

Blaaarrr!  Blaaarrr!  Blaaarrr!!

Without warning, two bottles suddenly landed on Tello-01's deck, shattered, and scattered liquid fuel in all directions.

It was indeed only two bottles and it didn't have any fire on it. But unfortunately, the decks of Tello-01 were filled with burners and made of wooden plank, so the fire spread over easily and wildly, and even lightly lit the clothes of six footbowmen.

"Jump to the water! Jump to the water!"

"Get the water here! Fast!"

A senior sailor directed the footbowmen with clothes on fire to jump into the sea, to save them and prevent the fire from spreading further. At the same time, another senior sailor ordered his squad to draw water from the sea and try to extinguish the fire on the deck.

Blaaarrr!  Blaaarrr!  Blaaarrr!!

Unfortunately, another salvo of bottles filled with liquid fuel landed on Tello-01's deck once again, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth salvos.

In a few breaths of time, fire enveloped the entire Tello-01's deck, while dozens of sailors and footbowmen who became human torches screamed hysterically as they jumped to the sea.

Crackle! Crackle! Crackle! Crackle!!

"Oh my gods who reside in heaven."

From the bridge, Admiral Dunn watched in horror as Tello-01 turned into a giant bonfire. And as the same calamity descended on two corvettes on each side of Tello-01, the report of the calamity that had befallen on 1st Landing Troop immediately filled his mind.

"Send a messenger, we must warn the elements behind us," ordered Admiral Dunn.

"As your command, Sir. But now, we have to leave the ship first."

Admiral Dunn nodded, and followed the lead from one of the senior sailors. And because the deck had become a field of ​​fire, he and other sailors had to jump into the sea from the bridge.

Splash! Splash! Splash!!

With a perfect straight body, Admiral Dunn entered the water, and then fought his way to the surface with everything he got. A moment later, two sailors helped him to climb up to a lifeboat.

"Sir, a messenger has been sent." A senior sailor said as he pointed at a small boat with a lantern and four oarsmen moving away.


"Now, it's time to evacuate you, Sir."

"No, I will stay to help the rescue attempt. I will not leave my men."

"But Sir---"

"Sailor, that is an order."

"Aye Sir."

The senior sailor did not dare to argue after seeing the steel determination in Admiral Dunn's gaze, and the rescue attempt began immediately. Unfortunately, a few seconds later a salvo of more than a thousand arrows showered the survivors' position.


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