TF Amethyst

TFA2 7.2 – Area Denial

TFA2 7.2 - Area Denial

With a pounding heart Murak looked at Tello-01, which was on fire. He had been a sailor for eight years and had gone through countless naval battles, but this was the first time he had seen a frigate turn into a bonfire in just a few breaths of time.

Then, slowly but surely it turned into a silhouette under a yellow glow before totally disappearing.

'I need to notify the destroyer squadrons that the opposing side can track them in this thick fog. Their fire tactic is also insanely accurate and dangerous.' A sharp determination flashed in Murak's eyes as he ordered, "Faster! Move faster."

"""Aye sir!"""

The oarsmen fully understood the importance of Murak's message, so they doubled their efforts in rowing the small boat. Not long after that, a bow of two destroyers appeared and the small boat had to move its course to the gap between them. Murak then stood up and raised the lantern in his hand.

"Watchers!" Murak shouted to the sailors armed with bows and arrows above the destroyer's bows. "I'm messenger from Te--"

Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  B-bababaang!!

Murak didn't have time to finish his words.  He reflexively threw his lantern and dropped his body onto the small boat's floor as a series of explosions suddenly hit the destroyer's bow. Each explosion created a hole as big as a watermelon, sending wood chips to all directions, and only stopped when the front section of the destroyers widely gaped like an alligator's mouth.

"What the fuck!!" Murak dropped his jaw as water flowed into the destroyers like a flood.

In an instant the destroyers' speed dropped, and as the front section sank the rear section lifted. Sailor, footbowman, ballista crew, slave woman, slave children, and anyone on the destroyers' upper deck helplessly slid or rolled forward and fell into water.

Swears and curses immediately filled the air, along with begs of help from slave woman or cries of slave children who were struggling with all their might to float.

But Murak didn't have time to listen, let alone help them. He had an important mission to accomplish. With a slightly trembling voice he ordered, "Don't stop! We need to warn the transport ships."

"A-aye, Sir," replied the most senior oarsmen.

The small boat glided smoothly between the two destroyers which were sinking deeper and deeper. Not long after that, Murak saw bow of two transport ships, and a lot of sailors on the deck who were looking in the direction of the sinking destroyers.

This time, Murak immediately shouted the warning, "Stop!! The opposing side can see you. The destroyer alre---"

Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  B-bababaang!!

Another series of explosions was heard, and a moment later the two transport ships slid to the bottom of the sea, along with most of its passengers.

"Gods who reside in heaven, please show us some mercy," Murak weakly muttered as he witnessed the convoy of transport ships carrying the 3rd Landing Troops sank in a rapid interval.


When Captain Hans saw 40 transport ships broke away from the main convoy and snuck to the second landing area, he immediately sent Sierra Three to greet them.

The Sierra Three consisted of 4 units M1151 M249 and 4 units M1151 Mk 19, led by Lieutenant Pierre. They took position 80 meters from the shore, and each pair of Humvees forms a triangle defensive position.

From one of the M1151 M249, Lieutenant Pierre calmly observed his target using a tablet. And he took a deep breath when he found that there were at least 30 human shields on each transport ship.

'The fuck!!' Lieutenant Pierre cursed quietly.

The tactic used by Captain Hans to deal with the ships protected by human shields was to punch holes on its bow and sink it without destroying it. With this tactic, he hoped that the slaves would have a chance to survive.

Of course, it was only a slim chance because finding the direction to the beach when the whole area was shrouded by thick fog was not easy, even for experienced sailors. Therefore, Lieutenant Pierre considered another tactic, and he was deep in contemplation when one of his men radioed him.

[Sierra 3-2 to Sierra 3-1, copy?]

"Loud and clear, Sierra 3-2 go ahead."

[Sir, our target has just entered the effective range of Mk 19, requesting permission to engage.]

If Lieutenant Pierre adopted Captain Hans' tactic, then with the help of aerial reconnaissance the vehicle commanders would guide the grenadiers to place the point of impact on the targeted ship's bow, but he had already made up his mind to adopt a different tactic.

"Denied," Lieutenant Pierre replied calmly. "We will wait until targets are 200 meters before our nose. Then, let's nail selected targets using M110A1. Hopefully, it will make them roll back.]

[And if they don't, Sir?]

"In that case, we will light them up in earnest."

[Copy that, Sierra 3-2, over and out.]

In TF Amethyst’s doctrine, vehicle gunners and vehicle grenadiers were required to have sharpshooter qualifications. The minimum requirement was headshot at 300 meter and center mass at 500 meter.

As soon as Lieutenant Pierre gave the order, the assistant gunners and grenadiers immediately took over the M249 and Mk 19 on the Humvee. At the same time, the shooters prepared their M110A1, and then placed it on top of Humvee’s hood together with four fully loaded magazines, M320 Grenade Launcher, and spotter's high-power observation scope.

They also placed two folding chairs behind the M110A1, sat in one of them and casually loaded 7.62x51 mm match grade round into every available M110A1's spare magazines.

As for the vehicle commanders, they took the role as spotters. First, they gathered with other spotters to determine the designated area for each team. Then, they sat next to their shooter as they sketch their designated area and divided it into some sectors, complete with range measurement and other details.

When the designated area sketch was completed, it could be said that the spotter's task was half finished, and the waiting began. A few minutes before the convoy of 40 transport ships entered the designated area, Lieutenant Pierre pushed PTT button on his radio.

"Sierra 3-1 to all Sierra Three, we have green for collateral damage, but let's bear in mind that collateral damage is our last option.]

[Sierra 3-2 to Sierra 3-1, my shooter will not draw innocent blood.]

[Sierra 3-3 to Sierra 3-1, copy that.]

[Sierra 3-4 to Sierra 3-1, received and understood.]




[Sierra 3-8 to Sierra 3-1, beer and body count without innocent blood.]

After taking a deep breath Lieutenant Pierre pressed PTT button once more. "Good. Let's kill as many legal targets as possible so they abort their landing attempt, and beer is on me when we return to Lagra City, Sierra 3-1 over and out."


By using a high-power thermal imaging scope, Lieutenant Pierre observed five transport ships that entered his designated area. A moment later he found his first target. He was a man who seems to be receiving a report.

"Tango challenged, leading ship, at the bridge, third person from the left."

Wasting no time Sergeant Dalton directed the thermal scope mounted on top of his M110A1. "Leading ship, at the bridge, third person from the left, I have eyes on tango."

"Range, 198 meters and approaching fast. Wind, eight miles per hour pushing forward."

After some swift adjustment Sergeant Dalton replied, "I have tango inside."

"Send it."


A split second later, Lieutenant Pierre saw the glass window in front of the target shattered, and the target froze for a second before tumbling to the side.

"Nail to the head, target is expired, stand by."

"Roger, target is expired, stand by."

A moment later, Lieutenant Pierre found the second, third, and subsequent targets, along with other teams who were also starting their precision shooting.

Bang!  Bang!  B-bababang!!

Loud 'Bang!' immediately heard alternately, accompanied by faint flashes in the middle of thick fog. And in a rapid interval, targets on the transport ship's bridge were being nailed one by one.

When targets in every bridge ducked, hid, and disappeared from the view, spotters directed shooters to aim for sailors, archers, and other targets on the deck. Of course, these targets didn't just wait for their death. They launched retaliation by firing arrows in all directions sporadically.

Clank!  Clank!  Cla-cla-clank!!

Most of the arrows landed in the middle of nowhere, but some landed on the roof of the Humvees or even just a foot next to the shooters. However, the shooters and spotters did not budge. Their expression remained calm like still water as they continued nailing their target one by one.

While ignoring arrow that just grazed his shoulder, a shooter calmly took aim at a sailor who was holding a slave child high in front of him.

"I have tango inside."

"Send it."


The shooter could not immediately see the results of his shot, because his M110A1 would slightly jerk after each shooting. Fortunately, his spotter was next to him to inform him.

"Nail to the knee, target is expired, stand by."

"Roger, target is expired, stand by,"

The shooter then observed the boy who was still crying and sat next to the sailor who was clutching his knee. Relief immediately filled his heart, 'Live Kid, as long as you live then all possibilities will remain open.'

Relentlessly, the shooters continued to launch the precision shooting. When the 7.62x51 mm match grade round ran out, they immediately switched to the standard ammo for M240, and the drivers gave a hand to load it into magazines.

However, eight shooters were too few, and the 40 transport ships continued to move forward without slowing down. Then, they finally reached a distance of 50 meters from the shore, and neatly lined up in an area where the sea was only as deep as the chest of an adult.

It was a type of landing when transport ships had to deliver the landing troops as close as possible to the shore, and the ship and its crew were ready to be sacrificed for the success of the landing.

Then, slowly but surely the front section of the transport ships opened downward, and dozens of cavalrymen immediately jumped into the water. With a steady pace, they crossed the waters to reach the shore.

'Fuck! They were sent to flank our retreat line.' Realization came to Lieutenant Pierre's mind, and he immediately pressed PTT button, "Sierra 3-1 to all Sierra Three, use tear gas and don't let a single cavalrymen reach the shore."




Wasting no time, the shooters switched to M320 Grenade Launcher. They quickly loaded tear gas rounds and shot it blindly.

Thumbs!  Thumbs!  T-t-thuthump!!

Almost simultaneously eight tear gas rounds shot into the air, making a huge arc through the thick fog, landed in the water, and spitting out tear gas. Unfortunately, all of the tear gas rounds landed too far from the opposing cavalry.

But it was to be expected, and by using the first point of impact as measurement, the spotters corrected the shooters' aim.

Thumbs!  Thumbs!  T-thu-thump!!

This time, the tear gas landed in front of the opposing cavalry, along with the second, third, and fourth salvos. Chaos and panic immediately fell upon the opposing cavalry and their advance came to a halt. Several cavalrymen fell from their horses and some even got stepped on by their comrades.

Wasting no time the shooters exploited the chaos to slaughter them. Unfortunately, before all targets could be nailed, they withdrew to the transport ships which then retreated to open sea as fast as they could.

"Damn." Sergeant Dalton cursed after he took a mouthful of water from his water canteen, "Their cavalry don't use human shields. We should shower them using M240."

"Honestly, I forget we have MG," Lieutenant Pierre openly admitted.

"Please, ignore my rambling, Sir. Our objective is area denial, and we did it well."

"Yeah," Lieutenant Pierre nodded before pressing PTT button, "Sierra 3-1 to all Sierra Three, good jobs everyone."


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