The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 101: Banshee's part 1

Turning his head back, Parc saw Sayo, her eyes clenched shut, lips parted softly breathing as she slept. A light glint of a sweaty gloss across her skin. A healthy redness to her skin and an unconscious smile to her lips.

Leaning down, Parc pulled the blanket over her barren body, earning him a cutesy "mmm…" from the sleeping girl. Trailing a finger over her cheek, he let out a sigh. He knew that what he'd done was far from enough to help her mind. Hell, he was sure that what he'd done wasn't exactly the most 'apt' thing to do for someone with her condition. Not by a long shot.

But still, she looked happy. Like those memories were just that, memories even for just a moment. "It'll get better," he whispered, "I'm sure it will."

Pulling away from her, Parc began to lightly step towards the door. Grasping the handle and twisted it down. Opening it enough that he could squeeze through with it only letting out a small click when the latch announced the doors closed nature.

As he stepped outside, Parc shut his eyes, sucking in a deep breath through his nose. 'Huh?' he thought noting a particularly sweet smell. Parting his eye lids, his nose flared, eyes glancing left and right to search for the origin of the scent. Only for him to find either side of the door small clear droplets of water staining the ground a darker hue. Both seeming to move down the hallway in wide berths between each drop.

And by the looks of them, they looked fresh. Smirking, Parc glanced down the hallway, his feet naturally coming to drag him along it. Keeping his gaze to the ground as he followed the droplets stopping just before a door three doors down.

Behind which he could hear utmost silence. Lifting up his hand, Parc sent five swift raps against the wood of the door. Hearing it loud and clear on his side, but the inhabitants of the other room certainly hearing it just as well as he heard a single loud crash. And yelp of 'Owww…'

Snorting, Parc went to grab the handle but halted when it was already twisting down with a click. Door soon coming to slowly open and reveal Maya standing before him, dressed in a skirt and baggy blue top. Her eyes holding a little more light in them than he was used to seeing in the past.

"Your looking better," Parc chuckled crossing his arms and leaned against the door frame. Glancing over her shoulder to see Eris sitting in an M with her back to him, hands over her face. Clearly ashamed of what Parc was presuming had happened not long before.

"It has been months. I would hope I have been doing better." Maya said turning on heel to walk into the room, a sign that Parc was free to enter if he wished to. And he did. Letting the door slowly close itself behind him while Maya went to seat herself on her bed with a slight frown. "You are poor at saying hello," she said staring his way.

"Eh, I say it in my own ways," he shrugged.

"We know. By using your penis apparently." She huffed, ignoring the soft whine from her sister.

She seemed about as blunt as ever, Parc thought. "Not that your complaining with that little bread crumb trail you've left behind for me." He winked at Maya's soft flush and Eris's steaming body.

"That… was a mistake on our part. We should have left the moment we realized what was happening," Maya tried her best to keep her voice as monotone as she could. Failing in doing so.

"Hoo," Parc rubbed his chin, a cocksure grin on his face, "so you decided to stay and listen." Lifting his foot up, Parc stepped forth, slowly approaching the knelt over form of Eris. Who flinched in turn just sensing him behind her.

Descending onto one knee, Parc leaned his head over Eris's shoulder, whispering into her ear, "how about I let you experience it instead of just hear?" ending his teasing sentence with a small blow of air into her ear, getting it to twitch and her to suddenly flounder away from. Scuttling away on her bottom with widened eyes.

"N-no that, that was an accident, I didn't mean to listen in!" she urgently yelped leaving Parc knelt down, arm on leg staring at her with a small wink that sent her racing mind to a sudden stop. "You're teasing me, aren't you."

"You wouldn't be the first." He chuckled pushing himself to his feet. Raising a brow when he saw Eris's eyes bolt even further open and the soft sound of fabric dropping onto the ground.

"M-Maya!? What are you doing! Get dressed!" Eris shouted.

Turning to face the other girl, Parc saw Maya, now topless unzipping the side of her skirt, letting it fall to around her feet leaving her standing in nothing but a pair of panties and a bra. "That's… sudden," Parc muttered unashamedly ogling Maya's subtle curves. Far from plump but still pleasurable and alluring in her own rights.

"Why?" Maya tilted her head at her sisters' question. Hands still coming down to stretch out the elastic of her panties and remove them from her body. Just about to lift her arms to her back and unclasp her bra.

"No! stop that!" Eris suddenly shot past Parc, grabbing her sisters arms to stop her from stripping any further. "You don't just get naked in front of a man!" she argued.

"How else are we going to have sex then?" Maya calmly responded.

"We're not going to have sex!" she blurted out, processing the word and the fact Parc was behind her not a second later. "You. Out!" she shouted, voice resonating throughout the room. Throwing her hand in the direction of the door, though Parc didn't budge an inch. Keeping his arms crossed watching the two.

"Sis," Maya said gaining her sisters attention enough that she returned her focus onto her. The moment she did turn back, Maya had lifted her hand up, pressing her middle and thumb together, roughly flicking her sisters head with enough force that she jumped a little.

"Ow! What was that for!" Eris growled.

Walking around her sister, Maya said, "We are both pent up as out earlier display has shown. I do not feel like being pent up any longer." She stepped around Eris, making her way towards Parc whose arms had dropped to accommodate her pressing her body against his. His hand falling to gently stroke along the bottom of her back and lightly squeeze her cheek. "You are free to join in or leave. I was expecting you to be more proactive honestly. We have both already accepted the facts we desire him. Yet you still seem reluctant," Maya snorted. "It seems your threat of teaching him how to turn me into a quivering wreck was a lie."

"What? When did I-"

"Weeks ago. You also said you would tell him to be gentle with me." Memories resurged inside her, the sight, the words of her own threats to her sister and her little outburst with an added witness of Sayo sending her red once again.

"T-that was because you were annoying me! I didn't mean any of that!"

"Hmm," Maya squinted at her, frown on her lips a flush to her face as Parc continued burying his fingers into her ass. "Fine then," she shrugged bringing her hand up to press against Parc's pants, feeling a subtle rigidness beneath it that was growing harder with her touch. "then I'll do it myself."



Jesus christ, I've read a few recent comments from the past chapter but jesus christ, the sheer amount of spite for a system that doesn't hold its hosts hand 24-7 is way too fucking high. I like my systems and all but holy shit, this isn't a story about a system, I'm writing a character that jumps to multiple universes, gets quests, has intimate relations with women and gets stronger 'mostly' through his own efforts. Just because there's a system, doesn't mean the MC has to be OP, that's not how it works in videogames and its how it works in WAY too many stories. I can't say the System will make up a bigger roll, just can't, because for one, keeping track of all the system nonsense that could happen, like stats, abilities, yadda, yadda, yadda, is a fucking chore. And two, it's not the focus of this story.

Doesn't mean they won't make an appearance, but people need to understand this is about PARC and not a system.

This was probably a pointless rant considering most these comments only come up in the earlier chapter, just needed to get it off my chest.


Second little rant note, been really slow with writing up chapters for the patrons (sorry) just been more focused on other things. To that degree i'm probably not going to be able to keep up with dailies anymore. It's struggle to write each and every day and I started this originally just to get me writing again cause I was having half a year long writers block and now I'm really wanting to get back to more SFW stories. Still going to be releasing these, just not as frequent. You can still excpect like, 4/5 for this week and next week. (Seperate, so 4/5 this week, and 4/5 next week.)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.