The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 100: Sayo part 2

"E-eh?" Sayo squeeked in confusion. "Y-you're asking me?"

"Of course, I am. Just say what you want, and I'll do it." He replied in a whisper. "Do you want me to keep kissing you?" he placed his lips on her neck, right above her shoulder. Giving her the shivers, "do you want me to play with your breasts," his hand raised, lightly pressing into her blouse and into her chest. "Or would you like me to pleasure you down here," his other dropped down, stopping to lightly flick the elastic of her panties.

Sayo's eyes went hazy as she looked down at his two hands lingering just above her sensitives. Gulping, her lip trembled, nervousness filling her, "k-kisses… please…" while not particularly loud, Parc was still close enough to hear the soft whine to her voice.

Lips curling up, Parc whispered into her ear, "happily," and pressed them against Sayo's jaw bone, peppering her with many swift pecks.

"On… on my lips."

Parc paused, pressed against her neck. Brows raised, Parc pulled back, giving Sayo enough space for her to turn her head far enough that Parc could lean forwards and swiftly take her lips for his own. It wasn't invasive, he didn't attempt to push his way through her lips. Letting her feel the soft, moist pressure of him and he, her. All whilst his fingers slowly trailed in circles on her belly, his nails gently scraping against her skin for an added sensual feeling.

She seemed to almost melt, her eyelids flickering, hazed behind a thin glossy mist. Mind joining them in a daze as she unconsciously found her lips parting, her own tongue growing a mind of its own found itself pushing against Parc's lips which willingly parted. Letting her take the initiative.

Frail, was what flickered through Parc's mind as he peeked to Sayo. She seemed so frail sat there, clutching her own hands together above his. Shivering with every small nudge Parc's tongue would press against hers.

What felt like minutes would pass as the two remained locked together at the lips. Until Parc pulled his head back, Sayo's tongue following behind him, not wanting to part from him. "Anything else?" he asked with a small chuckle at Sayo's state.

It took a little for her mind to catch up to the situation before she muttered, "I-I," she gulped, "I want to feel beautiful." He could feel heated breaths escaping her, softly stroking against his curled lips. "Make… make me feel beautiful."

"Gladly," he chuckled, returning his lips onto hers, letting her melt into his embrace while his hands went to work unbuttoning her blouse at her own permission that just said, 'do what you want to me.' With every button her undid, more of her skin would be exposed to the air. Sayo pulling her head away, turned her gaze down, watching as he stripped her of her coverings. Fear beginning to well in her as she ignored her now revealed breasts hidden behind a purple bra. Instead coming to focus on the horrid scars crisscrossing all across her body. Lacing her with horrid memories of her past.

When the last button came undone, Parc lowered his left hand down, gently rubbing along her belly while his right flowed upwards. Pressing into her skin, halting when he felt a patch of rougher skin where a scar was cut across her waist, nearly crossing onto her back.

Sayo's entire body trembled in his hold. Only growing stronger as Parc kept his finger on the aged wound. Following it around her body. "beautiful," he whispered moving onto the next scar scratching vertically across her belly button. Lingering a little longer to press into the indent, "beautiful." He whispered again.

And again…

And again…

For minutes on end Parc would explore her body with his hands, caressing her skin and tracing her marks. Whispering a simple three syllable word into her ear. Letting her become accustomed to his touch and how he viewed her marks.

Soon his hands came to her shoulders, beginning to guide her blouse down her arms, soon removing it from her body leaving it stuck between their bodies. Not that it would affect Parc's nursing as he quickly returned to his actions of caring for the scars across her arms.

With those done, Parc returned to her chest. Bringing his hand up to the centre of her bra where Sayo suddenly sucked in a sharp breath. Shivering like a newborn deer. He knew why, how could he not, he'd been the one to carry Sayo out of that horrid chamber. He'd been the one to see the full extent of the damage to her body.

"D-don't stop," her voice much like herself, was frail and scared. Like that of a newborn deer.

"I won't," he rubbed his nose against her neck and slowly undid the clasp of her bra, letting the tension between the two cups loosen and open.

Of all the wounds she had sustained, her leg was the worst, no doubt about that. But second would be her chest where a large scar cut across the inside of her breast, stopping just below her collar bone. Another crossing over that, marring her breast with a pale line ending just shy of her areolae.

Out the corner of his eye, Parc could see a glaze of tears trickling down her cheeks.

"Don't cry. These are nothing to be ashamed of," he hugged her tighter pulling her into his embrace.

Her chest heaved and sniffles escaped her, "it-it hurts," she cried. "It hurt so much." Her fingers locked onto her upper arms, squeezing her chest.

"I know, I know," he rubbed his cheek against her in the hopes his touch would bring her the comfort she needed to deal with the lingering pains still inside her.

"I-I-I-I remember them all," like rainfall her tears broke forth, "every-every, single one. I-I can still hear her voice. She-she won't go away."

"Mhh," he hummed. Pain like hers, it rarely ever left once the scars had healed. Often it would become an insidious infection, prone to bursting free at anytime for any reason. Parc was lucky to not have been infected by this malady. But Sayo, she was not as lucky. Her body had healed, had covered the holes in her heart with a thin fibre but had left the holes themselves untouched. Leaving them to fester in silence until the finally ate through the fibre and burst free for all to see.

"I-I can hear their screaming," the skin of her arms wrinkled around her fingers. "They-they haunt me every night."

"I know they do," he said in her pause. Fingers gently gliding over her belly, "it will get easier Sayo. That much I can promise you. It won't happen overnight, maybe not even in a years' time. But it will get better. It always does." His voice trailed to silence while Sayo sobbed in his arms, not responding to him while he just let her get it all out.

While her sobs came to a slow stop, her tears did not. With staggered breaths, Sayo, mumbled, "I… I don't want to hear them anymore… Make… make them go away."

Parc's expression softened, squeezing his arms a little tighter around her, "I told you I'd do whatever you asked, Sayo." He guided her head to turn to him so he could press their forheads together. "And that's exactly what I'll do."



There are certain girls I do not believe need a descriptive sex scene or scene's at all. Sayo is one of them.


I know I've been saying I'd be taking a break after AkG but i've been noticing my writing has been getting worse and worse. Chapters are shorter and I find the quality isn't as good as I want it to be. I'm also not feeling that happy after finishing them. So I think I'm just going to start the break now and just get my mind off of this for a few weeks and hopefully get it back to a point where I'm more inspired to keep this at a good quality.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.