The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 236: Close Encounter of Cinder Fall [1]

Of all the things Cinder was, annoyed was likely to be the most prevalent. She hadn't wanted to be so annoyed at seemingly every point of the day but the ineptitude of the people around her always seemed ungodly high. It was almost like none of them had passed basic elementary schooling, miracle many of them could walk let alone eat, breath, and shit on their own.

Annoyingly enough, it was their ineptitude that was irritating her this Valean evening. It had been this call she'd gotten from Torchwick. Apparently Hei Xiong had contacted him with some bit of information that a certain boy was at Juniors nightclub, Eclectic.

There was little she knew about the boy, she knew he'd had a run in with Mercury and Emerald weeks ago, he'd been watching her as she landed just after Torchwick failed a dust heist. It was then she'd gotten his rough appearance and had been on alert ever since. But Vale was large, she hadn't heard of nor ever seen anyone matching his discription after.

That was until a certain immortal bitch gave her a rude awakening in the middle of the night telling her to find this very boy. At first Cinder hadn't the faintest who this boy Salem described was, just that he'd taken her fancy and had red eyes. When an image had gotten through to her she'd found it was a boy just barely out of his teens. He had black hair, red eyes, a chiseled face, and thats about all she knew until she had Torchwick do some snooping.

His name was Parc Evans, he was already associated with Ozpin in some way and was dealing with the brats up in Beacon as something of a teacher. One of the first year boys, some Cardoon Wanchista, had gotten drunk with Emerald one evening and spilled the veritable beans on the boy when Emerald took him somewhere private and made him hallucinate getting his dick ridden.

It was crude, archaic even, but the video it was amusing nonetheless watching a brat like that ejaculate without even being touched by a woman. Utterly pathetic really.

Preferably Cinder never would have come out here but Mercury and Emerald were off dealing with other matters and Torchwick and his little bastard child were more inept than apt for this situation. Leaving only her, and her alone to deal with this person.

She stopped by the arched entrance to the club and glared up at the neon sign, its text curved and on a slight slant like it had been italicized, and pushed through the automatic doors. The thumping techno rung achingly against her ears. She hated places like this. Too many people, too many eyes, most of all they were nearly all idiots getting high or drunk or horny.

Junior was settled by the bar beaming brightly as he fidled with a little bar of gold. From how his arms was shaking slightly, it was heavy. Cinder huffed and descended onto the main floor of the club, quickly skirting around the dancing drunkards but not before an idiot could make their way out to meet her.

"Well hey there hotstuff." The boy said, he had bright red hair, tanned skin and an expression that made Cinder want to give him third degree burns. He ogled over her body, scanning over her short off the shoulders minidress that accentuated her bosom and hips. On one side the dress parted on the hem showing off the laced up booty shorts she wore beneath.

She scowled as he stepped in her path, sparkling like that was supposed to charm her.

"Haven't seen you around before, you new to Vale?" he asked, lips curling back to reveal pristine white teeth. He'd clearly put some effort and money into getting a dentist. Cinder contemplated if she should call whoever that was because if this man didn't get out of her way and soon, he'd be needing them.

Narrowing her eyes her expression quickly morphed, "why yes I am! Thank you for noticing!" she clapped her hands together and faked positivity, "and I would prefer to spend the time I am here, not dealing with you. Now fuck off before I blow you a new asshole." Instantly her tone took a dark turn as cold fire raged havoc in her eye.

The man sucked in his lips with a fearful chirp and quickly backed off, "whoa, whoa, sorry, sorry, alright I'm going."

With him gone Cinder turned to Xiong and arrived by his side. "Where is he?" Xiong arched a brow up to her, huffed then turned back to foolishly smiling at his bar of gold.

"You're better of waiting here for him. He'll be back soon… hopefully." He said with little care to her wants.

"I didn't ask you 'when he'd be here,' I asked you 'where he was.' Now where is Parc Evans." She hissed, she hadn't the time to be dealing with this man's ineptitudes.

Xiong stopped spinning the bar on its corner and faced her fully. "Listen, I normally don't give a damn about things like this, but I'm going to tell you now. You're better off waiting."

It was annoying, it was so damned annoying. She asked a simple question and she couldn't even get a straight answer!

Cinder focused that flickering flame she could feel in her soul and her eye ignited with golden flames billowing out from the iris. "I'm not going to ask again. Tell me where he is. Or I will blow your fucking house down."

Xiong looked at her dumbly and grunted. "Upstairs, past the DJ, you'll find some staircases, go up those then go to the right. You'll know which room he's in."

The flames faded, Cinder huffed and pivoted, about to walk away when Xiong spoke a warning.

"I did warn you. Don't expect him to be in a talking mood." Xiong huffed, "not many men are after those two…" said in whispers, Cinder turned back her head with narrowed eyes then made way following his instructions.

She passed the bear headed fool of a DJ, entered the back rooms and climbed the stairs. From her back she pulled out one of he Midnight blades. They were a pair of scimars with a decent curve to the blades and a hooked point. She'd prefer not to use them, to take him peacefully but she could never be too sure about this man. She knew too little of him. Few people even knew his existence outside of Beacon and Xiong's circles.

She stepped onto the landing, she looked to the left, an empty hall. Then she heard a noise.

Ahh, hahn… fuuuuck—ohhh." Cinders expression tightened, her frown deepening, it came from the right and sounded like a womans moans.

"Haa—nhaaa-stop! Pleas—ghaa—stop it!" the womans cries, they sounded happy as she pleaded. It was like she was asking for whatever was making her feel so good to stop so she didn't have to feel like that anymore.

Cinder knew what was going on. She snorted, as if this brat fucking some harlots was going to deter her from capturing him. Cinder found the door and halted before the cold white wood. The hinges weren't visible so it opened inward. Clutching Midnight till her fingers cracked she lifted the blade up and swiftly tore it down. It severed like a hot knife through butter through the wood where the hinges were. The cut so clean the door seemed unaffected but as she poked the tip of her left hand index against it, the door collapsed, the wood gave way and it fell to the ground leaving only a thin strip still connected to where the hinges were.

One small step brought her atop the fallen aperture and into the room. Immediatly she was repulsed by the sick stench of sex. Cinder held back her foolish urges of leaving and glared at the three figures she could see.

She recognized him as her target though now he was naked showing off his collection of scars both big and small as a girl sat on his lap in a reverse seated position, her hands on his knees and happily slapping herself down atop his cock. From here Cinder even noted how her belly seemed to bulge from the size of his cock with every pounding descent.

"Cumming—ohhh fuck-ohfuck-" the girl cried out her voice soft and weak. Her head arched backwards and her body convulsed. It was then Cinder saw the other girl, she had wrapped herself around Evans back and was massaging and carressing his muscles while also kissing and licking his neck. Cinder swore she could see hearts in that girls eyes as her short black hair clung to her skin and her neon green eyes hazed uncontrollably.

Evans rose one hand up to the girl chest and squeazed tightly her breast and turned his eyes onto her.

"Nice to finally meet you Cinder." He said.

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