The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 237: Close encounter of Cinder Fall [2]

The boy eyed her curiously, his hand still squeezing the girls breast as the flickered between lucidity and unconciousness. Her belly much too distorted for the boy dick to be healthy for her body. Cinder could see where he connected to her, how his shaft disappered into the slit between her two puffy red lips like a sword through her body.

Cinder tightened her blade, she was cautious to the boys unabashed nature. He didn't fear her, nor was he showing the slightest amount of concern to her sudden intrusion. He was calm. Unnervingly so.

"So you're Parc Evans then?" Cinder stepped to the side and off the fallen door, her blade raised point to him.

"That I am." Parc's hand rose from the girls breast to her neck and roughly tugged her into himself so he could plaster his lips across her nape. His other hand fell to the girls hips and buckled her thigh flesh inwards as he began to slowly plough into her. "And you're Cinder Fall." He added leaving a hickey on the girl.

Cinder glowered coldly, she knew he knew who she was, she just didn't know how he knew who she was. She had thought herself a ghost, a spec on the radar hidden amongst a horde of dots. "How do you know me? I know you've known me since Mercury and Emerald first saw you but that was before. Are you one of Ozpins operatives?" she sincerely doubted it. The way he held himself, the way he was screwing this girl right in front of her. It reminded her more of a criminal boss high atop his throne with little care to the worries of the lesser beings.

"Does it matter?" the girl's rolling eyes flickered as licentious cries and moans echoed from her throat.

By then Cinder was noticing something else hidden just beneath the encompassing stench of musk. There was a subtle hint to something smoky, applewood, but it was more than that, blended together with that were numerous other scents like sage and a rumbling fire. Cinder halted, she gazed around the room swiftly for the origin of that perfume but couldn't find it, no incense, no fire.

'Is he wearing it?' she scowled his way. How he knew what her favourite smells were was discomforting, he was mocking her. Telling her he knew more about her than her of him.

"Hngg… haahn-ohhh-" the girl riding his shaft cried out as power returned to her hips and she began to roll them. Parc's shaft would shift and press inside her pushing out the flesh of her belly.

Behind Parc the other girl, the one Cinder could only reasonably conclude was the cockriders sister by their similarity, nibbled his ear and waggled her ass.

"How much do you know about me." She growled. Damn Salem, damn her plan. If this man knew too much it would ruin everything.

She watched as his balls tightened as he shivered on the throngs of orgasm yet from how his shaft didn't thicking at the bottom she doubted he'd truly ejaculated.

"Enough." It came out as a grunt. His shoulders rolled and suddenly he stood.

Grabbing the girls arms she panicked and stomped her heeled feet onto the wooden flooring, her entire upper body bowed at the waist to such a degree she would keel over had Parc not been holding her wrists like the reins of a horse.

His hips pulled back till the bottom of his glans peeked out then rapidly sheathed himself with a loud slapping of his balls slamming against the girls belly.

"Gyaaah!" the girl cried out, a blend of pain and orgasm, from her pussy drenched a tide of her squirt that dyed the floor with a sodden puddle.

The other one crawled across the bed only to retake her position grinding her pointed nipples against the boys back.

He continued slamming into her, she continued crying out whores noises.

"Exactly how much is 'enough?" she hissed vying for a true answer.

Parc pulled the girl close, arms hooking around her as one hand grasped and pulled open her thigh and the other mercilessly squeezed her breast. He said nothing.

Cinder scowled, hatred billowing deep inside her. Within three steps she was upon them, the hook of her blade inched just millimeters from where the two were connected. "Answer me now. And I just might not castrate you." Her tone threatening though Parc seemed undaunted as his continualy ramming indicated.

He was ignoring her! How dare he! How dare he ignore her! Cinder's mind raced about to ram Midnight into his pendulums but before she could even think to do so, Parc fell back onto the bed and spread wide the girls legs.

His balls tightened and his cock twitched as the girl screeched for mercy by clamping tight her teeth and crying through them. Cinder couldn't even react as the cries turned into spurts as the girl climaxed spritzing her squirt through the air drenching Cinder in the womans expulsions. At the same time the belly of the girl bulged with his seed, what her womb couldn't contain dripped, trickling around his shaft.

In that moment and the moments thereafter Cinder was still. Her mind rendered her into shock incapable of even stuttering questions about what had just happened.

As the girl slid from Parc's shaft with a popping noise followed by the tensing of her abdomen sending a thick stream of his cream out over the bed, the sister helped her lay down but barely seconds later was dugging her face between her legs, lapping at Parc's semen.

Parc himself was panting, his form chiselled and glistening in sweat, his shaft still tauntingly hard. He rose and Cinder shot awake.

"I'm. Going to kill you." Cinder shuddered through her teeth. "And once I'm done, I'm going to burn everything you love to cinders!"

He chuckled infuriating her even more. "Oh, I have no doubts about that." He approached bringing himself just a hairsbreadth from her. His shaft twitching close to her groin as if it was magnetized by her womb. "Just be prepared. Because I'm not going down without a fight."

"Then we'll fight!" Her eye shot to flames and she retreated, her blade slashing upwards.

Feathers billowed around her as she felt only wind meet the edge of her sword.

When she looked to where Parc once stood she found nothing but falling feathers. She tried to stomp down her feet and turn, she could feel him behind her but before she could Parc gripped her shoulders and she felt him whisper into her ear.

"Not today Cinder." She pulled, swivelled and cut her blade through him, it didn't touch. She kept going, he wasn't there. A tightness wrapped around her wrist and she felt something squirm its way into her mind. Grip shaking she looked to a golden chain wrapped around her wrist.

The voice in her mind grew louder, her grasp loosened along with her body and the blade clattered to the floor. Cinder couldn't resist it, that etheric breathing, no, whispers in her ear that reverberated through her skull, muddling her concious thoughts and awaking her subconscious ones.

Parc appeared before her in another flurry of feathers, they blocked her gaze for a second before dissipating. His expression was a hateful shade of mockery. She wanted to kick, scream, rip this bastards dick off and feed it to him but her body just wouldn't listen to her. Her limbs twitched but anything more never amounted to anything.

Cinder felt him draw closer, his hands dug into her hips and pulled them closer to him. It touched her, his shaft pressed against her stomach pressing ominously close to her groin. "Maybe it'll be tomorrow, maybe the day after. Just know this…" he lingered next to her ear, his breath stroking her cheek. "In the end… you'll be on the bottom."

Parc peeled away ready to disappear but not before she felt the sick feeling of his tongue against her lips almost invading her mouth by pulling down her lower and teased against her gums. Then, with the flick of a lightswitch, he was gone like he'd never been there before.

In his wake he left only Cinder and those two girls who were happily lapping his sperm from the others slits. Minutes passed with only the noises of those two until finally Cinder felt her body loosen, the chain on her wrist faded, freeing her. She gasped for breath scowled only to pivot to the moaning girls.

She was half tempted to incinerate them just to get her spite out on someone,—heavens knows one of them deserved it—but she didn't. Turning from them, Cinder stormed from the room whilst wiping down the inside of her gum and her face of that bitches squirt.

It was that day that she made a vow.

One way or another, Parc would suffer.

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