The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 243: Bunny Fun [3]

"By show do you mean…" Velvet's voice cracked. She knew what he wanted, knew it intricately, but doing it… doing it in front of him. The haze coating her eyes drew back enough for her to clamp tight her thighs and squirm uncomfortably.

"I do," Parc responded. He didn't need to say any more.

Velvet sucked in her lips, eyes darting about unable to focus as her mind raced. "Do I have to?"

Leaning into his seat, Parc rested his arm over the back and crossed one leg over the other. His posture so calm, so undaunted by the concept of a girl masturbating before him… Velvet could just feel he'd seen it before. She didn't doubt it, she knew the stories about him, heard the rumours about the girls and the moans that would rumble from his classroom. Everyone did. But still, she didn't expect she'd be doing 'that' in front of him.

"Not at all. Contrary to what many people seem to think of me, I am not completely crude and cruel. Manipulative yes, but I won't force you into this if you don't want to. We can just do it normally then."

His expression took a downwards look, one like that of disappointment echoing with sullen melancholy. Even she could tell this was just some manipulative ability of his, she'd seen it plenty with other people. Humans mostly. Yet still, it knocked up some sympathetic bit of her heart.

That or it was that intoxicating carrot smell he was always exuding. He even tasted of carrots, as she licked her lips the powerful taste his saliva had left on her lips returned with power. It was mind breakingly good, entrancing to her tongue and her senses and sent these horribly amazing pangs of pleasure to her groin which made her drip just a bit more.

She gulped, glanced to the door as if expecting someone to barge in at any moment but didn't. She was glad about that, she knew she shouldn't be, she shouldn't even be considering showing him her special place. They'd barely spent more than a few hours total talking to each other without Lili and Ferry in the room. Every time they were… it was possibly one of her most favourite times. He'd tease her often, rub his foot against hers and her against his but he didn't force it. If she pulled away, he'd stop, if she leaned into it, he'd lean into hers. He was the one leading it along but he was letting her decide how fast.

'It's…' Velvet thought to herself but found her mind going no further than that single word. Meeting Parc's warm, almost loving eyes that little pang in her heart pounded and she nodded slowly. Setting her hands down on the table she got herself more comfortable and when she was hesitantly opened her legs letting him see into the nigh dark abyss that was beneath her skirt. She hadn't been expecting this to happen today so she hadn't dressed up down there. Just a simple off pink pair of panties.

Parc's gaze dug into her skin, she could feel it latching to her thighs where her stockings dug into her thigh flesh and lightly buckled it only to trail to the barely discernable divet her panties made as they dug into her crotch. Something told her being naked would be less embarrassing than this. It… she felt exposed.

Mulling nervous words to herself in her head, Velvet slowly brought one hand to her skirt and peeled it back letting more light in and shimmer over her crotch. Her hand pressed further but paused just before her fingers could touch her pussy.

Velvet looked to Parc, his eyes hidden with a fervent streek trailed and focused on her hand but soon rose to meet hers. Casting a low smile that quelled any thoughts she had of backing away.

Sucking in a single lungful of air, she let it out with a faint tremble and collected her determination. With one, single slow and gentle touch, she pressed her index and middle against her panty covered slit and felt the dampness permeating it.

'I really am in heat.' She'd never get this wet, not in the middle of winter, this wasn't the time when her usual rut would come about but she was rutting nonetheless. Her body knew that the heat coating her skin knew that, even that little subconscious hare in her head knew she was ready to rut, but the biggest part of her consciousness, her 'sanity' told her she wasn't, that it wouldn't accept to be rutting in the middle of winter.

That part of her, it couldn't hold her back anymore, couldn't hold back her instincts of animalistic desire. So she didn't let it, not anymore. Just for today—though she knew it would never be 'just today'—she filed it away, put it into a place where it couldn't bother her anymore.

Slowly she dragged her finger down to the bottom of the slit in her panties and dug in. Her labia parted—though not by much—and she pulled up her hand leaving in her wake the perfect indentation of her venus mound. Pausing at the soft yet rapidly hardening nubule that was her clit and sucked in her lips with a low whine.

Even if she did file away her apprehensions… some still would leak out. Especially when a man her body was yearning for was so close.

Velvet's hands shivered as she made gentle circles over her slit, nothing powerful but enough that goosebumps would raise across her body and weak panted breaths would escape her. She stroked along her slit, teased her lips through her panties then gradually began picking up speed.

"Mnn… fuuu…"

Though the pleasure wasn't powerful her heat ordered her to make noise to let him know she was feeling something. She lingered her gaze to him, he'd unwrapped his legs, loosened his arm from the backrest and was slouching in the chair. A pose that shone a light on the large bulge raising from his pants.

Velvet licked her lips and her motions drew faster, her legs widened and she focused on her clit, ignoring the subtle wet squelches her actions were causing from the rubbing of her damp panties.

"Haaa—mmm-" Velvet couldn't take it anymore, the pleasure, it was too little, she wanted more. She wanted him to see more of her debauched side. The part of her that was like a bitch in heat begging for a man to bend her over and fuck her silly.

Even just those thoughts made Velvet tremble excitedly. Peeling her hand from her crotch she shivered and saw her fingers glazed and sticky with her pussy juice. She gulped, licked her lips then brought her fingers to them and tasted herself. It wasn't like his spit, wasn't tasty at all but it had this ominous musk that ruined her senses and like the final chain to be tied, it locked the final of her apprehensions away.

Velvet dug her hands beneath her skirt and thumbed the sides of her panties and began to pull them down. She bounced once and pulled them over her shapely buttocks and onto her thighs then her knees, and then with a few aerobic contortions to her ankles before finally coming off. She closed her legs and pinched the damp piece of fabric, staring at its discoloured crotch with scarlet cheeks.

"Toss them here."

Velvet jostled and turned to Parc, shocked and confused but complied nonetheless and bunched up her panties and threw them towards him and he snatched them from the air with ease. Pinching each side he stretched the fabric and beamed at the damp crotch. Glancing past it he met Velvet and silently ordered her to continue.

Velvet trembled then pulled up her legs onto the table, spreading them in a wide M pose and leaned back just enough that it appeared she was presenting her snatch to him. Resting one hand to the side she brought her right between her legs and trailed a line from the bottom of her slit to her clit.

"Mnnn…" she murmured pleasurable sighs, shivering as her finger dragged against her barren labia and pried free her engorged clitoris. A noise of a zip being undone drew her gaze to Parc, he shifted a few times, fiddled with his belt and soon 'it' was standing proudly.

For a second Velvet froze with a blend of shock and awe filling her. She'd seen penises before, accidentally most times, it was inevitable when living with two boys who tended to forget to lock the bathroom door. She'd even seen them on porn Coco kept leaving around to tease her. But here, presented before her… this wasn't a normal one. Its size was intimidating, its shape ominous. She couldn't help but find her mind wandering just imagining what it would feel like having that inside her. It was a thought that tightened her womb like it was hungering for him.

She dug her fingers into her pussy, pressing past her labia and curling into her tunnel. She always trimmed her nails but today even short though they were she could feel them scratching her slick and warm flesh. She glided her fingers in and out then teased her clits and spread her lips as Parc set her panties over his cock and began to stroke.

A strange sense, a connection seemed to surge through her as she almost felt his cock ploughing into her through her panties. "Haa-ohh-haaa-ahh-" she cried and moaned any lucid consciousness she harboured gone to be replaced with a lusting beast pleasure only by the licentious squelches of her fingers ramming like a dick to the knuckle. When two fingers weren't enough she added a third and when that wasn't enough she brought in her other hand and let it tease her unhooded button.

All the while Parc's stroking grew more fervent, his legs trembling. She wasn't sure why but she could feel it, her own incoming orgasm, he'd share it with her. She just knew it.

Then, a minute turned to five turned to ten and Velvet couldn't handle it anymore. Her toes curled, her back arched and she bit down as her entire body was assaulted by powerful convulsions. She had never known herself to squirt but it was this day she discovered she could, even if just a bit glazing part of the floor in her nectar.

Struggling to keep her eyes open she forced herself to look to Parc and saw him trembling as well but when she turned to his shaft she could see it, white staining through her panties and his cock jerking every few seconds.

They panted in tandem, Velvet's mouth lulling open while his curled into a devilish smile. Parc rose from his seat, bunched up the panties and took two steps towards Velvet. She didn't have the will to move, didn't want to either. She leaned back, spread her legs and dampened thighs and let him bring his shaft just kissing distance from her slit.

"I think you've earned a treat." He held the panties dripping in his expulsions as if presenting it to her and she stared at it fervently. It was dirty and gross and she just couldn't help but reach up to it with shuddering hands and took it. It was warm and sticky and quickly—after looking between it and him—she was bunching it up into a ball and stuffing it into her mouth. The stench so powerful permeated her mouth and struck up her lust even more than just his presence. His semen was like a drug, so powerful, so… addictive.

Parc pressed his hand against her chest and pushed her down onto her back with little resistance. With her laid down, he gripped her thigh as she brought both her hands over her head and held the edge of the table tightly, prepping herself for what she was sensing would be something she would never forget.

Holding her hip with one hand he used the other to stroke through her slit, hearing her whimper gagged noises of pleasure. By then her pussy had turned red and furious with the lips puffy and sensitive. She was shaved surprisingly enough, Parc had half expected her to have a slight fuzz but she was like a doll down there. Coco having been the main reason for that, the girl had a penchant for hygiene and style, even if that style did lead to her 'trimming' her teammate's unmentionables into a form she thought suited the rutting bunny girl.

Velvet clasped the table tighter as his hand moved from her slit and to his shaft, guiding it from the base to part her labium. She gulped, downing a mouthful of his seed and expectantly rolled her hips into a more comfortable position. Parc lifted her ass and tugged her a bit closer to himself before finally leaning over her. "Ready?" he spoke softly, almost caringly about her and she nodded in turn.

When he returned the gesture he leaned back, pressed his hips forwards, penetrating her enough that when his hand peeled away his shaft didn't dislodge. Then, almost out of nowhere he gripped her waist with one hand and the other on the table and rammed forth, prying apart her lips and penetrating her to the point she felt him knock against her deepest part.

Her chest tightened with pain and her back arched, eyes flaring open as tears uncontrollably dripped from her cheeks. Seeing them Parc was surprised and paused. He leaned back, looked down to where they were connected and saw the slight tinging of blood. "You were a virgin?" he muttered, a pang of guilt rupturing out for how roughly he'd stolen it from her. 'Could have been gentler,' he thought.

Velvet's chest puffed, raising and lowering rapidly as her teeth ground her panties. Parc leaned over and glided his thumb over her cheek wiping away her tears, "you okay?" Velvet clamped tight and with every heave of her chest, she'd tighten even more.

She sputtered, pushing her soiled garment from her mouth with her tongue and winced with the stinging of her crotch. "I-I'm fine." A smile rose to her expression as she forced through the pain with a cracked voice. "It… it'll calm down. Just… please be gentle now."

Parc shrunk inwardly but nodded on the outside. It was the least he could do after being so rough to her. Sliding his hips back Velvet hissed and clasped the table tight till her fingers turned white. He didn't move far, barely unsheathing half his member before slowly pushing back in.

Even with as slow as he was going, pangs of pain pumped through her body pleading her to stop, but beneath them, there was a pleasure just waiting to be released. She bit down, ground her teeth shut And arched her head back so she could stare up at the ceiling. Her body shifting and dulcet whimpers escaping her with every crawling thrust.

Gradually, the sting of her stolen virginity dwindled granting her a reprieve and let her loosen her tightened muscles. And with that came the pleasure, it was weak at first though much stronger than her fingers. "Haaa-mhhh…" Parc's grasp was tender on her hips. He'd grip and loosen as if massaging her to appease any lingering tenderness she may have been feeling.

It was an amazing feeling to her. He was so… tender to her yet also so forceful like a docile tiger playing with its favourite bunny. He could devour her so easily, she just knew it. He could throw her into an insane spiral of lust and addiction and yet he didn't.

Parc picked up the pace, gradually raising from half ploughs to full press that rocked the table she laid upon. Velvet's voice echoed louder, reverberating through the hollow interior of the cavernous building. A pleasing sound to Parc's ears when blended with the slick tightness of her honey pot that twisted with many little nubules of sensitive flesh

A hand drew from her thigh and crossed over to press into her belly where he could see a faint shimmering of light orange light rising over her groin. Even now long before they were done she was already falling to him. It was a cold, if not exciting feeling to him. She was a cute girl and while not the sexiest girl in his harem, she had this lapine cuteness that made him want to pamper her into oblivion. She was simply a beautiful, nubile woman for him to pamper and enjoy.

Parc licked his lips and stopped his thrusting. He helped her hook her legs around his back and pulled her closer. Her skin slick and wet with sweat. Through the milky haze of her brown eyes, she looked to him curiously and with ardour lacing her every molten expression. Without words needing to be shared between them, she already knew what to do. She released the table, set down her hands on the flat then wrung them around the back of Parc's neck as he leaned down. Then he rose and lifted her into his hold, he inched back to his seat and fell into it with a loud thump and a creak from the wood.

He held her cheek, again wiping away any marring tearstains. Velvet's lips had turned plump and red, practically oozing seductiveness that made him want to devour them. And he did.

They met lips once more, falling into a bout of passionate lovemaking. Halfway through which the hands that grasped her hips began to rock her back and forth, quickly replaced by her own movements as she sat straddling him with her feet curled back and resting on his knees.

It was a genial feeling. When her hips rocked his glans knocked against bundles of nerves just millimetres from her cervix, his size bulging her belly, the words… she couldn't think of them. She could only grind and enjoy the feelings. When that just wasn't enough and when their kiss had gone on for long enough she parted their tongues and began to grind harder, ramming him deeper, prying her walls further apart and even knocking straight against her cervix.

Any pain she'd once felt now gone to be replaced with painfully powerful gratification.

And then it came… no, and then they came.

It appeared suddenly yet with forewarning neither was lucid enough to comprehend. Her body convulsed heavily like she was seizing, the most powerful of shakes coming in tandem with each spout of Parc's cum that struck against her cervix and pressed into her womb. Part of her was thrilled at the concept of his seed taking lodge inside her, that she'd bare a kindling of his kittens. She knew it was wrong, she was too young to be thinking about that, but with him… she just couldn't hide those intrusive desires.

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