The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 244: Bunny Fun [4]

Velvet was late, which for the girl was not an everyday occurrence. She'd often be back in her dorm room with the rest of her team just ten, at most twenty minutes after her sessions with Lili and Ferry, often those later ones were because she was getting all squirmish with the professor.

Coco didn't expect much from the girl, Velvet was much too sensitive to be placing so much expectation on. But a little part, that minuscule nodule of bemusement inside Coco found it incomparably chic that her favourite bunny was crushing on their teacher.

It made for the best teasing leverage after all.

Coco looked between her two remaining teammates, Fox Alistair, her partner, and Yatsuhashi Daichi, Velvet's partner.

Fox was… unusual, to say the least of him. Probably also the most special of the team as well. His hair was much like his clothing, short and red-brown, so much so that it almost blended in with his chocolate hued skin. What made him special though was the many, many scars crossing his body and his hazy white eyes. He was blind, didn't mean he couldn't see through. Sometimes Coco felt him watching her, it wasn't as strong as when he was blatantly using his semblance and she was sure it was more just so he had a general grasp on his surroundings, but still, when she's showering and doing other shower-based things with the nozzle, she didn't need that uncomfortable all-eyes-on-me feeling he made.

Yatsuhashi was also special but in his own, titanic way. He was by far the largest person she'd ever come in contact with. Standing easily a head or two above everyone else. He was sensitive to his height, didn't like that it made him stick out like a blaring red thumb painted with magma that's also decided to grow horns, a halo, and start shining like the sun on a crack high. Finding him in a crowd was the easiest thing, just like the shampoo, you look for the head and shoulders above everyone else.

The two were doing their own things, Yatsuhashi was reading through a scroll, a literal scroll, all paper and rolled up with wooden sticks on the sides. While Fox was maintaining his weapons, a pair of gauntlet tonfa swords named Sharp Retribution. They were stylish if not a little monochromatic considering they were red which fitted with the rest of Fox's red person. She'd tried to get him to spruce it up a bit like she had in the past but after he learned she'd painted them pink with hearts on the side as a joke he'd taken to red. Something he had to ask someone else to do because he was well, blind.

"Velvet's taking a while," Fox said not turning his head up to look at Coco, just keeping it straight as his hands nimbly danced across his weapons oiling and polishing it with skilled and familiar movements.

Yatsuhashi looked up, glanced around the room and frowned worriedly. Velvet had always been something of his pet project, in that he was always concerned for her safety. Said she reminded him of his sister, Hiyoko. "Should we go look for her?"

"Nah, no reason for us all to go. I'll do it myself," Coco hummed in admiration as she found a stylish set of boots online. They were chic and stylish with beautiful black leather with golden trimmings and a sip down the side. There were so many things in her wardrobe that it would fit with that it made her lady bits happy.

Placing in a quick order, she closed her scroll, "probably run past the tuck on my way back. You guys want anything?"

"Dango." Yatsuhashi instantly responded.

"Oh my dear Yatsu, why are you so predictable?"

"Can't help it. They're my favourite snack. I'll bring some of Hiyoko's homemade ones after the break."

"Yeah, you do that champ. Fox, anything?"

"Gun oil. Some one's spilt milk and coffee grounds in mine, Coco."

Coco, jerked and fell into belated laughter, "I don't know what you're talking about, Fox."

"I'm sure you don't. Get me some spickes as well."

"Will do." Coco rose from her bed, stretched with pops rumbling from her arms and legs and moved to her desk. Taking from it her purse and digging through it for her wallet. While Beacon did give many things for free, snacks and confectionery were not one of them. The old man who ran the tuck shop was also one fickle of a bastard. Never once did Coco see anything less than ten lien when many of the things he sold were at most, five to six lien back in the city.

"I'll be back soon."

"Later." "Don't forget my gun oil."

The door shut behind her and within minutes she was passing the precipice of the dormitory, clambering down from the fifth floor and to the second where she paused and glanced down the ways to where Ferry and Lili were living. She was tempted to go and check if they were there, if they weren't chances were their lesson was going over a while.

'Where's the fun in that?' Coco chuckled and descended the steps once more and exited the building and into the night blanketed courtyard of Beacon, already knowing the exact route to get to where she was expecting to find the wabbit she was hunting.

She slid around corners, her heels clicking through the silence of waving tree branches which even though were losing their leaves still sounded like the low crash of waves against a beachfront. Once she got to the outer forest more evergreens began showing up and the sounds only turned harder and louder, coming to the point she could almost imagine a storm ramming against a cliff face.

Coco moved to the ledge and glanced out over the emerald forest. For the most part, it was an evergreen forest, so most all the trees were still their aptly named Emerald. The stars were bright tonight, she thought raising her hands to the sky and made a small mental camera, taking a snapshot of the brightest constellation she had a sudden bout of fashionable design inspiration just suddenly appear.

Swivelling her head to the side she looked to the cantilever classroom that had appeared out of nowhere those months ago. Down beneath the cliff, it was almost a magical sight to behold this strangely floating building. She especially loved the many banners hanging from the bottom that would wave in the wind, particularly the unusual designs on them. One looked like a zombie while another looked like an eyeball that decided a skull didn't suit them as housing anymore.

She couldn't hear anything coming from there but as she approached the indented staircase she could see light peeking through the edges of the gateway door, so someone was still there. Descending to the landing she crept close to the door and with lips curling up expectantly, pressed her ear against the door.

At first, it was silent, she could hear something, that someone was there but it wasn't loud. Barely noticeable if she hadn't been looking for it.

And then she heard it.


It was a cry, not of pain, not of anguish, but one of pure, unadulterated delectation. It was Velvets, that much that little snippet gave her, it also confirmed her expectations. "My oh my, Velvet getting reamed." Now that she knew what to look for her hearing seemed to strengthen and so she could hear the slaps, the wet squelches and the moans of Velvet. They were powerful and loud and completely degenerate in nature. Noises Coco hadn't ever heard from the girl, and Coco had done many, many things to Velvet just to hear all the noises the girl could make.

Coco wet her lips, sunk her hand into her pocket and pulled out her scroll and flipped it onto the camera app. If they were fucking she doubted they'd notice her sneaking a quick peek at and recording the day Velvet turned from a girl and into a woman. Prying open the door as slowly as she could so it didn't creak, Coco eventually got it open enough that she could push the edge of her scroll inside and with what little of the screen she could see, angled it down and took a picture.

She'd made especially sure to disable the flash and the sound. Taking back her scroll she inspected her new licentious picture but was drawn to confusion.

There wasn't anything dirty. Hell, there wasn't even a Velvet just Professor Evans sitting down at the table where Velvet did her lessons, calmly squinting at a small miniature model with a brush in his other hand and numerous paint tubs all around his workspace.

"What the fuck?" Coco wasn't willing to accept this, she knew Velvet was here. She had clearly heard Velvet. A sudden shiver stole her spine as she felt something slither across her boots. She turned down her gaze but could only catch the tail end of a golden worm squirming into a hole in the wall. Putting the harmless creature to the back of her mind she peeled to door open and stuck in the top of her head to check if it was maybe just her scroll acting up. It wasn't and just like she'd taken a picture of, there he was, Mr Evans sat doing the last thing she'd ever suspected from a supposed murderer.

Painting miniature models. She was too far to see what they were.

Coco mulled disappointedly but locked to the table as the thought that maybe they'd heard her coming and Velvet had scrambled into hiding beneath it occurred to her. Pushing the door open more she entered into the room and looked around for any more signs of Velvet's presence. There was nothing, not a hair, not lost knick-knack, not a chewed up carrot, hell, not even a lost panty or stocking.

The Professor looked up to her on hearing her entry. His smile setting off alarms inside Coco as she could just feel cockiness ooze off him. Not so much it made her want to punch him but enough that it gave him this almost celebrity sense of self-importance.

"Good evening Coco. Are you looking for Velvet?" He said as calm as a bee.

"Sure," Coco descended the steps, continuing to search the room for anything but still came up with naught. Except for one thing, the stench of sex. Of a woman's musk and the stench of caramel espresso's. It was so clear he'd done something dirty with someone that it was slowly stirring up her sexual excitement. He was handsome, with chiselled features and a well-endowed body, whether he had the endowment down there she'd need first-hand experience to truly verify, that or Velvet's determination. "She just not normally this late. I was thinking she might still be here." She locked her gaze to him.

"Really? Well, her session with Lili and Ferry ended a while ago. She should have already returned to the dorms."

"Well, she hasn't. So I'm looking for her now." Coco drew nearer the table and saw the miniatures accrued atop it. Pinups, they were larger than the ones her little brother painted and played with but small enough that they could still be considered miniature. There were five in total.

The first was an unusual Faunus, a snake one by the looks of the snakes tail extruding from her lower half replacing her legs. She had a shapely form, wide hips, large breasts that were lacking in nipples and a seemingly eternal 'fuck me' face as she dripped one hand between her legs to where her slit would be while the other held one of her breasts.

The rest were more humanoid but all the while woman in various states of scantily clad that Coco found highly attractive. If they were her size and actually alive, you could bet she'd happily be bedding each one.

One of them though took her attention. This one was a true Faunus, a simple girl with beautiful curves and sat on her spread knees, a hand dug beneath her panties digging her fingers into her crotch while her other rested behind her on the ground to hold herself up. A permanent look of euphoria on the painted girls face. The painting was done with such skill that Coco could even see spit dripping down her chin and nectar trickling down her inner thighs. Most importantly was one more added addition, the sloppily hanging rabbits ears rising from her scalp.

Coco lifted the miniature and turned towards her, pausing as she realized the face looked exactly like Velvet's just ruined with pure degeneracy.

"Are you making pinups of your students?" realizing that she looked to the other miniatures, ignoring the snake faunus one the rest were familiar faces. One looked Like Yang Xiao-long while another like Blake, even one for Ruby and Weiss. Then there was the one in his hands, the one he was just finishing up on painting.

"I bought these online. Any similarities are purely accidental."

"Accidental my pretty ass!" Coco reached for the new miniature slapping down Velvet's on the table and rose the new one to eye level, immediately recognizing her face on it. "This is me!" she argued. "I mean, I looking pretty damn hot like this but still, you made a bloody porn model of me!"

Of all the things the model could show, Coco on her knees with her body arched forwards while her arms were being pulled back by an invisible man who was very clearly ploughing into her pussy through the thong that had been slid to the side while her breasts were on full display, was not it.

She eyed it with doubt, disgust, and a small bit of appreciation before turning to Parc with a completely different expression. "Where'd you buy these by the way? Cause if there's more that look like this I might just have discovered a new hobby." Lust, like she'd just found something fun to do.

At first Parc looked surprised but that rapidly devolved into blatant admiration laced with joy. "I was not expecting that. You're more perverted than I expected."

"Say's the bloke with nudie models of his students. I just appreciate the female body, in all its forms." Coco seated herself opposite him, continuing to lecherously leer at her own body. Her skin was a perfect shade, exactly like her own. Which only worked to make her crotch all the more excited.

"What about the male form? You enjoy that as much as the ladies?" Evan's leaned into his seat, paintbrush spinning nimbly in his hands like a dancing ballerina.

Coco rose him a bemused smile, "are you hitting on me?" setting down her figure she took one of the other paint brushes and spun it in an effort to mimic his motions but couldn't do it quite as nimbly as he could.

"Depends," he smirked, eyes heating with fervent desire, "is it working."

"Hun, if I wasn't keeping you for Velvet I would have fucked you weeks ago-Ah shit," as Coco chuckled the brush she'd been attempting to spin fell from her hand, clattered across the table and rolled off the ledge, just like she'd been planning. "One sec hotstuff." Coco leaned over, reaching for the fallen paintbrush but the moment her head passed out of Parc's view she turned her eyes across the underside.

She didn't have to look far to find her sought object. There, just across from her was the back of Velvet. Her clothes were dishevelled, her skirt hiked up high and wrinkled, her hair frayed and messy while her ears hung languidly down the sides of her face. Noises, slurps and suckles wet with saliva rumbled from her and Coco could see one of her hands between her legs digging into her pussy scraping white fluid from her tunnel.

Coco's rising stride paused, Velvet, she was more than just a mess. She was completely and utterly decimated. Everywhere Coco looked there was splotches of white, even beneath her legs there was a puddle of white semen.

Slowly she rose, her body straight as she looked across to Evans, his smile now even brighter than before and the noises of Velvet even louder. She couldn't understand it, how could he be so calm and look so unaffected while Velvet was sucking him off? Better yet, how much spunk was inside him that he could paint Velvet white?

"So…" Coco trailed off, "I'm guessing you heard me coming?"

"I've got cameras at the front door and at the top of the steps. I knew you were coming from the moment you stepped foot onto the cliff." One of his hands fell beneath the table to grasp the back of Velvet's head, the slurps turned to gags as finally Coco was seeing a reaction from the man.

"You know, I'm a little lost for words. I mean, I was hoping to see something but still. My lord what did you do to her? Has she even noticed I'm here?" Coco doubted that, when she'd peaked down Velvet looked so enthralled bobbing her head on his down there that it looked like his cock was the only thing her mind could focus on and comprehend.

Evens rested back into his seat, turned down his gaze to Velvet's glossy heart addled eyes and back to Coco, "I don't think she's noticed much for a while."


The conversation died as quickly as it had begun, the echoing reverberation of Velvet's fellacio teasing Coco's ears at every moment. Her cheek twitched and 'it' began to hunger.

"Want to join us?" Evan's spoke, breaking the ice with such finesse that Coco had only one response.

She beamed with bright anticipation and shot up from her seat.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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