The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 99: Sayo part 1

Were it the modern day, Parc fully expected Sayo to be releasing some deep-fried screech that only grew louder the longer he kept his lips upon hers. She even seemed to be malfunctioning from how her arms had jerked up and froze either side of Parc's body.

Smirking just a little, Parc pulled back, finally parting from a wide eyed Sayo staring at him with an increasingly red face. Standing by the bedside, Parc placed a hand on his hip, waiting for Sayo to finally compute his import.

"Th-that-was-" Sayo's hands rocket to her face, fingers pressing against her lips before steam poofed off her head. "Why would you do that!" She screeched slamming her fists down on the bed, quickly raising them back up to hide her embarrassed self

"Eh, been gone for a while, thought I'd give you a little hello and I'm home gift." He chuckled seating himself on the side of the bed, resting his back against the rest just beside Sayo while looming half off the bed, propped up only by his leg keeping him up.

"That wasn't a gift!" She parted from her hand fort for just a second long enough for Parc to see her narrowed eyes and lightly tilted lips.

"Hmm, then would you consider this one?" Parc hooked an arm around Sayo's back, lightly gripping her shoulder. Tugging her halfway onto his chest while she let out a strangled chirp at the sudden firmness of her body being pressed into Parc.

Sayo's jaw chattered as if speech were to come out, yet nothing did. The chattering soon coming to a halt, finding herself 'calming' down enough that only her heart was trying to tear through her ribcage and dive out the window.

She didn't say anything, not because she couldn't but because her brain had gone on a temporary shutdown. Only seeming to process Parc's short breath's and the soft thu-thump of his heart. Finding a strange comfort in its rhythmic beats.

"You are beautiful, Sayo. No matter the scars," Parc gently whispered down to her. Her hand risen onto his chest, squeezing part of his shirt between her fingers.

"Why do you keep saying that…" she mumbled.

"Cause its true."

"You just want to get into my pants…"

Parc snorted, casting a glance down to Sayo's pantless legs. Only part covered being her crotch by a her lace purple panties. "Of course I do, what man wouldn't want to get in a beautiful girls pants?"

Sayo's grip on his shirt grew tighter. "Half a beautiful girl…"

"Hey," Parc chuckled, "least your not saying your not beautiful anymore."

With a sniffle, Sayo pushed back on Parc chest. Lifting her off of him. Her head turning up to face him. "Why me? There are so many other girls here prettier than me. More whole than me. So why?"

Parc's expression softened immensely, resting a hand on Sayo's cheek Parc brought his head down, laying his forehead against hers, "Cause I like you. As simple as that. Just like I like Sheele and Mine, I like you. And I'm a greedy person Sayo, when I like something, I want to make it mine. And that's exactly what I want to do with you."

Throughout his words he could feel Sayo's cheeks warming ever so slightly, "But…" he trailed off stroking her cheekbone with his thumb. "Just like I told you a while ago I'm not going to force you."

"But you forced yourself on my lips," she blinked and was red.

"Heh, yeah. I'm anything if not a hypocrite, I know." He chuckled, head tilting to the side.

Sayo went still, her mind hasting through her options, finding only one truly sticking out to her like a sore thumb. "I…" she trailed off lifting a hand to overlap it with Parc's. "I…" she said again, tilting her eyes down, away from Parc's face, "I like you." The moment those three words came out, a spark had come alight in her eyes as she lifted them up, intersecting them with Parc's. "I don't know why you like me. But I… I like you." She said with a bit of determined embarrassment to her voice. Raising a brighter smile to Parc's expression than before.

"If, if your okay with half a girl. I'm…" she sucked in through her mouth, "I'm happy to be yours." She squeezed Parc's hand.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine with half a girl Sayo," he dropped his hand from her cheek onto her waist. Bringing his other to join it on her other hip. "Shall I show you just how 'fine' I am with it?" he whispered.

Sayo gulped, hesitating for a second before she slowly nodded.

"Then let's get you into a better position," he gripped down on her hips, lifting her from the bed with a bit of surprised assistance from her leg. Rising her enough that he could scoot into the centre of the bed and drop her down in between his legs. Her back resting on his chest while his hands locked on her belly while he nestled his chin atop her shoulder.

Sayo blinked profusely, confusion filling her at the surprisingly romantic position he put himself when she was expecting something a little more… frisky. "You're not going to…" the words caught in her throat.

"In a bit. For now I just feel like doing this," he said breathing a bit of her flowery scented hair. Adding a small peck on the nape of her neck.

Sayo's lips feel open, holding that position for a while. A sight Parc was able to catch a glimpse of as he continued peppering her neck with kisses. "I may seem like I only think about sex. But I do actually like spending time with my girls." He chuckled out.

"I didn't-"

"Still, I'm going to be in you within the hour either way. This is really just foreplay to get you ready." He pecked on the end of her jawbone, raising his lips upto the lobe of her ear where he let his tongue come out and trail over her lobe, causing it to gently move into his mouth where his teeth closed, biting down on it enough that she could feel it, but not any pain.

"Hgk, d-don't do that!" she stuttered and pulled away, Parc releasing her just before her ear could no longer stretch.

"Aww, it wasn't that bad," he hummed returning to peppering her nape with kisses. Her head tilting to the side on its own as if by instinct presenting her neck for him. "It was just a little bite," his last kiss ending with a small nibble on her presented neck. Locking his lips to her, forming a suction before popping off leaving a bright hickey on her.

"Hnnn," Sayo whined, having to admit to herself that it really wasn't that bad. Actually, finding it a bit enticing somewhere deep inside herself. So enticing did she find it that even as Parc continued leaving more and more hickeys and light, toothy indentations on her neck, she didn't utter a word in protest. Only soft whines.

"Sayo," Parc lifted a hand to her chin, guiding her to turn to face him. "What do you want me to do to you?"

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