The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 91 - Martial Law

While the adventurers give voice to their confusion, my monsters are hard at work to prepare the second scene. It does not take long for the ambience of the gardens to be replaced entirely with the backgrounds of a lovely manor’s room, the walls furnished with shelves and displays holding various pieces of weaponry, artwork and other trinkets. Several comfortable armchairs stand in the middle of the space, as well as a cushioned couch. The furniture and decorations are largely made up of dark, polished wood, while the cushions are mostly red with golden highlights.

As the curtain rises on the scene, several people already occupy the seating space available, while two more stand to either side.

The rightmost character is the guard, still fully in platemail and standing at attention in the corner of the room. The character standing to the left of the seating arrangement is “Nathan” in a military dress uniform, pacing up and down the other side of the room. Allea, the Father and the bard are seated on the couch, while a pair of mannequins in dress and suit sit in two of the armchairs while Ellie sits in another one.

The adventurers watch with curiosity and a questioning gaze, likely wondering whether or not the Ellie sitting there is their lost comrade.

“After the guests have all gathered in the sitting room, General Corbin, who has taken control of the situation, hurries to address them in the name of their host.”

The military man pauses his pacing and speaks to the people in attendance.

“Thank you all for gathering. As you likely know, a murder has occurred on the manor grounds. Countess Cassidy is dead, at the hands of an unknown assailant. Her father has demanded the murderer be found, and I don’t intend to fail him. For the purposes of investigation, you will all be required to extend your stay as guests, for now. The servants and other staff will likewise stay on the grounds, but I don’t expect this investigation to take overly long. Tomorrow, we will begin individual questioning of all of those present, including myself, by an independent investigator that the Count has insisted on, however unnecessary that may be. The guards will call upon you when it is your turn. Please enjoy the rest of your evening.”

With hushed conversations the seated people get up and slowly filter off the stage past the guard, before the military man gave a nod towards the guard and they briefly go off stage as well before returning followed by a young man in a chef’s hat as well as several mannequins in servant uniforms and maid dresses.

“Like I just informed the guests, a murder has occurred in the gardens tonight. You are required to stay in the servant quarters until the matter is resolved, and heed the guard’s instructions. If this causes interruptions to your normal duties, you are excused from the regular duties, this takes precedence, by order of the Count. Are there any questions?”

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