The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 92 - Investigator Less

“After the serving staff has been informed of the temporary arrangement, everyone retires to an early night's rest.” Echo announces while the Actors all exit the scene to the right.

The light dimms upon the room, giving the impression of night falling, the only source of light a gentle ambient white glow, supposed to mirror what I assume moonlight looks like.

“Or, is it everyone?” Echo follows up, as the scene is disturbed by a figure. The Outline of a humanoid can be seen, its features and details obscured by darkness and shadow, entering the room from the right.

The figure cautiously looks around before making its way towards the displays in the back. They produce something glimmering faintly silver in the darkness, and position it on the shelf, then, carefully, pull out a piece of cloth and polish the item for a while.

When they are done, they back away from the display into the center of the room. Then, with a shudder, the body goes slack for a moment, before righting itself and looking around for a moment in confusion.

Shrugging, the figure sets off out of the room once more, its mannerisms entirely different to the cautiousness it displayed previously, as it saunters off casually.

After the figure has left, everything is quiet for a while, before a warmer light slowly fills the scene again.

“ The rest of the night passes uneventfully, and so the manor slowly rouses itself to greet an uneasy morning of uncertainty and worry.

An individual arrives at the manor gates at this juncture, finding it barred and manned by dozens of guards, but after confirming their identity, they are let in and are brought to the sitting room.”

The Guard enters the scene, guiding another individual onto the stage. The features of Juliette once more grace the audience with their presence.

This time, she wears a hat, and her hair is tucked away in a ponytail behind it. Her clothing is vastly different as well, Her entire frame being covered in gray fabric in the form of a coat.

“This is the sitting room, Investigator.” the guard proclaims. “Wait here just a moment, the general will be with you shortly.”

In lieu of an audible response, the investigator merely nods and takes a seat on one of the armchairs in the center of the room, their attention focused on their surroundings as they inspect them, taking in every detail.

In the light, one can see the object that was placed on the shelves in the back by the mysterious figure just moments ago, and the inspector's gaze certainly sweeps over it as well: A silver circlet, not unlike the one worn by “Countess Cassidy” in the beginning of the very first scene.

After a moment of inspection, the General once more enters the stage. He seems awkward as he addresses the newcomer, hands wringing and posture shifting.

“Ah, Inspector Less. It is an honor to finally meet the respectable private eye. My name is General Corbin. I'll cut to the chase if that is alright with you?”

After receiving a nod from the seated investigator, he chuckles slightly.

“A man of few words, huh? Well, the situation is as follows. Yesterday night, around 11 pm, The heiress of the estate, Countess Cassidy, was found dead in the gardens.

The first to discover and report her body was a young bard, who alerted nearby guests and a guard, which verified the situation.

I have ordered a curfew and total lockdown of the manor, the killer cannot have gotten out in time, the wounds on her body were too fresh.

We were preparing to conduct interviews for testimony today, if you would care to join us?”

Receiving another nod, the general exhales and speaks again.

“Very well, let us grab the first guest then.”

With those words, the curtain falls on the second scene of the first act.

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