The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 94 - Interrogations

The next time the curtain lifts, the scene is once again different. A small room, made visibly smaller by the side curtains - the tormentors - being drawn up, is lined with bookshelves. There is a window through which light enters, barely illuminating a desk which stands in the middle of the room, with chairs on either side.

The investigator sits on one side, their face partially covered by the shade the rim of their hat provides, concealing their eyes and leaving only their mouth visible which is turned upside down in a frown.

Opposite them, the general sits, clearly uncomfortable in the silence and under the other person's attention. With a deeper voice than she normally uses, kind of gruff sounding, Juliette speaks.

“So, General, recount your evening for me please. Broad strokes is fine, I will ask clarifying questions if required.”

It is impressive how much control over her voice she attained without a specific skill for it. She sounds like an entirely different person talking. The fact that she is not limited by any form of biology in the sounds she can make probably helps: No vocal chords that are incapable of producing higher or lower sounds. With enough practice, humans can attain impressive control over their voice as well, but Juliette’s skillful control should be impressive even to them.

After a moment, the general wipes away beads of sweat that began forming on his forehead, before launching into a lengthy explanation of his evening's outline.

“Well, I arrived on the property in the early afternoon as one of the first guests. The manor guard and its guard captain welcomed me into a strategy meeting and I was informed of the planned procedures, in case I wanted to make some last minute alterations.

The shifts and patrols seemed reasonable to me at the time, and so I simply signed off on the plan and returned to the foyer, where I spent the time waiting for the event to begin at the bar with Count Cassidy.”

“You didn't propose any alterations?” the person opposite them interjects, and the general shakes his head.

“None.” he insists, “The guard captain knows the grounds and his men and women better than me. I don't think I could improve on their plan. The only reason I have been put in charge of the guards is, that under a noble's and a general's authority they can apprehend even those of the highest standing that were invited. I take my duty seriously though, and swiftly took control of the situation after… the incident.”

“Right. Returning to you waiting at the bar, how did the rest of the evening leading up to the… incident go?”

“Oh, swimmingly. Once the first guests arrived I began making the rounds, greeting old friends and exchanging pleasantries. I got into an insightful discussion about military history with this lovely young lady whose name unfortunately escapes me, which lasted the better part of an hour, before the dinner.

The dinner itself was great, I was seated next to a young bard who was quite entertaining to listen to while eating. And the food was great too, I got into a conversation with the chef about it while the servants delivered the desserts.”

The general pauses and looks at the person in front of him, but with no interruption forthcoming, simply continues with his recollection.

“After dinner, I retreated to the sitting room with Count Cassidy and some of our hunting friends, where we exchanged news and made plans for a hunting trip at my summer estate next month.

That too eventually broke up, as these gatherings tend to do at parties, and I simply drifted between groups until I was waved over by a group of ladies including Count Cassidy's wife. She related to me her daughter's fascination with history, and asked if I would not provide her with a retelling of some pieces of our country's military history.

When I accepted, a young lady that was part of the group, I believe her name was Lady Lander, a distant cousin of the countess, went to go fetch her from the gardens. Shortly after, she was found dead, and I took control of the guards and initiated a lockdown of the manor grounds.”

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