The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 95 - Questions

Allea sits opposite Juliette in the silent chamber. The general has been excused to tend to a thorough search of the grounds, while the rest of the witnesses are being processed by the investigator. “Lady Lander” has been called up next.

“Young Lady, recount your evening for me please. Broad strokes is fine, I will ask clarifying questions if required.” the Investigator says, this time in a soothing tone. Allea is doing a great job of portraying her character, a shivering mess trying her best to hold herself together. Occasional tremors in her arms and a grimace upon her face, she begins to recount.

“Well, that evening I met lots of people, so I am not entirely sure I can remember all the details even if you ask, but I will try my best. It all began with the mingling and the dinner. Eventually I got roped into Aunt Cassidy’s group where she introduced me to all her… “book club” friends. They were nice enough, and I spent a while getting to know some of them.

Eventually my aunt got into a hushed conversation with the general, and then sent me to go fetch my cousin. I found her in the gardens upon asking a guard about her whereabouts, and told her to go. When she was gone, Father Fandrel joined me in the gardens and we enjoyed the peace and quiet in silence for a while before… well… before that bard screamed.”

She visibly deflates as she finishes her recounting, and the investigator nods thoughtfully, taking notes on a piece of parchment before shuffling a small stack of similar pages, looking over them momentarily.

“Thank you Lady Lander. That will be all. Guards, would you please fetch Father Fandrel up next?”

So saying, Juliette lifts her head just high enough that her eyes are visible in the gloomy light of the scene and looks at the person sitting opposite her.

“Go and take a rest now.”

Allea nods and rises to a standing position before staggering momentarily and stumbling out of the room under the gaze of the investigator.

Shortly after, “Harry” enters the scene the picture of solemn severity as they march towards the table and take a seat.

“Welcome, Father. Please, recount your evening for me. Broad strokes is fine, I will ask clarifying questions if required.” The investigator intones once more, and the Father, clearly prepared, immediately launches into an explanation.

“I arrived late as a member of our congregation required my attention yesterday afternoon, but when I entered the manor proper after the dinner had already concluded, I made the rounds and talked to acquaintances and made some new ones. Then I went to seek out the kitchen staff to ask for some leftovers, as I was feeling quite famished.

The cook was nice enough to prepare a meal for me and entertain me in his kitchen, though he seemed to become anxious as our conversation dragged on, so I excused myself and retreated to the gardens, finishing my food just before running into a young bard and a nice young lady enjoying themselves, so I hurried on towards a more secluded space, where I ran into Lady Lander and spent some time in serenity before… it happened.”

“Right. Thank you Father. Now, the young bard you encountered was the selfsame that later alerted you, Lady Lander and finally the guard to the crime?” the investigator questions, their face betraying no hint of emotion.

“I believe that to be the case, though I did not look closely upon the scene.” the Father responds.

“And you likely would not be able to recognize the lady in question either?” the investigator demands, only to be met with a shrug, by the stoic priest.

“I am afraid not.”

“Understood. If I have further questions I will call for you again.” The investigator dismisses the man, before once more addressing the guards outside.

“Guards, bring in the bard.”

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