The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Sorting Ceremony

A group of first-year little pods carefully followed Hagrid's footsteps, stumbling along a steep and narrow path downhill.The Weasley brothers still protected Ada one after another, and Fred, who was walking in front, would remind Ada and George to be careful where they step.

"Turn this corner, and you will soon see Hogwarts for the first time!" Hagrid shouted back to the first-year students.

"Wow!!!" Various exclamations sounded from the crowd.

A black lake suddenly opened up at the end of the narrow path.On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with spiers and windows shining under the starry sky.

Ada looked at the castle from a distance, and the little lights filtered through the windows, as if they were lighting the way back for wanderers in the distance.

Hagrid took everyone to the shore, where a fleet of boats was moored.Hagrid ordered that there should be no more than four people in each boat, and Bento boarded the boat first.The little pods also gathered their friends and started boarding the boat.Ada was the first to find an empty boat and let the twins board the boat first. After Ada waved another person on board, Ada boarded the boat.

I met this person just now when I was looking for a boat - Angelina Johnson, a dark-skinned little girl with a ponytail.

After seeing everyone on board, Hagrid began to lead everyone forward.A group of small boats sailed forward across the quiet lake. In the dark night, the towering castle's twinkling lights were like a lighthouse in the sea.

The boat carried Aida and the four of them past the cliff and the ivy curtain covering the front of the cliff, then passed through a dark tunnel, and finally stopped at a place that should be an underground dock.

Everyone waited there for a while, and after finishing counting the ships, Hagrid led everyone forward.Passing through a tunnel in the rock, we finally arrived at a flat, wet meadow in the shadow of the castle.Everyone climbed up a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a huge oak door.

Hagrid raised a fist as big as a casserole and knocked on the castle door three times.

The oak door immediately opened, and Professor McGonagall appeared in front of the door wearing a black robe.With a straight face and an extremely serious expression, she glanced around the crowd and naturally saw Ada standing between the two flaming red-haired teenagers.

"She looks so serious!" whispered George.

"It's not easy to deal with!" Fred frowned and looked at Professor McGonagall.

"It's really scary." Angelina agreed quietly.

Professor McGonagall, who looked serious and meticulous, seemed to be quite bluffing. Ada whispered: "Professor McGonagall is a very nice person, as long as you don't get into her hands." In Ada's view, McGonagall is a very nice person. Although Professor Ge is strict, she is also a gentle person.

"Freshmen, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid pointed at the students behind him.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave it to me when you get here." Professor McGonagall said to Hagrid, "Freshmen, keep quiet and follow me."

Professor McGonagall motioned for everyone to follow her, and then walked ahead along the stone floor.Aida and the other two followed the crowd forward, and the buzzing sounds of hundreds of people came from the door on the right.

Finally, led by Professor McGonagall, the first-year students arrived at a small empty room at the other end of the hall.A group of people poured in, and the small room suddenly seemed a little crowded.The Weasley brothers still played the role of flower protectors, but this time there was one more flower to protect, Angelina Johnson.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you take your seats in the auditorium, you must first confirm which college you have entered. Classification is a This is an important ceremony, because the college is like your home at Hogwarts while you are at school. You will attend classes with other students in the college, live in the college dormitory together, and spend time together in the college common room After school time.

"The names of the four houses are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious history..."

Professor McGonagall held a general meeting above, and the more daring students held a small meeting below.

Angelina asked: "Do you know how to sort into different schools?" She was very worried about the sorting ceremony. She was afraid that she would not pass.

Ada couldn't remember exactly, she just thought it shouldn't be too difficult.After all, Hogwarts will also admit some children from Muggle families. If sorting is difficult, then these people may have to pack up their things and go home during the sorting.

"We don't know. It shouldn't be too difficult. After all, we are only in first grade." The twins said.

After hearing what the twins said, Angelina thought about it and was not so scared anymore. A group of first-grade children would not face a troll!

"Gryffindor is the best house, Ada." George whispered to Ada, but looked at Professor McGonagall who was still talking above.

"Dumbledore graduated from Gryffindor." Fred continued, "And don't go to Slytherin!"

"There are a lot of bad guys there, and that's where the most dark wizards are." As soon as George finished speaking, several unfriendly eyes were cast over him.The twins were not afraid at all, but stared back one by one.

Sure enough, Slytherin Feng Ping was killed as a baby.Ada knew that the two of them were explaining to her. Angelina also came from a wizarding family, so the four colleges naturally knew about it.But isn’t it common sense that there are five of the four major colleges?Shouldn't it be Azkaban that you should never go to?

"I know, but the academy is not a commodity in Diagon Alley, so why should I choose? It would be interesting if the four of us had one academy each." Ada said while glaring back at the few people just now.If you dare to stare at me, I will pluck out your eyelashes!

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that you tidy up while waiting." Professor McGonagall said, "When the other side is ready, I will pick you up. Remember to stay Quiet!"

After speaking, Professor McGonagall left the room.

"I'm still nervous about the sorting ceremony. Is it a test or some other method?" After Mag left, Angelina asked again.

"Don't think so much, Angelina. You'll know in a minute." Ada patted Angelina on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "We're already here, so you won't drive us home again, right?"

Suddenly there was a scream around them, and it turned out that more than twenty ghosts suddenly jumped out of the wall behind them, and Angelina, who looked nervous, jumped up.The first-year students looked at the group of pearly-white, translucent ghosts in horror. The ghosts didn't even care about these little beanies who were frightened by them, or they didn't expect that they could scare Hogwarts. students...

The ghosts talked quietly to each other, then streaked across the room, the fish piercing through the opposite wall and disappearing.

Professor McGonagall had also returned at this time and said to the first-year students: "Now, line up in a single file and follow me."

Everyone followed Mag to the auditorium. Tens of thousands of candles floating in the air illuminated the auditorium very brightly, and the velvety black ceiling was twinkling with starlight.

There is a long table on the platform at the top of the auditorium, which is where the teachers sit. There are four tables at the bottom, corresponding to the four colleges.

The freshmen faced the students below, hundreds of faces looking at them, mixed with the hazy silver light emitted by the ghosts.

Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the new students, and she placed a wizard's hat on the stool.The hat was covered with patches, it was very worn and dirty.For the first time, Ada felt that compared to the Sorting Hat, the clothes in the orphanage were so clean!

There was silence in the auditorium, and the Sorting Hat began to twist and crack a wide slit, like a mouth--the Sorting Hat sang:

You may think I'm not pretty,

But don't judge a book by its cover,



in my hand (although i don't even have a hand)

you are absolutely safe

Because I am a thinking magic hat!

When the Sorting Hat finished singing and bowed, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

"Now, you don't have to worry, Angelina." Ada smiled at Angelina.Angelina finally let go of her hanging heart.

At this time, Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward holding a roll of parchment.

"Whoever's name I call now will sit on the stool, put on his hat, and wait for sorting." She said, "Joel Angie!"

A little chubby boy walked out of the queue, looking a little fussy.He put on his hat, sat down, and waited for a while.

"Hufflepuff!" the Sorting Hat announced loudly.

People at the table on the right applauded and cheered for Joel Angie, and Joel also came to sit at that table.

"Cody Avery!"

Avery walked out, looking very stinky. He was the only one who had just glared at Ada.As soon as the Sorting Hat touched his head, he couldn't wait to announce, "Slytherin!"

Avery put down his hat, pulled out a smile that he thought was very chic, and walked to the Slytherin table calmly.

Professor McGonagall called a few more people's names, and the Sorting Hat also assigned these people to their respective suitable houses.

"Cedric Diggory!"

A tall, handsome boy sat on the stool and put on the sorting hat.This time the Sorting Hat stayed a little longer, "Hufflepuff!"


The sorting is still going on, but there are not many people left. Angelina, who had been anxious before, has been sorted into Gryffindor. The girl's excitement can be seen through her beating ponytail.

"Alia Spinnet!"


Professor McGonagall took a look at the parchment, then looked up at Ada who was a little distracted, and then said: "Esmeralda Drizzt!"

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