The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Ada and the Sorting Hat

Fred gently pushed Ada, who was distracted, "It's your turn, Ada."

Ada came back to her senses, walked forward and sat on the stool. The dirty sorting hat was put on her head. The hat was a bit big and blocked most of Ada's sight.Professor McGonagall looked at Ada. She really hoped that Ada could be assigned to her own college.Even Dumbledore is paying attention to Ada's sorting results.

"Well, there's some trouble..." A small voice sounded in Ada's ears.The Sorting Hat took Ada's head and turned in the direction of Gryffindor. "I have strong courage in my heart, and my courage and courage are very suitable for Gryffindor. This seems to be a good choice!"

Before Ada could say anything, her head was turned to the long table of Ravenclaw by the Sorting Hat, "Smart and talented, you are eager to explore the world and master more knowledge, and it seems to be very suitable for Ravenclaw." labor."

Then there is the direction of Hufflepuff, "It's not bad here. Hufflepuff is very tolerant. You will meet a lot of partners here, and they will be tolerant of your characteristics."

Is it time for Slytherin?Ada thought to herself.

"That's right, the next Slytherin!" She naturally turned to the direction of Slytherin, and Ada had given up resistance, "Contempting dogma, not satisfied with the status quo, and doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal, well, here Slytherin It will help you move towards glory..."

"How's it going? Have you thought about it?" the Sorting Hat said.

"It's okay, I don't really care about it." Ada replied.In fact, Ada really didn't care which college she went to. In her opinion, which college she went to was not just studying. No matter how bad it was, could it still be worse than an orphanage?

"How about Slytherin? There you will meet some like-minded people, and they will go to glory with you, create glory, and satisfy all your ambitions..." The Sorting Hat whispered to Ada.

Ada's head was still facing the direction of the Slytherin table under the control of the Sorting Hat. The Sorting Hat seemed to want her to take this advantage.Ada thought silently in her heart: Slytherins will be Slytherins, but my origin is a little embarrassing. I hope there won't be any conflicts with everyone!

"Then Slytherin...the choice is yours, isn't it?" Ada responded softly.

"Oh, is that so... Then I'll announce it!" the Sorting Hat said with interest, "Gryffindor!"

The Sorting Hat and Ada's head suddenly turned to the long Gryffindor table on the other side. This move was so sudden that it almost twisted Ada's neck!

Applause and cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table.Ada put down the sorting hat and walked towards the long table while rubbing her neck.

Compared to Slytherin, Gryffindor is obviously a better choice in Ada's heart, and it should be easier to get along with the little lions.

"Well, it is indeed best to be placed in Gryffindor. Dumbledore, I have helped you a lot." Ada did not hear the Sorting Hat's whisper, and even Professor McGonagall did not hear it clearly.

Ada walked to the long Gryffindor table, and the seniors and senior sisters were welcoming her to join.Angelina Johnson waved to Ada, and Ada walked towards her.After sitting down next to Angelina, he said hello to Alia Spinnet.

After Ada, Fred and George were also sorted into Gryffindor. Percy was introducing his twin brother to the people around him, while Charlie stood up directly and said to the twins: "I did it." Okay, Fred, George, that’s it!”

The twin brothers were the last two students. As they were sorted into Gryffindor, the sorting ceremony officially ended.

Albus Dumbledore stood up.He looked at the students with a smile on his face, and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than seeing the students gathered together.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! First of all, I am pleased to welcome a new teacher to our teaching lineup this semester. Welcome Professor Benedict Foley, who Kindly agree to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts vacancy."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium. It was not that everyone did not welcome the gorgeously dressed welfare professor, but that he delayed everyone's meal.

The applause, which was not good at all, quickly subsided, and Dumbledore continued: "Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: "Enjoy the food!" "

Let's get straight to the point. Dumbledore's words are concise and concise.The applause and cheers didn't stop until Dumbledore sat down for a while. Compared with just now, it was like a sky and an earth.

Food suddenly appeared on the empty plate on the table. It was very rich. Ada had not had such a rich meal for a long time, and she had not had a meal while looking up at the stars.

The Weasley brothers beside them had already begun to feast on their food, and the hungry Ada also began to feast on the food. There was no trace of the loss of appetite that Mrs. Mary said.

The ghost of Gryffindor was chatting with the new students. Some called him Sir Porpington, and others called him Nearly Headless Nick.Seeing that some freshmen didn't understand what "almost headless" meant, Sir Porpington kindly showed off his head, which had only a little bit of skin and was still attached to the body. What a miserable word!

However, none of this had anything to do with Ada, who kept eating.Her eating appearance is not rude, on the contrary, it is quite good-looking. The knife and fork are constantly working together, like a mature assembly line. She chews very quickly, so she eats a lot.

After everyone was full, the food was replaced with desserts, and everyone finally had time to chat.The twins were telling jokes, making Alia and Angelina laugh.

Finally, the dessert disappeared, Dumbledore stood up again, and the auditorium returned to calm.

"Everyone has eaten and drank enough. I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I would like to give you a few things to pay attention to."

"Attention first-year freshmen, no students are allowed to enter the forest area on the school grounds. Some of our old classmates should also remember this well."

Dumbledore paused slightly, "Furthermore, the administrator, Mr. Filch, also asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors between classes. The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. .Any students who are interested in participating in the college team please contact Ms. Huo Qi."

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore said enthusiastically.However, the expressions of the other professors were not very good, their faces were stiff, and they did not buy into the principal's fault.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting like a snake high above the dining table and coiling out lines of text.

"Each one chooses his own tune," said Dumbledore. "Get ready, sing!"

Then all the teachers and students sang loudly:

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Please teach us knowledge,

Whether we are bald old people

Or a child with a broken knee,

Our minds can accept

some fun stuff.

Because now our brains are empty, full of air,

dead flies and trifles,

teach us some valuable knowledge,

Give us back what we have forgotten,

You just do your best and leave the rest to us,

We will study hard until it turns into dung.

Everyone's singing was scattered and chaotic. Ada chose to sing the school song to the rhythm of "Steel Torrent", which made her blood boil.

The twin brothers chose the "Funeral March". The slow melody made everyone finish singing, but the Weasley brothers were not finished yet.Dumbledore directed the last few bars for them with his wand, and when they finished singing, he applauded the loudest.

Ada, who was applauding, always felt that without the sound of the suona, this "Funeral March" just didn't have the same flavor.

"Music," he said, wiping his eyes, "is more glamorous than anything we've done here! It's bedtime. Go back to your dorms, everyone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the students in the auditorium stood up and prepared to leave, and the auditorium became noisy.

The new Gryffindors followed Charlie Weasley through the noisy crowd, out of the Great Hall and up the marble stairs.After walking through a corridor full of portraits, twice passing through doors hidden behind sliding panels and hanging curtains, and passing several stairs and a final section of corridor, Charlie and the others stopped.There is a portrait hanging at the end of the corridor. The portrait is of a very rich woman wearing pink clothes.

Ada had been silently memorizing the route from the Great Hall Dining Room to the Common Room.

"Password?" asked the woman in the portrait.

"Lionheart," said Charlie.

The portrait that had received the correct reply moved precariously forward, revealing a circular hole in the wall.After passing through the hole, Ada finally came to the Gryffindor common room, a comfortable circular room filled with soft armchairs, and the fire burning in the fireplace looked very warm.

Under Charlie's guidance, Ada, Angelina and Aaliyah entered a door, and the three of them were assigned to the same dormitory, which was quite a coincidence.There are five four-poster beds in the dormitory, with dark red velvet curtains hanging above them. This bed just looks much more comfortable than the hard bed Ada had in the orphanage.

Although there are five beds, only three of them live there.This is good too, fewer people means less trouble.

The box had already been delivered. The exhausted Angelina and Aaliyah didn't say anything more. They each put on their pajamas and fell down to sleep.

Ada, who had changed into pajamas, was lying on the soft bed, very comfortable.She was also very tired. How could she not be tired after running all the way from London to Scotland, but for some reason Ada didn't feel sleepy.

Ada turned sideways, just enough to see through the tower window.Ada just stared blankly at the small patch of sky, and she didn't know how long it took before she finally fell into a deep sleep on the soft bed.

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