The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 The horror of confinement

The day after the incident happened, Ada seemed particularly diligent. She actively raised her hands to answer questions in class, trying to earn back as much of the deducted points as possible.However, since Snape said "Miss Know-it-all", the professors' questions about Ada have decreased a lot.

Ada can always answer the questions raised by the professors very well, giving Gryffindor points in this way.So during this period since the beginning of the school year, Gryffindor has been in the lead in the competition for the House Cup, well... until yesterday...

Asking Ada questions is equivalent to giving points to Gryffindor, which can be regarded as an act of subsidizing the enemy.Of course, professors would not be so petty. This was just Ada's slander.

On the contrary, every professor liked Ada, except Snape.Especially Professor Flitwick, he really likes Ada.After every Charms class, Ada would always come to him with some questions, and Professor Flitwick would try his best to answer them every time.

The diminutive Head of Ravenclaw had complained about the Sorting Hat more than once.He felt that the Sorting Hat's act of sorting Ada into Gryffindor was a shady act!He believes that the smart and studious Ada should belong to the symbol of wisdom and belong to Ravenclaw.

What happened this time also happened to tell Professor Flitwick that assigning Ada to Gryffindor was a very correct thing, and there was no such thing as a shady secret!It also saves Professor Flitwick from always jumping up and banging the table to complain, which makes Ada feel tired for him.

The generous Professor Flitwick awarded Ada two points as a reward for her wonderful levitation spell.One of the points is a class reward, and the remaining one is a personal favor from Professor Flitwick.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Ada got points by answering a question about the red hat, and the Slytherin-born Professor Benedict Foley gave her a point as a reward.Ada swore privately that she would never say again that Professor Benedict Foley looked like a silly son of a landowner when he smiled.

Ada, who had been jumping up and down all day, only got a total of three points. It was pitiful and she was obviously unable to make ends meet.

Let us set the clocks to six-fifty in the evening, for Miss Esmeralda Twist's first confinement is about to begin.

Ada originally thought that this confinement would be the first and last confinement in her student career.But she never imagined that confinement would become a common occurrence for her in the next six years or so at Hogwarts.

May Merlin have mercy on poor Miss Drizzt!

Professor McGonagall's office is located next to the corridor on the second floor of the castle. Ada was pacing back and forth in the corridor at the door of the office. She had been in this state for 15 minutes.Nervous and uneasy are two words that are very suitable to describe Ada's mood at this moment.

At two minutes to seven o'clock, the weak, pitiful, and helpless Ada finally stopped her uneasy steps.No matter what difficulties you encounter, don't be afraid and face it with a smile.The best way to get rid of fear is to face it!It's a knife to extend your head, it's a knife to shrink your head, it's done!

Ada plucked up the courage to stand in front of the office door, stretched out her hand and knocked on the door, bang!Boom!Boom!

"Come in!" Professor McGonagall's voice came through the door.

Opening the door, Ada walked in cautiously, and said to Professor McGonagall: "Professor, I'm here for solitary confinement." She lowered her head, maintained an attitude of admitting her mistake, and strived for leniency.

"You sit here and wait for me." Professor McGonagall pointed to a stool and motioned for Ada to sit on it. Then Professor McGonagall walked to a hidden door in the office, opened it and walked in.

After Professor McGonagall left, Ada sat on a stool and waited while observing the office.The office is small, which allows the flame in the fireplace to warm the room better. The books on the bookshelf are arranged in alphabetical order, and other items are also neatly placed. It's very Mag!

After a while, Professor McGonagall came back, holding some parchment in her hands.She placed these parchments in front of Ada, and then said: "Read these things, and leave when you finish them."

After finishing speaking, Professor McGonagall returned to her desk, and she continued to correct the students' homework.

The confused Ada scratched the back of her head, a little confused.She learned something about confinement from the Weasley brothers, and it could be said that it was a terrible thing.The two brothers who were very experienced said that they had noses and eyes, so Ada simply believed them.But the situation in front of them seems to be different from what they said!

Ada looked at the pile of parchment. The papers on the paper were not horror stories or other things used to scare children, but articles related to transfiguration.This isn't confinement at all. It's obviously Professor McGonagall who's giving her some extra care!

Could it be that I was right in beating Slytherin, but Professor McGonagall couldn't praise him directly and could only encourage him in another form?Ada thought about herself in her mind.

Ada, holding the parchment, began to focus on the words on the paper.The theory of transfiguration involved in these parchments is not profound knowledge. It is only a little more difficult to learn than Ada's textbook, and is more of an extension of the first-grade textbook.

Ada read the parchment intently, and these theories were just enough to answer some of her recent confusions.It seemed that this was carefully prepared by Professor McGonagall, and was not just thrown out casually for Ada to kill time.

It was not difficult for her to read these things, and there were easy-to-understand annotations for some places that she did not understand or had not yet come into contact with. These annotations were obviously written by Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall has finished grading all the assignments in front of her. She always does this personally. She feels that this can help her better understand the progress of each student.Unfortunately, some of these assignments are copied from others, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Professor McGonagall got herself a glass of water, then poured another glass and placed it in front of Ada.She stood behind Ada and watched Ada read and think carefully. Professor McGonagall was very pleased.

This punishment can actually be seen as Professor McGonagall's protection of Ada.

Avery, who was beaten for oral sex, is still lying in the school doctor's room. If the person who did it is not punished in any way, then this will be a good thing for Cody Avery or his parents. An excuse to cause trouble.

Ada, who is alone, will obviously suffer a big loss when facing an ancient magic family. This is not the result that Professor McGonagall wants to see.

When it happened, Professor McGonagall was a little concerned and confused, so she didn't think of it for a moment, but Snape reminded her.That's why Professor McGonagall imposed confinement on Ada as a punishment. Since he didn't really want to punish her, he naturally wouldn't really let Ada be in confinement or perform labor services.

However, it is unknown whether Snape was intentionally reminding Professor McGonagall to pay attention to this, or whether he was really dissatisfied with the punishment.

Time passed little by little, and Ada finally finished reading all the parchment paper on hand. I have to say that the Xiaozao is so delicious!

"Professor, I've finished reading it." Ada handed the sorted parchment back to Professor McGonagall.In fact, she read these contents twice. Although her reading speed was far inferior to Quantum Wave Speed ​​Reading, she was still very fast with the support of the system.

"Well, do you understand?" Professor McGonagall took the parchments and put them in the drawer.

"That's understandable, Professor." Ada lowered her head and did not dare to look at Professor McGonagall.Professor McGonagall had been taking care of Ada since the orphanage, and she was a little afraid of seeing the disappointed look on Professor McGonagall's face.

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall asked a few questions, and the sources of the questions were all from the first-grade textbook and the content just now.Ada answered fluently and also gave some of her own views on these questions.Professor McGonagall affirmed some of Ada's ideas, but also rejected some of her wild and unrealistic fantasies.

The two of them, one old and one young, chatted for a long time. The discussion was all about Transfiguration. I have to say that Professor McGonagall is really a master in Transfiguration. As expected, he was able to discuss Transfiguration with Dumbledore when he was just a teenager. The genius of technical theory.Professor McGonagall can always answer Ada's confusion from different angles, and will also quote some relevant knowledge to help Ada deepen her understanding.

This private lesson from Professor McGonagall really benefited Ada a lot. Think about it, this is only the first day, and there are still fourteen days of confinement waiting for her!

Half a month of this kind of nanny-style, tailor-made private training is simply not enough!Avery where are you?Come out and let me beat you again, I want to increase the punishment!Ada prayed silently in her heart.

"Relatively speaking, the transformation spell is more precise and complex, and you must follow its rules when casting the transformation spell..." After Professor McGonagall answered another of Ada's doubts, she looked up at the clock and found that the time was already nine o'clock. After more, today's make-up lessons are over... No, it's confinement.

"That's it for today. It's already very late. Go back and have a good rest." Professor McGonagall said.

"Okay, professor, thank you very much!" Ada said, "I'm sorry about what happened today. I will find a way to get back the points I deducted."

Ada felt that it would be better for her to apologize to Professor McGonagall, of course, only for the point deduction.There was nothing wrong with hitting Avery, it was just that he shouldn't have been caught.

"I know you were so impulsive because the Weasley brothers were insulted." Professor McGonagall waved her hand, indicating to Ada not to care too much, "You attach great importance to your friends, which is good, but you choose It’s the wrong way.”

"I'll be more careful next time, Professor."

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall glared at Ada fiercely. Ada's desire to survive also came online at this time. She hurriedly waved her hands and said, "There won't be a next time, Professor."

"I hope you can communicate with more classmates, instead of being limited to the Weasley brothers and your two roommates." Professor McGonagall said, "They have helped you today. I think this is a good Start."

"Starting from tomorrow, I will communicate with my classmates as much as possible." Ada said. Now that she has said it, Ada will do it as if she has completed a task.She can help her classmates, but she will never cause a scene as recklessly as she did today.

Human hearts are limited and cannot accommodate everyone.When Fred and George were kind to her, she would naturally do their best to reciprocate.

"Go on, go back and rest early, and don't wander around the castle. I don't want to take you back from Filch in the middle of the night."

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