The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Night Tour

In this way, under the careful guidance of Professor McGonagall, Ada made great progress in Ada's transformation.A theoretical class and a practical class, the two are conducted alternately. Now let alone changing a match into a needle, Ada can also use a match to turn into a beautiful cup.

Professor McGonagall believed that in terms of transfiguration alone, he was far behind Ada when she was her age.Over the past fifteen days, Professor McGonagall has seen Ada's daily progress, and this talent even made her a little envious.

Unfortunately, happy times are always short-lived. The half-month term called confinement is actually the end of a life of making up for classes.Professor McGonagall felt that what Ada needed most now was to master all the things she had learned. Any further teaching would be like cramming, so she had no idea of ​​continuing the course.

Ada really wanted to continue eating Xiao Zao, and it was a good thing that the more she learned, the better.She even felt that she should make a small mistake and then be locked up by Professor McGonagall for half a month.

Unfortunately, this idea was seen through by the shrewd Professor McGonagall, and the plan had to be aborted.

Life has returned to its original state. Ada is either brushing up on the system's proficiency to improve her abilities, or playing with the twins to adjust her own condition.

Cody Avery has also been very honest recently, as if the annoying boy before was just everyone's illusion.I don't know whether he figured it out in the school doctor's office or was frightened by Snape's confinement. In short, Avery is very low-key now.

Come to think of it, except for Draco Malfoy, there should be no one so stubborn that he could tirelessly provoke a person for seven years.Every time I hit my head and bleed, I would dust myself off and get up and continue to struggle, tirelessly and never bored.

Repeated battles and defeats, repeated defeats and battles, this kind of behavior that becomes more courageous with each setback, I really can't think of any other words to describe it other than being stubborn.

One night in October, Ada was lying on the bed bored after a day of brushing.Angelina and Alia, who are in the same dormitory, are having a heated discussion about whether the Heidelberg Hounds or the Vratsa Eagles are more powerful.

The two Quidditch enthusiasts compared everything from the player list and lineup composition to the team's historical honors and popularity. In the end, no results came out of the comparison, and neither could convince the other.

Last weekend, Ada accompanied her friends to watch the Gryffindor Quidditch game. The game was still exciting, but the result was not as expected, and Gryffindor lost the game.

It had been several years since Gryffindor last won the Quidditch Cup.Nowadays, the old players who won the championship have graduated, and the new players are far from reaching the heights of their predecessors. Gryffindor, who is in the middle of the year, wants to win Quidditch again is nothing more than a dream.

The argument between Angelina and Aaliyah continued, but the content was changed to two other teams. It was obviously a movie about three people, but Ada could never be named.

Drowsily, Ada felt that she should have fallen asleep, but she could still hear Angelina and Aaliyah going to bed and saying good night to each other.

【Ding!How could you not go on a night out while attending Hogwarts?Complete ten successful night tours before the end of the Christmas holiday to receive the Disguise Spell as a reward! 】

Suddenly, Ada sat up, her original sleepiness driven away by the sound of the tinkling.

Judging from the rewards, Ada was very excited.The Illusion Curse is a very advanced spell that can achieve the purpose of becoming invisible by changing the color of a person's lines.The deeper the caster's understanding of the spell, the more powerful the spell, and the better the effect of the spell.

Although the Disillusionment Curse cannot truly make a person invisible, and there is a possibility of being seen through, its effect is much stronger than many invisibility cloaks on the market, and Ada has no money to buy it.

It's just that Ada was slightly resistant to the night tour mentioned in the mission itself.She has a lot to do every day, and she needs enough sleep to rest her brain after a tiring day. This will allow Ada to be a better brushstroker the next day.

Furthermore, Ada was worried that if she didn't get enough rest, she would die suddenly with a "pop" one day, and she had to be on guard.

Another point is that she is worried that it will affect her growth. Ada is a bit short now, and she often needs to raise her head to look at others.Ada wants to be taller. She doesn't like the feeling of looking up to others.

Besides, who knows what weird things might happen at night in an ancient castle that has existed for thousands of years!If you believe the slogan of Hogwarts - Hogwarts is the safest place in the world, then you are a big fool, and the most stupid kind, the kind that cannot be saved.

The Weasley twins, who are very adventurous, have been traveling at night. They have invited Ada to form a team many times, but she has always rejected them.

Through chatting with the two, Ada naturally knew that the first danger she had to face was the school administrator Filch.Filch wandered the castle every night, catching the little ones who wandered the corridors instead of sleeping in their beds.

After struggling for a while, Ada couldn't resist the temptation of the Disguise Spell and got out of bed.The night was already very deep, and there was only the sound of the two roommates breathing evenly in their sleep.

She put on a set of light clothes, a pair of soft-soled shoes, finally put on her robe and left the dormitory.The clothes are light to facilitate movement, the dark robe is also easier to cover up the figure in the night, and the soft-soled shoes are to make as little noise as possible when walking.

After leaving the common room door, the fat lady, the "door god", was not happy to be interrupted from her rest, and gave Ada a fierce look.The moonlight shines through the glass window into the tower where Gryffindor is located, illuminating the ground silvery white. Hogwarts at night is shown to Ada for the first time.

The torch flames in the corridor were weak and could only illuminate a small part of the surrounding area. Most of the long corridor was shrouded in darkness.

"Luminescent flash!" Ada muttered a curse in a low voice, and the tip of the wand lit up with a soft light.Ada didn't dare to adjust the brightness of the light group too high. The bright light in the dark night was like a living target. It basically told Filch that there was someone here, come and catch him!

With the faint light of the fluorescent spell, Ada wandered cautiously in the corridor. She carefully discerned whether the sound coming from not far away was the whisper of the portrait or something that would threaten her existence.For example, Filch's accomplice, the skinny cat he raised - Mrs. Lorris.

This thin cat played a major role in Filch's arrest of students.It fully integrates the cat's keen senses and flexible agility into its work. It often finds students when they are inadvertent, and then leads his owner Filch to find these troublemakers, which is almost impossible to prevent.

It can be said that part of the reason why students hate Filch so much is to blame on Mrs. Lorris.

Ada raised her wand and moved forward cautiously.She saw that Hogwarts was different from the daytime. There were no noisy students coming and going, and the colorful portraits on weekdays had all fallen asleep.Ada suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing to take a night out once in a while, it was quite interesting.

There was a sound in the distance, and Ada listened carefully. It was not the sound of the portrait, but more like two people talking about something.

At first, Ada thought she had met two "like-minded" people and thought it was other students who were also out at night.But when she gradually got closer to the source of the sound, she found that the two voices were very familiar to her. One was Snape, whom she disliked, and the other was from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Benedict Foley.

Ada should have run away. Being caught by the professors was no different than being caught by Filch, especially when she fell into the hands of Snape. It was terrible to think about it.

She obviously wants to leave, but driven by curiosity, Ada's footsteps keep getting closer. Human beings are always so contradictory.Everyone knows the proverb "curiosity killed the cat", but humans still can't suppress their curiosity.

After extinguishing the fluorescent spell and lowering her wand, Ada pressed tightly against the wall of the corridor, listening to the conversation of the two professors on the landing at the corner.

"Severus, Severus..." This is the voice of Professor Foley. He usually behaves elegantly and personably, just like the nobles in the story, but just now his voice was filled with some anxiety. Like a helpless child.

"What do you want to do?" Professor Snape's voice was still the same as before. It was very soft, but it floated farther in this silent night.

"I just want...I just want to find something..."

"Looking for something? What are you looking for? Wandering around the castle like an idiot."

There was a rustling sound, and Ada thought it was Professor Snape grabbing Foley's collar.As for why it wasn't Foley who caught Snape, Ada believed that Foley didn't have the guts.

"It's something very important, Severus. I can't be discovered...especially Dumbledore..." The usual calmness was long gone, replaced by panic, and his voice sounded a little trembling.

"You have been discovered, Professor Foley," Snape said, emphasizing his tone when addressing Professor Foley.

This should have given Foley a great sense of oppression, because Ada could feel that Foley's tone was getting more and more panicked.

"Help me, Severus, please... this is very important..." There was a hint of pleading in his tone.

"Why should I help you?"

"The world shouldn't be like this. Neither Hogwarts nor the wizarding world should be like this. This is something that can change the world..." Professor Welfare's tone suddenly became holy, and he Like a missionary, except that his missionary process was forcibly terminated by Snape.


The two of them were silent, and then there was a slight sound of footsteps, and the footsteps were coming towards Ada!

Ada held her breath and moved her body closer to the wall. She felt that someone would appear around the corner in the next second, pointing a wand at her and chanting a curse!

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