The Era of the Global Gods: From Demigods to Masters of Crystal Walls

Chapter 148

Northland half-orcs, a subclass of the orcs, were once a disgrace to the orcs.

Because this race of orc-human hybrids is weak.

Neither does it have the strong physique of an orc.

And there is no human brain.

Therefore, the talent is weaker, and the learning ability is also weaker.

It is still a race that is a hybrid of orcs and humans, and it will be treated humiliated by the two races congenitally.

Since the half-orcs gradually multiplied, they gradually gained a foothold in various places with harsh environments.

With the help of a barely usable brain, it is not a bad physique.

It’s mixed to the point of being flamboyant.


It turned out to have an advantage over humans and orcs in the lightly armed warrior class.

For example, now, it is armed by Chu Jingche as the main faith race and the main force of the half-orc legion.

Dressed in simple iron-encrusted armor, he began his charge with a machete and a sharp axe.


Howling makes noise.

Seems pointless.

However, this is a symbol of them calling friends and starting to fight!

Facing the enemies who had already lined up in formation on the snow ahead, these half-orcs had already begun to excite.

Start enjoying this hard-won battle.

“Be faithful to my God!”


“Charge! Charge! Charge! ”

The leader of the half-orcs was roaring commandingly.

However, this roar has been drowned out in the howl of that sound.

It doesn’t need to say much, these orcs know what to do.

“For the God of the Northland Storm!”

“For my Godster!”

As a half-orc with some orc blood, after entering the combat state.

It’s basically the same as the tyrannical and warlike race of orcs.

Especially after gathering into battle groups.

The roar of many clansmen.

The cry of many clansmen.

The excitement of many clansmen.

They all condensed into the hearts of these half-orcs, as if they wanted to destroy all the fighting intent.

And the desire to kill, from the bloodthirsty primitive impulse in the blood!

“Swish, swish-”

“Swish, swish-”

“Swish, swish, swish-”

But before these howling orcs approached the enemies.

A screech instantly appeared in the ears.

At the same time in front of the eyes.

A rain of arrows that seemed to cover the sky appeared above the opponent’s enemy formation.

Just when these half-orcs were a little stunned and subconsciously lowered their running steps.

“Snappy, blah

It’s really like a rainstorm.

The uproar fell.

Crackling in these dense battle groups.

Even the first ones, the half-orcs crowded with the rear because of their reduced running speed.

The split head covered the face overhead, the greeting of this rainstorm –

And there is also a second round, and the third round of heavy rain falls.

I didn’t want them to breathe at all.




Countless arrows are falling with a screech.

Rain cats and dogs.

After the three rounds of arrow rain were over, those half-orcs who rushed to the front.

A lot has fallen, pieces of falling, even if they have not fallen, their whole bodies are full of feather arrows.

Like a hedgehog, full of pain, struggling to move on.

“For my God!”

“For my God!”

“For my God!”

They roared like glorified orc warriors.

It’s just that they haven’t waited for them to complete the glorious charge in the near-death situation.

The archers in front of them retreated at a very fast speed.

And the retreat was orderly.

“For my God!”

“For Sawaslo!”

Then, dull, no less than the roar of these half-orcs, appeared.

A low wall that seemed to be made of steel slowly moved forward.

Took over the bearings of those archers.

The main faith race from Zhao Sheng, the main heavy army specially cultivated.

Just to meet these sparse half-orc battle groups that were shot by three rounds of arrow rain.

“Boom, boom

Smash the heavy iron shield to the ground.

The line of defense was re-established.


And, pick up the javelin in your hand.

Looking at it coldly, those half-orc battle groups that were still charging gathered.

Finally, at a position of more than 30 meters, he was thrown forward.

“Swish, swish-”

The sound of breaking through the air roared.

It’s just that.

This time, it wasn’t the falling feather arrow.

If you don’t hit the point, you will be tied into a hedgehog for a while, and you won’t die.

It is a heavy javelin that has been carefully cut and firmly fastened.

Thrown by the barbarian iron shield soldiers.

Within near to medium distances.

The desired effect is to stop the enemy’s charge and disrupt the enemy’s front row.

Javelin throwing based on direct killing!


Of course it is, sure enough.

“Poof, poof, poof—”

Rows of barbarian bearmen reloaded with iron shields threw javelins in their hands.

There were also half-orcs who were charging ahead, dying in rows.

That javelin was extremely sharp.

It’s still heavy.

The half-orcs themselves, again light armored units.

Wearing iron-encrusted armor, it itself has only the corresponding defensive effect.

It can still be a little defensive against light projectile weapons, but now it is facing heavy javelins that even iron armor has to be cautious.

Basically, it is equivalent to no armor piercing, and there is no difference.

“For my Godster!”

“God of the Northland Storm!”

The leader of these orcs was still shouting.

Boosts morale.

The tomahawk in his hand pointed forward, and the rows of half-orc warriors were still charging forward.

Those eight or nine hundred companions who had died in battle did not make them fearful.

Instead, he became more and more angry because of the death of his companions.

“Charge! Half-orcs! ”


They howled one after another, with tomahawks and machetes.

It slammed into the shield wall raised by the Brute Bear Man Heavy Iron Shield Soldier.

At the same time, on both sides, there were also a large number of half-orcs, facing the halberd jungle that had been aimed at them.

As if he had seen through the enlightened person of life and death, he still began to charge.

“Whoops, whoops—”

“Poof, poof—”

The first is the muffled sound of an iron shield wrapped in iron sheet made of the toughest birch wood.

The latter is a sharp halberd that begins to stab forward.

Fierce melee combat.

Right now.

It’s already starting to appear!

And for the two people overhead, who were still using divine power to stalemate.

This legion of believers and races, whoever can defeat and defeat the other party, will win this battle.

He became the most high-profile winner at the birthday party.

“That’s right, that’s it.”

“This is my half-orc battle group.”

“It was carefully selected by me to use as the basis for divine warfare.”

Chu Jingche was in mid-air, and a clear smile appeared on his face.

He could see what Zhao Sheng’s race was.

Although there is no way to probe in detail.

However, the obvious largest number is a group of races that look very similar to goblins.

Perhaps it was a subspecies of the goblins, a group of cowardly, timid, low-level races with little value.

“It’s still a group of archers, even with the Wasteland Jackal Beast as a mount.”

“It’s rubbish to my half-orcs.”

“Besides, I also have my half-orc strong archer.”

Chu Jingche’s self-confidence suddenly returned at this time.

The battle of divine power did indeed fall into the downside.

It takes heritage to sustain it.

This is the heritage given to him by the elders of the family, which can influence the virtual and the real.

However, as long as he can win this game in exchange for the awe of the family behind him by everyone in the Emerald City, it is enough.

If you can indirectly win the favor of that Bei Qianqian, it will be even better.

“This marriage, I Chu Jingche, is bound to win.”

Think of this opportunity that I finally won so hard.

Chu Jingche clenched his fist slightly.


However, Zhao Sheng, who was on the opposite side, his face remained unchanged.

Maintain the stalemate of divine power during the confrontation phase.

“That’s just right.”

Zhao Sheng looked down calmly.

Those half-orcs began to charge towards the heavy legion of the Brute Bearmen.

The most brutal fights and bloody melee deathmatches.

Of course.

The ones who fell the most were still those half-orcs.

Only a few of his brutes fell, and more wolf goblins who could not dodge were caught up.

Only then in the revolt was he killed by half-orcs who were better at melee combat.

But more often than not, it is the death of half-orcs.

Directly ahead.

The rows of iron shields slits and above, sharp short spears pierce out.

Just like a poisonous serpent, in the most dangerous position, blessed by the strength of the thick arms of the brute bear.

Then let those half-orcs, in rows, fall in front of the shield.

So much so that these brute bear iron shield soldiers did not take half a step back.

The formation is extremely solid.

On both sides, those barbarian bear warriors with halberds like forests, the fight continued.

At this time, it was really like devouring the forest of life, stabbing and stabbing the corpse of the half-orc to death on the spot.

It seems that the half-orcs are still righteous, and the servants are successive, sacrificing their lives and forgetting to attack the defense line of the barbarian bears.

But for the brute bears, the defense line did not waver for half a minute.

Even if it becomes a meat grinder.

As hoplites, they remain fearless.

Moreover, on both sides, those wolf goblin archers were still spreading their legs and running in the direction of the further sides.

Unexpectedly, as an archer, he planned to surround those half-orcs who were blocked by the brute bears on both sides.

With a rain of arrows on their defenseless sides and backs …

Complete the shoot!

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