The Era of the Global Gods: From Demigods to Masters of Crystal Walls

Chapter 149

“Swish, swish-”

The Wolf Goblin Archer shot a rain of arrows and continued to cover.

With their muscular legs, they have completed the encirclement.

Soon came to the sides of the half-orc battle group.

Draw a bow and shoot arrows.

There is almost no need to aim, the huge, numerous, and crowded half-orcs …

It is simply the most perfect and comforting target on the battlefield!

“Swish, swish-”

Round by round of arrow rain began to appear.

The screams of breaking through the air constantly turned into the sneer of death.

Not far away, the half-orcs who were originally staring at the front did not expect that the two sides would be attacked at this time.

Or rather, for these half-orcs, they didn’t expect archers to appear on both sides.

In their eyes and impressions, the role of archers is nothing more than archery.

Hide in battle groups to shoot enemies and disrupt them.

It’s not of much use at all.

After all, what half-orcs are most proud of is their smooth melee combat ability.

It is as if it is the blood of an orc flowing in the blood, and he admires the effect of melee combat very much.

Therefore, these half-orcs are now dismissive in the face of wolf goblin archers pouring arrows at them on both sides.

Although there was still some confusion at the beginning, countermeasures were sent after timely adjustment-

In the half-orc battle group, a strong archer with a thick and long compound bow!

“Strong archer speed to go to both sides!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up! ”

“Don’t rub it in! Hurry up, hurry up! ”

At the urging of the half-orc leader, 500 half-orc strong archers came to each side.

These strong archers with heavy compound bows in their hands draw their feather arrows.

It’s just that the feather arrows drawn out of the quiver look …

More like a small javelin!

As these half-orc strong archers pull the bowstrings, place these small javelins on them.

With a dull sound like ‘bang’, with the vibration of the bowstring.

“Swish, swish-”

It was the heavy and elongated feather arrow that was far larger than the fine feather arrow in the hands of the wolf goblin.

It was shot out by these powerful half-orc strong archers.


In an instant, it was two or three hundred meters away.

Those wolf goblin archers who were still bending their bows and arrows, pouring rain of arrows at the half-orc standing.

The same arrows, with the mighty power of shooting.

There is not the slightest hindrance.

Easily, abruptly, shot through the leather armor on the wolf goblin archer.

Just one round of strong fire made at least two or three hundred wolf goblins lose their combat effectiveness.

Or rather, it was directly hit hard and lost the ability to fight!

“Backwards! Loose formation! ”

“All dispersed! Hurry up! ”

“Spread out! Loose formation! ”

The wolf goblin archers naturally have a way of dealing with this kind of shooting situation.

With the order of the captain at the head, these wolf goblin archers scattered in all directions.

Avoid being used as a target for random shooting because of the dense formation.

“Hold on! Resist! Hold on! ”

But right on the frontal battlefield.

The barbarian heavy iron shield soldiers were still gritting their teeth against the charge of the orcs.

The heavy armor of the whole body and the iron shield carried in front of you bring a weight advantage.

It’s like a.

Firmly, occupying the main position in the middle of the formation.

Let those half-orc warriors rush over like the waves, still gritting their teeth and insisting.

He also occasionally stabbed out with a sharp short gun in his hand, like a poisonous snake, and dared to attack them with greater strength, and dared to draw the cold to be ruthless.

So much so that the corpses of those half-orcs fell down in front of these barbarian iron shield soldiers.


But for those half-orcs who already had an advantage in numbers.

Three or five hundred companions who died in this short moment.

It doesn’t make them afraid.

On the contrary, because of the extreme anger and bloodthirsty rage, it is increasingly ferociously attacking the barbarian defense line.

For orcs, death is inevitable and sacrifice is expected.

Can die for the god of the Northland Storm.

This is glory.

“Kill !!!”

Therefore, the half-orc leader in the middle stretched out his tomahawk forward.

Beside him, a new group of half-orc warriors rushed up again, howling and starting to charge.

As long as you can break through the defense line of these barbarian bear people, tear these barbarian people into several small fronts.

Then for the half-orcs who are good at chaotic battles and bloody battles.

That’s half the win!


“My Hoplites, it’s more than that.”

Zhao Sheng looked at the current scene calmly in mid-air, and his face did not change in the slightest.

Instead, his mind moved slightly, turning into an oracle.

He intends to let these brutes advance.

That’s right.

It is the Advance Front.

Reverse backlog, the battle groups of half-orcs that are storming their defenses.

“It seems to be a fierce battle, but in the process of fighting, a certain stalemate and confrontation have also formed.”

“But this time, my Brute Bear Hoplite Corps can take the initiative to end this pointless stalemate.”

“The advance of heavy troops is a weakness that light and strong offensive troops cannot stop.”

“If you guys can’t continue to reload, you will be pushed back by my heavy troops.”

“Then victory will definitely not continue to favor you.”

This is Zhao Sheng’s tactic opposite.

When the oracle is given.

The brute bears who were executing this oracle became more and more excited.

Originally, they were pressed and beaten, which made these brute bear people a little deflated and aggrieved, and they couldn’t act recklessly.

But since the orders from the gods had already been conveyed, allowing them to advance, naturally the fighting intent from the chest flourished.

Mainly the barbarian halberds with the largest number on the left and right sides, waving the halberd in their hands to accumulate forward.

Patches of cold and shining jungle of death are moving.

There is a backlog of space where those half-orc warriors live.

By the way, with a sharp halberd.

Start harvesting the lives of those half-orc warriors, wantonly piercing and cutting the skin of these creatures.

Even if you face the possibility that you will be injured, you must exchange injuries for lives.

Resolutely carry out the oracles from the gods.

Fight forward.

Let those half-orc warriors, in just a moment, have no way to react!

Because not only these halberds are advancing, but the iron shield soldiers are also carrying shields and holding short guns!

Step by step, stepping on the corpses of those half-orcs and moving forward steadily.

“Kill! For Sawaslo! Kill! ”

“Proud of the glory of Sawaslo!”

“Brute bears are fearless! Kill! ”

A fierce cry appeared on the battlefield.

More and more orcs are being killed.

Moreover, as the formation of these half-orc warriors was backlogged, as well as attracted by those archers on both sides.

So that in just ten minutes, a denser station group was formed.

That’s right, it’s no longer a battle group at this time.

It’s the station group.

Standing helplessly, he was overwhelmed by his companions.

There are still sharp short guns and halberds ahead, and no matter how they collide, it is difficult to break through a bloody path.

Only backwards, accumulate the activity space of your companions behind you, as well as the living space!

“Swish, swish-swish-”

“Swish, swish-”

“Swish, swish-”

The rain of arrows in the sky began to appear equally unscrupulously at this time.

The wolf goblins on both sides are shooting arrows unscrupulously.

Because with the backlog, those half-orc strong archers who can also form counter-damage to wolf goblins are no longer qualified to continue shooting.

They can only be forced to leave the area of archery and give way to the half-orc warriors who have been backlogged.

“Wolf Goblin Archorian! Gather! ”

“Ride ready!”

At the back of the Brute Man formation.

Those wolf goblins who were still standing on the ground, comforting the wasteland jackal beasts next to them, all rolled over and straddled the back of the jackal beasts at this time.

He briefly checked the short bow and several bags of quiver he was carrying.

and two machetes for melee combat.


With the front, the thousand-year-old of the wolf goblin archer nodded.

Raise your machete and point to the right.

These are well trained.

The wolf goblin archers, who already knew how to fight, slammed their wolves lightly and left quickly.

Bypassing the front began to enter the more white-hot frontal battlefield, bypassing the wolf goblin archers.

Even completed the encirclement of those half-orcs.

Came to the back.


Those who did not go into battle, those half-orc raiders in the rear.

Silently began to draw his bow and arrows, aiming at the half-orc raiders of those fifth-order troops, and then began to release a rain of arrows!

Although the range of these wolf goblin archers is more than two hundred meters at most.

But against those melee classes.

Those half-orc raiders.

No problem at all!

Even, those half-orc raiders could only shoot arrows in vain.

The small round shield of the left arm can only protect the head, and there is no way to deal with the pieces of arrows.

Even as a fifth-order class, wearing chain mail and iron-encrusted armor.

Belongs to medium-sized fighters.

It’s also fast.

But no matter what, there is no way to cause much harm to the archers like flies.

After all, these half-orc raiders are just a group of melee troops, how can they have the ability to solve those archers two hundred meters away?

You can only accept the reality of harassment, and the helplessness of being hit!

And the form on the battlefield.

Also already…

Towards Zhao Sheng, he began to tilt the scales of victory!

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