The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 44 Nick Fury’s Troubles (2 updates)

"Agent Coulson, what are you doing? We are in a meeting. You can either come in quickly or please get out." Fury's low and magnetic voice sounded. As a super agent who was active during World War II, Fury He looked like he was 43 years old. Under his shiny black head was an eye that was sharper than an eagle's eye. This eye was currently staring at Colson.

Colson seemed to have been shocked. He stood up quickly, took half a second to straighten his clothes, and walked into the temporary conference hall.

Sitting on both sides of Fury were none other than Jack, the wild werewolf captain of the supernatural agent team, Midnight, the glamorous vampire wearing a close-fitting UV reflective suit, and Shaun of the Dead, whose eyes would fall off whenever he lowered his head, listening attentively. There is the fish-man Yanu who is talking to Fury, and the humanoid alien that people would mistake for the Hulk just from the back.

This was like something out of a childhood cartoon. Coulson's eyes were filled with tears. This joy was no less than meeting Captain America, but when I think about it, it was still a little inferior, but only a little bit. That’s all.

"Coulson, have you got all the Storm data?" Fury was as precise as a robot when he was working.

"I got it all, but one person in that team aroused my interest. She said that this hammer looks like it flew out of Norse mythology." After a brief excitement, Colson immediately Entered into working state.

As a professional agent, Coulson must evaluate every possibility, no matter how absurd it sounds, and collect it.

"Are you saying that this hammer is Thor's hammer in Norse mythology? Yinchui Siting, our scientist, has tried various methods to test this hammer, but found nothing. Maybe it is really It comes from mythology, but what we want to discuss now is not a hammer, but a more realistic issue." Fury pressed a remote control, and the TV wall opposite opened, showing a horrifying picture. A giant wrapped in the flames of hell and a huge evil god made of black fire had an earth-shattering contact in mid-air.

Then the destroyed streets and the people killed returned to normal.

"This video was taken in Xiangjiang. The evil god in the picture is the legendary tyrant Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension. Our world has just experienced a crisis of destruction, but what are we doing? We are chasing the Hulk. , or tracking down Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants, or even Doctor Doom, who has only appeared in recent years. We claim that we are saving the world, but when there is a real crisis of destroying the world, we are helpless. Such a situation Changes must be made. Captain America's salvage work gave us the opportunity to create weapons, which is the Cosmic Cube, an energy source that can change the balance of power." Fury slapped the table. He rarely acted in such an ungrateful manner. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a temper. Fury has many things to praise, but his good temper is not one of them.

"But Director, how should we explain this to the public about Xiangjiang?" Coulson stared at the picture on the screen, his scalp numbing. The world is already chaotic enough, and superheroes and super villains treat the world as a battlefield. , this is bad enough, now it’s better, there are demon gods from other dimensions coming to join in the fun.

It is such a misfortune to live in such a turbulent world.

"Explain to the public? Coulson, is this your first day at S.H.I.E.L.D.? The public aliens you talk about can't accept it. Now you want to tell them that there are more terrifying evil gods in the universe? I have asked people to Spreading rumors that this is actually a grand sci-fi visual show organized by Tony Stark." Fury sighed, the recent things happened one after another, he had not slept for three days and three nights, if not Relying on blood serum, he is now living in the hospital and receiving nutritional fluids.

"But... will this work?" Coulson couldn't help but wonder, would such crude emergency public relations really work?

Fury and the Supernatural Agents looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

"Lovely Coulson, we are agents. Let the politicians explain it. Moreover, it is obvious that you underestimate Mr. Stark's reputation. Don't talk about a science fiction visual show, even if you talk about it. Mr. Tucker built the Gundam, flew it all over the sky, and fought against terrorists everywhere, people will believe it. This matter has been resolved. Tucker had a video conference with me before. He was very dissatisfied with my actions and threatened to sue us. , it seems we need to give the Stark Group more arms quota." Fury smiled unkindly.

This is not the first time that Tony Stark's reputation has been used to cover up incidents that he does not want the public to know. In the recent period, in the eyes of the public, Stark's day is like this.

At three o'clock in the morning, I watched a sci-fi visual show with Captain Britain in London. At six o'clock, I watched a sci-fi visual show with the President of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. At seven o'clock, I watched a sci-fi visual show in East Town, New York... Ten o'clock...Tokyo...Science fiction visual show, people are lamenting that Stark is really a visual maniac. If nothing else, just this schedule is not something that ordinary people can afford.

"So, what mission are we going to perform now?" Coulson asked in confusion. Being related to the supernatural agent team, he has already explained the nature of this mission. It is related to magic. Could it be that Dracula has something new? A conspiracy, or some dark magician summoning monsters from extra dimensions?

"This time we are going to collect debts. In order to deal with the crisis of the evil god Dormammu, I lent the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to the trustworthy magic guardian Master Gu Yi. I think you have all had contact with Master Gu Yi. She is a god. She is an honorary agent of SHIELD and the Supreme Mage in the magic world. Without her, our world would have been torn to pieces by all kinds of monsters and monsters. But three days ago, I learned a terrible news from the Holy of Holies. , Master Ancient One was killed, and we lost a friend, but now is not the time to be sad, because the Cosmic Cube fell into the hands of an extremely troublesome person, which is why I summoned the supernatural agent team." Fury said with a headache. With.

But this aroused Coulson's curiosity. You must know that in the eyes of SHIELD people, Fury is an omnipotent god. No matter what kind of dangerous situation, he can resolve it one by one. At least Cole In all his years with S.H.I.E.L.D., Sen has never seen Fury look so bad.

"That person is..." Just as Fury was about to say the person's name, he suddenly remembered a piercing alarm. This was an alarm that someone was approaching the hammer.

(Please recommend, please collect~~~~)

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