The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 65 The Black King who can’t get on the stage

"So what if I say I'm interested? What if I'm not interested?" Li Kang was still walking in front and said without looking back.

Sebastian Xiao and Emma exchanged looks silently.

Especially Sebastian Xiao is very uncomfortable with this way of talking, because he used to like to stand in front of everyone and talk. This kind of position of leading the conversation is what he likes, but now this The position was firmly held by Li Kang, and the right to speak was also in Li Kang's hands. He felt very unhappy. Once the Black King was unhappy, someone would have to pay the price.

But Emma disagrees.

"Xiao, we don't have experience fighting magicians. Don't do anything you're not sure about. Why not ask them about their purpose and maybe we can take advantage of it." Emma sent a message to Sebastian Xiao.

"If you are interested, then we have a strong alliance and you will get countless wealth." Sebastian Xiao followed his usual routine and used very satisfactory inducements.

"Oh? Hahaha... countless wealth? Of course I am interested in this, but I am very curious. I have spent [-] million in the past three days. What kind of wealth can you use to impress me?" Li Kang suddenly said Turn around and look at him with a smile.

"Well..." Sebastian Xiao was speechless for a moment. Yes, one hundred million in three days, and Li Kang didn't buy anything substantial, just a simple squander. These two guys even Without gambling, [-] million was consumed in wine pools and meat forests. It is obviously unrealistic for such people to buy them with money, because it is obvious that they do not care about money.

If people of Li Kang's age don't care about money, they certainly don't care about power. Damn it, Sebastian Xiao suddenly realized that he didn't understand what people of this era wanted at all. When he was still a young man, At that time, what young people wanted were very realistic and they needed money!Want power!Want a woman!The most illusory thing wants honor!

If there is no one to give, he will use violence to plunder. He lives on this belief until now, and he also firmly believes that this is the future that mankind should have.

During World War II, he gloriously joined the Third Reich SS and became a Nazi scientist in charge of hundreds of thousands of Jews. He firmly believed that the higher nations of Hitler, the head of the empire, would inevitably replace the lower nations, and the lower nations must obey the higher nations. theory of nation.

After the fall of the great Third Reich, Sebastian Shaw was confused for a while, but he soon discovered that he was a mutant who had the ability to absorb a large amount of energy and store it, and use it when needed. The discovery of the ability to reuse energy gave Sebastian Shaw, the devil, a new goal. He joined the secret elite association - the Hellfire Club.

The Hellfire Club adopts a dual rule, the Black King and the Black Queen, and the White King and the White Queen. With cunning and ferocity, he rises step by step, and eventually becomes the Black King who dominates the Hellfire Club. Together with the White Queen Emma, ​​he controls Hell. The Fire Club was built to its current scale, but in the new era, he was confused again, because fewer and fewer people believed in his theory. Nowadays, people seem to have been poisoned by a kind of poison called freedom. pernicious influence.

So facing someone like Li Kang who didn't care about anything, Sebastian Xiao, who was usually eloquent, couldn't say a word and could only wait dryly.

"Forget it, you can't give me what I want. I like stimulation. I like the way of pulling down so-called strong men and watching such people roll in the mud. The expression you just had is also what I love very much. Yes, let’s talk about something else. If you are mutants, then we really have a common enemy. We are looking for someone.

There is a man named Ajax. It is said that this man is related to General Stryker and a place called the X Weapon Research Center. I wonder if you have any information. "Li Kang said.

When they heard the name Ajax, Sebastian Xiao and Emma were both confused, but the name General Stryker moved both of them.

"General Stryker is a senior military officer of the United States. He is the enemy of our mutants. He is the developer of the mutant nemesis - the Sentinel robot. Regarding the X weapon program, to be honest, he has nothing to do with me. There is also a very close connection, because I am the initiator of the X weapon program." Sebastian Xiao said with a wry smile.

"This project was initiated during World War II. At that time, I discovered that there was a kind of people in the world who had amazing superpowers. These people were called mutants. At that time, the war in the Third Reich was tense, so I started to study whether I could use these mutants' abilities to Developed their abilities, turned them into weapons, and put them on the battlefield. Unfortunately, my research had just begun to improve, and the empire was defeated. Later, I came to the United States, joined the Hellfire Club, and got to know a young man who was just at that time. General Stryker, an officer, is also a person who is very interested in mutants. If I had known how much he would later hate mutants, I would definitely not have shared Plan X with him."

"General Stryker's son is a very powerful mutant who can create various illusions to confuse others, but he has a flawed character. Once he had an argument with his mother and ended up manipulating her to cut herself with a knife. His son used superpowers to kill his beloved wife. This human tragedy completely changed General Stryker, making him a man who was madly opposed to mutants, and he participated in the whole process of the Sentinel that specializes in dealing with mutants. Plan." White Queen Emma then finished the following words.

"Haha... You mutants are really good at doing this kind of thing of shooting yourself in the foot. So, are you willing to help me find this General Stryker? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so let's They should be friends. If you help me, you are helping yourself. Why don't you cooperate?" Li Kang bared his teeth and said with a smile. People say that there are many weird mutants, but this Sebastian Xiao is in front of him. It's really the best of the best.

A person with such an ambition to rule the world actually adheres to a set of contradictory theories from beginning to end. Since you believe that mutants are a race superior to humans, but you want humans to understand you, you even want to Let humans help you, how is this possible?As a result, he personally created General Stryker, who specializes in dealing with mutants. This is a great irony.

To put it bluntly, Sebastian Xiao is just a cunning and cruel conspirator. This kind of person will never be on the stage and can only peek at the world in secret. He is only worthy of being in such a club that has not kept up with the times. , being a useless black king.

"You are right, but General Stryker's whereabouts are hidden, and we cannot grasp his movements. However, you can try your luck at the Blackwater River Security Company. This is a security company that specializes in serving the United States. Its members are all He is a retired special forces soldier from the U.S. Army. Because he is professional and confidential enough, and does not need to worry about being traced by Congress, the military hires people from this Blackwater River security company as security guards for their invisible secret plans. But I want to remind you, These people are very professional, and some of them have powerful abilities that are difficult to deal with." Sebastian Xiao said pretending to be kind.

Li Kang frowned. This might be a trick to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but then he thought again. The Hellfire Club would not run away, and besides, there was no need for the Black King to set a trap for himself in this kind of thing, so he quickly I made up my mind that my next target would be the Heishuihe Security Company.

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