The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 19: New Beginings

The Fastest Man Alive
Chapter 19
New Beginnings


Ororo flew us all back to the X-mansion while Dr. McCoy did his rounds, checking out everyone. Spiral brought her sister up to me to meet. Though from their features, I could tell that they weren't sisters, though everyone needs family. Sometimes the best family are those you choose one your own.

When Spiral's sister came closer though I was struck with two separate impressions of her, one, the green skin, vines, and leaves reminded me of POISON IVY from the D.C. universe. The other would be that she reminded me of a red-headed Niece Waidhofer, and that was in itself a crazy sexy and dangerous combination. I was also right in my assessment because she had the same powers as POISON IVY from D.C., but that was cool, the world could always do with more green. When we arrived at the X-mansion, the Professor welcomed everyone with open arms like he always does, but I wasn't going to stick around.
Natasha had her privacy with her demons, and I didn't need him to be aware of them or what she might have discovered within my BLACK SERVERS. I wonder if I can get Mystique to tell me about the metal Magneto uses for his helmet. There was never a defined break down of the material used in the helmet, but all the crackpots on the internet used aluminum. So there must at least be some correlation to the substance. 

Unfortunately, I can't do any research until Jean gains her powers to make sure my conjecture works. "Ben, a Mr. Otto Octavius has contacted us in reply to our job offer," Natasha stated from my back. Well, that was fast, Oscorp just blew up. I thought that they would have at least waited a while before they started to ax their employees. "Thanks, Nat set up an appointment with him on Thursday. Let us make it lunch, also." I replied to her as we came upon the city's skyline.

Not even less than forty-eight hours ago, Natasha was ready to end me, and now she is my new highly paid and highly deadly secretary. Man, Marvel could be crazy sometimes. "Keep your hands where they are and you're going to have to buy me dinner," Natasha whispered into my ear. For a second I was confused until I realized I was getting a complete handful of that round peach she called an ass. I looked down, and we were in the same position we started with from the X-mansion. So that means I was getting a handful while I was in my head thinking up plans. Natasha had to have done that on purpose because now I was trying hard not to pay attention to what I was holding then, as I shifted her to free my hands so that I can hold her better around her thighs.

Natasha used her knees to keep at my side, locking my hands in place.
With her arms around my neck and her head beside my own, the free ride I was giving her back was quickly becoming torture for me. So as payback, I charged up a finger and zapped her in the glutes.

Natasha left me alone after that, and I was super excited about finally winning one, but as we pulled up onto the roof if the Star Industries building, she tossed me a bottle.
When I looked at it, the title was the motion lotion for help in solving your premature issues. I could only wonder where Natasha even found this within twenty-four hours, and how long had she been waiting to set me up. I heard her laughter coming from behind me, but when I turned around, she was already invisible, damn Black Widow.
After changing it was science time.

I knew Dr. Otto was trying to build a sun to make limitless energy, but we needed a stable containment unit. Then we also needed some solar cells with strong enough absorption that allowed us to harvest energy with one hundred percent efficiency. Our current solar efficiency was only up to twenty three percent and that needed improvements. That meant we needed a Dyson sphere which wasn't even invented yet. This calls for some severe cheating, and I now know that Darren Cross and Hank Pym have to be the next primary target. It would honestly suck if I accidentally vaporized half the planet with a supernova because I chose to go into this half-cocked.

Well damn, we will also need gravimetric stabilization, non-ferromagnetic metals, and non-conductive metals. We are going to need a new phase quantum harmonics resonator. And since I had to buy a quantum phase harmonics device, it's best if I also buy the quantum stabilizer and start my research into unstable molecule fabrics and combine that with some secret sauce. Check for those machines on the open market; I got an update on the Baxter Foundation, Alfred had notified me of my invite to witness the dimensional travel device. That, I had to turn down for my health because there was no way I was going to go and get hit with random quantum dimensional energy. Business meeting for the excuse is always a win.

So with that turned down, I retreated to my lab so I can go all mad scientist to cut down half the work for Dr. Otto. I Sent Natasha some orders for her to get Alfred into Darren Crosse's systems and infiltrate Pym Tech, I came up with the bright idea to model the containment unit after a gyroscope. And I'm back to committing corporate espionage like it was no big deal; but that's all in a hard days work now I guess. Sending in the commissions to Alfred to get the parts for the containment unit, It was time to figure out the physics of how I'm going to keep all that magnetic disturbance to a minimum. I wouldn't want to go sending the earth all out of flux, and I don't see myself as Magneto's second coming.

I have to figure out how to contain the power of a trillion nuclear bombs within a containment field of a little over twenty feet. So I will start by stripping back down my hologram tech. The conventional hologram is using hard light constructs; oscillation sound waves holding together sheets of light. I can use the sound waves to create a pocket, and with enough around, I can create a stable large pocket. A powerful enough electromagnet can also get the same space, but that will disrupt the suns containment if there was any breach.
I had been at this for a while when someone had shut off the lights in my lab distracting me. I was not happy at all, because I had finally figured out the clean fission situation with heavy ions allowing me to theoretically birth the first man-made star. When I turned around, I found Natasha standing there with a frown on her face holding up one of the new model tasers I had designed for taking down heavy duty Metahumans.

"Why are you holding that up?" I asked Natasha while raising my eyebrows at her. "I am your secretary, and I don't want you setting off nuclear devices while I'm around. Also its Thursday you have your appointment soon." "I wasn't going to blow us up, wait today's Thursday?" I asked incredulously. Natasha just rolled her eyes at me. "You're in an Adamantium reinforced lab just short of testing out your Dyson sphere gyroscope thing. And we have fifteen minutes before we are to arrive for our lunch appointment." Natasha spoke while turning back on the light and leaving the lab.

Maybe she was right. I was so caught up in building this thing. I almost turned it on to try testing it, and I had nothing in the way to protect myself and others at all. Ugh, damit I almost pulled the ultimate mad genius blunder and tested something dangerous without any safety protocols at all. "Alfred set a reminder to put into all lab assistants the job requirements of taser efficacy. We are going to have a lot of mad geniuses on our hands, and I don't want the building to blow up every week or two."

With fresh eyes on my situation, I took a look at the massive containment unit I had created. I will need a new lab after this though, the floor and walls were all covered in a new octagonal solar panel I had designed to take in the solar energy that the sun was going to give off. In the middle of the room was a massive gyroscope combined with a Dyson sphere. Most of it was made out of modular designed electromagnets crossed with sound oscillation devices, and outside of it all was the quantum harmonics resonator keeping it all contained.
It was time for lunch though, so I couldn't go around playing with stars today, I did leave Alfred with commands to overlook everything and make improvements or fix safety issues as he sees fit.

Shutting down my lab, it was time to take a shower and meet the infamous Dr. Otto. But while I was heading up from the sub-basements, I passed the training rooms I had built. In one of the rooms, Ororo was throwing lightning at Spiral while Logan and Laura were in the command deck watching and conversing about how they would approach the situation. That's a hell of a way to have father-daughter bonding time, and seeing Laura reminded me to check in with Dr. Kenny later to check on the spider serum, and I will also have to track down Jessica Jones and send Natasha after some blood or I have to make a quick pass to get some.

That flight ability that she isn't using can be beneficial for other people. And having Gwen fly around like superwoman would be nice also. I will also have to find that purple-faced asshole soon, and maybe I can use that to get her on my side. That fucking rapist asshole deserves death, and I might have to send Alfred in to make sure that none of my people get under his control. It might be a good time to put Jerry Hogarth on retainer so I can accidentally meet Ms. Jones. With more plans added to my Black Server through Alfred, It was time to get prepared. 

When I walked out of the shower into my overnight sleeping quarters that were built into the H.Q., I found Natasha holding up a tie and matching them to the suit that she had also picked out for me to wear. "While we were down in the labs you said a few days have passed, how did it go at PYM technologies with Darren Cross?" I asked Natasha while speed changing into my suit while leaving behind the tie.

Natasha smiled at me while picking up the tie that I left behind on the bed. "It didn't go anywhere." She replied while putting the tie around my neck. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her for that. "He is currently attached to the hip of Hope Pym. It seems he is trying to woo her. So I snuck in the old fashioned way with these new upgrades of mine," Natasha replied while linting my suit.

"So this is when Hank sent his daughter as a honey trap to get into Darrans inner circle, interesting," I stated openly. "So, are you going to tell me about that?" Natasha asked while turning around to pick up the rest of her things. "It's not that I don't trust you Nat, its that we are riding a fine balance right now. Me knowing is dangerous enough, including you to that list will make you a target for some beings that not even I can fight." I told her while holding the door for her to enter the elevator first.

"I am surprised no one from the ORDER had shown up to off me before I got old enough because I broke their precious balance," I told Natasha as we went up in the elevator for the special open cafe I had built on the connecting building. Natasha just raised her eyebrow at me, so I continued for her benefit. "Natasha there is an ORDER of watchers that maintains the balance of time and protects reality, these small waves that I am making in the time stream can call down their wrath. And since they haven't brought down death and destruction. I'm guessing that I haven't made too much of an impact in the grand scheme of things."

I told her as we approached a couple with visitors badges. The couple looked just like Alfred Moline and Dr. Otto and Rosalie Octavius from Spiderman two. Man, it was just amazing to meet another legend. After we made our way to our table, we had a nice small lunch and with the small talk out of the way. It was now time for the real business to start. "So tell me Otto; are you here for a change of scenery or are you finally taking that job offer that I made not too long ago? Or could this be your attempt to escape that nasty board of directors over at Oscorp?" I asked him while chuckling at the look on his face. "Take it as no insult, Otto. I want to understand where we stand."

"The board of directors would like to sell my life's work to keep Oscorp afloat. Stark has his arc reactor, but no one else is in the field of renewable energy. You have been the only one that has approached me within the last twenty years about my research. I promise it is viable, and I only need resources to prove that," Spoke up Otto with the look of a desperate man. Now I could see what drove him to do what he did in the Spiderman two movies. I had to feign the thinking it over part, granted I already wanted his research as my own, but I couldn't just show my hand yet. I was happy that he laid it all out for me so that a fair point in his favor at least.

Natasha was again looking at me with her silent look, so I gave her my slow lazy smile, "I will consider buying out your research with Oscorp, but I do have a few concessions I need from you. I have heard that you are great with prosthetics and I was looking to combine that with my nanites. This is for the veterans so I will need your full-time focus on this. In return, I will give you access to Alfred." I told Otto and his wife. "I have made an impressive stride in mechanical engineering. I even have the designs for a harness I was working on to help stabilize the solar project." Otto started to speak a mile a minute, but even though his wife was smiling. I could tell that she already picked up on something.

"What is Alfred?" Otto's wife Rosaline asked me, but before I could answer her, Alfred popped up himself using the holoprojectors. "I am Alfred, and I'm a he, not an It, So please don't mix the two," Alfred told them while creating a chair to take a seat with us. This time Alfred was taking a human form; he was wearing a business-suit that matched my own with a low fade for his hairstyle. That was interesting because I wasn't the one to help him pick out his human form.
Otto looked at me in astonishment, "You didn't,"  "Yes I did," "But how, that should be impossible." Otto's face went from shock back to fascination and then again to shock. Natasha and Rosaline were looking back and forth between the both of us trying to understand what was happening.

"Come on, Otto, if Stark can build his own why can't I?" I asked him while he was settling down. "He doesn't sound like a normal A.I., nor does he carry himself as one," Otto stated while eyeing Alfred. "That's because I am not a normal A.I. I'm a fully sapient A.I. doctor," Alfred told Otto, and then a fanatic look came over Otto's face. "I would love to work here, Mr. Blake. I believe we can do great things together." Natasha and I excused ourselves while Otto and his wife started to ask Alfred multiple questions about his operational platform and a few other bits I decided to tune out. "Is there anything that you would like to tell me about, Alfred?" Natasha asked while we entered the elevators again.
I could only shrug at that question, "That he is on our side and you haven't done anything to insult and or upset him. SoI would not worry about him. He has my personality matrix, so you probably know more about him than you realize. By the way, I have updated the BLACK SERVER for a certain person that's going to need to be eliminated. Might I suggest by sniper rifle? He is a mind manipulator so you need to stay at a safe distance. I would also recommend talking Jessica Jones into going along as he is her rapist and I am sure she would like some revenge. You don't have to get this accomplished now since he will be within the city soon enough."

After saying that to Natasha, she was silent, not the silence of her usual self. No Natasha was in her deadly silence. I could tell the difference because her natural bio aura she exuded was no longer in its general calm state. There was a raging tide going on within Natasha's mind she was trying not to show on the outside. That could only mean that the rumors I found out about her old handler and the RED ROOM had some truth to it. Taking into consideration what I know about her past, I just followed alongside her in companionable silence.

When we arrived back at my office, all calls were placed on hold because this was not a time to do business. Alfred can handle everything for now, since nothing was exploding and last I checked Gwen and Jean left for their dance classes. Natasha already knew what I was up to from when I allowed her to have her moment. Taking two glass tumblers, it was time for a drink. Unfortunately for both of us, we couldn't get drunk. We sat there for a while, just drinking our way through the bottle of Russian Vodka.

"Through training, the Red Room impressed upon us, how to separate the mind from the body." Natasha started. "It showed early how beautiful I would become, so the Red Room decided to train me early." Natasha couldn't go on, but I understood, there was no need for words about what she had to go through. I had already pieced it together with what I knew from the comics and what I was able to uncover with Alfred's help.

"Nat, you don't have to explain, not to someone like me." With that, we just sat in more companionable silence. We went through one bottle after the next, while sitting in our chairs overlooking the city's skyline.

The silence didn't last very long though because soon my communicator hologram went off with the spider symbol. And that could only mean one thing that Peter was on the move with Uncle Ben heading into the city. Sigh, why now of all things. 

Couldn't I have this bonding moment without having to play the hero?

"So, are you going to get that," Natasha asked while draining the last out of her glass.
"Unfortunately, I have to but do understand your just as important as the person on the other end," I replied as I activated the comms to watch as Peter and Uncle Ben argue in the car before he slammed the door leaving.

"Natasha suit up, you're going to be the hero tonight, not me. You're going to save Uncle Ben, and then I am going to talk to my dense knuckleheaded friend." I told her while heading for my hidden suit rack.

Pulling a false book, the entire bookshelf rotated revealing my blue, silver, and black suit. Grinning to myself it was hero-time, with a quick change I turned around in time to witness Natasha zipping herself up. "You wore that all day?" I asked her, "It's not half bad." Natasha returned as she placed her clothes folded onto the seat she just got up from.

I could only sigh at her, but any progress was progress. The ping went off again, but this time from both of our wrist computers, it would seem Alfred is paying attention to us even though he was still hanging out with Otto. Natasha had chosen to use the half mask to keep her hair down. I would have to check the Twitter accounts later to see what the world is thinking about this new female hero that showed up with LIGHTSPEED the hero of New York.

With the window open, Natasha was the first out swinging into the city with a joyous yell. Shaking my head at her antics, I followed right along behind her. I knew she wasn't okay not by a long shot, but I was happy to help her move in the right direction. Lucky for me Peter has stuck to the old tried and true trying to woo M.J. right before a big dance, well that and he always seems to get his powers around some bullshit like this.

Then he tried to use his powers to gain easy money, all I had to do was keep track of certain events, and it was easy to figure out his next move. I watched from my perch as Natasha went down to give a mugger a five finger lesson. I chuckled at that. He had no clue who he just survived a meeting with. After Natasha let off some steam beating down some more lowlifes of our beautiful city, we tracked Uncle Ben waiting around the New York Library.

Watching him wait on Peter was a little heartbreaking, how couldn't Peter see that his Uncle was trying the best that he could. Natasha turned to me while I was within my musings, "Why am I going to save someone who isn't in danger?" Natasha asked while crouched down next to me. 

How am I going to explain to her that every time Peter gets his powers, his Uncle Ben dies, because that's the only way this fucked up multiverse decides to teach him a lesson? And that just from this he spends the majority of his years living with the traumatic guilt of the event. "You understand that my powers come with a time element?" I asked her while looking at my wrist-mounted computer screen.

"Yes, I have been able to piece certain things together with what you have in the Black Servers and what you have told me here and there." Stated Natasha, but I could feel that she was at full attention, even if she was playing it ultra cool.

"Well, I like to cheat to win, so I took a look. Every timeline Uncle Ben dies, I refuse to let that happen If I have the power to save him." I told her as I jumped off the roof following Uncle Ben's vehicle.

"How much have you seen Benjamin?" Natasha asked as we trailed Uncle Ben. "Enough and not enough Natasha, everything will go downhill in two years.

Gods will walk among men again, and then the rest of the universe will challenge us to see if we are worthy, but then we still have to survive the culling." I told her, and that's when we fell back into companionable silence while trailing Uncle Ben. 

Uncle Ben had parked himself, so I turned to watch the nano-fly feed following Peter. Peter had gone to some underground fighting ring and was wearing a Lucha Libre mask and winning pretty good. Peter couldn't throw a punch for shit, but he was learning fast and with his spider-sense to help him out he hadn't lost a match yet. I had a conversation with Jean and Gwen on the phone while we waited for Peter to get done. 

Natasha was chuckling as we watched Peter kick ass for over an hour and by this time it was already dark. We had taken turns to go out and kick some bad guy ass while we waited on Peter to get finished, but as they put more money in his hands, Peter got cockier and cockier. That was when the pro walked out into the ring. When Natasha took a look at him, she frowned.

That was saying something because Natasha never frowned from looking at another fighter; ever. "Is he going to be a problem?" I couldn't help but ask the well-traveled assassin. "For us no, but for your friend, yes. See that guy he is just like us, so that means they are onto what Peter is doing.

From what I know, he is soft on kids, but Peter is in for a tough fight." Natasha told me with furrowed brows. Well damn, that means that Peter has some real dog shit luck. Peter started with a man dash then launched himself into a superman punch which his opponent easily dodged then countered with his one punch right to the ribs.
That had to have hurt because Peter folded like a lawn chair. Natasha had to put her hand across my mouth because I started to yell for Peter to get back up and fight. Hell, this was his first real right, and I was into it rooting for my bud. Eventually, Peter got back up and proceeded to get his ass handed to him. There were moments when the nano-fly was able to get a shot of his face, and I noticed how confused he looked since his spider-sense wasn't helping him avoid hits. I played back the footage to see what was happening, but I couldn't find anything until the third time through. Every time Peter dodged he was frozen momentarily in the air, and his opponent was able to sink a hit in.

"Minor telekinesis," I spoke aloud, and Natasha nodded from beside me. "He is an extremely tricky opponent to deal with without it, and he becomes even more deadly with his abilities. Your friend already lost this match," Spoke Natasha while looking around from our perch over a ledge.

Peter never stood a chance against the man, but like any gambler that tastes some winnings, he kept on going. Peter kept betting on himself and was losing his money fast, once they took all his money, he could no longer fight. I was just happy Peter didn't place himself into a hole with all that betting that he was doing. Granted Peter didn't accept his loss very well either. Peter had not only gotten beat up, but Peter also lost all the money he came out here to fight with. When he had finally recovered enough from his loss, Peter made the call to Uncle Ben, and we followed.

I was one hundred percent focused: Uncle Ben was moving and so was Peter. That could only mean the incident could happen at any moment. The corner store Peter was in was getting robbed, and Peter did nothing, but right in the alley, a lady was also being mugged. I went for the guy in the store first to be safe, while Natasha was taking down the mugger in the alley. When I finally had hope that everything was going to be okay, I heard the sound of a gunshot going off.

I was moving; there was no pause; there was no indecision; there was only my drive and focus to save Uncle Ben. I usually stayed away from my teleporting ability because I was far too afraid to splice myself into a wall but not today. I tossed that fear aside and embraced the fold of space around me. Right as I stepped through space itself, I was met with two rounds into my chest while standing in front of Uncle Ben. When I looked at the face of the guy that pulled the trigger, I found the face of one of Peter's opponents.

I was fucking livid. He couldn't take losing to a kid in a Lucha Libre mask, so he came out to kill him and his family. Hell, I didn't even notice him following Peter from the underground ring. I was far to focused on one thing again, taking a moment to look around. I saw one other from the underground fighting ring looking in Peter's direction. Well, shit, Peter Parker was about to get a very dark origin story, but I was here to correct that. I contacted Natasha to let her know to cover Peter: It was time to make the world a cleaner place without these two assholes.

Grabbing the shooter by his face I teleported us into the bunker of STRYKER's island then went back for the other one. They each released a micro scream when I grabbed them, but I was all out of pity tonight. I cleaned up the spent shells that were still in the air then got rid of the weapons he had used to fire at Uncle Ben. I kept the two rounds that lodged themselves within my chest plate though. At first, I wanted to keep them as a reminder that no matter how fast I might be. There will be moments where if I lack even the slightest amount of protection, I could quickly die, but they would be used better as a tool to help Peter learn a lesson. Now, what should I do with these two?

Maybe it was time to actually practice some phasing on living objects. When I looked at them, they were frozen in the air from when I threw them. With a quick once over to check to make sure the island was free of visitors, it was time to let them experience some pain. When I returned to the bunker, I found them looking around, terrified. "This is where I talk, and you listen, tonight you both lost and instead of leaving it at that. You both decided to be scum bags. So, in return, I plan to use your assistance in a simple experiment of mine. You survive, you get to live." I told them, but they were already running out and away.

I grabbed the first one to flee by his hoodie, and when I laid my hands on him, he automatically swung a punch in my direction. That wouldn't do, grabbing the criminals hand. I hopped up the wall spinning his limb in a full three hundred and sixty-degree turn snapping it out of the socket ruining the arm entirely. The guy went down screaming, his buddy that was watching all this, bolted in the opposite direction. Good for him. With a small amount of focus on my aura around my hands, I focused on allowing my molecules to move through another object without interference but this time I wanted my aura to hold my molecules together, so I don't accidentally unravel myself. With that, I plunged my hands into his chest. It would seem that the first time worked like a charm because I almost fell right through his chest and the ground beneath him.

"Widow to LightSpeed, come in Light speed." Natasha came up over the comms. The message was so abrupt, I yanked my hand back in a swiping motion and slicing the guy in half. Well, that was a neat discovery, "Yeah Widow go ahead, LightSpeed here." I replied, walking away from the now very dead asshole.
"The situation is under control, but that Lucha Libre would like to chat. I shut him down, but Overwatch intercepted a call from him to H.Q. for the Pixie. How should I proceed?"

"I am sure the Lucha Libre already figured it out, make sure Uncle Ben makes it back home safe. He will come to find me if I don't find him first. Lightspeed out." And with that, I shut down the communications and went after the other fool that ran away. Surprisingly he was fast, and I found him down at the docks trying to start one of the boats. Unfortunately, Laura took her anger out on them while we were here on the island, so they all had her claw marks. When the criminal saw me, he screamed and took off running again. I wasn't in the mood to play some pretend horror movie villain, so I caught him in the palm tree's grove, "Your a hero. Hero's don't kill people isn't that like some rule right." He yelled while trying to get free from my grip.

"You do know that's from Saturday morning cartoons right?" I told him, and with that, I phased my hand into his chest. The look on his face was pure shock, and I bet he was wondering why he didn't feel anything. The shocked look on his face lasted up until I grabbed onto his spine with my hand charged with lightning. With a firm hold onto his spine, I yanked hard snapping it.

After tossing the bodies to the sharks, it was time to get back home. I found Peter sitting on the roof of the abandoned train yard we used to go to when an experiment he wanted to perform carried a chance to be explosive. He was sitting there on the roof watching the city's nightlife. Peter had taken that ridiculous Lucha Libre mask off of his head but he was still in the red hoodie and blue sweatpants combo. If he didn't look so much like Tom Holland's spiderman, I would have laughed at him. Hell, I felt like laughing at him right now, but for tonight it was time for all jokes to be placed aside.

Sitting down next to Peter, I just watched the skyline with him. After a while, Peter finally spoke up, "Thanks for saving Uncle Ben." "Think nothing of it, Pete, So are you going to tell me about tonight?" I asked him. "I just wanted to make some quick money for the upcoming dance." He replied.

"So you what, used your powers to go cheat in a fight and that leads to them trying to kill you. You could have avoided all this by asking me if you didn't want to ask Uncle Ben?" I told him. "That's the thing. I wanted to do this myself without anyone's help." Peter spoke out to the air. I could only sigh at that, "Peter, you're like a brother to me and one of the smartest people that I know; but man you can be dense sometimes. I understand your need for being self-reliant, but a mark of maturity is understanding that you can't do things alone and might need assistance. So now you lost all your money, and the dance is still coming, we both know your current plans fell through. So tell me what is your back up?" I asked while turning to face him.

Peter stood up and faced me, "I plan to ask for some help because I am way over my head."

"Now that sounds like something I am familiar with, so what are you calling yourself in the underground ring, The Amazing Underoos?" I asked with a chuckle standing up.

"Well, Speedy was taken, so I had to pick something with style." Peter quipped back.

"Oh, that's cold coming from the spiderling," I replied as we kept going back and forth while leaving the abandoned train station.

"Listen, Pete, I am the fastest man alive, but I still took two to the chest tonight. If you want to suit up, you need to understand the dangers." I told Peter as I placed the two rounds in his hands.

"I will always be your brother no matter what anyone says or thinks, so remember what Uncle Ben always preaches: with great power comes great responsibility. We are going to dance and enjoy ourselves then enjoy our summer break. If you decide you want to pick up that responsibility to help save this city just let me know. I have some patrolling to do before I turn in for the night." With my final goodbye, I was back off into the night. 

A week had gone by before Peter finally showed up at Star Industries, Gwen and Jean were super excited about him finally coming to join us. And since Peter was in the know about almost everything, I had to put him in the danger room. What I didn't see coming was Laura and Michelle taking it upon themselves to guide him there. Logan though looked none too pleased with Peter trying to talk to Laura, but I wasn't going to even mess with that. Peter finally had ladies paying him attention and not because he can help solve their Algebra-2 homework.

Otto and I had finally gotten the strength testing machine going, and it was turning into a lively affair, but I was choosing to stay out of it. I didn't have metal bones or super strength, so I was technically the weakest one right behind Logan.  Otto had fallen in love with the improvements Alfred and I made to his arms, and when I showed him the upgrades I made to the subdermal implants.

Dr. Otto admitted that he might have neglected the neural protections when he made the arms. Now with the new safeties, I have less worry about him going mad hatter later.

Roseline Octavius had fallen for Natasha, and I could almost always find them having lunch or doing small tasks together. I could tell Natasha had no clue about what was going on but I could, Otto and Rose never had any kids. So I was reasonably sure Natasha got herself adopted and had no clue how. But that was good for her, so I did not interfere. Everyone was good and even that grumpy old Uncle Nicky was doing okay. Natsha was running side missions with Barton which struck me as funny when she first complained about his older brother routine. With everything going right, I was waiting for that one thing to go wrong.

This was going to be an awesome night. Everything started perfectly. the Limousine arrived right on time. Gwen was dressed up and look beautiful, and Jean was in a radiant dress that matched Gwen's eyes. Peter was in a tux that Natasha had picked out for him and Laura was also in the dress Natasha had picked out for her. Michelle's dress just showed up in my office one day with a note reading- I don't kill family, but I can put you in a dark hole under the ocean if she does not have a fun night -F.

We arrived at the dance in style. When Peter stepped out of the limo then walked in with two knock out, jaw dropping hotties on his arms, the place got silent fast. Laura was dressed in a slim satin dress with spaghetti straps showing lots of legs in a matching pair of heels. Around the waist was golden embroidery. And Michelle, on his other arm, was wearing a tight black V neck dress in mermaid style, with matching black heels. Being her cousin, I was one step away from launching a smack upside the back of his head for him to keep his eyes and hands off. Although, I was holding back because the looks on M.J.'s face and that asshole Flash were priceless. 

I was keeping my eyes on my date and her best friend though. On one arm there was a pixie version of Emma Stone. Gwen was wearing her signature pixie haircut with a red off-shoulder sleeveless satin dress that matched Jean's hair. Gwen was standing at 5'8 in a pair of red heels to match. On my other hand was a striking Jean grey with similar features to Jenna Lynn. Jean was wearing a blue off the shoulder V neck dress that matched Gwen's blue eyes. The dress was short but stopped right at her knees. Jean was also wearing a pair of silver pumps.
We danced, we laughed, and we even took photos for albums. It was a great couple of hours, and that was when my communicator went off. There was a fire in the Bronx, and the firefighters were stuck in traffic. They had asked dispatch for my help, so I was obviously contacted. I was the only one that could make it in time to even try and save anyone. Natasha wasn't in New York as she was currently down in Georgia hunting down a mad scientist for me. 

I kissed Gwen then gave Jean a hug. Peter received a fist bump and a warning not for me to return and find Michelle's lipstick on him and to take care of the girls. Then I was off. The blaze was devastating to not only the building but also its surroundings. The heat it was giving off was unbearable by any human standards imaginable. I dove into the building anyway because no matter my feelings, I was here as a hero and heroes never back down. This night I was only able to save six out of the ten occupants. The other four were in the meth lab that exploded. I was in mid-conversation with the fire chief when I received an emergency call from Michelle.

"Ben, you have to get back here. Something went extremely wrong when you left." Michelle was screaming into my ear, but I could barely hear anything over the sirens and the noise from all the activity. I said my goodbyes then took off, heading in the direction of the hotel for the Midtown High School dance. "Michelle, you there, break it down what's going on?" I asked, trying not to lose my temper because I barely leave and shits already going wrong. 

"Its Flash and his goons Ben, Peter is keeping Laura from killing anyone, but it's not going well you need to get here soon." Michelle was telling me, but it just didn't make any sense why would Laura be trying to kill Flash. Laura already knows we can't kill innocent people. "Michelle, just tell me what Flash did?" I asked, trying to cut to the heart of the situation. "Ben, they dumped something from the rafters onto us. Jean and Gwen got the worst of it, but it's pretty bad," Michelle finally told me.

Now I was beyond pissed off; this situation with Flash was going to end today. After changing back into my tux, I made it just in time to witness the limo leaving in a hurry. I paid it no mind because I had found my target peeking out from one of the hotel rooms. Flash had a smile on his face up until he noticed me walking in his direction.

Flash tried to close the doors, but I was already on him, I might not be as strong as Natasha or Peter, but I was still far more enhanced than any average person's strength. So Flashes attempt to close the door in my face did not work to his benefit; my first hit was for his diaphragm. He was not going to be able to call for help if he can't catch his breath; my next hit went for his jaw.

I felt the sickening crunch when my knuckles met his jaw, and I knew it was broken. The third hit went for his kidney, and then I went for the ribs, then his nose. I broke Flash apart piece by piece until he was just a lump of human flesh under my hands. While I was contemplating breaking his arms and legs,  something ethereal slam into me, this wasn't just any typical psionic assault this was all panic and chaos. There was no real purpose behind it only fear, but the power alone was on a scale like no other. This was the birth of an omega class Metahuman. 

That was when I realized it, HOLY SHIT, JEAN!

Gwen Stacy / Genius / Aspiring SuperHero / Dancer

This should have been a fantastic night for Gwen. She was out with Jean, Ben and all of their friends that mattered. It was all ruined because Flash couldn't get his head out of his ass and grow up for once. Now she was soaked in some red liquid that she had no clue what it was. Gwen was sure of one thing and that this wasn't sanitary in the least.

While Gwen was fussing over getting herself and Jean cleaned up as much as they could within the car that's when it happened.

Jean screamed, doubling over holding her head, and Gwen felt so many voices in her head. Gwen heard voices she knew and voices she didn't. For a moment Gwen didn't even know which way was up, that was until she remembered what Benjamin had told her about Metahuman telepaths going through a rough awakening.

Gwen realized that Ben wasn't here to help Jean or solve the situation. So Gwen did what she thought would work. Gwen picked up Jean and placed their foreheads together.

"Jean listen it's just me, only me. Focus on the sound of my voice. Tune everyone out, come towards my voice because I am here with you. Feel my warmth, feel my hands, feel only me." Gwen spoke softly.

"So many voices, so loud in my head." Cried Jean with her eyes closed shut.

"That's fine Jean search out for me, feel me. My voice Jean pick out my voice. Listen as my voice soothes you," Then Gwen did what Ben always does to soothe her raging emotions. Gwen sealed Jean's lips with hers and lost herself in the taste of strawberries. 


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