The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 20: The Crew

The Fastest Man Alive
Chapter 20
The Crew

The psychic assault disappeared as fast as it appeared, but I was already moving to get to the limo. I caught up to the limo while it was halfway back to the HQ. Peter was in the front half section of the limo, but I wasn't looking for him. Moving back a bit I was greeted with a fascinating sight, Gwen had Jean pinned down to the chair, engaging in some serious kissing and light petting.

I should have felt betrayed or down because of this situation, but I wasn't so dense as to not realize what was happening. Gwen finally gave into her bisexuality, but also saved a lot of lives in the process. Nothing that I had prepared for Jean's awakening was available for use in this current situation. I was more than satisfied that this kiss had snapped Jean out of her abilities going out of control, so now it was time to help them both. 

Covering my body in my speed force aura, I phased my way into the back with Jean and Gwen. Sitting in the car seat, I just sat back and enjoyed the view. It was a thing of beauty red mixed with blonde, there soft moaning, I won't interrupt there fun for now, but I did feel another mind brush against my own, and I knew who it was. Jean had instinctively reached out when she felt my presence, typically when the Professor does this, I would shut him out, but for Jean, I would do no such thing.

Slowly unraveling my mental shields, I allowed Jean to connect with my mind. Once I realized I could see different waves of energy, I went through every spectrum that was available to me, and luckily, one such spectrum was the ethereal realm connected to most psionic powers. Just seeing the psionic waves wasn't enough though I had to figure out how my mental barriers worked and If I could reverse engineer it in case others would need psy-blockers. 

I was able to create what would be essentially a mental firewall blocking all access requests for port entry. So by reversing what I usually have going on within my mental firewall, I can allow only those I choose to gain entry since I didn't want to sync with just anyone. When I felt Jean's mental intrusion, I formed a mental image of myself holding her in a warm embrace. 

"Jean, the mental mindscape is all about imagery. Put aside your fears and picture yourself at the moment. Do that, and you will be more aware within the ethereal." I whispered out within my mindscape.  Jean was a natural. She appeared within moments of me just giving her a hint of how the mind operates. She looked around, stunned at the presence of my mindscape. 

"Welcome to my mind, Jean, here I am in total control," I Stated as I brought up two recliners and a table for us to be seated. "How are you doing this?" Jean asked, amazed as I showed off my mental controls. "Visualization is the key Jean, slow down, and focus on what you're trying to do. Imagine a clear picture, then will it forth into creation." I told Jean, and she got it again, instantaneously. 

Jean brought forth my representation of New York City with buildings for my memories. My home with my childhood, the school where we all met and the Bain of my existence. Then the car that killed me appeared all blacked out, so with my mental push, I enclosed it behind a vault with all the other nasty little memories and plans that she couldn't be aware of right now. 

"What was the car, and why did I feel a tug when it disappeared?" Jean asked.  "There are things in my mind that can't be shared. I would like you to respect that please." I told Jean's as I was locking down memories. Then I brought up my training in meditation and mind training that I did with my mental enhancements. 

Jean just stared at them, trying to figure out where I was going with bringing up the memories, so I just sat there and silently watched. Then Jean did what I was about to tell her about, She closed her eyes and then the memories flowed right into her ethereal body. I smiled at that because she just copied the memories into herself.  With that, I stood up and held my hand out while she assimilated the memories.

Once finished, Jean joined me in standing. With quick changes, I backdropped us on a beautiful nighttime scenery with the moon and stars overhead. 

"It would be rude of me to send you away without anything." Then I leaned in and delivered a toe-curling kiss of my own. With a slight push, I was back out in reality, but I left my mind open for Jean since I could notice that slight trepidation was flowing from her. When I opened my eyes from my seat, I noticed that almost no time at all had passed. That could either be due to my mind or that's just the nature of things in the ethereal, but I can wait for the explanation from the real experts. 

Gwen still had Jean in one intense liplock, but it would be rude to interrupt, so I sent a few messages to Alfred to have my lawyer sue the pants off the Thompson family. I wanted them so ruined that the judge would order them to allow me to piss on the ashes of whatever was left remaining after I burnt it all to the ground. That was how finished I was with Flash and his bullshit. After that was finished, I sat back in my seat to relax and take in the night sky. It was 2010 currently, and that means I only had one more year and a few months to prepare for the coming invasion. None of the serums will be ready in time unless I move up the time table on Banner's return. 

That would be more than a double-edged sword, and I don't need the hulk type of complication so soon without my super strength solution. There was only one solution that could solve this problem sooner rather than later. I could only sigh thinking about the only person that could take the World War Hulk head on with no issues at all. Unfortunately, my sigh had shaken Gwen out of her kiss happy moment. "Had fun?" I asked while pulling Gwen into my arms as she blushed. Jean just took a seat as regally as she could but her face was bright red. 

"I was... It was something else," Whispered Gwen into my chest. "Your not mad I kissed her?" Gwen asked me.  "No, I'm far too comfortable with my masculinity to be offended by something I knew was long in the making; also, kissing Jean is very breathtaking," I spoke up smiling at Jean. 

I wanted her to come closer, but with Gwen in my arms, I couldn't reach that far for her. Jean came over on her own though, and I could only smile at her because that means she was still in my head roaming around. 

"How is the mental block I showed you going?" I asked Jean, at this point, Gwen turned around in my lap, and I could see out the windows of the limo. 

We were almost back at the HQ, but I couldn't see what Peter and the two trouble-makers were doing because of the divider window. Gwen punched me in the arm pouting at me, "When did you kiss Jean and why am I just learning about this now," Gwen asked while poking me in my chest. "Just a few minutes ago while you both were doing the tongue tango," I tapped the side of my head.

"I let her in and curled her toes also with a kiss within the ethereal." I replied to Gwen while taking a look at Jean's scrunched up face, "Jean?" I prompted her. "It's just odd how your mental imagery attempts, work. I am doing the speaker drill, turning down all the voices then enclosing my mind behind a reinforced wall. Just like your memories clearly, show. It feels like I can do more though," Jean stated while leaning into my side. 

"We can easily figure this out, don't worry Jean maybe you can speak with that Professor that Ben's always talking about," Gwen told Jean as she hugged her.  Shit, I will have to give the Professor a strongly worded warning. I placed all the warnings about what I felt was proper mind etiquette and let Jean review them while the three of us rode in silence. I was sure though, that Gwen and Jean were in constant telepathic communication. That was fine since there was no harm done and Jean needed the practice, now I just needed to make plans to test out her other abilities and maybe a super suit just in case. 

When we got back to the HQ, everything was peaceful, but I knew that it wouldn't last for long. The Octavius couple were out on date night and I had bought enough barbeque meats and party favors that Logan would be stuck at the X-mansion for the night. Spiral isn't typically around when Natasha went on her missions, and Barton was most likely on his farm or his missions. The girls got out first, then I got out after, but when I got out, I got a good look at Peter, and his lips looked bruised. 

I could only laugh at him because there was not a mark of black lipstick on him anywhere. So that could only mean Peter was making out with the little Stabby munchkin and I couldn't wait to see the look on Logan's face when he smells Peter on Laura. Peter came walking up to me while Laura was getting advice whispered to her by Michelle.  "So, you finally got a kiss that wasn't yourself in a mirror?" I asked him as I looked him up and down. 

"Har, Har! would you like me to mention the buck tape situation?" Peter asked, but I was already moving to cover his mouth.  "You speak of that in any form, and I will call Logan right now," I whispered to Peter threateningly.  That got Peter to back off so we all went casually upstairs. I would have to make a change soon, it was fine sleeping here sometimes, but we couldn't make the Star's Industries building our home. That's how a lot of heroes lose contact with the real world. Ugh, I would need to put in some more plans to make Salem the most fortified town in the country.

I awoke as usual after only a few hours of rest, lucky for me everyone had spent the night up chatting after we had showered and changed out of the messed up clothing. So for once, I was getting up with the sun and not before the crack of dawn. I woke up to find both Jean and Gwen fully clothed but passed out in my bed. 

Ignoring them, I proceeded to finish my morning routine by getting in a light workout and finish a few projects hanging around. Since Netflix wasn't a thing in this world, I was working on a few business plans to make myself the new owner of a vast library that plenty would pay for.  

Now that Oscorp was on the downslope, it was also time to steal a few projects and people that Little Harry doesn't need. I was sure Otto would gladly provide me with a list of scientists that were willing to jump ship. I arrived at my office in a good mood, humming to myself because I just got an update from my lawyers letting me know that papers were being filed post haste. 

Also, the gift that I was working on for both Gwen and Jean was coming along nicely, but my good mood was tempered when I got to my office. The first thing I noticed was that my seat was turned around facing the window and not pushed in like It was usually after each use. And right on queue, my mother turned around in my chair like some old school bond villain. 

"So, you didn't kill him. Why?" Was the first thing out of her mouth. I could only sigh at her. 

"Flash is just some high school bully. Beating him up as badly as I did was harsh enough of a lesson for him," I replied, placing my holo-tablet on my desk. "Hmm, You know we don't leave enemies at our backs, Benjamin. Not in this family." My mom said while drumming her fingers on my desk. 

"Mom, I know this already, but there is nothing I can do that won't implicate me in his disappearance," I told her.  "Well, that's too bad because he is already in the wind." Spoke Fury as he just walked into my office like it was his own. Fury walked in, fixed himself a drink then stood by the window overlooking the city. 

"What happen Nicky?" My mother asked Fury. "Someone picked up his family when the city suddenly had a malfunction with the cameras." Fury replied to my mother's question. I had enough, and my anger came through in my voice.  "What do you mean he just vanished? Alfred, search, I want his head on a platter now," I spoke out loud. 

My mother just looked at me and smiled at my response. I was fucking livid because this was something I didn't need on my plate right now. Every fucking time a person gets beaten and grows a grudge against the hero they tend to show up with some power and become a significant pain in the ass later. This was not about to fucking happen, not in my lifetime. All of Alfred's searches were coming up negative, so I had him freeze all of the Thompsons assets to smoke them out. 

"This is why we kill all our enemies Benjamin." Came my mom's voice from behind my desk. 
"I wasn't going to kill him. I just wanted to place him in a deep dark hole for the rest of his life." Fury spoke up.  I just turned to look at the two with my disapproving frown on my face.
"So everyone is just here to rub it in or is there another reason?" I asked while looking back and forth between the two. 

"I was here to see if I will have more grandkids." Chirped my mother with a smile on her face. I looked at Fury, and he only shrugged in my direction. It was time to go, I have had enough of this, there was technology to build and money to make.

Natasha had found me that mad scientist in Georgia that was experimenting with Luke Cage. I might not have been here in time to save Luke's wife or to pick him up directly after his escape, but I was here now. And getting my hands on research that can make a person bulletproof will be invaluable for my own set of super soldiers. That and I can make cheaper bulletproof armor that I can market. 

All I would need is a partnership with a few leather ranches. More bulletproofing with less actual armor showing, this was going to be a steal, and I can already see the money rolling in. I left orders for a few things and followed up with the Governor and some other politicians I had Natasha round up for me. The plans for the Metahuman bill within New York was on track, and most of the opposition was quickly finding themselves isolated and out of touch with the rest of their political parties. 

It was almost time for me to come down hard on New York with the full weight of what I could swing. With all the parts to my puzzle slowly solving themselves, I left to meet the BLACK WIDOW. Out in Georgia, Natasha was keeping an eye on a little scientist named Noah Burstein. Also, better known as the guy who figured out how to make a human being bulletproof using illegal testing on the prisoners in jail. Lucky or unlucky for him, Luke Cage is on my list of recruits, and I needed his research to better the world. When I got to his Georgia home, Natasha already had the mad doctor spilling his guts about his research.

While Natasha was recording everything that he spilled out his guts, I went to check on the lab the doctor had hidden in the back of his farmhouse. When I walked in, I was greeted with the motherload. Dr. Burstein had his server going, and a tub of chemical bottles lined up beside the tub he already threw them into. Plugging a USB connected directly to Alfred, I had him download every file and break through the mad doctor's firewalls. Looking at the tub of liquid, I wanted to become bulletproof. But it was best to test this first, walking back into the house I chuckled as Natasha ran her blade across the doctor's cheek.

"Dr. Burstaein, we both know you didn't give any of the inmates you experimented on any mercy. So why do you think you're going to get any from us?" I asked the good doctor as I sat across from him. "I can solve the problem with the formula I can make it work, and you can have an army." Begged DR. Burstein while launching to grab at my feet. Reeling back I kicked him across the face. I did not need to get any of his filth on me. 

"Doctor your formula works you were only missing the one thing that was staring you in the face the whole time," I told him while thinking back to my general knowledge of Luke Cage from the comics and what the show explored.  "You always pull the subject out too soon once the heat goes up doc, but that's the thing. You need the heat to open up the capillaries in the subject's body. That way, they can absorb the formula you made. Once that happens, they become bulletproof and stronger. Come, let us run a test, and you will see." I told him as I got up from the seat.

Natasha walked the crying doctor at gunpoint as we made our way back into his lab in the farmhouse. I went about setting up the relay and flipping switches to start up the procedure to fry this little man alive. Since I already had the formula and how it was made even the measurements for the solvent to enhance the skin, he was no longer needed. What I did need, though, was a live test before I was sure I had the right things. "Natasha, do you mind?" I asked her nodding towards the doctor. With a savage grin on her face, Natasha tied the doctor's arms together and tossed him in his tub filled with the solution.

With a yank, I flipped the switch and turned the power up to full.


The doctor screamed out for all to hear, but we were out in the boondocks of Georgia, so there were no neighbors around to listen to him and come to the rescue. "Are you going to keep him?" Natasha asked me while keeping her eyes on the thrashing doctor stuck under the screen that holding him down.  "No, he is a nice little gift for our real recruit," I told her as I brought back up the switch letting out the doctor from the tub.

"Why are you doing this?" Dr. Burstein screamed out as he tumbled out of the tub. I completely ignored the man and turned to Natasha, who was already whipping out a Glock. 


Two rounds met Dr. Burstein dead-center of his forehead, but the shots went nowhere. With a smile, I nodded at the man. "See doc? Your stuff works you just need some time and a little bit of heat to allow the formula to seep into the skin and bingo your bulletproof," I told him as I walked closer. "Ohh my gosh I did it! This will win me the Nobel prize for sure!" Yelled out Dr. Burstein as he rolled around the two bullets Natasha had placed center mass at his head. The doctor wasn't even paying any attention to me while I walked closer. I guess that was best, dying on a happy note.

With a solid grip, I forced millions of volts into his head, making sure I got every last brain cell and nerve ending, his head popped like a watermelon. While all his brain bits were floating mid-air, I removed myself and Natasha from the splash zone. "So, what now?" Natasha asked me while watching the dead body. "Now, we burn it all to the ground with what you have recorded and what I took from his computers. We take a few samples back with us, and we can make our people bulletproof." I told Natasha before leaving to get some gas cans of diesel fuel.

With all that out of the way, it was time to make my move for Luke Cage and then pick up Jessica Jones right after. One can't be without the other, and it's about time I collected some DNA to replicate her flight genetic markers. "I am glad you didn't bring him to work with us." Spoke up Natasha as we watched everything burn down to the ground. "Why?" I asked since she usually went with what I asked of her. "Memories of another life long past," Natasha whispered silently into the flames.

That was fine, allowing Natasha to have her moment, I went over what I had about the formula in my mind and who was going to be conducting the experiments. There were a few scientists back at HQ that could use a great little project. I wasn't currently in need of any bulletproof soldiers but having someone work out all the kinks now wouldn't hurt either.

After rushing Natasha back to the car, she had parked a mile out, I went back to cover tracks and made sure the house was burnt down to a crisp. Safely knowing that everything was taken care of, I had Alfred set one of the free scientists at HQ up with a new lab and everything he needed to recreate the formula, his deadline would be a month from now so that proper testing could be performed.

Natasha had flown to Georgia under the pretense of doing business on behalf of Star Industries, so that was how she had to return to New York. That left me with going to pick up Luke all on my own, but as I was thinking about that, I received a call from one of the most unlikely person I would have ever imagined, Ororo. "I heard you where no longer at your company, will you be performing another raid soon?" Asked Ororo from the other end of the phone line.

"Kinda sorta already did that, currently about to perform recruitment," I replied surprised Ororo was serious about smashing bases with me. "I will assist you who are we recruiting and where," Ororo spoke up instantly. "His name is Luke Cage, and he is located in Harlem, New York. He currently owns a bar, so I plan to visit and talk him into joining us." I told Ororo while bringing up the things I had prepared in advance for his recruitment.

"Good, I will meet you on the roof of your building," Ororo stated as she hung up on me. I could only sigh, she might be pretty, but she survived on the streets of Egypt before the Professor adopted Ororo as his own. So I had to be careful that she doesn't just steamroll me. That made me chuckle because Luke isn't going to know what hit him.

I was back to my HQ within the span of a few seconds, I checked in on Gwen and Jean and found them in one of the lower sub levels. Jean was trying to lift objects, but all she was able to do was raise them off the ground by a few inches. Nodding at her progress, I made plans to hang out with them later. It was time to get ready and see POWERMAN.

After preparing, I waited on the roof for what I thought would be the X-Jet, but what I got was the sight of Ororo flying in. Ororo was flying in her classic silver X-men garb, and she looked amazing. Her hair was long and flowing, the suit was hugging in all the right places, and she was floating in front of me with some serious presence.

"Are you not going to change?" Ororo asked me looking me up and down, while I did the same to her.

"We aren't going to recruit with hero gear O. We are going with normal clothes because this guy gets scared easy," I replied as I opened the door for her. I was about to leave Ororo to go pick up some clothes for her, but she turned down the hall towards the living quarters. This intrigued me, so I followed her, it turns out Ororo had already set up her own living space here. That must have been Natasha's doing, I wondered if everyone else also had living quarters. 

Ororo left the door open, so I just took myself a seat while she went to get changed. I was on the sixth upgrade on Ororo's new suit when she walked out fully dressed up in leathers. My heart almost flew out of my chest. Ororo was rocking some black boots paired with lovely form-fitting leather pants that almost made one think it was painted on if it wasn't for the studding on the sides. 

Ororo was wearing a Metallica shirt with a black jacket for our little outing. I did want to walk slightly slower so I could drink in the view before me, but there were things to do and now wasn't the time for acting upon my hormones. While we headed down for the car, I spotted Peter kissing Laura against the door that leads to his Labs. Ororo smiled at them when Peter spotted us walking by and jumped at our presence. I just waved at him since there was no need for us to interfere with their fun.
"That's nice, Laura has blossomed from how she was in the beginning," Ororo stated while we took the elevator down to parking. I was sure Alfred had already made arrangements with Allen so I wasn't too surprised when the doors opened and the car was here. Holding the door, Ororo took a look at one of the bikes I was taking apart for experience then got in first, and I followed right after.

"I am sure a lot has changed for everyone. Maybe I should visit the school once I get the chance." I replied. "And why have you kept yourself away from the school for so long?" Ororo asked while raising an eyebrow at me. "The Professor is a great man, but what I am doing and going to do to make things better flies in the face of all his teachings. I can't put down this fight that I picked up." I told her as I looked out the window. What I should have been doing was to pay attention to her to see her smile at me.

"You sound a lot more mature now than when we first met," Ororo replied, looking out her window. I could only snort at that. "Was that why you were giving me so much grief?" I asked, but all I was given was a brilliant smile. I wanted more out of her, but we had already reached Luke's bar. When we got in things were moving pretty slow, only three occupants were here. It wasn't their fault. It was just early so most drinkers hadn't shown up other than the day drinkers.

"I will be with you in a moment, just take a seat at the bar or booth." Came a smooth voice from somewhere in the back. Ororo looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but all I could do was smile at her. Luke was a big man and sounded like smooth silk but reading it in the comics and hearing it was different. We both took a seat at the bar far from any of the other occupants to be on the safe side.

Luke came out the back carrying a massive stack of beers. I would have been worried if this was some average person, but this was Luke freaking Cage. The man stood at a whopping six feet six inches and pushing taller in his boots. From the muscles on the man, his muscles had muscles. From my sight and rough estimation from his posture, walking gait, and build. Luke had to be pushing four hundred pounds and up. That was a man no one wanted to tangle with, and the only saving grace for me was that he still had Mike Colter's features even though he was a lot more massive than the show.

After Luke placed down his burdens, he walked his way over, and I was sure he was pushing almost seven feet. I took a soda since I couldn't get drunk. Fake ID or not no alcohol could even begin to affect me, so I didn't even try. Ororo went for some smooth scotch, and that brought some flirting out of Luke, but I was swift to shut that down. He can stay in his lane with Jessica Jones. It would suck if I had to kick his ass so soon. "So Luke, we would like to have a chat with the person called Carl Lucas," I spoke up as I leaned forward in my seat. Luke slightly paused what he was doing before smoothing out to wipe the counter.

"Carl isn't available anymore, so maybe you should leave," Luke said in the calmest voice he could. I did notice he was trying hard not to crush the counter. "Come on, Luke. I had to backtrack you to make sure I found the right person, and then I had to cover your trail a lot better than you were able to." I told him as I sat the tablet I brought with me down on the counter. At this point, Ororo was enjoying her scotch as she gave the others the side eye. "Why would you do something like that, what are you after?" Luke asked, but I was noticing his subtle shift in body weight. He was moments from either attacking or fleeing out the back doors.

"To be blunt, I am building a crew, and I want you on the team. Benefits include your Luke alias becoming an actual identity. I have passports, birth certificate, and social security card all verified and proper for usage within the United States and her allies." I told Luke as I strolled through the holograms on the tablet, bringing up everything for him to see. "I don't do gangs nor do I join boy bands," Luke said as he eyed Ororo's clothes. I snorted at that and flicked lighting his way.

"Not a band Mr. Powerman. I need you legit, so I can do some very public things to help a lot of people, or we can use your muscles under the table to hit places like where you escaped from." I told him, and that got his attention alright. Luke growled and crushed part of the counter he was holding. "Why a public face?" Asked Luke as he took this conversation far more serious now since I was dropping a lot of information he believed I shouldn't have.

"Luke, once I make you a legal man, I plan to make you a made man. There are Metahumans everywhere that are being held against their wills. Or people being experimented on to make them become Metahumans. Unwillingly in an experiment like yourself. I have plans to save all that I can and then build Metahuman support out of my company. That's where people like you and few others come in.

Representation needs to be more than just powers and their usage. I have a beloved ex-football player, a kid with angel wings and so much more to bring to the cause but I also need more of my people to join the fight. Ororo can't be the only African American when this goes public. My hands are also tied because I am footing the bill for this party." I told him shrugging. "So you want me to do what be a poster boy?" Luke asked.

"No, what we need you to do is stand up for something greater than yourself." Spoke Ororo suddenly. "People need a symbol of hope in there lives, and your being given the opportunity to grab it. This is a chance to show young kids they can be more than just another statistic spoken about on the evening news." Well, shit, I knew I had strong feelings about a lot that goes down in America, but it would seem that Ororo has the same attitudes also. When Ororo dropped the hammer on Luke, that put a spark in the man's eyes which gave me a smile. I knew there were very few black heroes around, so it felt like a personal win being able to get him on my team.

"Ben get back here that Magneto guy showed up for Jean." Michelle blurted out over my communicator. "Fuck!" I said as I got up ready to leave the bar. I tossed the tablet to Luke, "All the things I have prepared for you are on that. Holla when you make up your mind. I would rather little black kids know they can be more than just be used to play ball or rap. Representation matters Luke, it matters a lot." I stated as I turned around and left both Ororo and Luke behind.

I was tearing my way across the city; this fucking man must have lost his damn mind. Why would he knowingly come into my neighborhood and act like some heel? I needed my gear if I was going to fight someone like Magneto in the middle of the city.  When I got there, what greeted me was the scene of cars floating in the air surrounding Magneto.

I was ignoring everything so that I could go inside for a quick change. That way, I could fight without giving away my identity. It was a good thing I also had a secondary door installed so that I could get my suit just in case I was moving at hyper speeds. Though as soon as I had my uniform on, I knew that I fucked up because most of the armor parts were coated with metal and I was about to face the master of magnetism.  Feeling frustrated, I left my arm gauntlets behind and reverted to my first suit made of the speed force. With myself dressed for hero work, I made it back to the front before the cars Magneto was levitating even moved up an inch.

"They will never be able to understand you or your abilities like I can. Following me, Jean, will open doors you could never imagine." Boomed Magneto's voice as I returned to standard time. "I already told you no, so you should understand there is nothing you can say that will change my mind," Jean yelled back from the door. "Yea, your magnetic personality just isn't working." Yelled Peter while perched across the street on a building. I guess he found his suit then. "Eric can't we be civilized. I don't believe there is any need for any of this." I finally spoke up after taking in the situation.

"So she can be what? Reduced to playing hero for these lesser beings like you do?” Magneto asked, “We are the superior species, and I refuse to have us be less than the gods we are!" he stated with such vitriol in his voice I almost felt the burn from it. Well, almost, I was already far removed from wanting any approval from him. "Look, we all start somewhere, my approach is just different is all," I stated to the upset madman.

"Enough you will leave with me, or I will have to take you by force young one" Yelled Magneto while he threw all the cars at us. Peter jumped and easily dodged the vehicle while I saved the rest. After I placed the pedestrians in safe locations, I made my way back to move Jean also but found her in mid-motion to hold up on of the vehicles. So I moved back behind her to observe what she would do.

Jean caught the car mid-air right before it made an impact on the ground. Magneto did something though that made the car explode right in front of Jean. When I noticed the spark of detonation, I was already moving to rescue Jean. Magneto had pulled that 'if I can't have her then no one will' bullshit. His ass was fucking done now. Moving Jean inside the safety of the Star Industries lobby, it was time to break my foot off inside the ass of Magneto. The first thing I did once I was adequately facing Magneto, was send a lightning bolt right for his chest. It was best to get his high and mighty ass out of the air.

It was an inevitable fact that he had more aerial combat training than I had, even if I could react and process situations faster. It was still best to get Magneto out of his playing field and into my own, but he wasn't falling fast enough, so I went for him. Getting a hold of his cape, I drug Magneto out of the air while whipping around to use the momentum to slam him on the pavement. 

Magneto was taking to long to bounce, so I returned to standard time for him to speed up his actions. With his first bounce, Magneto's hands shot out in my direction, but I was already one step ahead of him. I made sure to leave all of my metal at home this time, but I felt a small nudge in my ear, and that was when I realized he was going for the micro metal installed in the communicator.

 I removed my mouth guard so that Magneto could see the savage grin on my face as I held up my hands that the comms unit was in and threw it away as I sped back up. Magneto was able to see but couldn't even react as my charged fist slammed right into his face, sending him flying across the street.

My foot met Magneto's lower jaw shattering it with my booted heel. I heard someone yell something in the background, and I looked up just in time to see an angry STORM come flying. I had no comms to give STORM any update, so I went back to giving Magneto his long overdue ass kicking.

With a charged stomp, Magneto's left knee was shattered under my foot. Magneto held up his right hand in his futile attempts to hold me off. With a slam over my knee, the elbow was shattered, and with another twist at high speeds, the arm was removed from its ruined socket. I was about to start on his other limbs when I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

When I turned around, I was greeted with a blue face. Mystique was right there looking at me, that's strange I didn't notice anyone else besides the bucket head. "What do you want Raven?" I asked Mystique as I shrugged her hand off my shoulder. "Don't you think that this is enough, look around you. You are a beacon to these people don't do this." Mystique implored me, taking a step back I looked around to find my staff from Star Industries and my friends looking at me as I held Magneto clutched in my grips.

I could only grit my teeth with this situation, Just this morning I was told not to leave any enemies alive at my back, and now I had to let this man go because my hero persona couldn't be known as a killer. Gritting my teeth, I picked up Magneto.

"You are no longer welcomed in New York, Eric. All visiting privileges have been revoked. If I catch anything as small as a blip on the magnetic fields within this city, your head will be removed." I whispered into Magneto's ear. Then I threw him down to the pavement. "That's the person your following, The I AM GOD philosophy is dead. Its coexistence that will lead to a better tomorrow." and with that, I turned around and left them.

I heard Mystiques thanks, but I paid her and Magneto no attention at all. Right now cars were thrown aside everywhere, luckily I made it in time to save a lot of people, but it was still a mess everywhere. Magneto even pulled out metal beams. Ororo was helping people while Dr. Kenny had brought out our medical gurneys for anyone that might need a once over.


I turned around to see Luke Cage pulling up on his Harley, and that caused me to raise an eyebrow. Luke wasn't a man to be bought, so I knew that approach was never going to work. His showing up here was amazing in and of itself. "So why didn't I get  invited to this funky little party you were throwing down." Asked Luke from the back of his bike.

Snorting at the man, "Yeah, it's a party alright," I replied


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