The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 108

Leaving aside Ye Ting’s plan for the time being, after returning to Hogwarts, he was immediately treated like a hero. The teachers and students gathered around him and asked about the treatment he received at the Ministry of Magic. They learned about Ye Ting. After not being held accountable, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition, the attitude of the three girls towards Ye Ting has become a lot more gentle, because the reason for their task that Ye Ting was tried by Wesengamo was largely because of the responsibilities of the three of them.

And on the third day, when the Ministry of Magic issued an announcement, everyone’s eyes on Ye Ting changed.

They didn’t know what happened that day, but they knew that in that trial, Ye Ting not only got rid of the charges, but instead let the Ministry of Magic personally admit his responsibility, and also won money for mental damage for the students. Although it was only a few Jin Jialong, this represented a compromise of the Ministry of Magic.

The three girls were even more excited and excited. The eyes that looked at Ye Ting contained gratitude, because they knew that Ye Ting had won this medal for them. The Merlin Medal is not a small honor in the wizarding world. Even the third-level medal also means great credit and recognition from the entire wizarding world-not to mention that even the patron saint curse is taught by Ye Ting.

And the status of the three girls in Hogwarts’ figure in the air has been further confirmed. Penello has not taken the N.E.W.T exam. Several departments in the Ministry of Magic have sent letters for her, inviting her to join their department after graduation.

Zhang Qiu booked the position of Ravenclaw female prefect in advance. As long as she reaches the next semester, she will be able to become the new female prefect after she reaches the fifth grade. No one opposes this. Everyone thinks she is true. Given her name, she herself began to become more and more confident.

As for Hermione, her life has changed the most. She is no longer the boring nerd that people thought of before. Girls used to think she was boring and uncomfortable, but now, the original nerd and boredom have become knowledgeable and individual. There are already several lower grades. The girls began to surround her and imitate her every move. She felt a little uncomfortable with this, but she also began to learn to cope with the social life among girls.

In addition, there is another change that made Ye Ting very pleased. That is that Hermione finally gave up the time converter, but it was not because of the pressure that Ye Ting envisioned and collapsed, but because she received too much attention-these attentions made She always had no chance to find a corner with no one to use the time converter, which greatly increased the risk of using it, so Hermione, who had been fatigued for a long time, stopped such behavior. As a price, she canceled the two elective courses of “Muggle Behavior Research” and “Divination”.

In short, this incident changed everyone.

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As the turmoil of this Quidditch match was smoothly resolved, the next Quidditch match started smoothly.

The little wizards no longer have to worry about the dementor problem, not because of the promise of the Ministry of Magic, but because they have a few great classmates who can protect them with the patron saint.

The two sides of this game are Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Since Ravenclaw and Oklahoma have announced their retirement before that, the rest of the academy have been greatly inspired.

Ye Ting’s existence is like a mountain in front of them. Such a player who can fully crush them in terms of technology, physical fitness, tactical level, and flying broomstick performance makes them almost invisible to defeat Ravenck. Law hopes that every year’s Quidditch competition has also become a fourteen-person competition, and Ravenclaw wins the game.

Now, the mountain in front of them has finally disappeared, and the academies have regained the hope of winning the championship, which gave them a little more motivation during training.

Especially in this game, the Hufflepuff team looked very hard when facing Ravenclaw.

But Gryffindor hopes that Ravenclaw can teach Hufflepuff a lesson-Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff in the previous game, and as long as Ravenclaw defeats Hufflepuff, They have hope of winning.

The result of the game was exactly what they wanted: Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff.

However, the Gryffindor players were not as happy as they had imagined.

Because they discovered that after Ye Ting retired, Ravenclaw had a super new star-Seeker Zhang Qiu.

This girl who was originally just a little talented, her performance in this game was simply upset compared to before. With her superior flying broom and her superb flying skills, she caught the golden color in just ten minutes. Snitch, the game is over, Hufflepuff’s Godric Diggory was shown to be unable to find North.

At this time, Gryffindor has to face the fact that the overall strength is lower than Ravenclaw, and the seeker Harry Potter has lost the flying broom, and can only ride the old-fashioned sweeping six stars against Zhang Qiu. This way The situation is really desperate.

However, at Christmas time, surprises fell on Gryffindor.

Before a Ravenclaw Quidditch training session, Roger made a mysterious announcement.

“I heard that Harry Potter in Gryffindor received a special Christmas gift, a firebolt!” Roger said to all the players in the Quidditch locker room-including Ye Ting, of course. Withdrew from the team, but to instruct Zhang Qiu on flying skills.

“Firebolt? What is that?” Chaser Chambers asked in a puzzled manner: “This name sounds familiar… it sounds like a flying broomstick.”

“Firebolt is the fastest flying broom on the market today. It is the latest product of the Smooth Race Broom Company and represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present!” Roger said in a serious tone: “It can be used in ten Increase the speed from standstill to 150 miles per hour within seconds. It also has a magical braking effect that can automatically hover at a suitable height. I heard that the Irish team plans to use it as a broomstick for competition!”

“Porter’s previous light wheel 2000 was destroyed by the beater Liu during the game against Hufflepuff.” Zhang Qiu exclaimed with a look of indifferent expression, “He is a blessing in disguise…”

She is not afraid of the opponent’s firebolt, even if this broom is highly praised by so many people, because she very much believes in Ye Ting’s alchemy level. You know, after her broomstick was modified by Ye Ting, she even tried to tell more than 200 miles per hour, and this was not the limit. In the final test, she had to stop because she couldn’t bear such a high speed.

“I heard that the price of a Firebolt is quite a few thousand gold gallons.” Bradley said in a somewhat unbelievable way: “Who would give him such an expensive gift? I’m sure it won’t be his uncle. .”

“Maybe it’s his admirer… Harry has a lot of fans!” Roger guessed, “After all, he defeated the mysterious man.”

“Maybe Dumbledore.” Zhang Qiu proposed a new idea. “We all know that Dumbledore is a little biased towards Harry. He also gave Harry a cloak of invisibility.”

“It’s not Dumbledore.” Ye Ting shook his head and explained, “The invisibility cloak is Harry’s father’s relic, but it is kept by Dumbledore. Dumbledore will not do such a thing no matter how eccentric his savior is. Don’t guess anymore, I dare say, you never imagine who gave this Firebolt. It’s a rather unexpected character.”

Finally, Roger concluded: “In any case, we must pay more attention to Gryffindor. Zhang Qiu performed quite well in the previous games, but he still has to do his best to face Harry Potter. Harry used to fly very well, but now with Firebolt, your advantage on the broomstick is gone, so you must train hard during this time, or we may lose to Gryffindor. of.”

“I will train hard,” Zhang Qiu replied, with pride in his tone, “but I don’t think I have an advantage when facing the ‘savior’, either in technique or on a broomstick.”

After speaking, she turned her head and gave Ye Ting a big smile.

But soon, the wind direction changed.

This Firebolt was temporarily seized by Professor McGonagall. Since Harry has been under Black’s threat this school year, the professors suspected that it was a gift from Sirius Black. They were afraid that this Firebolt would be blackened. Magic, it is possible for Harry to die unfavorably: for example, to make Harry fall off while flying.

Finally, the professors decided to disassemble and inspect the broomstick to see if there were any dangerous black magic spells attached to it.

Many people are happy about this.

“I hope Harry Potter won’t be able to get back the broom before the Quidditch game is over—at least not before Gryffindor’s game against us. Otherwise, we’re likely to lose the game. “Roger sighed and said. Although Zhang Qiu himself is full of confidence, he is still very worried. He does not think that Ye Ting’s modified flying broom can surpass the Firebolt, nor does Zhang Qiu’s flying skills surpass that of Ha Lee Potter.

As for Slytherin, their chaser, Draco Malfoy, even viciously hoped that the broom wouldn’t fit back after it was disassembled. When he heard that Harry got the Firebolt, he was very jealous of Harry. He even wrote to Lucius Malfoy to buy him a Firebolt—even seven Firebolts. , Let the Slytherin Quidditch team be divided into one person.

Unfortunately, although the Malfoy family is an old pure-blood family, it is clear that they do not have such financial resources.

He didn’t even buy a Firebolt to Malfoy, because the Seven Smooth Wheels 2001 had already cost the Malfoy family a lot of money.

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In fact, most of the glamorous “pure-blood families” are just imaginary.

The reason why they are only good-looking, because they have almost no source of income.

What kind of wealth does a typical pure-blood family have? You can refer to the Malfoy family or the Black family.

They own a magnificent and sprawling manor, usually with a house elf to take care of it, and they have a collection of hundreds of years of antiques, gold and silverware.

They generally have a family vault at the bottom of Gringa, which contains mountains of gold.

However, the manor is generally their ancestral home. Although it is invaluable, it cannot be realized at all. House elves cannot be traded. Although antiques seem to be invaluable, if you want to sell them and discount them one day, you will find that you can’t sell them for much gold.

The gold in most family vaults will only become less and less after generations of consumption.

These golds are often accumulated by the ancestors of the pure-blooded families for several generations, either from the wealth obtained by making alchemical items and refining potions, or from the wealth obtained by pretending to be a ghost in front of Muggles, or even found Treasures or gold mines…

But as time goes on, the accumulation of wealth will become more and more difficult.

With the continuous development of Muggles, it has become more and more difficult to obtain wealth from them, especially after the “International Wizarding Federation Confidentiality Act” was promulgated, it is completely prohibited to obtain wealth from Muggles through magic— -Except for Ye Ting’s method, of course, because it’s just a Muggle investment.

With the continuous development of the wizarding society and the continuous rise of major magic schools, the pure-blooded family’s educational monopoly on magic was quickly broken. These public education organizations headed by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry brought wizards. There is a “Renaissance” in society. Knowledge of spells, alchemy, potions, etc. is constantly being disclosed. Alchemy and potion masters among mixed-blood wizards are constantly emerging, and competitors are constantly increasing, magic props and potions. The price of slumps keeps falling, and the pure-blood family can no longer use alchemy and potions to obtain large sums of wealth.

But in the wizarding world, apart from the production of alchemy, potions and herbs, there are few other sustainable industries.

In fact, Harry Potter’s wizarding world has reached a huge abundance of material production, which can be regarded as reaching the threshold of communism.

Although the magic of the Harry Potter world lacks lethality, it is quite powerful in terms of production and life. This directly causes the most basic living resources such as food, water, clothing, etc. to become quite cheap.

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