The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 109

Of course, this is not entirely due to polymorphism.

In fact, there are five major exceptions to the Gamp’s basic law of transformation: food, magical items, magical creatures, non-existent entities, and the concept of no specific form. These five exceptions are beyond the reach of Polymorphism.

However, magic can achieve this in other ways.

In terms of food, magic can increase a small amount of food. The most typical ones are amplification spells and copy spells. It can also make crops grow faster and larger, and can make barren farmland get a big harvest. Even Hagrid is not good at it. Magical wizards can use the Puffing Curse to make his pumpkins grow taller than adults.

As for water, not to mention, a water-making spell can solve all problems.

As for clothing, furniture, and even housing, it is quite convenient to make it through magic. Manipulating the movement of matter itself is the most basic magic spell. Transfiguration spells also have a good effect in manufacturing these daily necessities.

Some superb wizards can even simplify the complicated process of making a certain piece of furniture or a certain dish into a short spell. In other words, as long as there are raw materials and know the corresponding spell, even an English witch who has never entered the kitchen. You can also complete a Kung Pao Chicken. In fact, in the wizarding world, magic books about cooking and housework are very popular among housewives.

For example, impoverished families among wizards like the Weasleys will only worry about the need for four or five children to study, and they cannot afford new magic books and wands.

Even if their family can’t even get a Jin Jialong, they can still live in a large house of hundreds of square meters, with an endless yard, and the family can still eat whatever they want all day long. But these are still extravagant hopes for many Muggles who far exceed their wealth.

Therefore, for wizards, apart from the production of magic items, all industries have no value-anyway, what can be obtained through a spell, why should we spend money to buy it?

However, a pure-blood family spends a lot of wealth every year in order to maintain the family’s luxurious life, to communicate with other families, and to manage all classes. And such consumption of wealth is far from the Ministry of Magic. Hold a position, or open one or two alchemy props or potions shops can earn it back.

All this makes them continue to decline and degenerate.

In fact, there have been many pure-blood families with a long history that have become stunned because they cannot make ends meet, and have abandoned the last decentness.

There are still many families who can only survive by borrowing from Gringotts.

And this is one of the reasons why Voldemort inherited from Slytherin’s concept of “pure blood supremacy”, or Gellert Grindelwald’s concept of “wizard supremacy” can attract these pure blood families.

According to Voldemort or Grindelwald, wizards can abandon the “International Wizarding Federation Secrecy Act” and take the initiative to appear in front of Muggles, defeat and control Muggle society through magic, plunder Muggle wealth, and enslave Muggles. Through this method, the pure-blood family can obtain a lot of wealth and resources from Muggles, once again fill their vault in Gringotts, and let their family continue to enjoy the same extravagant life as before!

Among them, Voldemort went further than Grindelwald. Not only did he want to enslave Muggles, he also rejected Muggle-born wizards, and he looked down on mixed-blood wizards. He hopes to establish a wizarding society in which the power is in the hands of pure-blood wizards. In such a society, pure-blood wizards are a privileged class. They exploit mixed-blood and Muggle-born wizards and reject the emergence of Muggle wizards. Since Muggle wizards had no access to the wizarding world at all before their families awakened their magic power, whether they could access magic was entirely dependent on the wizarding world’s initiative. In this way, their power could be fully controlled by the pure-blood wizards. Unable to resist.

In Ye Ting’s view, Grindelwald’s idea is quite ridiculous, but Voldemort’s strategy is more feasible.

Because the wizarding world’s demand for the Muggle world is not as big as imagined.

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With Ye Ting’s gradual understanding of the wizarding world, he discovered that by virtue of magic, wizards are able to take care of all their food, clothing, housing and transportation by themselves. Most of the things that need to be obtained through trading are some magical items or magical knowledge. No matter how productive the Muggle world is, as long as they can’t produce magic items, then wizards will not have much demand for their existence—of course, wizards still need to marry Muggles or recruit Muggle-born wizards, otherwise Without Muggles, wizards would be extinct a long time ago, and fertility is also the reason why many pure-blood families have disappeared.

The pure-blooded family’s so-called wealth from the Muggle world only happened before the wizarding world and the Muggle world were completely separated.

At that time, because the “Renaissance” of the wizarding society had not yet begun, and many spells that could satisfy the basic necessities of the wizards had not been popularized or invented, the wizarding society at that time still had a certain demand for the Muggle society.

After the “Renaissance”, the wizarding world developed basic education, and the magic spells ushered in great development. Wizards were gradually able to break away from the material needs of Muggle society. From then on, the Ministry of Magic of various countries began to promote Enforcement of the “International Wizarding Federation Secrecy Act.”

After that, the transaction with Muggle society was handed over to the Ministry of Magic and Gringotts to be unified, which is why Ye Ting was able to exchange Muggle currency from Gringotts for Jin Jialong. However, Ye Ting estimates that Gringott’s demand for Muggle currency is actually limited. Most of the money will be used to buy materials that are difficult to collect potions, such as African tree snake skin-African tree snake is very difficult to find, but They are not magical creatures, so they can be collected through Muggles-so the so-called Muggle currency impacting wizard finance is completely impossible. With enough Muggle currency reserves, Gringotts can be used for a long period of time. No large Muggle currency exchange will be open during this time.

According to Grindelwald’s idea, letting the wizard enslaves the Muggles, in fact, has no meaning at all except to keep the wizard from avoiding the Muggles.

Not to mention whether the number of wizards is enough to control Muggles, what if they succeed? Let Muggles produce something worthless for them? For these worthless products, you have to work hard to control Muggles, and you have to beware of Muggles’ resistance. In addition to saving face, it is completely out of gain.

As for Voldemort’s idea, it’s a little more reliable than Grindelwald to establish social hierarchy through bloodlines, but in fact, Voldemort still hasn’t seen the essential problem of today’s wizarding world, that is-without Muggles, wizards are all. Extinction, even if Voldemort succeeds, the wizarding world will have to face the problem of declining population. At that time, wizards will either choose to become extinct, or they will choose to marry Muggles. There is no third way to choose.

The Christmas holiday is over soon.

A week after the start of the new semester, Ravenclaw and Slytherin had a match.

The referee of the game was Professor Snape, and his referee was quite partial to Slytherin.

In this game, Slytherin did everything possible. Their foul tactics once suppressed the superb tactical level. The well-trained Ravenclaw is expected to defeat his opponent and win.

But all this was broken by Zhang Qiu.

In this game, Zhang Qiu’s performance far exceeded the previous game. Throughout the game, she was like Merlin’s elf flying in the air. The Slytherin players tried their best and didn’t touch her.

Every time she dodges against a Slytherin player, she evokes cheers, and when she uses Ye Ting’s original skill-overclocking to break through Slytherin’s Parkinson’s tactics, all the audience stand spontaneously. Get up and applaud for her. (The Parkinson’s Pliers is a Quidditch tactic believed to have been invented by the original members of the Wigdon Rangers. In this tactic, two players approach one of the other players from both wings, and The third player flies head-on towards the opponent.).

In the end, even under the frenzied interference of the opponent, she caught the Golden Snitch in only fifteen minutes and ended the game in one fell swoop.

“Your performance is really great!” After the game, Ye Ting praised Zhang Qiu, “Although I have said it many times before, but I still want to say that, you are indeed very talented in flying.”

Ye Ting’s admiration made her blush almost dripping with water. She felt that it made her more happy than the cheers of the little wizard who had just accepted the entire Ravenclaw College, but out of humility and reservedness, she still spoke softly. Said: “Actually, I am not as good as you said.”

“No, you are better than I said.” Ye Ting shook his head and said solemnly, “I think your Quidditch level is enough to enter the national team. I still remember that it was held in this country (referring to the United Kingdom) in August this year. Quidditch World Cup? I have already planned it. This semester I will continue to strengthen your training. By the way, I will further modify your flying broomstick. After the holiday, I will introduce you to the England team for training. If you perform well, you can shine in the World Cup.”

“World Cup? Am I…really okay?” Zhang Qiu was a little speechless with excitement.

“What?” Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, “Are you doubting my ability?”

“No…no,” Zhang Qiu explained in a hesitant manner, “I just…I just think I’m too young, I’m only fifteen years old now.”

“So what?” Ye Ting looked indifferent, “Victor Krum of Durmstrang School of Magic is only seventeen years old, but he has been selected for the Bulgarian team as their search. Hand. Your skills are much better than him. I believe you will do it. I know Ludo Bagman from the Magic Sports Department (of course I met in Wiesengamo), and he will introduce you to the England team of.”

Ye Ting’s promise gave Zhang Qiu great expectations. This is the World Cup. As a Quidditch fan, there is nothing more exciting than participating in the World Cup. This also led to Zhang Qiu in training afterwards. Qiu performed much harder than before. She made up her mind to be recognized in the England team’s training, enter the World Cup, and then make a blockbuster in the World Cup.

“If I become the most dazzling star in the World Cup, he will definitely like me more.”

What Ye Ting didn’t know was that this was actually her most fundamental idea, and it was also the fundamental motivation for his efforts.

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The three academies’ malicious expectations for Potter’s Firebolt eventually fell through.

January became February unknowingly, but the cold weather did not change. The game against Ravenclaw is getting closer, but Harry still hasn’t ordered a new broomstick. He now asks Professor McGonagall about Firebolt after every transformation class.

But unfortunately, he can only hear this answer every time:

“No, Potter, you can’t take it back now. We have checked most of the commonly used spells, but Professor Flitwick thinks this broomstick may contain a throwing spell. I will tell you as soon as we have checked it. Yes. Now, please don’t bother me.”

To make matters worse, Harry’s patron saint curse course with Professor Lupin did not go as smoothly as he had hoped. He was able to produce a vague silver shadow several times, but his patron saint was too weak to catch up. Go dementor. The shadow can only hover, like a translucent cloud.

But finally, the goddess of luck seemed to have favored the “savior”.

At noon one day in early February, while the teachers and students of the school were having lunch, Professor McGonagall and Mrs. Hooch appeared in the lobby with a firebolt wrapped in protective film.

“Well, I just went to the Gryffindor common room to see you.” Professor McGonagall’s voice was not loud, but it was still enough for many people to hear: “Give it back to you. We have done everything we want. , But there is nothing unusual about this broom…Where do you have a good friend, Potter!”

Harry opened his mouth wide. She was taking out his firebolt, and it looked as beautiful as before.

“Can I take it back?” Harry asked in a low voice, “Is it really possible to take it?”

“Really.” Professor McGonagall said, she was really smiling. “I dare say you wanted to try it before the Saturday game, right? Also, Potter, try hard to win, okay? Otherwise, we won’t win the trophy for eight consecutive years. Professor Nep kindly reminded me last night…”

For a month, Potter’s mood has not been so relaxed, and the Gryffindor team captain Wood is also very happy. He is happy as if as long as Harry has Firebolt, Gryffindor will win.

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