The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 111

When he heard Phineas’ request, Ye Ting was actually a little baffled.

“I heard that the dead generally don’t interfere too much in the world of living people,” he asked a little strangely, “Why do you care about such things? Also, shouldn’t Sirius be removed from the Black family?”

“Yes, yes.” Phineas said in a sad tone, “but Sirius is already the last black, if he also dies…so get rid of you.”

“Well, I agreed.” Ye Ting glanced at Phineas pityingly, feeling a little bit in his heart.

This old man, even if he died, had to work hard for the family.

Although Ye Ting knew the truth about everything, he still had to pretend, so he asked Dumbledore to provide him with more clues.

Dumbledore opened a black cabinet. There was a shallow stone basin in the cabinet. The mouth of the basin was carved with strange shapes. Ye Ting could see that it was some magic texts and magic runes.

There was a gleam of silver in the basin, which made people confused whether it was liquid or gas. It was like a piece of bright silver, but it was constantly flowing, like the surface of water rippling in the breeze, and spreading away like clouds. Spin softly. It is like light that has turned into a liquid-and it is like wind that has condensed into a solid.

Ye Ting knew that it was the basin of meditation, and the basin contained Dumbledore’s memories.

Dumbledore indicated that Ye Ting could get closer. When the night-stopped head reached into the basin, he noticed that some images appeared in front of him. These images were Dumbledore’s memories of Black’s events back then.

Although Ye Ting knew most of this information through the original work, he still patiently read this memory from beginning to end.

As a result, Ye Ting was immersed in memory.

After a long time, it seemed that only a moment later, he finally finished watching.

After sticking his head out of the meditation basin, Ye Ting pretended to think for a while under the gaze of Dumbledore and the previous principals, and then put on a slightly won expression.

“How? Did you find anything?” Phineas in the frame looked at Ye Ting anxiously.

“Yeah, yes.” Ye Ting nodded and said in a deep thought: “I noticed a detail. In Professor Dumbledore’s memory, because of the Dementor, when Black was caught in Azkaban, His spirit is a little abnormal, but he keeps chanting the name of Peter Pettigrew. Isn’t it? Professor?”

“Yes.” Dumbledore nodded. “Blake and Peter have been friends for many years. I think he was angry or sad because he killed Peter Pettigrew. Is there any problem?”

“Yes, there should be a lot of problems here.” Ye Ting nodded and said with his hands on his shoulders, showing a confident smile, “Blake said this name when he was mentally disturbed. It must be because it gave him a deep impression. He is hard to forget, but why doesn’t he say James Potter’s name? Because his betrayal killed his best friend, Black should be more guilty of James Potter. I think he will say Peter Pettigrew is due to another reason.”

“I still remember that although people said that Black killed 12 Muggles with just one spell, and there was also a wizard, Peter Pettigrew. However, apart from the bodies of the Muggles, only Pettigrew was found at the scene. A finger of Peter.”

“You mean, maybe Peter Pettigrew is not dead?” Dumbledore was keenly aware of what Ye Ting meant.

“Yes, after all, there is only one finger left, which does not fully prove his death. I think that the reason why Blake was invested in Azkaban in such a hurry was probably because the wizarding world was not peaceful at that time. Well, in this way, it is inevitable that the case has been closed hurriedly and the details have been overlooked.” Ye Ting guessed.

Nod with Dumbledore’s approval.

In addition, Ye Ting proposed another conjecture: “You mentioned in your memory that the secret of James Potter is Sirius Black is just your guess, isn’t it?”

Dumbledore nodded.

“This was also the opinion of everyone at the time. After all, Sirius and James had the closest relationship.” He added later.

“So, by combining these pieces of information together, we can make bold guesses.” Ye Ting looked very confident. “There may be someone else who betrayed James Potter back then, and it is very likely Peter Pettigrew. After all. Now, since everyone thinks that James Potter’s secret person must be Blake, isn’t it too obvious that Blake is a secret person? With the wisdom of James Potter and Blake, wouldn’t they think of this?”

“If what you said is true, then…” Phineas looked a little excited.

“Yes, I think the secret person of James’s Curse of Red Loyalty should be Peter Pettigrew. No third person knows about this except Black. After James Potter was killed by Voldemort because of the leak of the Curse of Red Loyalty, Everyone thinks that the leaker is Sirius Bly. But only he knows who the real traitor is. The so-called Thirteen lives of Blake’s killing, it is possible that he went to catch Peter Pettigrew, but Peter Pettigrew successfully escaped with suspended animation. And left a finger to frame Black.”

“Wonderful analysis!” Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting in admiration, applauded, and the previous principals in the frame also burst into applause.

“I can always hear valuable ideas from you, so now there is one more question…” Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting.

Ye Ting knew immediately.

“Ron Weasley, why did Black come to him instead of looking for Harry? After all, in Hogwarts, only Harry has some contact with him. This is what the professor wants to ask, right?”

“Yes, I’m really a little strange about this. I keep thinking about it, but I can’t think of why he found Ron on his head.”

“Yes, this is a suspicious point.” Ye Ting nodded, and added: “There is another question, how did Black escape from prison. I mean, Black can get nothing in Azkaban, if he The means of being able to escape from prison could only have been in existence for a long time-unless it can be proved that he has an accomplice, but according to the investigation, Black escaped completely by himself. Then, the real problem is that if Black could have been able to Jailbreak, why did he choose to escape at this time? Is it possible that all of this has something to do with Ron?”

Dumbledore pondered for a moment before he sighed: “Indeed, I didn’t think of this. This is indeed an excellent entry point.”

“Yes, Professor, you can ask Fudge.” When speaking of Fudge, Ye Ting smiled contemptuously, “Look at what news he or someone else brought to Black when he or others went to Azkaban to inspect—maybe It’s a Daily Prophet that mentions Ron.”

Chapter 0156 The Truth About Black (Part I)

Facts have proved that Ye Ting’s guess is quite accurate.

Fudge did bring a newspaper to Black when he inspected Azkaban, but now that newspaper also disappeared with Black’s escape, but Dumbledore found a copy of the same as a reference.

It was a “Prophet Daily”. After Ye Ting turned the other way around, one of the news immediately caught his attention:

The staff of the Ministry of Magic won the grand prize, and Arthur Weasley, the director of the Department of Prohibition of Muggle Abuse of the Ministry of Magic, won the “Daily Prophet” Annual Grand Prix Garon Award. The elated Mr. Weasley told the reporter of the Daily Prophet: “We will spend this money on a summer trip to Egypt. Our eldest son Bill is doing spell-breaking work for the Gringotts Magic Bank in Egypt.” The Weasleys will stay in Egypt for a month. Come back before Hogwarts school starts. There are currently five children in the Weasley family going to school there.

Ye Ting also saw a photo. In the photo, the nine Weasleys stood in front of the pyramid, all waving vigorously, with a smile on their faces. Mrs. Weasley was small and fat, but the bald Mr. Weasley was tall. Their six sons and one daughter had fiery red hair (although it was not visible in this black-and-white photo). Ron is standing in the middle of this picture, tall and thin, his pet little mouse is standing on his shoulders, his arms around his sister Ginny.

However, although news about Ron was found in the newspaper, it was also mentioned that he would go to school at Hogwarts. But Dumbledore still couldn’t understand why Blake made the choice to escape from prison because of this? And has been chasing Hogworth.

Faced with this question, Ye Ting pretended to ponder for a while, and suddenly he whispered as if he had discovered something.

“I noticed a little, Professor.” He turned to Dumbledore, with a surprised expression on his face, “Did you find it? This mouse on Ron’s shoulder, look at his front paw.”

The mouse lost a finger on its front paw.

Dumbledore took a deep breath, and Ye Ting dared to swear that he had never seen such a gaffe on Dumbledore’s face.

“I have a bold idea.” Ye Ting said to Dumbledore with a serious expression, “I still remember that mentioned in your memory. James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin, the four of them had been best friends at Hogwarts and called themselves “predators.” I guess they might all have the abilities of Animagus. Or, The four of them learned about Animagus secretly together-of course Professor Lupin may be the exception, because he is a werewolf himself.”

“Ah, you discovered this.” Dumbledore interrupted. “I’m sorry that a werewolf came to be a professor, but he is indeed a good candidate, isn’t he?”

“Oh, yes, isn’t it obvious? Professor Snape once invited me to help him refining wolf poison potions, and he kept hinting at this among students. Oh, yes, even Miss Granger found out I know the truth, but we won’t tell it.” Ye Ting blinked at Dumbledore and continued: “We can guess that Peter Pettigrew’s Animagus is a mouse. That’s why he can grow up. For 12 years, suspended animation escaped everyone’s search. And Sirius Black also escaped Azkaban through the power of Animagus. He sneaked into Hogwarts time and time again. You know. , Dementors are never interested in animals.”

“Yes, yes, so everything can be explained.” Phineas in the frame also showed a happy expression. “Presumably Black discovered the trace of Peter Pettigrew through this newspaper. It is precisely because of this that he ventured out of Azkaban. He was to hunt down Peter Pettigrew to avenge James Potter. I knew that my great-great-grandson must be innocent.”

“But all this is just our guess, isn’t it?” Dumbledore reminded him calmly.

“Yes, yes, but it’s easy to verify, isn’t it?” Phineas said happily.

“Of course.” Ye Ting nodded relaxedly, “We can ask Professor Lu Ping. If my guess is correct, I believe Professor Lu Ping will be happy to tell us the truth. After all, he doesn’t want to see it for many years. ‘S friends have been unjustly wronged.”

According to Ye Ting’s hint, Dumbledore quickly discovered something.

Dumbledore learned from Ron that the rat in the Daily Prophet’s photo was his pet, but according to Ron, his rat had disappeared a few days ago and was on his bed. Some blood stains and a few cat hairs shed, and now he is looking for the culprit who killed Tabby through the cat hairs.

In addition, Dumbledore also discovered a fatal fact-Shaban had stayed with the Weasleys for 12 years and seemed to be sick since last summer vacation. Ron also bought some for Shaban in Diagon Alley. Rat strengthening medicine. You know, an ordinary mouse can’t live for twelve years, and when it began to languish, it was after the news of Blake’s escape from prison.

On the other hand, Professor Lu Ping also got good news—at least for Phineas—After listening to Ye Ting’s conjecture and seeing the newspaper, Lu Ping suddenly showed sadness. His expression seemed to almost shed tears, and then he confessed a secret for many years in front of Ye Ting and Dumbledore.

“I was very young when I was bitten by a werewolf. My parents tried various methods, but it was not saved at the time. The potion that Professor Snape gave me was only recently discovered. You know, this The medicine made me safe. However, before I found the wolf poison potion, I became an out-and-out wolf once a month. It was impossible for me to come to Hogwarts, and other parents could not be willing to let My own children touch me.”

“But then Dumbledore became the principal, and he provided me with defensive measures,” Lupin sighed and cast a grateful look at Dumbledore. “Hogwarts planted a tree for me to beat people. Willow, there is another secret road under the tree that leads to the screaming shed. I go there every month to deform.”

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