The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 112

“Becoming a werewolf is very painful. When I was about to bite, I was far away from the crowd, so I bit myself and grabbed myself. But at that time, I was happier than before, except for being deformed. I had friends for the first time. Three good friends. Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and of course James Potter.”

0157 Blake’s truth (middle)

“So, it’s impossible for my three friends not to notice that I disappeared once a month. I made up various stories, and I was particularly worried that they would ignore me if they found out that I was a werewolf. But, of course, Ye Ting, they would just ignore me. Like you, they realized the truth of the matter, and they didn’t ignore me at all. Instead, they did something for me, so that not only can I endure the pain of transformation, but also make the transformation period the happiest time in my life. They learned Animagus.”

“They can’t be with me in the form of humans, so they are with me in the form of animals, and the werewolves are only dangerous to people. They sneak out of the castle every month in invisibility. Peter becomes a mouse, so he can get in. Under the beating willow and beating the branches, press the knots that made the tree stand still. Then they slid down the tunnel to find me. Under their influence, I am less dangerous. My body is still a wolf, but with When they are together, my mind is not so wolf-like.”

“Of course, sometimes I feel ashamed in my heart and feel that Dumbledore’s trust has been betrayed. When none of the other principals was willing to accept me, he accepted it, and he didn’t even know that I broke the code. The code was for me. And the safety of others. He never knew that I led three classmates to illegally learn to become Animagus. Every time we sit down and plan our adventure next month, I always try to forget this negative Guilt, and I haven’t changed…”

Lupin’s face became stern, with self-disgust in his voice.

“I’ve been fighting with myself this year, and I’m not sure whether to tell Dumbledore: Sirius is an Animagus of a black dog. But I didn’t say. Why? Because I’m too cowardly. Telling him, it means that I have failed his trust when I was a student, and it means admitting that I have led others with me, and for me. His trust is extremely important. When I was a child, he accepted me When I entered school, I hit a wall everywhere when I was an adult. Because I was a werewolf and couldn’t find a paid job, he gave me a job. In this way, I convinced myself that Sirius was using the evil law he learned from Voldemort. In the school, he became Animagus has nothing to do with this, so in a sense, Snape has always been right about me.”

“Can you forgive me, Professor?” At the end, he looked at Dumbledore with tears in his eyes.

This man who has always been strong, actually shed tears.

“Oh, of course,” Dumbledore gave him a soft smile, as if looking at a young student instead of his Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. “I think they are all amazing. A friend did this. I think it’s a special achievement. It won’t be easy if I don’t let me know.”

Remus Lupin did provide a good help in finding Black and Peter. Not only did he tell a lot of the truth, but he also took out the weapon to find them-the map of live spots.

MaraudersMap is a magic map created by Marauder when they were in Hogwarts. The cover says “Moon face, Wormtail, Bigfoot and Prongs are provided for magical prankmakers.” All of you who are helping me have a grand launch-Live Point Map.”.

It displays all the information of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It can not only show users every classroom, corridor and corner in the castle, but also every inch of land on the school grounds and the hidden secret passages. The location of everyone is also indicated by dots.

This map can also correctly identify everyone, regardless of whether the person is Animagus, whether he has taken the compound decoction, or whether he has used the invisibility cloak. Even the ghost of Hogwarts will appear on the map.

The map was confiscated by Filch when the marauders were in seventh grade. Fred and George Weasley “stole” the map from Filch’s office in the first grade. The map was for twins. The pranks provided a lot of help, and they also remembered the secret passage in Hogwarts.

Later, they gave the map to Harry so that he could go to Hogsmeade on the weekend without permission.

Later, Lupin discovered that Harry had the map and confiscated it.

“This is our work back then.” Lupin explained, introducing this prop in front of his principal, Dumbledore, and his expression looked very embarrassed. “After we were all deformed, we quickly left the tip. It’s called a shack and wanders around the school grounds and villages at night. I don’t think any student at Hogwarts can understand Hogwarts’ grounds and Hogsmeade village like we do, so we drew this live spot Map and signed our alias. I am the face of the moon, Sirius is the bigfoot, Peter is Wormtail, and James is the prong.”

“The moon face represents the werewolf, the bigfoot refers to the black dog, the worm tail is a mouse, and the prong is a stag. It is indeed an interesting metaphor.” After studying the map carefully, Ye Ting came to this conclusion, “Making The technique of the map is very clever. It is not operated by ordinary tracking magic at all, but is based on the maker’s detailed understanding of the land depicted on the map. In this way, the magic of hiding traces and shielding tracking is lost in front of this map. After all, no matter what kind of anti-tracking magic is unable to block the entire land.”

Lupin tapped his magic wand on the live spot map.

“I solemnly swear that I did nothing good!”

Ink lines as thin as a spider web immediately began to appear from where the wand had just touched. These lines merge with each other, cross each other, and extend to every corner of the parchment.

This map shows all the details of Hogwarts Castle and the various venues in detail. But what is really worth noting is the small ink dots that move along the map. Each ink dot is marked with a name with very small letters. If Blake and Peter are still at Hogwarts, then their names are also Will appear on it.

Therefore, monitoring this live spot map all the time has become a new task for the investigation team.

Soon, they discovered that Black’s name appeared near the forbidden forest, and it was estimated that he had been hiding in the forbidden forest; and the name of Peter Pettigrew appeared in the position of the beating willow in a flash at some point, but soon Disappeared.

It seems that after escaping from Ron, he has been hiding in the secret road under the beating willow, and the screaming shack at the other end of the secret road—because he is not within the range of Hogwarts, he will not appear on the map. name.

Chapter 0158 Black’s truth (below)

After discovering the target, Dumbledore immediately summoned the professors to prepare for the arrest of Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. Black must be controlled before he can figure out everything.

Severus Snape volunteered to catch Black. He and the marauders did have a big feud back then, and among them he hated James Potter and Black the most.

So Ye Ting and Snape were responsible for arresting Black, while Dumbledore personally took Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall to beat Liu’s secret path to arrest Pettigrew Peter. This is indeed a reasonable arrangement: for the ban. Lin, Ye Ting and Snape couldn’t be more familiar, they often went there to collect magic materials. As a dwarf, Professor Flitwick is also more suitable for fighting in narrow secret passages, not to mention that Professor McGonagall’s Animagus is a cat, whether it is a short stature that drills into a tree hole for others to open up Secret Path is still the mouse Animagus who captured Peter, and she is the most suitable candidate.

In less than half an hour, a black dog and a mouse appeared in the principal’s room, and everyone surrounded them. Dumbledore also found Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, and he thought they both had the right to know the truth.

“Isn’t this my Scabbard?” Ron looked at the struggling mouse on the ground, and looked at Dumbledore imploringly. “What are you going to do to Scabbard? You don’t hurt him, okay?”

“Oh, of course, we will return him to you.” Ye Ting gave Ron a mocking look, “If after we use the appearance magic on him, he hasn’t become any strange guy.”

Dumbledore pointed his wand at the mouse, and the wand glowed blue and white.

After a while, Shaban was hung in the air, and his little black body was twisting frantically.

Soon after, the mouse fell off and landed on the floor. There was another dazzling flash, and then it was like a quick shot of observing the growth of trees. A head appeared on the ground; limbs also stretched out; after a while, a man stood at the spot where the spot was just now, wincing his hands.

Seeing this scene, Ron was already stunned. It was difficult for him to accept that his pet was actually a wizard.

This man was short, not much taller than Harry and Ron. His thin, pale hair was unkempt, and there was a large bald area on top of his head. His appearance is like the appearance of an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short time. His skin looked very dirty, almost the same spotted fur, and his pointed nose and small watery eyes were characteristic of a mouse. He looked at everyone, short of breath.

“Oh, hello, Peter,” Lupin said happily, and it seemed that mice often turned into old classmates around him. “It’s been a long time.”

“Lu, Lupin, Deng, Dumbledore,” Peter Pettigrew’s voice was also sharp. His eyes looked quickly towards the door again. “And professors, professors…”

After twelve years, I saw the big enemy I had been pursuing again, and the black dog suddenly changed into the shape of a human: a mess of dirty, tangled hair hanging down to the elbow; if it is hidden in the deep and black eye sockets If his eyes are not glowing, he may be a corpse; the waxy skin clings to the skeleton of his face, looking alive like a skull. He bared his yellow teeth and grinned, it was Sirius Black.

He struggled to rush towards Peter Pettigrew, looking like he wanted to choke him to death with his dry hands, but Ye Ting waved his magic wand to subdue him, and he was tied to a chair.

“I know you may be innocent, but before you want revenge, you have to let us know the truth of everything.” Ye Ting said lightly.

Sirius glanced at him unwillingly, but nodded, so he slowly told everything he knew, while Lupin added to him.

“…I persuaded Lily and James to replace me with Peter at the last minute, and convinced them to use him as a confidential person instead of me. Blame me, I know, the night they died, I went to see Peter and make sure he It was safe, but when I reached his hiding place, he had already left. But there were no signs of fighting there. I felt something was wrong. I became scared. I went straight to the place where Lily and James lived. I saw them. The house was destroyed at the time of the house, and I saw their bodies. I knew that Peter must have done something bad. I know how big a mistake I made.”

When Peter heard Black’s words, he immediately panicked, big beads of sweat burst out of his pale face, he kept wanting to explain, but Snape poured him a bottle of Veritaserum, and he immediately said everything. Came out.

With Blake’s explanation and Peter’s confession, the truth of everything that year finally came to light.

Black strongly wanted revenge and wanted to kill Peter himself, but Dumbledore offered to let Harry Potter decide Peter’s fate.

“I think,” Harry said, panting. He looked at Peter, his eyes full of hatred, but finally made another decision: “We can hand him over to the Dementor, to the Ministry of Magic. He can go to Azkaban…just don’t kill him.”

“You are the only one who has the right to make a decision, Harry,” Black said. “But think about it, think about what he did…”

“He can go to Azkaban,” Harry said again. “If anyone should go there, it’s him! Because I don’t think my dad would want his best friend to kill people, especially people like him. .”

Ye Ting curled his lips. If it were him, he wouldn’t do it.

The laws of the Ministry of Magic and wizards can only restrict ordinary people, but they can’t deal with Voldemort. They sent Peter to Azkaban, and the fate can be imagined.

But Ye Ting still notified the Ministry of Magic, but he did not directly notify Fudge, but the director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department and his collaborator, Ms. Amelia Burns.

Black was wronged by the Ministry of Magic that year. The real culprit was Peter Pettigrew. Good use of this incident could have a huge blow to Fudge’s prestige. Finding out the truth and taking credit for Peter Pettigrew could increase his prestige. , Why not do it?

Soon, Burns appeared in the principal’s room. Next to her was Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror’s office, and two Aurors behind her. When they saw Ye Ting, they couldn’t help but slapped. shake.

“Dumbledore, and Ye, I just heard…Oh my God, Peter Pettigrew, he is still alive.” Burns stared at Peter Pettigrew who was tied to a chair in surprise, as if to be sure about Peter Pettigrew. Whether it is faked by others.

“We already know the truth from his mouth,” Dumbledore sighed. “Blake has always been innocent. Instead, it was Peter Pettigrew who took refuge in the Dark Lord. We have recorded all the truth. But you guys. You can also ask from his mouth again.”

Professor McGonagall handed a mess of parchment to the Auror behind Burns. It was filled with Blake’s statement and Peter’s confession.

“I think you should know how to do it.” Ye Ting reminded from the side.

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