The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 72: No Holds Barred

The Stormblitz opened its mouth and shot a lightning bolt at me. I quickly shifted to the right, the bolt lightly grazing my cheek.

I would forcefully thrust my hand through the Stormblitz's stomach, ripping its innards out right after.

The Stormblitz roared in pain before dropping down towards the ground.

I licked my hand, which was stained with its blood before turning to the last Stormblitz.

[Levels in Store: 4,530]

[Passive Skills in Store: Lightning Acceleration, Lightning Manipulation, Electric Mimicry]

[Skills in Store: Lightning Bolt(Lvl.1), Lightning Shift(Lvl.1), Lightning Storm(Lvl.1), Lightning Armor(Lvl.1), Thunderous Overcharge(Lvl.1)]

"Come on. Aren't you going to avenge your fallen brethren?" I said, beckoning the Stormblitz.

The Stormblitz barred its teeth at me and roared, sending a lightning bolt my way.

I dodged and dashed towards the Stormblitz, striking the side of its face. It yelped in pain and swiped its claws at me. I moved to the other side, dodging its claws and aimed for the side of its stomach but it quickly noticed and morphed into a ball of lightning which zipped away.

A second later, I felt my head disconnect from my body and I immediately could tell this was my Premonition at work.

I quickly ducked and a lightning blade flew past me.

I see…

I pushed myself off the ground and the ground below me was planted with lightning blades.

Best I stay off the ground for now. I can maneuver better in the air.

I turned to the Stormblitz and it began throwing lightning blades at me. I countered back with my shadow blades but whenever they collided, the lightning blades proved superior and shatter mines in an instant. They were also much faster too. Must be because they are made of lightning.

I summoned my Doppelganger which flew towards the direction of the Stormblitz. The Stormblitz opened its mouth and out came a lightning bolt, causing my Doppelganger to disappear.

I summoned two Doppelgangers this time and as they distracted the Stormblitz, I flew to the side until I was behind it. I attempted to trap it in a Grim Dragon Cage but it zapped away before I could trap it.

A second later, the Stormblitz appeared above me and swiped its claws, slashing my left eye.

I quickly Flash Stepped away and performed Instant Heal on my eye. Though it was restored, my left vision was blurred as a spark flew past my eye.

The Stormblitz wasn't done there. It dashed towards me and swiped its claws once more, this time lightning wrapped around its claws.

I leaned backward, the Stormblitz flying over me. However, it must've known I was going to dodge so it somehow shifted itself to face me as it flew by.

The next second, my left eye was clawed out.

I fell off the tree and towards the forest floor, landing in a puddle of mud.


Despite its size, it's way faster than the previous ones. It's either due to its level, or I'm just too slow to react.

I think I'll just stick to the first one. I'm too proud to go with the latter.

Anyway… looks like I'm going to have to fight with my left vision gone.


A thunderbolt plummeted towards me and I quickly moved out of the way. I flew up and appeared on the treetops again.

The Stormblitz turned towards me and growled as it generated more lightning, sending it towards me.

Fine… guess I'll have to get a little serious.

As soon as the lightning bolt was about to strike me, I activated Lightning Field, sending it off course.

I haven't thought about using Lightning Field once but I guess it'll be useful for this situation… for now.

The Stormblitz sent more and it would continue to go off course. It wasn't long until it stopped and scurried towards me.

It opened its mouth and shot out a deadly beam of lightning. I dodged and I noticed it wasn't able to turn its beam. Guess that's something it can't do since it's firing such a concentrated beam.

However, it stopped. Then, it charged up another beam, and this time it faced itself away from me. I was confused at first but then, the beam that came out of its mouth quickly traveled towards me and I barely managed to jump.

This bastard, did it just swing it around?

I looked at the scenery behind me and several trees were burnt to the ground. Well, the numbers doubled when the bastard swung it a second time, then a third, and so on.

It wasn't long until the entire field of trees was on fire. Even the rain from the storm clouds above us didn't help, and it was raining like crazy!

I took deep breaths as the Stormblitz seemed to have calmed down. Dodging all those tired me. It seems that I need to stop playing around. Guess I'll just kill it right here.

I activated my aura and begun spreading it around. I pressed my hands together and amassed mana through my entire body, causing my aura to spread faster.



Suddenly, countless metal rods and pillars erected from the trees, and lightning struck every single one of them. When I noticed the lightning surrounding them begin to amass, I knew I had to act quickly.

"By the power of the Shadow King, plunge this world into eternal darkness, Shadow King Domain!"

The moment I said that my aura quickly diverged and begun to form a dome made of nothing but black.

Just when it was about to finish, suddenly-

A fierce lightning bolt pierced my stomach.

At that moment, I had lost my control over my domain, which caused it to dismantle.

The walls quickly dispersed as it was withdrawn back into my shadow.


I coughed out blood and my legs began to buckle. The beam forcefully ripped out from my right and blood spilled everywhere.

I turned around to see the Stormblitz. It howled and suddenly, the pillars around me sent lightning my way. This time, I was unable to dodge.

I felt it; the billions of volts striking me as I couldn't do anything but take the pain.

Eventually, it stopped.


More blood spat out from my mouth as I tried to take in a deep breath, but my lungs must've been ripped out from my body.

As I lowered my head, I saw a quick flash pass by before my right eye was slashed off. I could also feel my arm disconnecting as well.

I knew this wasn't a Premonition, because if this was, I wouldn't be tipping around right now.

I tried to resist and get back up, but even the human body has limits.

And so, I plummeted towards the ground, landing in another large mud puddle.


A hoarse breath emitted from my mouth as the dirty water entered my throat.

Heavy rain pelted down on my body as the puddle was quickly clouded with my blood.

Is this… the end for me?

My body… it hurts… so badly.

I began to tear up and I felt the tears fall down my face, but I didn't have the energy to cry.

I did all this… just to lose once more?


She said to be careful… she would be devastated to see my current state… and I bet the others would too…

Why… did I even try…?

Pathetic shit…

A voice echoed through my mind as I cursed myself. Or… was it mine?


Useless... weak... waste...

This voice... it almost sounds like my father's...



All this… because of what?

…for power?

…to prove my worth?

…or was it to satisfy myself from my failures?


I… didn't do this just so I can lose to a beast…

My goal… I have yet to achieve.

I'll kill them… kill him… kill them…

For them… and only them…

I could feel a smile appear on my face and it got wider, and wider, until my teeth were in full view.

I spent my life knowing pain and misery… this… is nothing compared…

…to the endless suffering I've endured.

My pride… disallows such actions…

I need… more power…


So I'll do it… all of it… will be mine…

[Leveled up!(4,530)]

Free from Shackles…

At that point, I felt something inside me change. I felt overflowing power enter and course through my body as I felt the structure of my mind and body shift. I began to cackle.

"From flesh… to bones…" I began saying as I slowly levitated from the ground.

"Dreams… to nightmares…" I continued as my body slowly became cold.

I won't allow it… I won't allow myself to be defeated…

I bet on my pride…

Time to do this… no holds barred…

"A dragon's call… is the trigger to my nightmare… and that… goes for yours as well…"

I could hear the Stormblitz growling at me as I got to its level.


I'd burst into laughter as plummeted to the ground and stomped, activating Grim Dragon Nightmare.

I felt it; the walls made of bones protruding from the ground around us and forming the shape of a rib cage.

I felt many spikes erupt from the ground, targeting the Stormblitz. Though I didn't see it, I could hear it struggling as it zipped around rapidly.


Another blow was dealt to my stomach, but that didn't stop me from attacking.

I stomped the ground again, activated Dragon Volcano Explosion.

As the attack says, a Volcano would erect from the ground and explode..


As I floated around in the air, I could feel the heat rising as the ground was filled with lava which continued to rise.

"You can run and hide, run and hide."

I was beginning to repeat my sentences as I floated in the air mindlessly.

Useless... waste… trash...

The voice in my head spoke.

With my remaining arm, I jabbed myself in the ear and started twisting it as Osiris' claw pierced my flesh.

"Fucking voices… these voices, in my head. My head. It just drives me crazy! I'm also talking to myself, how great! So great!"

I couldn't help but laugh at myself before cocking my head in the direction of the Stormblitz.

"I may not be able to see you, but I have five other senses. Smell, taste, hearing, touch, and the sixth sense!"

I stuck out my tongue and poked a hole in it with Osiris' claw.

"And I solely… rely on my sixth sense. And you are…"

I pointed at the Stormblitz.

"There!" I said before activating an imperfect version of Shadow King Domain.

…it only lasted six seconds…

…but I managed to kill it…

The thunder stopped but the rain didn't. My entire body was clad in red and some of it was even in my mouth.

It tasted… amazing…

To bathe in my enemies' blood…

I… was yearning for this…

My pride is restored…

But… I guess I…

-can fall here…


[Title Obtained: Sin of Pride]

[Sin of Pride: Becoming Prideful of yourself grants you supreme immunity to all attacks| Effects: Through Pride, the host becomes invincible]

[Passive Skill Obtained: Prideful Stature]

[Prideful Stature: Flaunt on your enemies and prove your strength; With the effects of the Sin of Pride, your defense will increase significantly| Effects: +7,777,777% defense| You will be unable to fight back when this skill is active]

[Skills Obtained: Prideful Impact(Lvl.1), Confident Gesture(Lvl.1)]

[Confident Gesture: Show your confidence; With the effects of the Sin of Pride, your strength increases significantly| Effects: +100% damage(Can be charged up to 10 times; Maximum output: +1,000%)| Conditions: Consumes 1,000,000 mana every use]

[Derivation has been upgraded]

[Derivation --> Derivation EX]

[Derivation EX(Unique Skill): By consuming the blood of your enemies, you gain their life force and a few of their skills| Effect: Gain all the target's level and a few of their skills| Conditions have been Removed]

[Exceed EX has been upgraded]

[Exceed EX --> Exceed EX I]

[Exceed EX I(Unique Skill): By giving your bodily fluids to someone, you increase their level limit by 100-150| Effect: Increase a person's level cap by 100-150]




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