The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 73: Recovery

[5 out of 7 sins have been committed…]

[Astral Chains have started to break…]


[Not enough sins have been committed…]

[Breaking process has stopped…]

I woke up, staring at a wooden ceiling. Sunlight poured in from the window, the sound of birds chirping, leaves rustling, etc.

It was… peaceful… something I haven't heard in years.

I got up from the bed and looked around the room before turning to the door.

It seems I was on the third floor of the guild. I rubbed my head and tried to remember what had happened. My mind was… kind of fuzzy so I could remember clearly.

"You are awake."

Celestia spoke from behind. I turned around in surprise as I couldn't sense her sneaking up on me.

"Y-yeah," I said. "So… what happened?"

"Well, you defeated the Stormblitzes alright."

"I-I did?"

"What do you mean 'I did?' Don't you remember stabbing them with those bony gauntlets of yours? The way you decimated the Alpha with… a partial domain? Or even the fact that you came out with nearly half your body missing? Should I mention your eyes were gouged out?"

I put my hands over my eyes and touched my body all around. I was confused, but faint memories eventually came back to me.

"Is that so…?"

"Yes. Now I see why you hide such a persona from others."


"All beings put up an act, whether they like it or not. There are also some that hide their true self. In your case, you hide a persona that only matters about bloodlust. Guess this is why it is held back by Free from Shackles."

"Free from- wait you know about my Active Skill?"

"Those who wield 'Free from Shackles' believe that they will gain strength if they activate that skill. Some also believe that it releases the hidden potential inside them. However, that is not the case. Free from Shackles actually releases the hidden side the User has kept hidden away in their soul. In other words, the soul is let loose and so is that hidden side that will cause it to influence the mind and body to react in the manner they've once rejected. In your case, you wanted to hide your uncontrollable bloodlust but it was released once Free from Shackles was activated."

"…well… if that is what it does, then you are right about that."

If I were to show that side to anyone, it would cause… a problem.

"Will you tell anyone?" I asked Celestia.

She sighed and shook her head.

"No, it would break the promise that we made."

"So, you are saying-?"

"Yes, Nero. I've decided to take you under my tutelage. Though I was going to tell you that I would've taken you under my wing even if you lost. You were an interesting specimen I had my eyes on. Such as you are the Inept Hero."

"…so you know about that too."

"Well, nothing can beat Appraisal. Even if you are the Inept Hero, I don't really care either way. Whatever business his majesty has with you is none of my concern. In fact, I would support whatever your cause is."

"Cause? Well… I don't really have one."


She rubbed her chin and I lifted an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

"So… how long was I out?"

"Hmm? About a week."

"A week? Looks like I must've worried the girls then."

"Don't worry. They don't know you've been injured. I told them that the quest you went on was pretty far and that it'll take about a few days for you to return. They went on some quests while you were out."

"Really? Well, I guess I have a lot of favors to owe you."

"No need. You being my apprentice is enough. I also don't like favors. Now then, let's talk about your promotion."


"Don't you remember? This was to make you a Pink-rank adventurer."

"Oh, right."

Hmm, now that I think of it.

"Wait. Was the-"

"The whole event was covered in my Illusion Dome. From the outside, only the storm was visible. Your fight with the Stormblitzes was hidden, so no one was able to see what was going on except me. The aftermath took me a long time to clean up…"

"Aah, I see."

"However, there was another, but I was unable to track them since they vanished immediately after you finished the last Stormblitz. But regardless, you still defeated them. I have promoted you to Pink-rank and you are now my apprentice."

[Brown Rank Adventurer has been updated!]

[Title: Pink Rank Adventurer]

"Thank you… I guess."

"Now, I suggest you get some rest. Though you've restored your flesh and bones, the skin is another matter."

"Huh? What do you mean? Rehabilitating Slumber should've taken care of that."

"Well- how about I just show you and you can take a look for yourself."

I tilted my head as I followed Celestia to her room. As I shut the door behind me, Celestia brought a mirror.

"Lift your shirt and take a look."

I did as she said and lifted my shirt. As I stared into the mirror, I noticed something unusual on my chest and abdomen.

Instead of normal human skin, I had what looked like black skin with dark silvery scales covering the spots where my body was destroyed. There were also hollow cracks around my body and whenever I circulated mana through my body, those cracks glowed a mixture of blue and purple.

This is… curious.

"This must be something related to you not being human," Celestia said.

"Is that so?"

I clenched my hands and stretched. Hmm, I feel human and this strange skin on my body doesn't make me feel any different. Maybe it's what I look like under my skin? Wait… I have black flesh?

"Well anyway, I think it's best you relax for a day or two till that skin disappears. You had some around your eyes and your arm was also the same but they eventually returned to normal. Consider this a kind of celebratory gift from me. When you are back to normal, I'm not going easy on you."

"I-I see."

"Now then, go on."

I turned and walked over to the door to leave.


I felt a tingle and I caught a roll of bandages in my hand. I looked over at Celestia.

"Cover it."

"Huh? But my shirt can do the work."

"Always take precautions."



After struggling to wrap my chest and abdomen in bandages, I just had my shadow servants do it for me. After that, I exited the guild.

As I walked back to the inn, I decided to head over to the forest where I had fought the Stormblitzes. I needed some alone time to speak with Yukie, and another reason.

"Yukie," I said.


"Back then, I absorbed all the levels I had saved up… correct?"


I remember everything when I fought them. I absorbed the levels out of vexation of my own strength. In other words, I went crazy.

"Is this… black skin on my body the result for absorbing all the levels?"

[Partially. There is another. The astral chains tied to your soul have begun to break. However, only a few broke. The rest are still intact to your soul]

"Astral… chains?"

[Astral chains are shackles that hold you down from your true potential. Breaking these chains allow your body to grow and absorb power easily without any tolls. The way your body had shifted, it was your astral chains breaking]

"Why do we have these astral chains? Besides from limiting potential."

[These chains imprison the darkest side of one's true ego. Free from Shackles only shows a glimpse of that side but not to its true extent. Though you are now able to take in more power than usual, do not be so arrogant as to absorb more than 10,000 levels at once. The power you absorb may very well end you, so be cautious]

"I see. So… can I check my stats, by the way? I'm bound to have a lot of stat points in store."

[Very well]



Name: Nero Akuma

Title: Pink Rank Adventurer

Sub Titles(3/3): Sin of Sloth| Shadowseer Emperor of the Dead| Enemy of Cocytus)

Class: Jack of All Trades

Status: Normal

Level: 6030

Mana: 660,000,000

Strength: 13463

Agility: 13468

Technique: 13428

Perception: 13423

Aura: 13410

Stat Points: 13590


Passive Skills: Prideful Stature, Dragon Fire Manipulation, Dragon Ice Manipulation, Quicksilver, Dragon Might…(+34)

Active Skills: Shadow King Domain, Free from Shackles, Grim Dragon Nightmare, Dragon Volcano Explosion

Skills: Flash Step(Lvl.Max), Atomic Fission(Lvl.5), Shadow Blade Assail(Lvl.Max), Dragon's Blood(Lvl.5), Volatile Orbs(Lvl.9)…(+44)

Newest Skills: Confident Gesture(Lvl.1), Prideful Impact(Lvl.1), Rising Dragon(Lvl.1), Dragon Claw Slash(Lvl.1), Frosty Dragon Breath(Lvl.1)~


Well… Reaper's Life Energy is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. I kind of already feel stronger than usual. Well… anyway, 5 in every one of them.


Level: 6030

Mana: 660,000,000

Strength: 16181

Agility: 16186

Technique: 16146

Perception: 16141

Aura: 16128

Stat Points: 0


Alright, now that I got that settled, it's time to head over to that place.


I arrived at the forest, which I had supposedly burnt down, but everything was normal. Must be Celestia's work.

Now then, I came for the souls.

Eventually, after walking around, I found two souls emitting lightning wandering around aimlessly.

I believe... they belong to me now.

I held out my hand and expanded my aura. As they were encased in it, their souls were slowly trapped in my aura and absorbed.

[Souls absorbed into Spirit Soul!]

[Summons: Stormblitz(2)]

"Good, and now the last one."

But it seems I didn't need to look for it because it came to me instead.


I looked up, and a giant ball of lightning rolled up to me. I held out my hand and the ball of lightning shrunk while traveling to my hand.

A massive wave of shocking energy was sucked into my arm. The same sensation I felt when I absorbed Osiris occurred and eventually, I absorbed the soul.

[Soul Absorbed: Raiden]

"Hmph, well then, come out."

Sparks of electricity appeared on the end of my fingertips, then a flash!

When the light died down, in my hands were two daggers. Lightning surrounded the blade and my hands.

The dagger's hilt was textured gold and black, and the crossguard was shaped to resemble a wolf's head. The blade started black from the hilt and eventually faded into a glowing blue color at the tip.

[Raiden: Made from the ethereal metal rods of an Alpha Stormblitz which was sired by Raiden, god of lightning, which grants the host breakneck speed that surpasses even the quickest| Effect: Augments host's agility by 300% to 500% depending on status; All lightning attacks will be double; Host will be resistant to all lightning attacks when equipped]

[Raiden Skill Set has been Unlocked!]

[Skill Obtained: Thunder Beast Flash(Lvl.1)]

[Thunder Beast Flash: Dash forward, relentlessly slashing everything in your path and cause damage after a delay| Effects: Zoom past your enemies as you deliver countless delayed slashes which will takes effect a second later| Conditions: Consumes 121,212 mana every use]

[Skill Obtained: Thunder Beast Storm(Lvl.1)]

[Thunder Beast Storm: Pierce the ground and summon a thunderstorm which shoots out countless bolts of lightning| Effects: Summon a thunderstorm to electrify your enemies for 10 seconds| Conditions: Consumes 2,121,212 mana every use and 121,212 mana after timer is up]

[Active Skill Obtained: Great Thunder Temple]

[Great Thunder Temple: Erect a giant temple and call down forbidden lightning to aid you| Effects: Summon a temple constructed of ethereal metal to attract heavenly thunder that will become yours; Enemies touched by this lightning will take immeasurable damage if by your will| Conditions: 21,212,121 for 21 minutes(Can be canceled any time)| Cooldown: 21 hours after use]

I wonder... could this upset the god...?

Well, not that it matters since gods can't mess with mortal affairs.

If he wants to complain, he can do that after I die. Which I won't.

I returned the daggers, 'Raiden' back into Ethos Arsenal and returned to the city.

Well, since there are only a few hours left of the day, I guess I should make my day off count.

I think the hot spring would be a good spot for someone like me.




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