The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 87: Protecting... Who?

Huh… this is weird. I've never felt so nervous before…

"I erected an invisible barrier around you. It will protect you from the divine energy lingering around Katrina."

Even though Celestia had done that, I still don't feel safe.

Ugh, keep it together. As long as I don't make direct contact with her, I'll be fine. Just need to establish a friendship with her, that's all.

As I walked down the hall, I turned to the corner and bumped into someone.


I fell and landed on my back as I was hit with some kind of repulsive force.

"Ow, what the hell-?"

"Oh dear! Are you alright?" A female voice spoke.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright."

"Here, let me help you."

She held her hand out and I went to take it until I saw whose hand it was.

"Hmm? Is something the matter?" Layla asked me.

"N-nothing! I-I can pick myself up."

I picked myself up without her help and fixed myself.

Damn, of all the people I had to run into, it was her. Well, at least I know that the barrier actually works, otherwise…

"S-sorry about that, I should've watched where I was going," I apologized and bowed politely.

"Fufu… it's fine, I wasn't paying attention either." She replied softly.

I felt my face heat up and become red. I'm going to be completely honest, she is very beautiful. I guess angels are known not only for their strength and wisdom but also for their good looks. She was like a famous model or actress.

I think I should stop staring at her now. I need to remember the task at hand.

"So Nero, how do you like your stay?" She asked.

"Huh? W-well, it's alright, I guess. I've never been in a place like this before. There aren't many chances these days."

"Well, I'm glad you like it. This first time I was here, I had the same thoughts as you."

"I-Is that so?"

Damn, her presence alone is making me stutter and her beauty plays a part in it too. I've seen countless beautiful women and some naked too, so this should be no different!

"Nero? Nero?"

Layla waved her hand in front of my face and I shook my head.

"N-nothing. I'm gonna uhh… g-go now." I stuttered before walking past her.

Whew, any more and I might've been bewitched by her.

Entering the courtyard, I heard an enchanting melody being played and I froze for a moment.

Slowly I cocked my head towards Kiyomi who was the one playing the melody with her flute.

Huh, looks like her Beast Melody is powerful enough to affect me now. Though it's strange how no one else besides me and monsters gets affected by it.

As I regained my composure, I turned to Ravyn.

She was making quick progress as she could now control divine energy and dark energy equally. Now… I want to see what skills she will learn since one of her classes is Arcane Mage. Well, I'll get some results soon enough.

Now onto Akane.

She was facing Katrina and both of them were disarmed as their weapons idled in their sheaths. It would look like a fair match between them except Katrina was in her Altima form. However, the look on Akane's face meant she didn't really care and she herself was giving off an intimidating aura. The look in her eyes… it was almost as if she was in a state of deep concentration.

Looks like they are doing some hand-to-hand combat. This should be fun to watch.

The one to make the first move was Katrina, who flew towards Akane with a roundhouse kick which was aimed towards the head. Akane snapped her attention to the leg and quickly Flash Stepped away.

Katrina looked around to find Akane until she bent back, avoiding Akane's Rising Dragon.

That must've been Katrina's Stellar state kicking in. It's a good thing she managed to avoid that too, otherwise, she would have a sore chin for weeks. I… speak from experience.

The two continued to exchange blows while countering one another. The two were fast and they were able to keep up with each other; Akane's repeated use of Flash Step and Katrina's use of Breakneck Movement made them look like they were fighting in multiple places at the same time. They were almost too fast for my eyes to catch up.

Eventually, the two ended their fight with their fists clashing. Katrina would exit out of her Altima and fall on the ground. Akane did the same.

Hmm, those two became friends pretty quickly.

"I must say, that was an impressive display. Not many people are able to keep up with Akane."

I approached them and Akane got up.

"Mast-hem-" Akane cleared her throat. "N-Nero."

Akane never really called me by my name much and so does Kiyomi. Well, the reason is that I was and still am their Master. Though I allow them to call me by my name, they still insist on calling me Master. Ravyn only calls me by my name because… well, you know.

"Why don't you rest for a bit, Akane? I'd like to get to know Katrina here."

"I'm not tired, but if you insist then alright."

"Thank you, Akane."

Akane turned to leave but before that, she turned and waved goodbye to Katrina, who waved back.

"Umm, Mr. Nero," I heard Katrina say shyly and I turned.

"Nero is fine," I replied.

"I see."

There was an awkward moment of silence. Kiyomi's melody played in the background and I could sense divine energy around us.

…ok… I should break the silen-

"B-back then…," Katrina muttered, breaking the silence.


"I-I was impressed by the display of your strength. Now I see why my teacher made you her student."

Actually, that's only half correct. It was me that wanted to become her student.

"Thank you, I guess…" I replied.

…another moment of silence…

Crap… why did I want to talk with her again?

"I… I wish I had that sort of power," I heard her say.

"Hmm? You want the powers of a Warlock? I'm sorry to admit it but you might not be suitable."

"I know... I just wish I had that level of strength. If so, then I won't need protection from anyone else and I'll be the one to protect them. But..."

"You lack confidence... right?"

She looked off into the distance silently before turning to me and nodding.

"...yes. I fear I won't be able to protect those which I love because I'm both an angel and a human. M-my perception is all over the place and I am just unable to handle it."

"That is probably because you are clouded with thoughts. You just have to try to get rid of them."

Katrina sighed and looked at me.

"That's exactly what Celestia told me and I know that, but no matter how many times I try, I still can't enter the Stellar state without exiting out of it every second. I can't..."

She would look down with a depressed look on her face.

Hmm... well, I can't exactly say she isn't wrong. If I was her, I would also have difficulty cleansing my mind of any thoughts as I need them in order to fight. My mind is always in constant thought when I fight. For example, I have to read and remember my enemy's movements and attacks. By doing that, I can figure out ways on how to counter them. It's also the same when I'm on offense.

It would be hard to fight without thinking, as you would be devoided of thoughts and any sense of direction and intentions.

Though, if the situation was dire and even after trying everything I've got, I would result in at least attempting this. However, I don't possess pure divine energy so it doesn't matter to me. I am guided by my own wits.

"You worry about not being able to protect those which you love because of your past trauma."


"I completely understand. Holding those dearest to you in your heart is a good thing. I would also die to protect those I love. However... to accomplish that feat, I drown in my own pride and fury. A person's true self is revealed in times of great pressure."

"B-but I lack that experience." She replied.

True, she has never been in a desperate situation except at the time she was young. If I remember, her grandfather is bedridden, I wonder what would happen if I told her... that would be a little too cruel of me, but she'll never get the message if I don't say something.

"Everyone, even those around you are destined to die one day, everyone does. I don't know if an angel is immortal or not but just think about it. It isn't just death that you have to worry about, it's the pain and torture you'll experience as you live. Sure, the best way to stay away from that is, of course, death, but what's the point in dying if you are just going to waste the life you were given."

I turned my attention and stared directly into Katrina's eyes.

"What I'm saying is that you shouldn't worry about protecting others, but protecting yourself. Obtain strength to protect yourself, stop worrying about others. After you figure that out, then will you find the answer on how you will protect others. So Katrina, what will it be? Will you put yourself over others so you can someday protect them, or restrain yourself and continue to pointlessly worry about others?"

Katrina opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Take this time to think about it," I said before getting up and leaving.




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