The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 88: Satanic Energy

That night, I had a very unusual dream. Actually… it wasn't really a dream, more like it actually happened, but my physical body was unconscious.

I was walking around in some kind of black sea. The water was… well, entirely dyed in black, but the skies were completely white. There was not a single cloud in the air and no sun as well. The black water seemed to be emitting some kind of strange black mist and at first, it felt like dark energy, but the feeling was much more… sinister.

[This is what your soul looks like in its Ethereal form]

I turned around and there was a girl sitting down on the surface of the black sea. Her clothes were dyed black and her long black hair was covering her face.

"Who are you?"

[…I'm a little disappointed you don't recognize me. Well, I'll let it slide since you've never seen my true form before…]

Her voice resonated through my mind. It was very similar to someone I know. After a while, I put the pieces together, but I was still too surprised to believe that she was her.


[Correct! After you've consumed the fruit, this is where I have been residing and communicating with you from…]

"What is this place? You said it was my soul?"


"I see… though, I expected the soul to show someone's true self, like a humanoid appearance or something like that."

[That is true, however, some can appear in Ethereal form where they don't take a specific appearance but they do take on how vast one's potential is…]

"So you are saying this place is my soul?"

[Yes, the sky is boundless and the sea is endless, no matter how far you go or how high you fly, it's that extensive…]


[Indeed, however, you already knew that this was what it was going to look like, right?]

"Well, a little."

I knew my potential was infinite since heroes have infinite potential to grow, however… this mist exuding from the ground is a bit unsettling.

"What is this?" I asked Yukie while pointing to the ground, specifically at the mist.

[This is the stored energy inside you that has yet to be untapped. This sea is not the sea you imagine. This sea is composed of a higher form of dark energy that could cause one to go insane. This energy is the complete opposite of divine energy…]

"Higher form of dark energy?"

I knew it! There was a more enhanced version of dark energy! Aside from shadow magic, I knew there was going to be something that could counteract holy or divine energy.

"What is this form of dark energy called?"

[Well, there is no official name for this type of energy but those who possess the knowledge call it Satanic energy…]

Satanic energy, huh? That sounds kind of ominous.

[Mortals call it Satanic energy because this form of energy originates from demons that went extinct before the first demon king emerged. These demons were called Asuras…]


[Asuras were feared, even by gods. They either took on the physical form of one's nightmare or their own appearances which were of prideful demon warriors who took very bestial appearances. There is a reason why pride is the strongest sin. Their terrifying power was vastly grim, thus why the mist around us feels so sinister. They were able to manipulate the power of their enemies if their willpower was absolute and their roars were able to cause even the galaxy to shake. In fear, the gods decided to eradicate them. Of course, that wasn't easy as there were many casualties. After the Asuras were ridden from existence, their names were also erased from history. Those that know of the Asuras' existence are gods, angels, demons, and mortals who retain that knowledge from their predecessors. This energy has surfaced from the shadows but it is nearly impossible to handle this power, much like pure divine energy…]

"So since Satanic energy is inside my soul, does that mean I'll be able to unlock and manipulate it?"

[Yes and no. Once you find that catalyst that will cause this invisible barrier that divides us from this power to be removed, you still face one problem…]

"And that is?"

[Your astral chains. Those will limit you from manipulating this energy. Asuras were born without chains, meaning they were already bound to be strong from the beginning. To manipulate their energy, you must become one of them, free from chains…]

"But how do I do that?"

[Let's just say… that that moment will naturally come to you. You may say it's your luck, but after that, you'll think twice about it. For now, you should worry about how you are going to remove this barrier that separates you from accessing this energy…]

"Right. Though I wonder after I get access to this energy, would I be able to use it with Free from Shackles?"

[Yes, but only a bit…]

I see… so I am able to manipulate this energy despite not being an Asura.

[Time is almost up, your consciousness has begun to return to your body. If you ever want to enter this place again, just wish so before you fall asleep…]

"Is that so? Well then, I might visit this place very often. It's rather curious."

A few seconds later, my vision began to blur and darken. When I closed my eyes and opened them again, I was staring at my room ceiling.


Was that a dream…?

[No, it was all real…]

I see… guess that wasn't a dream then.

Well anyway, I should get dressed. I need to stretch my muscles so I don't get rusty.

It's already been a week and the girls have been training hard. Kiyomi can now manipulate magic by using her flute, Ravyn has begun to develop techniques using both dark and divine energy, and Akane's level cap has been rising faster than ever.

I haven't done anything on the other hand. All I've done was watch them and laze around, reading books and eating the desserts they have here. I think I might have developed a liking for sweet-tasting food. Yeah, I developed a sweet tooth.

Anyway, I decided to go talk with Celestia about Satanic energy now that I know of it. When I told her, the look on her face was priceless.

"How the hell do you know about Satanic energy!? You couldn't have known unless someone told you. Was it Layla!?"

"Huh? Of course not. You know I wouldn't go anywhere near her!"

"Then how do you know about it?"

"Well… how should I explain it…?"

Hmm… it would be weird to tell her that I have Satanic energy built up in my soul… wait a minute, why did I even think of that?

"I see, so you have Satanic energy built up in your soul." She said and closed her eyes to think.

"Shit! Can you stop reading my mind? It makes me uncomfortable."

"No, otherwise, how will I know if you are hiding a secret from me?"

"It's called a secret for a reason."

Tch, this woman…


"Hey, Celestia."


"When you read one's thoughts, are you also able to read their memories?"

"Well yeah, but only if it's from 2 weeks ago."

"I see…"

"Huh? Why did you ask? Also, what is with that smile of yours? It's creeping me out."

"Oh, nothing. Let's see… you wanted to know more about how I know Satanic energy, right?"

"Yeah! Are you going to show me?"

"Yes! I think it was on the day we first came here, during midnight."

"Thanks! Now then-"

Celestia's eyes began to glow, guess that means she is starting to read my memories from that time.


After a while, Celestia's face turned bright red. Oh, guess she found it.

What happened on the day we first came here? Well… that was the night of intimacy.

Yeah, learn what happens when you read someone's memories without permission. Even though I granted her permission, this should stop her from reading my memories for a while.


Celestia gritted her teeth and clenched her hands. Oh no, did I make her mad?

"You… YOU JUST DON'T DO THAT TO A MAIDEN!!" Celestia screamed at me as she got up from her seat to chase after me.

Oh shit, she snapped!

I jumped back and flew towards the door. However, I felt a compressive force wrap around me and I was trapped.

Celestia appeared in front of me and I gave her a bitter smile.

"I-it was just a joke… a joke! Y-you don't have to get so-"

"Shut up!"

I zipped my mouth as she slowly leaned in towards me with her aura oozing out.

Oh god… what did I do to deserve this? Oh, wait… I know exactly what I did…


"Ms. Tenebri!"

A female voice came from the door and it opened up, pushing Celestia into me and we both fell on the floor.

Two maids entered into the library and spoke.

"Ms. Tenebri, bad news!"

"Deroc, the heir of the Margo family is her-"

Then they noticed us on the floor.

"Oh... umm, we are sorry for interrupting."

"Y-yeah, we knew you were desperate to lose your virginity to a handsome man but to think you went after your own student..."

Celestia had fallen on top of me after the door knocked her down. Celestia, who had just heard the maids talking, got up and began yelling at them.

"Shut up! Why would I ever do it with him!?" She yelled, pointing at me.

"Hey now, no need to get mad," I responded.

"You shut up as well!"


Yeah, I'll dial down on the teasing for now.

"Anyway, to think the Margos would visit again. Where are they right now?" She asked one of the maids.

"In the courtyard." One of them responded.

"Alright. Let's go, Nero!"

"Me? But what do I- oh screw it, I have nothing else to do."

I don't like to judge others before I meet them, but concluding from her expression, this must be bad.

And before I knew it, I was sprinting after Celestia who was surprisingly a good runner.




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