The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 89: Deroc Margo

We arrived at the courtyard and standing there was a man accompanied by 3-4 bodyguards. At first glance, he almost looked like a prince as he had blonde hair, green eyes, and clothes suited for a noble. I also noticed a sword strapped on his waist but I didn't pay much attention to it.

If I were to guess, he must be Deroc Margo.

Deroc held Katrina's hand and he bowed towards it, giving it a light kiss.

So far, all I can see is that he's a gentleman.

"Deroc Margo, why are you here? Should I remind you that you aren't welcomed in this household?" Celestia fumed as she stomped towards Deroc.

Whoa, judging by the angry look on her face, she must hate this guy.

"Ms. Celestia-" Deroc would let go of Katrina's hand and turn towards us, "Is it wrong for me to visit my soon-to-be bride?"

"Soon-to-be? Don't say such nonsense," Celestia replied.

"Nonsense? Ms. Celestia, I must say, you are a very bad at lying. It is obvious that I will win a duel against Katrina, my future bride."

"You haven't even dueled yet and how are you so certain you could win, huh?"

"So certain? Well, I'm pretty certain alright. Even if one of the legendary mages are training her, how could she possibly win against me?"

I saw Katrina flinch as Deroc continued to speak.

"Katrina, my darling, any luck with controlling Stellar? Are you still having trouble fighting in Altima form?"

"N-no... and... yes..." She answered.

"See! How could she possibly defeat me?"

How blatant... he looks like a gentleman from the outside but he's a complete asshole on the inside and he expresses that side like nothing.

"Bastard... you come here just to hurt her confidence?" Celestia growled.

"Of course not, why would I do that?"

"You are doing it right now!"

"Don't be absurd."

Celestia was mad while Deroc seemed to be satisfied with her expression.

"I'm just saying, it's best for her to just give up now. She's not suited for fighting, and I do not want to hurt such a pretty face."

At that point, Katrina just couldn't hold it anymore and she fell to the ground in tears.

"You-!" I heard someone say behind me before a red flash flew forward.


"Oh? What do we have here?" Deroc said as he held Akane's sword between his fingers.

"A Dragon Oni? To think I would see one with my own eyes."

He'd flick her sword away and sweep her legs, Akane falling on her side before he kicked her away.

I turned to catch her and when I caught her in my arms, I was suddenly dragged along by the force and I ended up skidding back a few meters away.

"Are you alright, Akane?" I asked as I laid her on the floor.


Suddenly, she coughed and what appeared on her hands was blood.

I was surprised, and that was not a good thing. To think she would spit blood from a single kick. The Passive Skill Dragon Skin should've at least negated some damage... but here she is, spitting out blood.

"Hmm, fast, but too slow in my point of view," Deroc said, glancing at Akane before he closed his eyes and moved his arms. In a flash, he was clutching both Kiyomi and Ravyn's hands which were imbued with energy. Then he flung them away.

"Hmph, how futile."

Ravyn caught herself and shot Divine Arrows at him at breakneck speed. Deroc only needed to step to the side to avoid the arrows shot at him.

Deroc in response charged towards Ravyn and delivered a sharp kick to her chin, sending her flying. I quickly got up and soared towards her, catching her.

"Ow ow ow!" Ravyn said as she held her chin. "It hurts!"

I would say she was faking since she had Pain Negation, but judging from her expression, she was actually in pain.

As I dropped down and laid Ravyn down, I looked up and saw Deroc had his hand on the handle of his sword. Then, he unsheathed it and swung his sword, deflecting the ice bolts that flew towards him before sheathing it swiftly.

Kiyomi stepped a few meters back and performed a melody on her flute. Seconds later, ice emerged from the floor beneath Deroc but he vanished before it hit him.

"Huh? Where did he-?"

"Behind you!" Celestia yelled.

Kiyomi turned, but it was already too late as Deroc delivered a heavy blow to her stomach, sending her flying away.

I flew towards her and caught her, then I used myself as a cushion as we bounced across the field.

"Are you alright, Kiyomi!?" I asked her but no response.


I pressed my ears against her chest to hear any heartbeats. It was beating, but faintly. Her breath was also hoarse.

"K-Kiyomi, you'll be alright, just hold on for now," I assured her as I began performing Instant Heal on her.

Despite no matter how much mana I poured into her, the only results that came out were her heartbeat returning to normal, her breathing... not so much.

"Now that you are all out of the way, I will retu-"



I laid Kiyomi on the floor and the maids came to pick her up. I began turning towards Deroc and glared at him.

"You think you're gonna get away with what you just did?" I growled.

"Me? They started it first," He replied.

"Your existence alone caused it." I sharply retorted.

Suddenly, his cheerful expression quickly turned grim.

"What did you just say?"

"Did you not hear me? Should I walk up to you and speak into your ear so you can hear me?"

"If you want to approach me, then do it. You are no match for me either way."

We exchanged malicious glares and my aura exuded on its own. My aura represented my state right now and currently, it was compressed, which meant that my fury was on the verge of exploding.

I was just about to charge forward before Celestia stepped in between us.

"Stop it, both of you."

"Celestia," I said, "Step out of the way."

"Nero, you need to calm down."

"Nero?" Deroc said, raising an eyebrow.

"This is my second student, Nero," Celestia replied.

"A second student? Was Katrina so difficult for you that you decided to get another student? No wait, that wouldn't actually make sense... did you actually need an assistant instead?"

I shifted my attention to Celestia and saw her gulp.

"Haha! So that's why!" Deroc said as he laughed in a proud manner.

Celestia closed her eyes and turned to face me.

"It's true... isn't it?" I asked.

Celestia was silent and hesitated, but she eventually nodded.

"I see..."

"It was my first intention... but I eventually accepted you as my student."

"I know... that's why I don't care..."

I pushed her away and walked past her.


I don't care if I'm an assistant or not, that thought just doesn't have any space to fit in my mind. What fills my mind right now... is rage.

I took a step forward and dashed towards Deroc, however, before I was able to hit him, he dashed forward and I received a quick blow to the face.

I stumbled back, and my vision suddenly blurred.

"Tch, take this!"

I performed a quick and wide kick aimed towards his head but he ducked and threw his fist towards me. As I looked down, I noticed something, and I quickly fled with Flash Step.

"Huh, you're quick, I almost didn't see you activate your skill."

I gulped as my legs began to tremble and my arms shook.

His fist was... wrapped in divine energy. Even though Celestia had placed a barrier around me, I felt it... the raw energy piercing through it... I literally saw my life flash before my eyes.

[Are you really just going to let him get away?]

I heard a voice echo through my head and clenched my teeth.


[Are you going to let him get away after what he just did?]

...of course not...

I'm not letting him get away. He is going to pay...

Suddenly, the voice of an old man spoke.

"What is going on here?"

"Grandfather," Deroc said, turning around to face an elderly man.

"Nothing is wrong, just that there was... a little problem," He said, looking at the girls before turning to me.

"Katrina," Layla appeared and she rushed to Katrina who was still on the ground, crying.

"Hmm, did you hurt her feelings again Deroc?"

"Of course not, just said a few things."

...again? Did he just say again?

So this isn't the first time he's done it...

I couldn't contain my anger and in my right hand, I threw a Volatile Orb at him. Deroc turned and swiped his arms, smacking the Volatile Orb into the air which exploded a few seconds after.

"Oh? And who is this boy?" Deroc's grandfather asked as he turned his attention to me.

"...just a nuisance."

"Nuisance?" I said, "Well... why don't we find out who the nuisance is once I kick your ass."

"Ho? You are challenging me? The great Deroc in a duel?"

Celestia snatched my arm and pulled me towards her.

"Are you insane? You don't stand a chance against Deroc!"

"Are you doubting my abilities?"

"No, I'm speaking the truth. You'll lose!"

"We won't know until we try."

"Don't do this, Nero."

I grabbed her hand and pulled it off my arm.

"I can't... not after what he did and what I just heard."

I turned towards Deroc and spoke.

"Come on, let's do it."




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