The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 2 **A goal is formed**

As the days and weeks went by, Sahara found out a very small amount, knowing full well that she was being ignored, as the primary knowledge that she had learnt so far. Sometimes, she was being that ignored that she didn’t get to do an interesting new pleasure of hers…

Who would have suspected!? Not her, that’s for sure! Well, males probably would understand!

Sahara never truly thought that there was something wrong about a woman’s breast and knew of their main objective.

But…Being so small and hungry, made her want to squeeze for as much as she could get, in the literal sense!

So soft…

Just like a little kitten, Sahara put her hand into balls and lightly pushed every now and again…Like…Well, it was instinct! It was ‘normal’!

Don’t go all strange now, come on…Think about it! You are hungry and what you get your food from is soft like a cushion…

…Moving on, before this goes into some other strange conversation!


Anyways, Sahara did get over the random loss of her main substance quite quickly, because the nanny and maidservants weren’t very nice to her. It was more like the problem was out of her control, so she had to get over it and try to either come up with a solution or just think of something else if a solution couldn’t be found. Sahara…Didn’t like wasting time upon things out of her control…The problem was, this ‘substance’ was what she needed to live!

So, what’s the problem!

In this ‘short’ amount of time, Sahara assumed, because of the way they were treating her, that she was some kind of young miss that was born from a concubine. Her ‘mother’, she continued to assume, probably hated her because she wasn’t male?

…Hell, probably her father too!


Is there something wrong with me? Was I born with six toes? Do I have a face like a dog? A special power? …How awesome! I knew it! I knew that being in ancient times would be doom! Sahara could only shake her head and roll her eyes, which looked extremely cute as she was still a baby. Yet…Why is it that when someone is in trouble, they don’t think outside the box straight away? Sahara had immediately assumed that it was her, and not the idiots outside her room, that was the problem with her being neglected. Did she automatically assume that her mother and father were awesome people and not want to blame them?

Whatever the case, I just thought I’d uselessly put something here that wasn’t with the plot line whatsoever…Should there be some type of narrator boundary that shouldn’t be crossed?

Moving on…


More weeks went by, and Sahara was able to start holding her head up on her own. Strangely, she began to sympathize greatly now with babies!

She had tried to hold her head up earlier, but it really is damned true, that a baby’s neck can’t support the head at first!

Trivial things like this kept her amused, as she tried to think of a plan, for when she started to crawl.

Already, she felt like she was only getting weaker…Her tummy making noises…Something had to be done for her to get her dinner! Seriously though, Sahara was already starting to worry! Don’t the people on this planet have a conscious? Who is the boss here! I have to say, your people suck man! They suck, like me with my dinner!

It wasn’t like she wasn’t getting anything, it just wasn’t…Enough!

I’ll remember this nannies! I’ll come back and…Do something! You lazy, little shits! That’s right, I haven’t forgotten, I’ll go Matilda on ya asses!


Yep! She was going to search this…Well, she would like to say house, but it’s many little houses. On the few times she was taken outside, she was surprised!

It’s all real! Haha…

Perhaps she believed the books but didn’t care enough beyond that, but now she saw it all with her own eyes!

A house for the old lady, a house for the main wife, so on…

Crazy…So much land! Many homeless people could fit in all these houses! Gone are the days of one house with…Wait…Imagine me living with everyone in my family…

Sahara had something to think about there for a bit as she waited for time to pass…Her cousins, her aunts, uncles…What would life had been like if she had lived with them all in one big place like this!


To her perspective, it really was like a whole house, just for one or two people, and with there being so many houses, it probably meant that her so called ‘father’ was well off. Right? Or could this be like a small…A small but big area for someone poor?

There were more ways to find out though, of course. Like, how many workers, what the areas looked like in being maintained, the clothes…And so, with all this in mind, Sahara had a suspicion, which could be wrong, that her father was indeed well off with money.

…Not that it mattered.

It’s not like she can change her family, considering it was the same in her previous life as well.

As much as her family irritated the…Well, she loved them most of the time…Sort of…Just, was it going to be awesome getting to know this new family?

Hang on…Shouldn’t I be missing my last family about now? Hell, shouldn’t I have missing something? Why haven’t I thought much upon my last life?

It was a weird thought to her actually, as she could think of her family, yet not really miss them very much. As much as she was somewhat a hermit or whatever, it wasn’t like she hated her family.

Was she losing her memories or something?


…Sahara didn’t seem to have much enthusiasm upon thinking this family was going to be much better than her last…Not much at all, especially when they kept forgetting to put a boo…Putting milk…Giving her dinner!

This is what made her frustrated, was that she was in a small humble place and often missing a meal a day…Yet she was sure that they could afford to look after her a hell of a lot better!

Heck! If ya can’t look after ya kids, don’t have em! …I guess things like this happen here too…

Many times, she had seen children in her past get treated like cra…Badly…Now she was one of them…

And…She could probably assume that there were less contraceptives on this planet…Or were they just idiots too?


As more weeks went by, Sahara, at last, met her ‘mother’ for the first time. She was pretty, Sahara decided, yet her face was ugly when she was eyeing someone.

Sahara really wanted to know what was wrong with her face with the way that her ‘mother’ looked at her! She guessed that she looked like every other chubby baby out there, but she hadn’t known that she had a special, interesting birth mark on the side of her neck…It’s not like she had a mirror close by, so Sahara didn’t even know what she looked like in this new life of hers yet.

Since her mother was close to her, her ears picked up on a couple of words that she said, in which Sahara knew. ‘Hate’ and ‘luck’….

Sahara didn’t cry to the selected words that were heard, in fact, she gave a noise and somewhat smiled.

To this, Sahara’s ‘mother’s’ face took a turn to one of contemplation. But Sahara’s inner thoughts were dancing with ‘Omigod’s’ and ‘Yes!’.

Simply because…She could finally hear!


Haha, now I don’t have to learn another language! What luck! It really was just because my ears weren’t ready for some reason…Ah, thank you!  

The lazy side of Sahara was ecstatic with this news!

You have to question though, why it would be the English language of all languages…Well, I’ll answer that for you right now, the author stated this as the language ‘And that’s that, so get over it!’

It’s like a fascism story, author’s way or the highway!

The author then went on about how difficult it could be to make up a whole other language, or to learn one and well I just agreed so that we could get back to the novel once again…

Yet another useless non-plot waste of time…Or was it? Because if you laughed or smiled then, I the ‘narrator’ declares that NOT a waste of time!


Anyway, Sahara’s ‘mother’, on the other hand, said some more words. ‘Use’ and ‘see’…

In an attempt to roll her eyes, Sahara got a bit dizzy, but inside, she was mockingly laughing at her own ‘mother’.

Pfft, she wants to use me, uh?

Of course, Sahara was unsure on how she would find it funny if her mother really did act against her with any scheme. Sahara knew that she really was such a useless, weak and small thing at the moment…And why is it that she was already surrounded by such doom!? Why can’t she be born into a nice family, uh!?

Just like a number of times in her previous life, Sahara had to remember that there is worse of people out there and that she was lucky because she still had food and shelter…

Think of the basics and go Matilda on them later!


Sahara knew about not abiding by ‘laws’ would be quite severe with their punishments back in the ancient times. She knew of kneeling at some hall, writing ‘lines’ and the possible beheading…Nine generations…And torture. In her time, things like that were no longer done, unless in secret, but here, she needed to keep that in mind…Because it very well could be done here!

That’s why I never, ever wanted to come to a place such as this!

Sahara could only scowl and suffer in silence, as her ‘mother’ disappeared out of the room.

She knew it would be a lot harder to do as she pleased here in this time, then on the modern-day Earth. Sahara really missed it so much already!


Being quite a stubborn person, Sahara still would try hard to do what she wanted to do…

I just gotta try and make it work and not die in the process…

But…For the first time since coming to this new life she had some weird type of goal, one that gets her into trouble but also gives her a reason to continue in the future. There’s also a boundary that she attempts to cross with this goal and having to ‘restrain’ herself but nonetheless, this seemed to be a center in some regard to this new life here on this planet.

It wasn’t a goal that had any type of study involved, it wasn’t one where there was traveling or having to be good at martial arts. It was a goal that helped Sahara continue to be the person that she is, yet also deal with this world as best as she could…

And that goal was…To do as she pleased, and not die in the process…




The doom that lingered over Sahara, made her plan even further ahead. She still was going to crawl and observe, as soon as possible. But, as soon as she could walk, she was going to learn Martial Arts, study and learn whatever this planet has to offer, which made her more determined to find out more about this world!

Sahara had never learnt beyond the basics of Martial Arts in her former life, but she had already one form of it in her mind that she wanted to use the most.

Considering that she was normally a lazy, laid-back person, she preferred the technique where she was to use the opponent’s own strength against themselves. Since she didn’t look into it so much though, she couldn’t even remember the name of it. Stuff like that, where she didn’t look into much…You could say such ‘memories’ were eluding her.

She simply couldn’t remember some things lately, but her memory had never been that great to begin with. As long as she remembered her experiences and through that, things that she needed to help her through this life, it was okay to forget some things, at least that was her thoughts upon this.

Sadly, there were some useless things that she did still remember though, like postcodes and her first phone number. But she laughed about these numbers, that no longer held any kind of importance.


It was indeed an interesting subject though, upon why Sahara would remember some things and forget others, just like in her previous life. But there is indeed a reason upon this that might make more sense later. All that could be said right now is that the brain can only cope with so much and her memory area is practically leaking over the edge, so some of it just disappears, as new and more important things to remember come along. Sadly, she really is just a normal human, at least at this very point in time, and if she could store a lot more memories, this novel might be only half as…

*The author has muted the narrator*

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