The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

VOLUME 1, CHAPTER 1 **4.0 Version of Sahara**

It freaks me out…Just a little bit!

Yes, I’ve done what many characters have done in some books that I’ve read...

I’ve transmigrated…


Sahara felt that she was quite a normal, regular type of person, that more inclined herself closer to the category of a nerd. She hoped that she wasn’t completely submerged in the nerd category but of course this was her own self-analysis and she’s been wrong many times before!

She played games on computers and, like everyone else she knew, used a phone and watched movies. Of course, everyone she knew didn’t really have a large number of people in it and so again, if put outside of her knowledge, she’d once again…Be wrong. Not everyone had a phone…Not everyone watched movies, so she really should have gone out more…

Who wants to go out there?

…Is all she has to say about that...Actually, she does have more to say but I’m not going to bore you upon what you probably already know about human behavior…


Sahara read manga and novels and kept herself busy, knowing how to enjoy life simply, yet full. She was a laid back, cheap shout, homely, bubbly person that tried to make the best of everything! To get to this point though, it didn’t mean that she didn’t go through anything, on the contrary, she had gone through a lot…

Strangely though, even though she could make people laugh, she was a person that much preferred to be alone…

Many circumstances led to making her the way she was, as she wasn’t born detached…I mean, if she were detached, she wouldn’t have been born…Was that a pun? Ah, forget it!

No, for her to prefer to be alone, it was how she grew up and also of including that of following her instincts and how sensitive she was to people and how they acted. I will briefly just say that when she was young, she was a complete and utter b, I, so on…With a bit of bad luck here, bad circumstance there, we now have the 4.0 version of Sahara!


Anyway, Sahara wasn’t smart at school but had a few good qualities, one of those were knowing what it took to be a leader and that she had a balanced mind. She probably wouldn’t call herself someone to fuss over, knowing that she was far from being a real genius.

Another attribute to her personality, was that she was normally one that accepts and adapts well to situations…And this is before she was transmigrated! Could it have been her instincts that helped her deal with circumstances better or was it something else? At this moment in time, where she had only just realized that she had first transmigrated, she wouldn’t have a clue upon why she was able to cope that tiny bit better then quite a number of others but…Upon finding out a certain past in this particular world, things do add up a bit…Of course we aren’t up to that yet and you’ll just have to wait to understand! Ah…Don’t you just hate that!?


Sahara’s upbringing in her previous life seemed to help teach her such things, as accepting what’s given to you, as she seemed to be ignored and unlucky to some situations…And what else is there to do besides make the best of what you have?

So…She accepted her soul traveling and being given the chance to live life once again, thinking positively upon the fact that she still had her memories from her previous life!

But, as she said, ‘It freaks me out’…She really despised olden days and how they lived…Not knowing that that’s exactly the type of place that she had transmigrated too…

Fair enough the books that she read were only books, but still, she figured out that it would be a much harsher place to live, then the modern day 21st century, Earth.


In many situations in the books, where she might put herself in the character’s circumstance, most times she figured that she would most likely die. Die because of being too naïve or die to saying something bluntly, but the ultimate and quick ending was…Death…

A good reason why she was glad that history was just that…History…Was because she was quite a blunt and honest person, and that kind of personality doesn’t really fit in that type of era…

She would drink the poison, thinking that it was a nice gesture from someone to give her a drink. She would have gone for the horse ride, not knowing that her enemy would have something going on with the horse to make her fall off of it…Then, being blunt, she would state any secret that anyone would tell her, simply because she can’t keep them! She’d honestly state that she had sex in ‘this’ position, and in this type of historical place, she would not fit in at all!


Sahara was most certainly not a trickster and when she read books that showed characters schemed and ‘went nuts’, she was basically more dumbfounded upon humanity, then thinking the character did well in protecting themselves…

Yes, it was a downfall because…Well, what did they do in the olden day type worlds besides scheme, lie and bi…Complain about…You know, clothes or…Hair stuffs…I mean, they were pro, elites in the bitchin…I mean ‘complaining’ world sort of thing and poor Sahara…She was like, ‘Oh, it escaped my radar because it meant absolutely nothing to me!’ And it’s true, Sahara didn’t care about the materialistic type of things, she wanted to have fun and be happy, not bit…Complain…

Arguing made her mad and who wants that!?


Argh, all the evil females in the books and movies, they just sounded so superficial, shallow and materialistic!

Am I right?

Well, I suppose, some male leads were pretty cool for the girls to fight over em and all…Well, you’d think so. Did they have like gold plated hands or something? Did they have some type of aroma, like…Like vampires or something, that made girls almost die if they got just a glance from them?

When reading, Sahara often says ‘Get over it!’, sometimes unable to wait to get over the fact that someone stepped on another’s dress or that the man was talking to the female lead instead of the evil one

Yeah, so weird…Moving on…

…If this world were to be one that was indeed somewhat historical…I think Sahara will have a problem…

Or…If she’s lucky, she might just adapt or come up with some fabulous plan that she sometimes did in her prior life!




The place Sahara transmigrated to, was somewhere totally different and it wasn’t as the other characters she had read upon, where they came into a body that had lost its soul when they were aged ten or fifteen, or somewhere in between…

Instead…She was literally born…Again.

In her prior life, she has no recollection of being born whatsoever…What a blessing!

But…With her older soul, and remembering other stuff of my previous life, she…Felt…It…All!

A strange type of tremor moved in a wave around her, then it was like muscles were pushing her, whether she wanted to leave or not! The pressure of something all around her and then going to a wider place with no liquids for comfort or pressure at all, indeed, freaked her out! Really, she cried! Not because she was ‘finally out’, no…It just seemed like the mother’s womb was such a better place! It had been warm, she didn’t have to worry about food and drinking water! It was really the lazy man’s place and…Well, there’s no point in continuing that, it’s just safe to say it was a sad farewell to the mother’s womb!


Sahara could not believe how intense it was for a child to be born! It was another perspective that she had not really thought of…Ever…

It had been so shocking to experience, that she thinks it’s another reason why children might sleep longer! Perhaps they thought that if they slept, they could forget all about it! Forget not only the strange feeling of being born but the greatness of the mother’s womb! Now they had to worry about drinking! They didn’t have to do that before! Oh why, why can’t we stay in there, you know!?


Sahara also has the knowledge of what was going on, you know, from learning about the v…The bottom regions, the lower half…She knew the works on how a baby was conceived and delivered…And where she was literally being ‘birthed’ from…

…She knew this was this and that was that…

Man, she wanted to cover her eyes hey! Her eyes were luckily closed already but the fact that it happened might freak her out for quite a while…She couldn’t deny that a little part of her, through all this other stuff going on, was worried that a pubic hair would go into her mouth…Yuck!


After Sahara accepted her travel to another world, she slowly noticed then…That it was indeed, ancient times!

Through bitter frustration of having to deal with an ‘undoubtful impending doom’, Sahara did the ‘baby thing’ and cried a few extra times, to take it out on her so called ‘mother’.

‘Why’ *Cry* ‘Why bring me back!’ *Cry* ‘My life had been over, I had already lived my life!’ *Cry*

Actually, it wasn’t really nice upon knowing that life had restarted. Sahara had put in a lot of effort in her first life and was happy to go to the great world of ‘death’. Finished! Complete!

But to what felt like just moments after her tragic death, she was once again placed into the world of the ‘living’…

…Whatever happened to ‘Rest in Peace’!?

Anyway, crying doesn’t help one go back inside the womb…Or to go back to the land of ‘Death’…But it really was the only way to spout out grievances at this point of time…


The bodies in front of Sahara were blurry, making her wonder if she ever saw the bi…She means, mother. Mother! Who’d call their only mother a bitch just after birth! Haha…

Then, on another note, Sahara never saw her so called ‘father’ either!

Well, I was used to this, sigh.

Indeed, she was. To talk to her father, in her last life, she had to get on discord. Her mother on the other hand talked about putting an alarm on her phone just so she’d remember to call her daughter from time to time.

This was fine! Normal!


So, Sahara indeed stopped crying uselessly and finally opened her eyes and ears to understand the ‘new’ place more. Sadly, they spoke a strange noise of language that she couldn’t figure out, but she did try to figure out what the nanny, and the maidservants, were saying through facial expressions. For the most part though, she didn’t have a clue on what was going on…Is that another reason why babies cried a lot…Because literally nothing felt like it made any sense whatsoever!?

If Sahara knew this was going to happen, she would have learnt…Whatever language that they were speaking! Of course, that requires one to have the knowledge that transmigration was going to happen in the first place. Let’s have a show of hands upon someone who knows if they will transmigrate!



Sahara was no language buff!

She knew nothing much of Chinese and Japanese, and very little Korean, but it didn’t sound like either of those as well…They really did look like aliens with this strange, noisy like language!

Since it was like this, after a few days, Sahara started to ponder if her ‘baby, just born through strange pressure, ears’ were playing tricks on her…

Even though she held certain frustrations, what was she to do!?

Unable to even sit up, hold up her own neck, blurry figures, unknown language…Really, what can she do besides ‘role play’ with them in her head and make up what they are saying!?


‘I am an alien, oh, yes, don’t forget the ‘baby alien’ Sahara mocked as a nanny glanced over at her.

‘I was told to keep a distance, J…’ Suddenly Sahara was reminded of a movie, only to find the nannies gone in the next second.

Being left alone was not cool as a dependent, newborn chick. If one gets cold, one needs to be wrapped up!

Grumbling away in baby talk, Sahara made up other words the nannies may have said instead.

‘The baby must survive the winter! We will leave and see if it can do things all by itself!’

‘But J, aren’t you being a bit too stupid! We are being stupid!’

‘Never! Every newborn baby should be able to depend on itself from birth!’ Then she added onto that noise of them leaving and claps of the audience.

…Then there was silence once again, bringing her back to reality…


One good thing about being reborn as a newborn, it seemed to have the same effects as what was ‘normal’ for a newborn baby, as she slept longer and had to depend on others for certain deeds.

It was a bit uncomfortable, to have to shi…To have to…Well, there’s another reason to just sleep…Or pretend to! At least then your embarrassment is pushed aside…

Nonetheless, there’s only so much Sahara could put up with!

She wanted to grow up quick so that she didn’t have to depend on people like this! Not only because of embarrassment but because…They really weren’t that good at looking after her!

I’m so doing a Matilda on them!

Ah, let’s just pretend to always know what she means and move on, shall we…



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