The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 105: Chemical Weaponry (5)

'I can't take on the entire crowd until I get rid of the guy controlling the air.' Jason's eyes moved back and forth between his options. 'Even though he stopped my gas, this guy should be finished. He inhaled enough to knock someone out for a few days.'

Jason prepared himself to charge at the air controlling cadet, only for the ground between them to rise up and shield them. Jason stabilised his balance during the tremors that it caused as he looked towards the approaching crowd. 

A female cadet off to the right side, who had blonde hair, seemed to be responsible. This was evident due to the cracks in the ground that ran from her foot all the way to the edge of the wall in front of Jason. 'She's going to be another tough one.'

Jason sighed as he realised he would have to engage the entire platoon while watching out for an opportunity to remove the air controller. His expression became determined as he unsheathed his shotgun. A few of the cadets in the lead looked at it warily, but since they had no idea what it could do, they pushed on.

Jason activated his RDB's and charged straight towards the crowd taking them by surprise! All kinds of long-range abilities were fired towards him in a panic. Water bullets, corrosive liquid, energy beams and boulders were just a few of them! For the most part, his armour held up fine. The corrosive liquid was a problem, though, as it melted the top layer of armour on Jason's right shoulder. 

Luckily, Jason could consider it as minor damage due to the thickness of the plate in that area. It just meant replacing that single section when the training was over. 

As soon as the crowd came within range, Jason rapidly fired the shotgun. Constantly pumping it to reload from the magazine to keep up the pressure. 

Screams went up from the cadets as a hail of shrapnel rained down on those in the vanguard. At least ten of them went down during that chaos before Jason barged his way through and into the centre. 

Those surrounding him then became a lot warier about using their Powers. It would be too easy for them to accidentally hit someone other than Jason. 

However, Jason was grinning manically beneath his helmet as he pulled a ring to launch the spheres embedded in his armour. Those who reacted quickly enough and had defensive Powers could consider themselves lucky as the spheres exploded. The chemical contained inside of them rapidly froze like ice as soon as they touched any skin!

Those who were lucky enough to be on the same side of Jason as the woman who could control the earth were ecstatic to see walls appear to protect them. However, everyone else was not so lucky. Some of the spheres had been launched at angles that allowed them to fly over their heads, allowing the liquid to rain down on them!

More pain-filled screams echoed off the abandoned building as the unfortunate souls were exposed to a case of rapidly developed frostbite wherever the liquid caught them. Many of those in the crowd looked up towards Dani with some resentment. After all, she had not mentioned this ability, and they were trying to figure out if she had withheld the information or if it was something new.

On the other hand, Jason refused to let up on the overwhelming suppression he was dealing out. He spun on the spot and kept firing his shotgun to deal as much damage as he could. The cadets did their best to defend themselves and their allies as best as they could. However, the casualties kept piling up as others tried to attack back.

Jason had been keeping an eye on the guy who could control the air. He was rushing over to the new battlefield as quickly as he could. He was so concerned with providing support against this monster called Ouroboros that he failed to notice that Jason now had a clear line back to him!

Of course, Jason was not going to miss this opportunity. He laughed to himself and activated his boots again, speeding out of the encirclement in rapid time. The sudden escape left those still standing feeling dumbfounded. They had thought that they were in for a brutal struggle! 

They did not realise until it was too late that Jason was targeting an isolated member of their platoon! There was nothing that this cadet could do as he watched the imposing figure of the Infinity bearing down on him. He closed his eyes and waited for Ouroboros to strike, but a sudden blast of heat in his face made him open his eyes when no pain accompanied it!

Jason groaned as he was slammed into the wall of a building. A web of cracks ran out across the concrete from the point of contact. As Jason dislodged himself from the wall, he checked for any damage. One of his air tanks had been completely crushed due to the angle he hit the wall at. But fortunately, the other one was still fine.

His chest armour now had a small crater where it had been dented from the energy beam that had struck him out of nowhere. 'What the hell was that?'

Jason turned to look towards a building on the other side of the road. Dani walked at the head of the remaining members of her team from the last time. Which was to say, everyone except Amy, who Jason had taken out earlier. 

Jason's eyes moved towards Michelle. Her hands were still glowing with yellow energy, while her expression looked grim. 'I'm guessing that was her. She's probably been saving up energy the whole time, hoping to take me out with a single shot. That might have been the best that she was capable of. Shame. If it was the old Infinity, she would have succeeded.'

Dani's group seemed to realise that they stood no chance this time around. Not unless they could keep Michelle safe and recharge her again. But that would take too long. There was no way that they had enough time left to pull off that strategy. Dani frowned as she glanced towards the remainder of the platoon. 

The casualties were so high this time around that the Captain would probably suspend physical training for a while until everyone could recover. 'We have to hold him off and try to reduce the number of injuries.'

"We're your opponents now." Dani declared as she tried to sound confident.

However, the rest of the team did not look as confident as she was trying to portray them. Jason looked at them one by one and decided that he could ignore them. The guy controlling the air was still a more important target to him.

Dani noticed that Ouroboros intended to ignore them, and it pissed her off. She was about to rush at him, but Adam grabbed her wrist and prevented her. 

"Don't. You can't do anything. You saw what he can do now. Even if we go at him together, we'll barely put a scratch on him." Adam shook his head. Personally, he did not want to take another trip to the infirmary just so that someone else did not have to. It made more sense to let Ouroboros waste time taking out his first target. Even if that would only buy them a few seconds.

Gerald nodded his head in agreement as he stared at the Infinity. 'Ms Sam could make use of it if we could produce a few of them. But prying Ouroboros out of it will be difficult.' Gerald was still thinking of the Red Steel Gang first and foremost. He was only here because he was one of the backups the gang prepared in case Sam failed. He had to think of his own mission. He was not here to impress anyone else.

"Come on! We can't just let him have his way! Michelle! You were so adamant earlier. Are you really going to agree with backing off now!" Dani growled at her team.

Jason shook his head as he heard their argument. They were obviously divided, so how could they stop them? If they stopped for a moment and came up with a proper plan, they might find a way to slow him down, but Dani seemed to have lost her cool. 'Is she frustrated because she feels like she isn't making any progress? Or because she realises that she'll come across situations that she can do nothing about?'

Jason sighed as he activated his boots and took out the air controller in front of their eyes. They were so caught up in their argument with each other they did not even consider that he would not wait until they settled things before making his move. 'Ok, it's your turn now!'

Jason prepped himself to launch his gas as soon as he got within range of Dani's group. 'Dani should be the only one who can escape in time. That's acceptable.' Just as he took a step forward, a blaring siren rose from Bridgend.

Dani frowned as she glanced in its direction. 'That's not the alarm for the end of training….'

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