The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 106: Outbreak

Jason spotted that something was not right by the looks on the faces of the other cadets. Soon after the first siren stopped, another went off. This one, he recognised. This was the one that recalled them from the training area.

Jason ran towards where they left Captain Hyde, just like last time. Dani's team ran alongside him. Each of them looked troubled. Which was only natural considering they knew what that siren meant. After all, they had received more training and knowledge of the military protocols.

By the time they reached Captain Hyde, there were already Guardians gathering in the area from the city. Dani glanced around and realised that this was not a drill. 'There's been an outbreak!'

Adam had a frown on his face as he wondered why the beast packs in the area were attempting to migrate into Bridgend's area of influence. The problem with this was that the cadets were expected to help out with the area's defence during events like these.

Jason was still clueless as to what was going on. But any idiot could tell that even the Guardians gathering a short distance away were worried. 'What's actually going on?'

"Cadets!" Captain Hyde roared to get their attention. "As you can tell from the alarm, we are dealing with an outbreak. For those of you who were half asleep during that class, it means that we are dealing with a mass migration of the different packs that live nearby."

Jason frowned as he heard this. He imagined something like the zoo, on a grander scale, but deliberately heading towards Highrise. 'So that's it? Why are they so worried? Won't the Pillars just deal with them?'

It was with that thought that Jason remembered that Friday had said that Sentinel was busy with something. Did that mean that maybe the Pillars were not currently in Bridgend? That would at least explain why the Guardians looked worried. Jason felt like he had accurately guessed the situation.

"All of you who are still able to fight or carry out duties are to report to the armoury. If you don't have your own weapon, or yours is deemed to be lacking. The Quartermaster will temporarily provide you with a standard-issue one. Now get moving!" Captain Hyde roared as what was left of the platoon ran off.

"Ouroboros!" Captain Hyde shouted, stopping Jason in his tracks. "I can't order you to take part due to your position. Only Lord Sentinel can do that. However, I hope you'll join us in defence of the city. You could save many of the cadets lives just by being there."

Jason studied the Captain's solemn expression for a moment. Personally, he would prefer to avoid involving himself in this. But he had no idea how Sentinel would react when he returned if he did not help out. Maybe he would be happy, or perhaps he would cancel Jason's apprenticeship.

Jason nodded slowly to show that he would join them. But he had to restock his armour first. There was no way he would risk losing access to all of those materials… ahem… risk his apprenticeship just to keep himself safe.

Jason rushed for the Sentinel's private hall as more and more Guardians passed him, headed in the other direction. The city had come alive with activity as everyday citizens started rushing to help carry cargo meant for those who would soon be fighting.

Jason had never seen anything like it. It was almost as if the regular citizens were preparing to fight as well. 'It looks like it's worse than I thought. There's no sense of calm or feeling that they'll definitely get through this.'

Jason was starting to wonder if he had made the wrong choice in agreeing to help out. A black shadow suddenly passed by him as a loud screech echoed out from overhead. Jason slid to a stop as he watched the beast fly over the city.

It looked like a twenty-foot long owl with six wings! It was terrifying to look at since it meant they would be facing beasts that Jason was unsure of being able to deal with. 'Maybe I need to make another armour. The Infinity has only really been designed for dealing with other people.'

Jason realised that he was at a distinct disadvantage against these beasts. The likes of the owl probably would not feel much pain from his flamethrower. At the very least, it could probably grab him and fly high enough that if it dropped him, he would become meat paste despite wearing the Infinity.

Jason quickly dove to the side as several more owls swooped past. They were snatching up Guardians and civilians with every fly by. Screams ran throughout the city as a rain of bodies started to fall on the buildings and streets.

Flashes of light lit up the sky as those with ranged abilities attempted to shoot down the flying creatures. At the same time, all hell was breaking loose near the city limits.

Dani and her group were still capable of fighting so they were some of the first on the front lines. 'What the hell is this!' Dani was gobsmacked as a line of defence was created between the buildings.

Various Powers were used to create earthen walls covered in ice, slime, tar, acid and various other things to try and slow down the advance of the beasts. 

Giant squirrels that stood at the height of two men bore down on the walls with sabre-toothed fangs. However, they were not the only creatures that had assembled on the ground.

Dani looked out from the top of a wall to see four or five different types. What made it even worse was that some of the Guardians we're saying how amphibious creatures were making their way up the river as well.

The situation appeared hopeless. There was no doubt in her mind that there would be many casualties. However, something felt off about the situation. Some of these beasts should be preying on each other. Instead, they were lining up as if they were a trained army. 

"Captain! Can I have permission to scout ahead?" Dani shouted over the roars of the beasts as they crashed against the wall.

Captain Hyde thought about it for a while. "Granted. But be back here in ten minutes!"

Dani nodded before she teleported to the roof of the nearest building. What she saw made her regret volunteering to do reconnaissance. Beyond what she had seen from the walls, was a sea of creatures. 

However, her heart truly sank when she spotted she spotted an outright behemoth of a snake coiled up in the centre of the crowd. It was large enough to crush the walls and all of the city's defences on its own.

No matter what, they had to stop that monster here. Otherwise, there would be no Bridgend to speak of when the battle was over! 'Where are the Pillars?'

Dani glanced around, hoping to catch sight of Rust or Sentinel. However, they were not there, and she could not see Rust's jellyfish in the river. 'Don't tell me they're not here?'

Dani panicked as she continued to analyse the enemy numbers. 'The timing is too good. It's almost like it has been planned!'

Dani teleported back down and filled Captain Hyde in on what she had seen. The Captain's face became pale as he listened to her report. Dani noticed when he visibly gulped as he digested the information.

"Good work Cadet Kane. This intelligence will help us in organising our forces." Captain Hyde turned around before pausing. "Oh, it would be best if you can continue to watch the situation as it develops. Report all of the enemies movements. No matter how insignificant it may seem."

Dani could only agree as she disappeared again. Adam frowned when she was gone. He had been close enough to hear her report, and now he was concerned. 'Is Jason going to be ok? And what about Ouroboros? Will he really be of much use against beasts that are this size?'

Jason sprinted from side to side in a zig zag motion to throw off the owls who were still targeting him. A deep gash had been made on his left shoulder where one of them had caught him with its talons.

If Jason had been a second or two later in throwing himself to the ground when it happened, then he would no longer be here! 'Fuck! Nothing is working! I can't fight them like this.'

Jason was feeling frustrated as he felt like a frightened mouse trying to escape a predator. However, these beasts were giving him new ideas for things he wanted to create. Whether they would be feasible or not remained to be seen.

'Either way, I need to be able to move in different ways quickly. Being stuck on the ground is too limiting!' Jason breathed heavily as the Guardians in front of him fired off their Powers at the owls overhead. Buying Jason enough time to make it inside of the complex...

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