The Marine

Foodvalten 104

When Bill sprang forward to battle against the 6th Division Commander the pirate camp instantly erupted with an uproar, and showing their experience, the assembled Captains and Commanders reacted quickly and made to block the Marine from landing the first hit.

But they weren’t alone, decisive in their movements, Sasha moved first and cut Fossa off from intercepting Bill on one side while Ricky quickly drew his twin katana and held off McGuy on the other.

While they were starting their engagements no one had any mind to question why Vergo held back a step or why the ‘Vice Admiral’ didn’t go after a Commander yet instead coated his bamboo stick with Haki and charged over towards the subordinate-Captain, Karma.

A hundred or more meters behind them, being led by Willy, 62 Marines rushed inland from the beach.

For every two whale Fish-man armed with either maces or spiked clubs there was a human Gunner armed with Rivet Rifles, pistols, and grenades.

The average whale Fish-man stood seven and a half feet tall, and the initial foray into the newly roused pirates produced a sickening wet thunderous sound as they charged forwards taking no quarter.

While the Fish-men Marines were stampeding into the pirates, Bill and the others quickly drifted away from each other after their initial clashes, and besides possibly the Vice Admiral, they each looked deadly serious.

Bill himself was enough to put down most any 300m Beli pirate in ‘Paradise’, but was a 300m Beli pirate there the same as one in the New World? No!

Bounties were never intended to be a pure indicator of individual strength; bounties were posted based on threat level to the stability of the World Government!

And so, when Bill clashed hammers again with Blamenco, despite all of his natural gifts and training, he felt that he was the one being slightly pushed back!

When Sasha executed her perfect 45-degree slash which could cut through steel like tofu, she found her considerable power blocked by the old pirate Fossa!

And when Ricky zipped in and out of McGuy’s range, he found that his great unpredictable speed was actually not so great!

While the three of them began facing the strongest opponents they had ever come across, the Marine advance coming from the beach began slowing down more and more.

No matter how devastating they were to those first rows of rank-and-file pirates, these were still men and women of the New World and being outnumbered some 3-to-1 meant the charge could not last long before it was replaced by a grueling melee.

Somewhere in the middle of the mass of Marines was Pearson whose eyes darted back and forth and when the body of Marines was being surrounded, he ran back and forth touching the ground and using the Hole-Hole Fruit he was continually hollering: “PIT FALL! PIT FALL! PIT FALL!”

Taking aim directly under several pirates at a time, holes instantly formed in the loose sandy soil and after falling inside the pirates found themselves buried neck deep.

Although the range that he could create holes was small, barely 10 meters away from his body, his Devil Fruit was quickly becoming the foundation behind the survival of the Marines around him.

Had Bill been able to see this he would have been gratified, but fighting with Blamenco took everything he had.

In some ways, Blamenco was the perfect opponent for Bill. A powerful hammer user who was fast but didn’t rely on speed, who was tough but didn’t rely on defense, and who had no healing factor to speak of.

In other ways, Blamenco was the worst matchup that Bill could have run across at this time. A veteran of hundreds of battles both small and large, against enemies both powerful and weak. He had a Devil Fruit, but unlike those who Bill had fought before, he didn’t rely on the ability for anything besides convenience.

Having spent 20 years in this world Bill was no stranger to violence, but whether it was in the Lower Blue’s or Paradise he could usually count on being several levels above his enemy in terms of raw power.

Now though, dodging over the comically large hammer, Bill desperately tried to quickly get in closer but as he entered his striking range was met with the large hammers shaft aimed squarely at his face.


Once again hammer met hammer and the stalemated foes stood barely two feet apart with Bill pressing down and the Division Commander pushing upward.

Being taller and faster gave Bill certain advantages, but the slightly stronger pirate in one quick move deflected the hammers sideways and launched himself upwards, connecting with a vicious headbutt to the Marines nose.

“Blahahaha!” Blamenco laughed and pressed forward while Bill stumble away.

Though such an impact would never draw blood on him, it did knock him off balance and upon seeing Blamenco wind up for a sideways baseball-swing Bill knew he wouldn’t be able to dodge.

So, thinking fast, he grabbed his own hammer tight in two hands, one hand on the handle and the other high up on the neck, and using every once of strength he could muster from his disadvantaged position used his weapon as a stake and stabbed sideways.

Meeting hammer with hammer yet again, each time was more ferocious than the last, this time gritting his teeth, Bill planted his feet into the ground while the smile disappeared from Blamenco’s face.

The air crackled and just as Bill was about to gain the upper hand, seeing through his third eye he watched astonished when Blamenco’s spirit enter the weapon!

The massive wooden hammer had turned black without Bill understanding how to suppress it and given the extra boost of strength the balance was tilted in favor of the pirate!

Sometime before Bill was being launched dozens of meters away by Blamenco, Sasha found herself wielding her longsword and sidestepping the vicious older pirate, Fossa.

Her Angle and Polygonal Sword Arts relied on exact movements and emphasized perfect degrees in each slash. These exact formulas were essential during training, allowing the practitioner to see clear goals and milestones as they worked on their technique.

They had likewise proven to be deadly whenever she had encountered pirates in the past! She had stomped across the East Blue for over six months and had never encountered a pirate who could match her either in terms of strength or skills!

However, she like Bill, was finding out the difference between New World pirates and their counterparts in the Lower Blues, and now was doing her best to just keep the 15th Division Commander at bay!

Sidestepping a two-handed slash from his large katana, Sasha took the Plow Guard stance and thrust her longsword inwards aiming at his exposed belly.

But of course, Fossa was not a Division Commander belonging to the ‘Strongest Man in the World’ for nothing, and his instincts would not allow him to be caught in such a simple way. Bringing his sword back around, Fossa deflected Sasha’s stab upwards before launching a series of quick high strikes.

All of Sasha’s training had emphasized the importance of area control, longswords were not daggers and keeping someone at the optimal distance was essential for clean strikes. Likewise, all her training made it clear that swordsmen never backpedaled.

Just as a swordsmen were to never turn their backs against their opponent, all movements had to be forward or lateral.

In victory or defeat, she had never been pushed back in her entire life.

Whether it was the mock battles with Ranse when they were kids, whether it was at Marineford Academy against Drake, Ain, and Saga, or whether it was against any pirate she had ever subdued.

But now fending off a flurry of two-handed slashes from Fossa, Sasha felt pain run through her calloused hands and was forced to retreat one, two, and finally three steps.

The moment that Fossa lost his momentum she was able to move to the side and begin to press her counter attack.

From the Fool Guard she slashed upwards, sideways, stabbed, and all the while pressed forward against her indomitable foe.

Breaking away from her assault, Fossa jumped back several feet and began to laugh while Sasha collected her breath: “Huahuahua! Not bad ya blondie! But I thinks we both know how this’ll end!”

Breathing somewhat heavily, not so much due to lack of stamina but due to her opponents surprising power, Sasha nevertheless answered the only way she knew how: “You Are A Confused Moron! Remember when you are defeated that our Captain offered you safety, and that you laughed in our faces!”

Shaking his head, Fossa took a deep drag from his cigar and shot back with a laugh: “Huahuahua! Safety?! You hypocrite Marine! What Safety?! You destroyed our ship first!

Giving a huff, to this, Sasha replied back harshly: “You seriously are confused! Our ship is armed with weapons that your befuddled old brain couldn’t begin to understand!

If we had wanted to cause your death, we could have bombarded this cesspit into dust! - “Talk! That’s all-you hypocrite Marines are good for!” Interrupting her, Fossa took another deep drag of his cigar and then using the lit cherry touched it to his sword.

Seeing her opponent’s sword suddenly burst into flames, Sasha crouched into the Longpoint Stance and intercepted another flurry of strikes.

The more Fossa swung, the more flames flew, and Sasha was once again pushed back steps… four, five, six, despite her hardened hands she was feeling each blow ring through the sword and into her arms!

Leaping sideways, Sasha didn’t hesitate and shouted: “Acute Angle Slash!”

Throwing a slash that could cut through steel didn’t stop Fossa for more than a moment, and while she launched one ineffective attack after another she had to force herself not to falter.

“Fine! Eat THIS!” She shouted as Fossa blocked one flying sword attack after the next.

Stopping her ranged assault, Sasha drew in her longsword in front of herself and as she began to say “Five Sides Divide! Pentagon Sla-!” Fossa didn’t give her a chance and directly shoulder tackled her.

While Sasha hit the sandy soil, she rolled away wondering how any swordsmen could be so dishonorable!

Some time before Bill and Sasha had hit their walls, Ricky was likewise finding it hard slogging.

Whereas Bill had survived based on his physical prowess, and Sasha her constant training and skill, Ricky had always been the swiftest against anyone he’d ever battled!

His Rumble Arts was a two-sword style emphasized speed and in conjunction with his Wave Step footwork, even if he hadn’t been as fast as some of the others in a straight-line race, there had never been anyone to catch his erratic movements.

Unlike Sasha who was very precise with each stroke, Ricky didn’t have such considerations. Attack, retreat, attack, retreat – this was the essence of the Rumble Arts.

Ricky had never known where Aramaki had gotten the technique from, but while he and ‘Thunder Lord’ McGuy zipped around each other, he found that somehow the pirate was predicting his each and every move!

Thinking a mile, a minute, Ricky used his twin Skillful-Grade katana to counter what he suspected the counter attack would be if McGuy indeed did know his next move.

And it worked!

Spinning his left katana down, Ricky bat aside McGuy’s saber and followed up with an electric slash by his right blade cut McGuy across his exposed left chest. Unbeknownst to him, Ricky had somehow been the first Marine to land a major blow against any of the pirate leaders.

But this was no time to celebrate, in so far that Ricky had successfully struck McGuy, in reality, McGuy was the second strongest Pirate on the island.

And now he understood that Ricky knew his moves were being predicted!

“Who taught you that Sword Art, where is your Dojo Master?” McGuy touched his bleeding chest and asked.

Knowing that things weren’t in his favor, Ricky freely spoke and attempted to buy time. In his heart he knew either Bill or Sasha would win, and so he just had to hold out.

With intermittent pops and explosions being heard in the background, Ricky said: “I have no Dojo Master, this Sword Art was suited to me and so I was given it. I have never seen anyone else use it, what do you care anyways?”

Swinging his saber to his side, McGuy twisted his lighting shaped mustache and said: “I am the last true Master of the Rumble Arts, and I will give you this opportunity only once!

Quit serving the hypocrite Marines and their wicked ‘Noble’ Masters, stop enforcing their dishonorable ‘Justice’ and lift your boot off the throats of the weak!

Come and acknowledge me as your Dojo Master and then stand by my side! I will show you the true honor of the Rumble Sword!”

Doing his best to keep the pirate sword master talking, Ricky didn’t immediately refuse and instead asked back: “You are the last Master of the Rumble Arts? What’s happened to the others, I don’t believe this school of swordsmanship could be extinct!”

Standing ramrod straight, McGuy looked at Ricky and his coarse blonde hair began to sway in the wind, speaking clearly, he answered: “After they disgraced our ancestors and decided to work for the enemy of all mankind, I had no choice but to restore the honor they so easily threw away!”

Now looking wide eyed Ricky couldn’t help but say: “You call the Marines hypocrites and dishonorable when you killed your fellow brothers and sisters?!”

Standing unperturbed, McGuys saber began to crackle with lightning and he said simply: “When you live by the Sword, you must be ready to die by the Sword! This is the way of all true Swordsmen! Now, young disciple, what is your path?!”

Looking at the man squarely, Ricky knew he had wasted as much time as he could, and so giving a wry smile he sheathed one katana and said: “Isn’t that obvious? How I see it, after defeating you, I’ll be the last ‘Master’ of the Rumble Sword!”

As if expecting his answer, McGuy jolted forwards, saber crackling with lightning, and yelled: “Then I shall give you a good death young Swordsmen!!”

But what the pirate didn’t expect was that by the time he cleared the distance between himself and the Marine, the young ‘Swordsmen’ lifted up a blue palm and a Pulse Wave sent him flying back.

In the end, Ricky was no true swordsmen. The fact he could cut steel was nothing short of a miracle. A miracle made reality by the single desire to not be left behind by the woman he had in his heart.

Activating the Pulse Boots, Ricky took to the air and after using the Wave Step was able to give McGuy another slash, then using the Pulse Gloves again, and again, and again, by the time his technology was out of power McGuy stood up smeared in sandy dirt and his own blood.

McGuy’s lightning sword crackled, and with a look that ensured that he wouldn’t sleep until Ricky died, the Marine prayed that the others would come soon.

Seeing no other options, he turned and fled with the pirate hot on his heels.

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I don't think I ever showed it, but this is what Bill's current line of war hammers would look like!


Vergo with his bamboo.


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