The Marine

Foodvalten 105

Rolling through the air, Bill didn’t have time to consider how Blamenco used Haki to launch him so far away. His mind was quickly processing the snapshots he was getting of the battle raging across the island’s shoreline.

All around the spot where the mass of Marines was battling, the pirate’s camp had been nearly stomped into ruins and there were dozens upon dozens of pirate heads sticking out of the ground in the surrounding area.

He caught a glimpse of Vergo who was battling with Karma but couldn’t question why the Vice Admiral was there when he saw Ricky running and dodging away from a dirty-blood splattered McGuy.

The entire endeavor hadn’t started long ago, it had been less than an hour in fact, but it was clear even while he was rolling through the air that the Marines were disadvantaged.

Holding their ground for the moment, yes, but still disadvantaged.

Thinking this, Bill made a ‘Hmph!’ sound and kicking off the air he straightened himself out.

This was the first time Bill had ever encountered an expert using Armament Haki, and despite his concern knew he had to win, and win soon!

Holding his own war hammer by one hand, he tightened his grip, and ready for round two Bill spurred forward at great speed.

Dodging over another swing, Bill slammed his weapon down hard but was overpowered and bashed aside, tumbling away again he thought to himself: ‘This isn’t going to work!’

Rolling back upright, Blamenco was only a few meters away when Bill threw his hammer at the Division Commander, and while the pirate blocked, he rushed in.

Moving fast, Bill willed his knuckles to grow pointed and his elbows to form into serrated bone spurs.

Then in the span of a heartbeat after Blamenco deflected the thrown hammer, Bill connected with a flying downwards elbow, cutting a deep gash across the pirate’s face.

But regardless of this minor victory, the fight was far from over when Blamenco’s body turned as black as his hammer and in one quick motion body slammed Bill backwards.

Getting up again, Bill watched as Blamenco’s Haki disappeared from all but his face and was shocked when the Division Commander dropped his massive hammer and picked up his war hammer that he had just thrown!

Gritting his teeth, he went back into the fray.

Each Haki imbued hit saw Bill with a sunken cheek or a swollen limb, but able to will his body to heal, a balance was struck between getting hurt and getting injured.

As the battle between Marine Captain and Division Commander raged on, the pattern of Bill getting an advantage only for it to be overcompensated by Blamenco’s Haki occurred time and again.

Thankfully, as Bill was finding out, Haki for Blamenco was not an unlimited resource and while Bill fought, he was continually looking for a chance to use his seastone cuffs.

Since he couldn’t outright end the Division Commander, these were his one trump card, and he knew that they had to be used by surprise.

But as their fight dragged on, Blamenco himself realized what was happening.

He wasn’t a Division Commander for nothing, and his life’s story could fill several books. He had come across figures as great as the Pirate King Rogers to as despicable the Warmonger Vinsmoke Judge. Over the course of his life, he had encountered many naturally born superhumans, this was just a part of life.

But never had he hit someone so many times with a hammer and not walloped them! He was even getting tired now!

To make things worse, the young Marine in front of him never gave him a moments rest!

“Now or never! Blahahaha!” he chortled with a wide smile showing that he had lost two more teeth.

Seeing that the pirate Commander was desperately charging at him, Bill knew his chance had come. Though he was also weakened after having healed so many wounds, it was a small amount in the grand scheme of things.

Completely covered in Haki Blamenco moved much faster than his normal self and appearing in front of Bill slammed the war hammer down diagonally.

Though Bill acted surprised and lifted his left arm up to defend himself, it was all staged, and he fell down the moment the blow landed.

Reaching into his pocket with his right hand, Bill pulled out the seastone cuffs and put one around Blamenco’s tiny ankle, and then quickly around the pirates left wrist as he slumped over weakly.

Once he saw Blamenco was wheezing on the ground in front of him, Bills face tightened, and he held his left forearm with his right hand. He had pulled back at the last moment, but it had been impossible to completely negate the power behind that last swing.

Thankfully he could tell that the bone hadn’t completely broken but knowing it would half an hour to fully heal, he knew he had to be careful.

After checking his arm, Bill quickly readjusted the seastone cuffs to better secure them, and then said sharply: “You’ve lost, Commander.

I offered you peaceful surrender before, and I’ll offer it again, will you order your men to stop fighting and stand down?”

Though the pirate was weakened, he still mumbled out: “Bla’ no no no.”

Nodding his head to this expected answer, Bill looked around and saw the huge hammer lying on the ground not far away. Fighting was still going on across the shoreline and since Bill didn’t want to use his left arm he hefted the huge weapon and gave it a couple test swings.

It was heavy, not too much for him, but he thought it must have weighed 500 tons.

‘It’ll get the job done though’ He reckoned and then after looking back as Blamenco and figuring that since he had the key no one on the island could remove the cuffs, he sped off to look for Sasha and Ricky.

Turning back time, to when Bill was beginning his ‘round two’ with the 6th Division Commander, Sasha was beginning her own resurgence, albeit with more difficulty.

Pulling herself off the ground, her hair was disheveled, and her calloused hands were cracked and faintly leaking out a pinkish-clear fluid.

Across from her, Fossa stood up straight with his flaming sword and sneered: “Heh, look at ya’ blondie. People would think I’m the bad guy and not the stinkin Marine!”

Ignoring what he was saying, her eyes narrowed like a predatory bird, and stabbing her sword in the ground in front of her, she pulled a thin rope off her belt.

Not breaking eye contact with the old cigar smoking pirate, she tied her hair back into a ponytail that hardened due to the fluids from her split palms and took back up her sword.

She knew that she was outmatched, and that fact made her burn with fury.

Deciding that if defending was impossible then she had to attack, Sasha devoured the distance between herself and Fossa and after sending a flying slash, she bellowed: “3 Slice Divide: Triangle!”

Grunting, Fossa blocked the first slash with ease and then was able to block two of the three others.

Ignoring his cut shoulder, he pressed forwards and the two fighters clashed with a ferocious flurry of cuts and stabs. Neither showed any effort to defend and any defense that there was only happened coincidentally when blade met blade.

Going beyond her ability, Sasha fought one of Whitebeards Division Commanders to a standstill for several minutes until the experienced old pirate finally got the better of her.

Diverting her longsword off course, Fossa then used a front kick that sent her back on her heels. For that moment, with her being completely defenseless, the pirate attempted a slash across her chest but what followed she didn’t expect.

Instead of being slashed apart, Sasha felt herself knocked down on her butt and looking up felt warm blood splash across her face.

Shock, outraged, apprehension, but most of all, a look of wide-eyed alarm crossed her face when she saw Ricky standing in front of her, now missing his left arm.

It was just gone, cut off clear from the elbow, and blood ran down like an open faucet.

It had happened so fast, and she hadn’t seen him during her fight that for a brief moment she told herself that she was just imagining it!

Then, seeing Ricky turn around at her and smile, her heart just broke when he asked her if she was ok. At first, she couldn’t speak, and he was unable to continue standing having been hurt so bad during his retreat from McGuy.

For Sasha, the world moved in slow motion as she watched Ricky’s knees buckle out from under him. Despite her own injuries, her own cracked hands and hurt arms, she caught the boy – no man – who she had grown up with.

Pulling the rope from her hair, she couldn’t say anything other than ‘You’re doing fine. You’re doing fine.’ over and over again while she tied off his arm.

How long this scene took, she would never know, but as she rocked Ricky’s head in her arms there was a gruff snicker from behind her: “See look at ya! Ya Marines makin me look like the bad guy! How about our ship?!”

But whatever the voice said, Sasha couldn’t hear it and all of her alarm and shock and grief turned into a palpable anger.

Ripping off one of her sleeves, she put it under Ricky’s head so it wouldn’t touch the ground, and the moment she picked up her longsword it turned pitch black.

The Division Commander made to say something again, but she couldn’t hear it and crossing the distance between them instantly screamed: “10 Side Divide: Decagon!”

Whether Fossa had been caught off guard by the situation, or by Marine Swordswoman using Haki, or if he had just been underestimating her the entire time, he was unable to stop those ten perfect slashes from drilling into his chest and sending him back flying severely wounded.

Just as Sasha was about to run and give Fossa the coup-de-grace to put an end to his life once and for all…

“Amateur!” another voice said, and still holding her blackened longsword Sasha turned to see a bloody McGuy.

Touching his mustache static electricity sparkled and there was a look of contempt as he looked down on the now-lightly breathing Ricky.

Looking at the subordinate Captain the same as looking at a dead man, Sasha didn’t mince words and went to strike him down the same as she had done with Fossa.

However, McGuy was not Fossa, and even if he hadn’t just seen what she was capable of, he would never take a challenge lightly.

Going back and forth, Sasha was slower, she was weaker, and she had worse footwork. But knowing what was laying behind her, she held the pirate Captain off until out of nowhere a large hammer came crashing down!

Defending himself by lifting up his sword, McGuy had completely lift himself open and Sasha would not allow that chance to pass. She was not the noble T-Bone, after all.

Giving McGuy a deep cut on his stomach, the pirate winced and Bill slammed the weapon down again.

He had also seen Ricky lying on the ground, and didn’t need any explanation to know that since these pirates wanted blood, they should expect no different.

After two more powerful hammer strikes, McGuy was sprawled on the ground and Bill looked at Sasha before seeing movement in the near distance.

Using Moon Walk, Fossa received the same treatment that McGuy had and slugging the pirate over his shoulder, Bill came back to see Sasha again holding Ricky.

“Let me see.” He said, but after figuring that she would know better, he didn’t push the matter. Sasha was not a Doctor, but she was a trained Field Medic, and seeing her not give way to him, he then asked: “How’s it look?”

“He’s getting weaker.” She said quietly before adding: “He saved me, Bill. This dummy actually saved me.”

Nodding his head, Bill said quickly: “Ricky is a good person, and he wont die from this. I’ll go get Miyagi, maybe if we’re fast, we can reattach the arm. It’ll be ok.”

Seeing her odd her head ‘No’, Bill then noticed that Ricky’s arm was burned where it was cut, he hadn’t seen Fossa burning blade, but knew it was likely impossible as she said.

“Listen to me. Now!” he spoke sharply.

Getting her attention, he continued: “I’m going to get Miyagi now, I’ve subdued Blamenco, and he won’t be getting up any time soon, when I’m gone, you need to tie those two up.

Do Not Kill Them. Ok?”

Getting her nod of the head, Bill sighed in relief and taking the hammer jumped into the air.

Once he was looking towards the beach, he could see the overall battle had turned into a much slower pace affair. Explosions and pops sounded now and again, but in general, fighting had been devolved into a series of one-on-one duels.

Shouting for surrender, then bringing his hammer down, Bill smashed the remaining dozens of pirates at a speed which indicated that he didn’t care about casualties.

He couldn’t afford to waste one second, and after clearing what was left on the beach, he saw an exhausted and bloody Pearson back to back with the much larger Willy.

“We’ve subdued their leaders, the battle is won!” he yelled, and then spoke to the two leaders: “I’m bringing Miyagi over, do what you can for the wounded.”

Then, believing the battle to be over, Bill left the giant hammer and headed towards the Frontier Run.

Jumping over the first pirate ship, something struck him, and he asked himself.

‘Where’s the Vice Admiral?’

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