The Messenger of Death

Chapter 97: something irrational

After Camron and Adrian finished patching Drake up, Camron decided to leave the suite too. He needed to go and take care of something.

"Ah, Captain where are you going to?" Emma asked before Camron could leave the room.

"I also have something to do so I have to leave you guys here for a while. You can stay or roam around. Just don't go into Alex's room, I believe that he likes his privacy." Camron answered and left the room.

Adrian and Emma looked at their selves and shrugged their shoulders. They decided to stay and cultivate with the energy stones that Alex gave to them. Katherine was left alone to wallow in her fantasies…

When Camron passed by the reception, he saw Xiao En, the receptionist, acting weird. She had been calling herself poop, over and over again. He was about to say something but he was stopped by the steward.

"Let her be. This happens at least, once a month. It will be wise of you not to interrupt her." The steward said.

"Oh, alright. I'll be taking my leave then." Camron said and left the guest inn.

Camron was still disturbed by his weakness. In his family, he was the weakest amongst his siblings. In his group, although he wasn't the weakest, he still got saved and protected by someone weaker than him. Camron is someone that believes that there's a reason for every single occurrence in the universe.

Whenever something doesn't go his way, he tries not to get disturbed by it, he tells himself that there's a reason for it.

Now he was starting to think that he had been too naïve and passive about many things. He couldn't help but regret some of his past actions. He had made his mind up, to go and meet the principal of the academy and ask him to make him stronger, as he had said that he would the first time that they met.

Camron followed the same route the man in robe took him through and not long later, he arrived in front of the two-story wooden building. He wasted no time in going in.


He knocked gently on the principal's door.

"Come in," The old and familiar voice of the principal reached his ears. Camron stepped into the office and saw that it was different from what he saw the first time.

There was a short table in the middle of the room with two pillows parallel to each other and a stove by the corner. Little green cups on the table with a kettle on the stove. He saw the Principal brewing tea.

"Good day Sir. I mean Grandpa." Camron greeted.

"Hahaha, just call me whatever you want. Come, sit, and drink tea with me. After that, you can tell me why you have come to see me." The principal invited.

"Okay, thank you, sir." He made a bow then proceeded to sit parallel to where the principal was seated.

"Here," The principal handed him a cup of tea.

"Thank you, sir." He showed his gratitude as he collected the cup.


He took a sip from the cup and he could feel himself relax. He removed the cup from his lips and stared at the tea with his eyes wide. After Camron's body relaxed, his senses became sharper.

"From your reaction, I take it that you like the tea?"

He nodded his head and took another sip. He repeated this till he finished the tea in his cup.

"I can see that you are eager to say something, so spill. What is the problem?"

"Sir. I don't want to sound like I am rushing you or disrespecting you, if I do then please forgive this junior before he says what he has to say." Camron bowed his head.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me what it is." The principal blew air at his hot tea and took a sip.

"You said that you were going to help me get stronger the last time I was here, although it has only been over 2 weeks. I am starting to get impatient, I need strength to protect those I hold dear to me."

After he said that, he recalled when that berserker caught him. If he wasn't such a weakling, he wouldn't have dragged his sister down with him. His need for power had started to eat him up slowly.

The principal dropped his cup on the table and stared at Camron's eyes. He could see the fire of want in his gaze.

"Good." The principal said. He waved his hand and a little white box appeared in front of Camron.

"There are four pills in that box. They will prepare you for the training I have planned out for you."

Camron opened the box and stared at the 4 black pills.

"I have to consume them?" He questioned with his gaze still on the pills.


Immediately the principal said that, Camron picked one of the pills and was about to toss it in his mouth. The principal stopped him.

"Not here, you will have to head to a conducive cultivation room or environment, first. These pills are exclusively for darkness elementals'. If you consume it in the wrong environment it might produce the wrong result." The principal said.


"When you leave here, you can head to the Pavilion of elements and handed this token the staff you see there, they will take you to a room specially designed for you." The principal put his hand in his robe and brought out a platinum token shaped like a button. "After you have refined two of these pills, you can come back here and meet me."

Camron collected the token and kept it in his storage ring together with the white box.

"Thank you, sir."

"Before you go, can you tell me what gave you this drive that pushed you into wanting more power? Don't get me wrong, this sort of drive is essential to cultivators that want to excel, but if your desire for power is too much, you might lose your way and get possessed by your desires." The principal asked.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story." Camron mentioned.

"Don't worry, we have a lot of time. I assume that you don't have any classes this night, right?"

"I don't."

"Then tell me all about it," The principal poured another cup of tea for him. Camron collected it and bobbed his head at him.

"It started with a mission that we went on with 2 other teams…" Camron started to narrate all that happened in the Agelong forest till he reached the part of the berserkers.

"Hmmm, berserkers? I have been to that forest once or twice in my younger years and I never encountered any species like that. There were only wild beasts and common animals in that forest, continue." The principal stated.

Camron continued to narrate and he reached the part where Alex set himself on fire, then the principal interrupted again. "Is this friend of yours a bloodline bearer?"

"No sir," Camron answered immediately he heard the question.

The reason Camron was saying all this, was because it has already been made known to the staff that listened to their report. Even if he had hidden anything about Alex, he wasn't sure that the rest would do the same, as they didn't know much of Alex as he did.

So to avoid any more problems, he decided to tell a part of the truth.

"Continue then."

Camron continued and he was interrupted again by the principal when he reached the part where Alex used the lightning element.

"What!? Lightning?" The principal exclaimed.

"Yes sir."

"Has every team already given a report of what happened during the mission?"

"I suppose so sir."

"And you included this information in your report?"

"As far as I know, everyone in my team did."

"Those lazy teachers of yours are slacking off… so there is a lightning elemental user in my academy and they choose to not inform me. I will deal with them later. This friend of yours, are you certain that he is not a bloodline bearer?"

"I am sure sir. Alex is just an orphan that used to be a slave in the eastern continent." Camron lied.

"An orphan? With such talent, he should have been well taken care of. Those people in the eastern continent, they don't know what they have lost, Hahahaha. A person that has a very high affinity with not just one but two elements, such a person is a rare gem that is desired by many." The principal had a toothy grin on his face now.

"You wish to also make him stronger before the competition?" Camron asked with a tinge of jealousy in his heart.

"Of course, with you and him around those old fools from the other academies wouldn't be able to mock me this time. Hahaha."

"Where is your friend now?"

"I don't know sir, he left our sui-… room before I did. But if I have to take a guess, I'll say that he's in the library."

"The library? What for?"

"He likes to read." Camron made another guess.

"Nana." The principal whispered. "I have a bad feeling about this. You can head to the pavilion of elements now, I will head to the library and introduce myself to your friend."


Right at that moment, Argus rushed into the principal's office

"Lord headmaster, I just got information saying that we have a lightning elemental user with high affinity with the element, in our school," Argus reported immediately he stepped into the office.

"You are a little bit too late Argus. I was just about to go and search for this student myself." The principal pointed at Camron. 

"I only got the news a few seconds ago and I rushed here to inform you. I am sorry for my negligence sir." Argus bowed as he apologized.

"And you don't need to go and search for the student, I will bring him here myself," Argus added.

"I have to, it seems like he is in the library. And if you step foot in there just for the kid, Nana will catch on and she might do something stupid. It will be better if I head there myself." The principal uttered as he got up.

"Then why don't we wait till the boy exits the library before we approach him?"

"Because I have a bad feeling, Nana might have already done something irrational. You can leave now Camron." The principal said.

"Okay, sir. Thank you for the tea." He stood up and left the office.


Camron looked behind him and the principal's office was now empty, both Argus and the principal were nowhere to be seen…

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