The Messenger of Death

Chapter 98: something irrational ii


The principal and Argus arrived in the library.

"What happened here?" Argus exclaimed. There were books on the walls of the library, blade marks on the floor, and some of the shelves.

They passed by some broken shelves.

"I told you that I had a bad feeling." The principal uttered…



Nana had already carried Alex to a room and laid him down on a couch. She tended to his injuries and feed him a pill. His injuries started to heal faster than before and in no time he was completely healed.

She changed her nightgown to another one that was just like the one she removed. After that, she turned her attention to Alex that was still passed out on her couch.

"Who are you? Alexander." She placed her palm on his cheeks and Alex leaned closer to her hand and said; "Sheila, I miss you."

"Sheila? Even in your dreams, you are thinking of another girl. Perverted kid." She scoffed. "I guess there would be no harm in checking his memories out," Nana uttered.

She placed her index finger on his forehead and tried to read his memories.


Nana jumped away from Alex 2 seconds later. She wasn't able to read his memories. When she was in his head she saw endless darkness and felt like someone was watching her. It was as if – If she stayed any longer in his head, she would have been devoured.

She stared at Alex, wondering what to do with him. Then she noticed that there were visitors in the library and she left the room to go and welcome her visitors.




Nana appeared in front of the principal and Argus.

"What brings you to the library, the old man and his trusty dog?" Nana smiled when she finished speaking.

Argus only scoffed at her, he couldn't afford to offend her for she was just as strong as the principal. If not stronger.

The principal frowned as he stared at Nana's face. "Nana, your nose, it's bleeding." He pointed out.

"Huh?" Nana placed her hand on her nose and touched the blood that was flowing down her nose. She removed a cloth from her storage ring and used it to wipe the blood off her face.

"What happened here?" The principal asked.

"Nothing much old man, I just got carried away while I was having fun. You know how it is when your blood gets pumping after a while, I couldn't help but let loose, but only for a bit." Nana said playfully.

"What of the kid?" Argus spoke up.

Nana smirked at Argus and ignored him.

"Where is the kid Nana?" The principal said after she refused to answer Argus.

"What kid? I don't remember having sex with either of you so why are you asking for a kid that I don't have?"

"Alexander is the name of the kid," Argus said.

"Oh, you know Alexander too. You should have said so. He is resting somewhere after having fun with me." She opened her arms, pointing at the books in the wall and the broken shelves.

"You beat the kid up?"

"No, old man. I am not a savage, we had fun while sparring. You came all the way here for him, why?" she narrowed her eyes at the principal.

"Because he is a kid worth grooming." The principal answered.

"I know, he gave me surprises over and over. He even tore my cloth." She fiend shame and used her hands to cover her face.

"Is he the reason your nose was bleeding?" Argus's eyes were wide open.

"Yeah, in a way he is," Nana confirmed his suspicion.

"If he is that good then I really need to take him with me." The principal stated.

"Take him away? Why do you think that I will let you do that?"

"I assume that you know that he has a high affinity with the fire and lightning elements, if I can give him the training he needs before the continental competition then he would have the chance to be amongst the top 10 and bring glory to my academy." 

Nana was surprised to hear that he could use fire and lightning too since he didn't use any of those during their fight.

'So the kid was holding out on me. Apart from the spatial ability he can use fire and lightning, a real gentleman. Now that I know this, I can't let this old man take a talent like him, away from me.' Nana said to herself.

"I can't give him to you old man." She shook her head.


"You know why, you think that I would let a talent like him fall into your hands? You already have those other kids with bloodline abilities flowing through them and I didn't come to ask for any of them. Stick with training those bloody arrogant kids. Alexander is mine."


Suddenly the pressure of gravity in the library increased, and the whole building started to shake, even Argus could hardly endure the pressure. "Natalia, Don't use that child's future for your games." It was the principal that released a terrifying aura.

Nana wasn't affected by his aura. "Ah, old man are you looking for a fight? You even called me with

my full name." A blue light flashed in her brown eyes. "It's been years since I released my aura." Nana was preparing to start a fight with the principal.

"There'll be no need for you to release it. I am not here to fight with you, I just want the kid." The principal retracted his aura and the library stopped shaking.

Nana sighed, she was disappointed that the principal wasn't up for a fight. "Now, now, old man. What you are doing isn't nice. You are jumping to conclusions and demanding for my disciple." Nana uttered.

"Disciple!?" The principal frowned. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"You know me, and a bit of my past. Have I ever said something like this or taken another disciple apart from the first?" She and the principal locked their gaze.

"No." the principal said shortly.

"Did you force him to be your disciple?" Argus asked.

"No, I didn't, he came to me on his own. The kid has a good eye and can tell who the real master is in this academy. I was just giving him a lesson and he decided to have a spar with me, that's why the library is a mess right now." She lied.

"Alright then, since he chose you on his own I won't ask for him again. Just make sure to train him properly, I have high expectations for him." The principal backed down.

"Hey! Keep your expectations away from my disciple, I don't want you tainting him."

The principal sighed and turned his back at her. "Let's leave Argus."

"Huh? Just like that?" Argus asked.

"Yes." The principal placed his hand on Argus's shoulder and the two of them disappeared from the library.

Nana waited for a minute before she did anything. "Hahaha." She laughed as she held her stomach.

'Alexander, you are even more interesting than I thought that you were. Now you are mine and I am not giving you to anyone else.' Nana left for the room that she had left Alex in.

"Ahh." My head. Alex muttered as he woke up. He placed his hands on each side of his temples and massaged it a little.

When his headache subsided he opened his eyes. "Where am I?" He sat up and looked around.

While he was checking his surroundings out, he saw Nana's torn gown on the hand of the couch he woke up on.

"This is that Crazy woman's cloth, the one Lex tore. Is this her room?" He asked himself.

['Alex, quickly leave this place before that crazy woman comes back. She was able to knock the four of us out with just her pinky, we don't mean sh*t to her.'] Al urged.

Alex didn't waste any time in getting up. He went straight for the door but before his hand could reach the door numb, he saw it turning.

He immediately erased his presence and made sure that his legs made no noise when he walked. As the door opened he stepped back and hid behind it.

Nana stepped into the room and saw that Alex wasn't on the couch. She took a few steps forward and looked around for him. "When did he leave?" She said out loud.

Alex tip-toed his way from behind the door, he had almost made it through the door when he felt someone's grip on the collar of his shirt, from behind.

"Sneaky kid, where do you think that you are going to? You wanted to leave without saying a word." Nana giggled as she asked. She was the one that held his collar from behind.

She threw him to the chair that she laid him on before she left the room.


Alex swallowed his saliva. He had encountered many difficulties before but none like the scary unreasonable woman in front of him.

['God, please. I know that I have never prayed to you before, but there's always that time in a person's life where they can't help but turn to you. Help me or else this crazy woman is going to f*ck us up.'] Al cried out…

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