The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 4 Coming of Age Ceremony

At night, everyone gradually fell asleep, and Zi made a blindfold for herself with rope and animal skin, covering her right eye that could not be opened.

This behavior made everyone more awed by Zi, and everyone believed that it was the will of the invisible king.

In his sleep, Ace tried to communicate with Zi again, this time he tried his best to restrain his information flow.

Zi felt that she had entered a strange dream again, stepping on cold marble slabs, and each marble slab had a circular hexagram pattern.

Zi Zi lowered her body and touched the hexagram pattern with her hand, which seemed to have a slight burning sensation.

She raised her head and looked straight ahead. The huge and pitch-black figure was different from the light and shadow body she saw last time. This time, the pitch-black giant figure made people want to explore, without the crazy whispers.

Are you the great invisible king?

Prostrate on the ground, the girl's healthy and graceful figure showed perfect lines. She performed the primitive priest's ritual, stood up after prostrate, and began to dance.

Zi's ​​dance is full of wildness and mystery, like stepping on drums, full of rhythm. After a dance, Zi crawls again, kneeling and moving forward, with his hands raised high, staring at the black giant shadow frantically.

I believe that you are my Lord, the great invisible king! Thank you for saving us from danger, we lack strength, we cannot fight against giant beasts, even tigers can bully us wantonly.

O great king, please open your eyes, have mercy on us, and save your lamb!

Zi moved on her knees step by step, trying her best to get close to the black giant shadow. Time passed by, but she didn't get close to the giant shadow at all.

Ace looked at the ant-like posture, trying to turn the information into something she could understand, and carefully passed it on to her.

Zi Zi felt the whisper, and she listened hard, but she could only become more dizzy, and eventually fell into a coma.

In the next few days, Ye led half of the adult tribe to collect berries, while the deer made stone spears, stone axes and slings in the cave.

In the evening, the tribe came back, but Ye did not come back. She was attacked by a tiger and died.

The atmosphere in the cave gradually became solemn. In just ten days, after escaping from the giant beast, they were cornered by a tiger.

Duan was a little excited to find the deer.

We can't wait to die here, we must find a way to kill this tiger, please give me a spear!

Lu looked at young Duan and rejected him.

You are not yet an adult, so you cannot participate in the hunt. Tomorrow I will lead all the adult males to hunt tigers. You stay at home obediently!

Zi looked at this scene a little blankly. Lu had already discussed with her, and she was noncommittal about it.

In fact, Zi's brain can hardly think, and the excessive information, that is, whispers, makes her close to madness. If it weren't for the witch's talent and spiritual power far exceeding that of ordinary people, she might have gone crazy.

After several failed attempts, Ace finally determined the width of the information flow that Zi could receive. He encapsulated the improved version of the blood food transport method into the information flow, and prepared to teach Zi in the form of whispers.

In the dream, Zi understood the whisper of the invisible king for the first time.

She looked at the seemingly real and unreal patterns of human beings walking, sitting and lying down, in various postures, which was the most critical method of eating blood.

The hot blood and cooked meat of the beasts eat, absorb the blood energy, and unite with the body, accumulate thickly and grow thinly.

The so-called walking, sitting, and lying postures are some fixed movements that Ace summed up, which can arouse human blood energy. As long as you strengthen yourself through the blood-eating method and fill your body with vitality, it is possible to pass the continuous carrying method (that is, walking, sitting, lying, and lying postures) Fixed posture) stimulate blood a little bit.

When the blood energy is fully stimulated, people can mobilize their own inherent vitality, and use this power as long as they are living things to do things that ordinary people cannot achieve.

In the evening, the hunting party returned.

They killed three men and dragged the dead tiger back.

Zi stared at the dead tiger, walked up to the deer, and said in a calm tone.

I want the tiger's blood and heart!

The deer was a little tired and excited, he listened to Zi's words, did not refuse, and obediently offered his blood and heart to Zi.

From this day on, every prey the tribe hunts must leave blood and heart to Zi. Zi uses the knowledge imparted by the invisible king to teach the tribe to make kilns and pottery.

The situation of the whole tribe gradually improved. Others watched Zi walk, sit, lie down and even dance in strange fixed postures every day, and they followed suit and followed Zi to do these postures.

As time passed, people found that these movements were not practical. After the heat passed, they gradually couldn't hold on, and winter gradually came.

There are only thirty-five people left in the whole tribe, ten adult males and nine adult females.

Duan's height is over 1.6 meters, and the tribe is holding a coming-of-age ceremony for him. The whole tribe is very excited. Every additional adult means that the vitality of the tribe has recovered.

As the highest religious leader of the tribe, Zi did her part to host the coming-of-age ceremony. Although Zi herself was not yet an adult, she was only fourteen years old, and her height was less than 1.4 meters, so she was not considered an adult.

According to the rules of the tribe, a man's height is three cubits, and a woman's height is two and a half cubits, which is 1.6 meters and 1.4 meters as understood by Ace.

Although Ace lives in Zi's right eye, weaving dreams and sealing himself off, he can observe the outside world through Zi.

The time flow in this world is very fast. He has already felt that half a year has passed, and only half an hour has passed in the body, and he has not felt aging. It seems that in these worlds, his own existence has a very high personality.

So Ace thinks that he has enough time to sow seeds slowly and wait for the flowers to bear fruit.

Zi Zi stared at Duan, smeared blue vegetable dye and white lime on his cheeks and forehead, and danced around the fixed posture of Duan using the blood food transport method.

People are not surprised, they think this kind of dance is the latest sacrificial dance, they danced together with Zi, Duan, surrounded by the crowd, looked a bit complicated, his eyes fixed on Zi, and his lips moved slightly.

The dance of the posture gradually stopped. Although she is not tall, she has the best figure in all of them. She walked to Duan's body gracefully, pressed Duan's shoulders, and motioned for Duan to kneel down.

Pray to the great invisible king, pray for the gift of the invisible king, bless our tribe, bless Juan. We will devoutly believe in the invisible king, you are the only savior.

Duan did not kneel down, he looked a little struggling, looked around the crowd and said:

I went through that whisper, I can't deny the existence of the invisible king, but will he really protect us? Or, we only need to pray to gain the favor of the invisible king?

In my opinion, the invisible king is great, but we should win favor with our actions, not prayers.

the original wizard

the original wizard

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