The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 5 Surge

His bold words won him the first whipping in his life.

In a tribe with a prosperous population, such disrespect to the gods would be killed directly, but in this unknown tribe, no one wanted to kill a male who had just grown up.

Zi Zi didn't say anything, but stared at Duan with obsidian-like eyes, then nodded slightly to the deer, turned and left.

The punishment for Duan is carried out by the chief deer, who believes in the invisible king and cannot accept such sacrilege at all.

The coming-of-age ceremony broke up unhappy, and it was reckless to constantly try to question and challenge Zi. He tried to use his own method to grasp the right to interpret religion, but he is not a priestess in the same line, and has no natural legitimacy.

Forbidden to take part in men's hunting activities, they can only gather berries with women.

On the other hand, because Zi received all the offerings, he ate cooked animal blood and roasted heart and thigh meat every day, coupled with fixed posture exercises, his body gradually became full of vitality.

After the last snow in winter, the blood energy in Zi's body was born, and the vitality extracted from the body's fifty trillion cells condensed into blood energy at this moment.

The surging blood gas follows the muscle texture and blood vessel channels, and gradually gathers to the chest cavity, where it is deposited and stored.

Because of the refined blood energy, all the cells in Zi's body were in a state of starvation. She ate two wild boar legs and the whole pig's head that day.

The eyes of the tribe were almost straightened, and the deer was so shocked that he couldn't speak. As the strongest and the biggest eater in the tribe, he could eat a whole wild boar leg in a day.

Zi, are you okay?

Deer asked with some concern.

Zi Zi looked at the burly deer, smiled and said, Don't worry, I'm fine.

She really felt very good, the blood qi in her body was condensed, causing the cells of her body to experience inertial hunger, but relying on the support of her clan, Zi passed through this period smoothly, and her body developed rapidly.

She eats at least one and a half whole pork legs every day, and her body has not gained weight, but has become slender and well-proportioned.

In just two months, Zi's height exceeded 1.6 meters, which was similar to that of many men. At the age of fourteen, she was recognized as an adult by the tribe.

During this period, it is a serious matter to constantly try to challenge the leader deer. Unlike designated succession, challenging the leader is also solemn and legal.

If it succeeds, Duan will become the new leader, and the deer will be expelled; if it fails, Duan will be expelled.

The battle ended quickly, and despite his cleverness, he was no match for the strong deer, and was eventually knocked down by the deer.

Expel, expel, expel!

The people around shouted loudly that this is an ancient tradition, since they have acted, they will be punished.

Duan looked around in some embarrassment, he had to leave, since he couldn't realize his idea, let's leave.

But the deer pressed down lightly with both hands,

Said to the crowd:

It's because I watched him grow up. He just wanted to show his own ideas. In fact, this is my problem as the leader. I didn't listen to the voice of a newly grown clansman well, and I didn't explain to him why he couldn't do it. That caused the current situation.

It's not my fault, it's my fault!

I hope everyone will give him another chance and let him stay. The tribe needs a young man, and the young man also needs the tribe!

Duan looked at the deer in disbelief. Since he decided to challenge, he thought of the possible consequences. From the perspective of the deer, his challenge was simply unforgivable, but the deer forgave him and wanted to keep him.

The broken eye sockets were a little wet, he prostrated himself on the ground, crying and said, Deer, I was wrong.

Zi watched everything that happened, and Ace watched and evaluated at the same time.

The deer is a leader who can accommodate people, and Duan is a young man with ideas and ambitions. This is a great combination. This tribe must develop, get more people, get out of the cave, develop farming, and raise livestock , and at the same time continue to cultivate blood warriors, so that I can test my experimental goals as soon as possible!

Ace thought about it. His purpose was very clear, to experiment and deduce the future of the warrior's road, and to solve the problems of mottled spiritual power and the conversion efficiency of heterogeneous magic power.

As for the long-term goal, it is to explore the mysteries of this small space world, the reason why there are no demons, the reason for the rapid passage of time, and the reason why the level of life here is so low.

According to Ace's whisper, Zi walked in front of Lu and Duan, the clogs made of animal skin and wood creaked, the ultra-short tiger-skin skirt and tiger-skin-wrapped chest, and the perfect body curve.

Because of the cultivation of blood energy, Zi's skin became more delicate, standing there as if she was the embodiment of girlish charm.

Zi seldom speaks, all her time and mind are devoted to serving and believing in the invisible king. At this time, she said in an indifferent tone:

You two, go up together, and me, fight.

Just as Lu stretched out his hand to lift off, he heard Zi's emotionless voice.

His temples twitched, and he didn't let me worry about it. Our small tribe can't stand the toss.

Zi, you are the envoy of the invisible king, we cannot do anything to you.

Zi replied in a cold tone, This is the king's will.

When Lu heard what Zi said, his expression became serious.

Zi, are you telling the truth?

Zi nodded and assumed a fighting posture.

The deer closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was extremely serious. He patted his broken arm and said, Use all your strength, this is the king's test.

The two quickly rushed towards Zi, and the deer once again let everyone know why he was called a deer. His movements were fast and agile, and his punches were firm and steady.

But Zi's speed is even faster. She has been refining blood qi from the fifty trillion cells in her body for two months, and her body has also grown tremendously due to the continuous nourishment.

Her blood condensed and her legs came later, her left leg was lifted quickly, the instep collapsed straight, her calf and instep directly kicked Broken's abdomen, and the kick flew more than five meters in an instant, hitting the cave wall, Fall slowly.

The deer didn't have time to marvel, a donkey rolled and barely avoided the bloody punch.

Zi Zi stood still, and said expressionlessly: Deer, you fight me with a spear!

The deer hesitated, even if it was the king's will, once the stone spear was used, it would be difficult to hold back.

He finally chose the spear because he believed Zi really represented the will of the king.

As the best hunter, the moment the deer picked up the spear, his posture changed. His figure seemed to be integrated with the spear, and his whole body was like a big bow. He walked around the posture slowly and made several tentative attacks. Finally, the deer's heart swayed and stabbed!

The sharp stone spear was held firmly in Zi Zi's hand, without a trace of blood flowing.

The deer thought it was a miracle, threw away the spear, prostrated himself on the ground, and shouted: Zi!

Looking at the people in the tribe, Zi Zi suddenly flushed like a peach blossom, and said loudly with some whispers: This is the gift of the Invisible King, bestowing strength and blood on our tribe!

the original wizard

the original wizard

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