The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 43 The Third Possibility

This time Ace chose to stay in the pocket world for a while, and he already felt the difference between himself in the pocket world and the main material plane.

Every flower and every leaf are extremely real. In the pocket world, Ace has no discomfort in speaking ability and perception ability. He speaks in a thoughtful tone.

This kind of prediction of the long river of fate, I feel very real in the pocket world, but the feeling in the main material plane is always like seeing flowers in a fog.

Is it because I have almost completely controlled the pocket world? Not to mention controlling the main material plane, it didn't even touch the regular fur.

Maybe, I can try some scary ideas.

After Ace's voice fell, the entire pocket world seemed to be shaking violently. The original power reserve of the pocket world was almost exhausted, but there was still a large amount of original power that supported the world's operation that had not been consumed by Ace!

What if I forcibly swallow all the origins of the world regardless of the survival of the pocket world?

Ace's eyes shone with an extremely cold light. He stood in the center of the pocket world with his hands raised high. As his thoughts flashed, the whole world was struggling, but it was powerless to resist him as the supreme manager.


Humans and even ordinary creatures in the pocket world seem to have a premonition of the end of the world. They run around in panic and curse powerlessly.

Human race betrayed Ace at this moment, or Ace betrayed the human race in the pocket world, and they became the land of life and death at this moment.

The six-element ring floated from Ace's back to the sky and expanded rapidly, without giving any chance for the human race to resist. In just a moment, the six-element ring quickly swept across the east and west continents. The elemental storm composed of six elements wiped out the continent almost all living things.

Before the human race could take action, it disappeared in an instant, and countless black karma of crimes emerged, leaving only the last resentment of the human race, which merged with the black karma of crimes and attacked Ace.

Since I choose to destroy the entire world, how can other beings exist? My outer god Ace is the source of all sins, the king of the world, and all sins are attributed to me!

Since there is a crime, there should be a fire, a raging fire, to burn this crime!


The glass-colored heart fire in Ace's mind image world instantly expanded, and Ace's whole body was transformed into a flame. The glass-colored heart fire chased the black energy of endless crimes with terrifying burning power, and it was completely destroyed in just three months. wipe out.

The so-called crimes and the so-called sins are only relative terms. If I have enough power, all crimes will not be able to invade my body. Since it is to destroy the world, I will turn into the doomsday glass fire, burn this world, and end this world.

Words follow the law, and the whole world is controlled by the order formed by Ace's legal net. At this moment, he can't resist, so he has to wait to be killed.

The monstrous glazed flames spread like seas and oceans, spreading rapidly within the pocket world. This flame, which was fully deduced by the world consciousness before the pocket world, has now become the source of the world's destruction.

In the Pocket World of Liulihuo, everything is burnt, and nothing is burnt, even the rules are calcined by it, and everything returns to its original source, becoming the original power with blood.

Refining the world is a long-term process. It took Ace nearly thirty years to completely refine the surface of the pocket world. The reason why it took so long is to get rid of the blood on the original power.

The pure and colorless original power was swallowed and absorbed by Ace,

His mental and physical strength climbed rapidly, rising above the 500 mark almost instantly.

Feeling the huge improvement in body and spirit, Ace made persistent efforts to burn the entire world back to its origin, raising his mental strength to 800 scales and physical strength to 700 scales.

Even at the level of a great hero, I am relatively strong. Coupled with the mental world that only a great hero has at its peak, I think I can compete with the golden hero.

Some overwhelmed Ace absorbed the avatar into the main body, and with a burst of confidence, he quickly left the pocket world that was about to be destroyed. This time, he must find the perfect ending!

Ace, who returned to the main material plane, obviously felt the difference. His perception has greatly increased, and he can even express some simple words.

Is it because my mental and physical strength has improved? Could it be that the strong observer hypothesis is valid in this world?

For a while, several thoughts ran through Ace's mind.

Dana and others quickly rushed to Sita to meet with Ace.

Everyone wanted to say something in a hurry, but was stopped by Ace's wave of his hand.

Needless to say, I already know the situation. Dana, you immediately take someone to the northern mining area to set up magic traps. Carloso is responsible for contacting the local magic council in the entire Salia region to ensure accurate information.

Arnold went to the south of Bar Mountain to support Ansesta, and Betty was responsible for upgrading the magic ship, and organized manpower to transport our people to the local magic councils in Salia and the city-states in the old and new continents in order to evacuate the magic population.

The others stay here!

Even if the tower is destroyed, as long as the wizards and magic books still exist, the Magic Council will exist!

The fire exists, and the tower will eventually be revived!

After arranging everyone, Ace looked at Dana with complicated eyes and said, After setting up the trap, you and Betty will command the evacuation together.

Dana was a little confused, and said with a slight smile: Follow your will, Teacher Ace.

Ace quickly started to move, quickly moved to the northern part of the Laer Mountains, and attacked the Punishers who came to invade first.

I knew that I should have deduced the space teleportation spell in the pocket world before destroying the world. It is still too slow to fly directly at subsonic speed!

Ace muttered to himself effectively, since his physical strength increased to more than 700 scales, the speed and space range of flying using the basic element wind element have been greatly improved.

Not only that, Ace promoted the transformation runes related to shadow and dream, and successfully realized elementalization, which can be transformed into any elemental body of earth, fire, feng shui.

Ace used his patience this time and observed for a long time the craftsman girl with strange functions and strange objects. She was unique among the punishers, and she was the only one who didn't wear a black robe.

Everyone else calls her the descendant of the Artisan God, Mr. Aretha.

In the middle of the night, Ace used the three spells of invisibility, concealment and shadowing, and let Dumao activate the rule-like concealment ability, and successfully approached Aretha.

Five times in a row, the three-ring element disintegration technique was applied to Aretha. After successfully disarming her, the shadow engulfed her and the strange bow and arrow, and quickly disappeared.

Karim was furious. He didn't expect such a thing to happen under his nose. He wanted to track him down but was afraid of the attack in the middle of the night. He lost ground for a while.

Ace's idea is very clear, he wants to get more information, this Aretha can't be simply killed, but to maximize the value in this exploration of the possibility of fate.

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