The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 44 Halfway Collapse

The reason why Ace can engulf Alessa with shadows is because he already has a complete mental image world, and because of the particularity of dream manifestation, Ace’s mental image world has a real space, about one card in radius, and can imprison living things .

This is also in line with the characteristics of dream manifestation. Ace's maximum manifestation coverage is about a sphere with a diameter of one card (that is, five hundred meters).

In Ace's mind world, the prison has been set up, and Aretha is tied to the iron seat. Under the thunderbolt, she trembles uncontrollably, with a grim expression, as if she has endured extreme pain.

Aretha stuck out her tongue vigorously, as if she really wanted to cry out, but she couldn't even cry out.

Ace was not in a hurry, he tormented Aretha with thunder all night, and incorporated fear into it, causing this descendant of the craftsman god and the most talented craftsman in the five northern states of Salia to completely collapse.

As Ace's eyes flickered, Aretha told Ace everything with eyes full of fear.

She is not a member of the Punisher organization, but a collaborator. Aretha has the unique power of being a descendant of the God of Craftsman, and can manufacture all kinds of strange things in a targeted manner. As for the strange bow and arrow, it is called the life-hunting arrow, and it is a terrible bow and arrow made by Aretha's ancestors.

Ignoring the defense, directly attacking the dead point of life. It is said that the existence below will die if hit by an arrow. It is said that it is at least seriously injured or even near death.

Of course, such a terrifying strange item has many restrictions. It can only be used once every twenty years. Before using it, it must be sacrificed with the life of a great hero.

In order to use the life-hunting arrow, the punishers specifically killed a high-level monster in the northern part of the Laer Mountains and sacrificed the arrow.

Just when Ace understood the situation, the whole world suddenly shook violently, as if the end of the world was ushered in.

What's going on, what power is pulling me!

Ace's figure appeared and disappeared like a bad signal, and it took about a minute and a half before he stabilized.

He continued to torture Aretha, and after confirming that he couldn't get more information, his heart burned and swallowed Aretha completely.

Maybe Chang He's power of destiny is declining, maybe this time it won't last that long, I must hurry up!

After that, Ace attacked the Punisher's attack team several times, but he did not expect that Karim took out a strange object that had not appeared in the previous two times, the city guarded by a kind of treasure, and set up camp on the spot, Ace was helpless.

Later, Ace got the news through the magic book that seven heroes from the five northern states had already met in Milne and were on their way!

Nimma, play off!

Ace was sweating coldly, but Kareem didn't fight him decisively, but huddled in the tortoise shell, and waited for the seven heroes to arrive, one against eight?

Ace really wanted to yell, I am the supreme god, and I should suppress the enemies of the world, but the truth is that whoever doesn't run away is a fool.

It seems that the northern side can't attack too much earlier, it will cause a bigger backlash. Fortunately, there are no legendary heroes in the northern states, otherwise I can just run away with the people from the tower!

But I still have to prepare for a way out, I have to think of a way.

Although things developed unexpectedly, fortunately they were all false, Ace decided to organize the evacuation of the residents of the territory first, and at the same time head to the south to see if he could figure out what the black shadow that appeared in the first week was.

The action on Betty's side needs to be sped up,

In this exploration of destiny, escape is probably the only chance.

Ace left his clone to monitor the actions of the Punishers, and he went straight to the south.

It is said that Balshan buried a terrible demon lord. The last demon tide was also related to him. Could it be him?

Ace was flying fast while thinking about the possibility. He had just reached the sky above the tower territory when he suddenly felt nauseated and dizzy.

The world suddenly stopped and slowly distorted, like broken glass. Ace woke up suddenly and opened his eyes.

The pocket world still exists, surrounded by stars, and the long river containing the power of destiny has long since disappeared. Ace, who has experienced three dream-like experiences in a row, is a little dazed.

Panting heavily, he calmed down slowly, the dull hair on the top of his head shook slightly, and Fuwa, the book elf, landed in front of Ace with a bang, and said in a grandma's voice.

Ace, what you see in the phantom of the river of fate is not all. It is just a kind of exploration and deduction, and accidents may happen in reality.

Ace, who had regained his composure, asked quickly: What you're saying is that this is just a deduction with high probability. Will there be some small probability events in the actual future?

Fuwa touched her chubby head, thought for a while and said with a naive smile: Fuwa doesn't understand what is high probability and small probability. In short, the phantom of fate can be used as a reference, so you can't believe it.

After speaking, Fuwa flew over Ace's head erratically, and she turned into a dumb hair and stuck it on Ace's head.

Ace shook his head, muttering about quantum uncertainty, observer effect, convergence of timeline.

In the end, he settled down and looked at this pocket world with cold eyes. This place allowed him to obtain first-level life and upgrade to second-level life resources. This place allowed him to deduce a large number of three-ring spells, and let him perfect his magic-free talent. The place where the reader arrives at the path of the extraordinary Heartfire.

I have to leave after all, but before that, I need to deduce the three-ring space jump spell!

With a thought in Ace's mind, Liuli's heart fire rose high, instantly igniting all the humans in the pocket world, and the human race was refined by Ace before he could react.

The whole world shed tears of blood, as if mourning the demise of the only intelligent race in the world. Ace refined all of these into the origin of the world.

The summoning teleportation spell model and the space extension spell model in his mental imagery world emerged in the pocket world, one for leaping and the other for expanding space.

Sisi's world essence was integrated into it, the spell model began to disintegrate, and each rune gradually sublimated.

The origin of the world does not seem to be enough. Ace continues to destroy the world, turning all creatures into the power of the origin of the world. The surface of the pocket world has been barren, and there is no living thing.

Two brand new spell models were born, the three-ring spell subspace spell and the three-ring spell portal.

The subspace technique can create an extremely stable or extremely unstable subspace. If it is a stable subspace, it can exist for decades or even hundreds of years without disintegrating due to space transitions.

If it is an unstable subspace, its essence is a space tearing and explosive weapon, which will create a space crack at the moment of disintegration. In terms of the energy released by the disintegration of the subspace alone, it is not enough to kill a big hero. But if this spell is combined with the teleportation spell, it will become a spell that defeats the strong with the weak.

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