The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Lei Lie is fine, Jiang Yunhu has never seen such a posture before, surrounded by five thick and tattooed men, like a monkey in a zoo, who doesn't know where to put his hands.

Brother Fei was helped back to the sofa by his two younger brothers. His body was covered in vomit and he was in a state of distress. His eyes were staring like two copper bells. If eyes could kill, the future would have been torn to pieces by now.

Seeing people coming to watch one after another, Brother Fei couldn't hold back his face. He grabbed his drinking bowl and threw it at the crowd, shouting: "Look at you, uncle!"

If other people did this, it might cause a brawl, but Brother Fei is well-known in Huijie, and no one wanted to make fun of himself, so the birds and beasts dispersed immediately.

One of Brother Fei's younger brothers is more clever, he stroked Brother Fei's back, and began to show courteousness: "Brother Fei, don't be angry! I'll find a younger sister to accompany you!"

After the little brother finished speaking, he looked around and began to look for the target. Soon, his face was happy, as if he had found the target, he ran over quickly.

As for Brother Fei, he still stared at the future with round eyes.

Future is smiling and never avoiding his eyes.

Brother Fei looked more and more dazzling, even if he didn't say anything in the future, he felt that smile was mocking him, and the anger in his heart burned even more violently.



At this moment, the sound of broken wine glasses and people screaming suddenly came from the bar. Future and Brother Fei looked over at the same time, and both of them were stunned.

The person who screamed was the younger brother who ran past just now. He covered his bleeding head and rolled on the ground. There were broken glasses of wine bottles everywhere beside him, and they were still the kind of particularly thick foreign wine bottles.

There was a girl standing next to the younger brother, holding a half-broken wine bottle in her hand, apparently she bloomed on the younger brother's head.

She indifferently threw half of the wine bottle aside, sat back on the high chair at the bar, and drank silently. Judging from the flush on her face, she must have drunk a lot.

(No way, what a coincidence?!) The bar was quite chaotic, and I didn’t see the future clearly at first, but I just thought that the girl looked so familiar, and when I took a closer look, it was really Rocky.

(Why is she here?) Future turned to look at Jiang Yunhu and Lei Lie, and asked seriously, "Did you call?"

Gray Street is not a place to play around, and you will suffer big losses if you come in casually.

Jiang Yunhu and Lei Lie looked blank, their heads shook like rattles, they didn't look like they were lying.

At this time, Brother Fei finally couldn't sit still. He vomited violently just now and spit out most of the alcohol. The alcohol absorbed by the stomach is actually not much, and he has slowed down at this time.

Seeing his younger brother being beaten, he stood up abruptly, walked over and kicked his younger brother, grinning his teeth and said, "Get up for me! What's the use of you being beaten to the ground by a girl?!"

The little brother didn't dare to be negligent, he struggled to get up from the ground, covered his head and retreated to Brother Fei embarrassingly, while staring at Rocky with vicious eyes.

Rocky didn't seem to care about anything, so he asked the bartender for a large glass of cocktail, and he started to drink it. Judging from his red face and blurred eyes, he should have been drunk a long time ago.

Brother Fei pushed the younger brother aside, walked towards Rocky, leaned on the bar with one hand, and pretended to smile friendlyly: "Beauty, come to play alone? Why are you so angry? Why did my little brother offend you? Tell me! Brother Out of anger for you!"

Brother Fei intends to show his friendly side to make the other party put down their guard.

Most of the girls who come to the bar alone and sit at the bar are looking for excitement. There are too few who come purely to drink. As long as you behave well and don't be too shabby, you can basically hook up.

Moreover, the girl in front of me doesn't look like a high school girl, with a slender waist and long legs, and her delicate and pretty face is not comparable to those vulgar fans. Brother Fei almost drools when he looks at it, and even starts to fantasize about some exciting scenes. dark cool.

However, in the next moment, the cold liquid splashed on Brother Fei's face, and the irritating alcohol even seeped into his eyes, almost making him cry.

Brother Fei frantically wiped his face, the bartender at the bar was more clever, and quickly sent him a hot towel to help him wipe.

Brother Fei finally wiped off the wine on his face, his eyes were as red as rabbits, staring viciously at Rocky who was splashing wine.

Rocky returned the empty wine glass to the bartender as if nothing had happened, and said silently: "Have another glass of Margarita, put more salt on the rim, the glass must be frozen."

The bartender took the cup uneasily and said with some hesitation: "Miss, you have drank seven different cocktails, why don't you keep drinking like this?"

"What nonsense!" Rocky kicked the bar angrily, grabbed a handful of hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and threw them at the bartender, "I'm not happy to buy you two glasses of wine, what are you talking about?!"

The bartender didn't dare to speak anymore. He was just worried that Rocky would drink himself badly. The cocktail is different from ordinary wine. This is a special mixed alcohol, which is more intoxicating and more irritating to the stomach. Most people drink three or four glasses and it's about the same. up.

Like Rocky, he poured down a drink like this, judging by his posture, did the co-author get drunk with all his heart?
The bartender was ruthless, and he didn't care about that much. Anyway, even if Rocky drank into the emergency room, it didn't matter to him, and he didn't refuse to pay. The more he drank, the more he made, the happier he was!
Thinking of this, the bartender immediately re-made according to Rocky's request, and put a new glass of Margarita in front of her.

Next to Luo Qi, Brother Fei's expression was cloudy and uncertain. Jiang Yunhu and Lei Lie invited him to teach their class teacher a lesson today, saying that it's okay to bully him, just play casually.

He thought to himself that there is such a good thing in the world?Coming right away.

In the end, who knows, before the matter was completed, he made a fool of himself first, which made Brother Fei very upset.

Now, Brother Fei wanted to hook up with a girl to get rid of his bad luck, but he was splashed with wine again, which made his old face even more unbearable!

In Huijie, which woman would dare to disrespect him, Tieshoutang Brother Fei?It is an honor to be seen by him!This chick in front of me really doesn't know what to do!

However, Brother Fei could also tell from Rocky's attire that she didn't belong to Gray Street, she should have come in from outside to seek excitement, maybe she didn't understand the situation, so she suppressed her temper.

Brother Fei came to Rocky again, and said with a smile: "Little sister, come to Gray Street alone to get drunk, have you lost your love? Look, it's boring here. How about I take you to a high-end bar? There are famous wines there. , a bottle of less than [-], I invite you to drink for free! Drink as much as you like! I"

Brother Fei hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt that Brother Fei had been hit hard. He clamped his crotch tightly, his face turned liver-colored, and he fell to the ground in pain.

After Rocky kicked Fei Ge down with her vaginal kick, she poured wine on Fei Ge's head as everyone screamed, took out a handful of bills from her arms, stuffed them into Fei Ge's mouth, and then Lifting up the bench, he started smashing, cursing while smashing: "Is it rich? Is it amazing to be rich? You are the only one who has money?!"

Seeing this, Fei Ge's younger brother rushed over, pushed Rocky away, and helped Fei Fei.

Rocky was so drunk that he couldn't stand upright at all, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The expression on Brother Fei's face changed again and again, from shame to anger, from anger to madness, and finally returned to calm strangely, just like the calm before the storm.

I saw Brother Fei pull out a dog-head knife from his waist with no expression on his face, and said calmly, "Hold her hand down."

The younger brother froze in place, he knew Brother Fei's temper very well, if it was just anger, there was still room to defuse it, but with a deadpan face like now, it would definitely be fierce, and he would never get into the sheath without seeing blood.

The girl could only be blamed for committing suicide and humiliating Brother Fei twice in a row. Now it seemed that she couldn't keep her two hands.

(End of this chapter)

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