The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

10. Gustav’s “Crisis”

“Soooo, what’s up with him?”



”He is being weird.”

“How so?”

”He likes to fight and tries to fight everyone. He wanted to fight even you, but stopped midway, remembering that it would be stupid. I believe the weirdness of this place helped to calm him down.”

Now that she says that, I certainly tried to make my Mind Cantrips with calming effect linger, but should it be that effective. I Guess the Room is special in different ways that aren’t obvious. Even now, the Magic Remains, longer than I think should be possible.
The Results in Leveling were underwhelming, by the way.

”I saw him rushing in, but after that, he was calm and being weird.”

”Yeah, he tries to get in a Persona of sorts. It helps to cool his head.”

”Ok, thanks. Hey, Gustav! What’s your Problem?”

”Zzzzz Zzzzz.”

”When he isn’t active, he goes to sleep. Many Dungeon Master do, but they can mostly consciously choose if they remain awake or not.”

”Should we wake him up?”

”Let him, he likes to sleep. And he is very loud under the Dungeon Masters, so it would lead to a bad reputation for you.”

”I see, but do you know what he wants?”

”Yes, I do. Is it fine if I explain?”

”It’s fine, but the pricing and details of what I plan to make will be known by him, so or so, after he leaves.”

”I understand. I am good friends with him, so I won’t lie.”

After I talked about that with Layla, who is surprisingly engaging and can do things herself, opposite of my first impression, she began to talked about Gustavs Situation.

Gustav has three Benefits and Handicaps.
It seems only her comparative old System says Advantage. Don’t they Update things here? 
Two Benefits are that he can fight for his Dungeon himself, the other that he can incorporate part of a Monster per Element into his Body. Explaining how he looks like that. 
The opposing Handicaps are, that he has to fight alone in a Room at the end of the Dungeon, with a door he can’t open himself. 
The other, that he always has to have Parts of all Element out. Every different Body part has different strengths and weakness, latter which can be abused. 
The last Benefit is, that he can give up a Blueprint, mix it with an Element, and get a fitting Monster. 
Like this, he can Mix a Fish Blueprint with the Water Element, and gets a Fish with water Magic. 
The other Handicap is a debuff, if the Element of the Environment doesn’t match the Monster. 
And Environment means Environment. Can place a Pond next to a Bonfire and have Water and Fire Elements Creature next to each other. Or rather, he can, but it would give a debuff.

His Problem is, that he’s four Elements are unbalanced. 
Layla theorise, that he can mix an already Element affiliated Monster again, to get another Element. 
But he already lacks Monster, so he can’t really do that.

So, I could sell him “cheap” basic Monster Units, like a self-made Wolf and so on? Good to know.

Where it’s missing is Earth. 
He got an Earth Bull and Earthen Crab. 
It seems like the naming is constants like that. 
Fire and Fiery, Water and Watery, Air and Airy. 
The Element name means that they are Straightforward. 
Fire does much Damage, Air is fast, Earth is tough, Water can swim Fast. 
The other are trickier. Self Detonation, Water Bender, being literally made of Wind and so on. 
The Earthen Crab has a Ceramic like Shell. Not much more. 
So Earth is straightforward with how to deal, and most situations are as expected.

Earth also lacks a magic user. 
For Magic user is the First Word of the Name the Same as previously Mentioned, but functions a bit different. 
But it’s hard to explain when one doesn’t have seen it, says Layla. 
It seems like one can see a difference with other Magic users, but not really explain it. 
Or rather, it would sound like “Fire Beasts who use Magic, deal much Damage.”

And I finally heard his Dungeons Name, after I inquired why she said Beast and not Monster. 
Because his Dungeon is of Elemental Beasts! Glad I got to hear it that Early.

So, back to it. 
He needs and Magic using Earth or Earthen Monster. 
Also requesting that the Name fits into the Rest of his Monster. 
I Understand that. It would be terrible annoying to have it any different.

2500 Gold would it be this Time. 
As I said that, I thought that’s it would be Time for them to leave. Naturally, only with leaving the Prepayment behind. 
While thinking such, Layla and Gustav begin to move. 
Layla said her Goodbyes, and both left the Room trough the door.

That was weird, but I won’t complain. 
I had 100 Gold and now I have 7600 Gold and a Zombie Blueprint. The Lich didn’t step back on his word.

I want to make Laylas Request first, as the one most interesting and first one who commissioned. Even tough latter Fact lies by me, I don’t think of it as my fault.

And for that, I invest 4000 Gold into the Golem Creation Kit. 
Yeah, it’s stupid. But I think I can handle that better than creating a living being.

My Idea, by the way, is to create a Fog Machine Golem. One who creates a fog with dizzying Effect. Or something different if it won’t work. 
And with the Kit even came a Manuel. Yeah, a new Book.

I thought sarcastically, but as I read the Glossary, I find something interesting. The Dust Golem.

Its Sounds Epic, but everything is only Theory. 
Ot seems there was one’s a Hero, Goliath the Stone Crusher, who smashed Golems into tiny pieces. 
So called “Natural Golems”. I will have to read it from the beginning. 
Anyway, a Companion of him, a Mage and Magic Researcher, watched as the Golem tried to repair itself. 
Or rather, move the Dust in ways to from a Golem. 
But his Core was Already crushed, so how? 
It seem like the shattered peace’s send each other Mana to communicate. 
It was later discovered that Golem cores, split into roughly even parts can communicate like that. 
But if one of them is the biggest, even by a little, it will Siphon the Mana trough the Communication from the smaller parts until only the biggest one is still charged. 
And the Golem will collapse because that on alone can’t support a Golem.
The Communication gets even more inefficient, the bigger the Size difference is. 

With all that, the Mage had the crazy Idea, that the saturated Material of a Natural Golem, and a crushed Golem core, can make a Dust Golem. 
The Saturated Material acting as a Conductor, the tiny pieces can’t hold much mana and will swiftly discharge again, and with rapid Communication, many tiny Minds can make something equal to a big mind. 
He tries to prove it with the Theory of a Professor of the Human Body, who thinks the Brain is ,ade of many tiny parts, which rapidly Communicate with each other. 
And each tiny part has one meaning, communicating with affiliated meanings to make sense out of it, or so goes the Theory. 
It’s definitely about Neurons.

But a Dust Golem was declared as impossible, because of the loss of Mana while Communicating, and not enough Mana absorption to sustain itself, even when Communicating goes flawless. And even if the Theory is true, would it work with a Golem Core, which is made to be one big thing?

So, in other Words, a Dust Golem needs enough Mana, Mana Absorption Rate, Maybe be able to communicate with a more efficient Mana Usage and a Guarantee to have one Superior Mind, compared to many tiny? 
It’s weird. I am confident that I can do that. That I can Make a Golem like that. 
And my Finger itch to make that True.

A too Familiar Grin settles on my Face. This will be Fun.

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